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Everything posted by Baka

  1. Baka

    It's been fun.

    I'm sorry to see you go, and I hope you have fun wherever you go.
  2. Shall I close this?
  3. Oh. Have something cute I guess.
  4. samantha is 285
  5. *witty retort*
  6. Baka

    Losing interest.

    Let me ask you two question. Feel free to be honest. What do you want? What do you expect?
  7. ill be over there quicker than beepsky hunting down someone listed wanted
  8. Due to the player leaving the community, and the responses given with well written advice, I believe this case to be resolved. I will be locking and archiving this thread. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns with this particular case, please PM me.
  9. / /
  10. dogs rule cats drool
  11. delta ever taken a gander in a mirror?/ (also frances and i were talking about things, and i made this topic to make a terrible pun)
  12. no more of this "he said she said" nonsense get it they speak in third person
  13. what a cat-tastrophe when every day you see an app for cat people
  14. Having talked to Casper about what him and Fortport discussed, he had already discussed the matter with him and gave him a warning for his actions. You also only need one person to covert people to the cult.
  15. Bokaza's and Sammic's post deleted as it did not pertain to the matter at hand. Please do not attempt to cause a flame war with matters of opinions of what game mode should be voted for and why a game mode is bad. Keep on topic of the complaint in question and just that. Thank you.
  16. he grins now but he was crying like a baby when i was showing him the insides of a cadaver (v. nice)
  17. This is not an IC complaints board. Here we expect issues to be explained from an OOC perspective, please.
  18. I am going to hold off on giving a recommendation mainly for the sheer fact you've been only playing for a day, and I really don't know your playing style.
  19. The colours are nice, everyone looks like Barney, it's good The Warden/HoS caps is lacking though. And uh. Yeah.
  20. You were drugged by me, your sleep toxins must had worn out, and the moment you awoken you fought back, which caused me to have to subdue you. I couldn't necessarily do that because power outage happened at that time and I was warned not to take off your muzzle because you scream and it breaks windows and deafens people. We were taking out your eyes because it was a huge interest since it flashed abnormally, and all of command agreed that there was something unnatural about it and we wanted to research to deliver back to the Odin. But. I had to keep you alive according to CC, and it wasn't easy since you were trying to run away with your head wide open, you on an IV drip getting a transfusion and running away even though your blood was in the mid-40%'s and Essel breathing down my back to bring you \to surgery for "biology experimentation". I was asked to assist you at the brig, I was given orders to keep you alive, I was doing what I was told to do. It's one of those things being an antagonist, that if you're caught doing antagonist things, it can be game over. Sure, you can give some leeway to the antagonist, but it's pretty hard when the evidence against you is damning.
  21. Baka


    Frances is recreating one of my Japanese Animes! She also created Mason. Look at minecraft Mason.
  22. You killed two people that round, removing their blood completely from their body. You hid a body of the janitor in a fuck off location in her janitor closet as an unknown set to just vitals, which after an hour of searching for her body, we had to do a process of elimination of who this person was by comparing suit sensors to the crew manifest and seeing who does and doesn't respond, with the addition of a thirty minutes tacked on because of CSI work. You killed the other person, and they had to wait to be cloned and all that jazz. You attacked people with bats in security, teleporting around, screaming and flashing people with your eyes. You were an obvious threat. I put you to sleep because you were using your powers against me, and were disappearing, and trying to get away from surgery. You were a pain in the ass to security, to medical, to command. The muzzle, maybe a bit much. I didn't put it on you, though. But it wasn't like you were exactly docile too and that you didn't take people out of the round.
  23. Okay, locking and archiving. Please PM me if you want it opened up again or have any questions or concerns.
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