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Everything posted by Baka

  1. Regarding your application, yes, I feel the situation is resolved. The moral of the story is: Communication is key and Don't step in the line of fire. Doomberg is free to lock and archive it.
  2. Samantha. Imagine her eating crackers while speaking though.
  3. The player was talked to about the release of N2O and was given a warning not to do it again due to how quickly it spreads throughout the station.
  4. I can attest that the ban reasoning had no instance of "being an asshat" in it.
  5. Moved. Don't be silly and post jokes on serious boards, please.
  6. Baka

    Clowns / Mimes

    I don't mind costumes for the bar, to go with a theme. Clowns and mimes though? Nah.
  7. Alright. Since the OP said it is resolved with him I will be closing and locking. Any further information, questions, or concerns can be brought up to me.
  8. We can do without the ";)" and the snide comments, please.
  9. Baka


    I made a house. It's called the PY House. It has a dog in it. More pictures to come.
  10. Due to the inactiveness on the topic plus player having life things, this topic will be listed as inactive and locked until player returns.
  11. Neon coloured hair (anything besides bright red): Had a character with neon coloured hair, eh. Didn't pan out for me in the end. Younger characters under the age of 25: I used to be able to play them, but with a bunch of retcon I had to do, I can't see myself playing a young character again. Especially a young male for some reason. Anything past romance/interspecies romance: I can roleplay light romance. I have no problems doing so. Just being ovetly "cuddly", sexual, whatever, I just can't do it (like make out in a closet in GREAT DETAIL, but I can handle pecks and gestures of affection). I also don't really can't into interspecies romance.
  12. Protip: You'll probably get feedback on your character if you give feedback to others. Think of it as a take a penny, leave a penny.
  13. Hello Focks, it's a pleasure to have you on the server!
  14. Baka


    I am psyched. Thanks for doing this Scopes.
  15. Seeing as this was an attempt to make the two communicate to explain actions and what lead up to that, and to do an investigation on the issue during a time where I was a.) Very sleepy and b.) Very busy I feel as if communication was done before hand and the lines were drawn, we wouldn't have a pow-wow about this. Now, you feel as this would had made an incident report, but do keep in mind it had been tied to antagonists, something you do not report on because it is generally non-canon. I was also not playing at the time as I stated, as I was actually observing due to limited staff. The other reason why I reported this too was that I generally as a rule hold Head of Staff to higher standards due to the fact they are whitelisted, and seeing a Head of Personnel arresting the Head of Security/Acting Captain based off of getting tazed made me question it. Seeing they both answered, I have a clearer picture of what happened, and concur with Doomberg. I ask both parties that if they have any questions, comments, or concerns to please raise it up now.
  16. Going on with what Skull said, I concur with Bokaza's ruling. The Captain made a direct call, and while it was not the one the Head of Personnel wanted to hear, it's still an order with reasoning behind it.
  17. I tried finding the player, with little success. I will talk to them the next time I see them however about possibly toning it down. I will be closing and archiving this thread. If there is anything else that should be added to this discussion, PM me so I make reopen the thread.
  18. Josh was AFK. I don't think he could had seen the pokes.
  19. You cannot force a character to act a certain way because we need more of it. You can only bring up the topic and let people make the decision if they agree or not.
  20. Baka


    what are your inputs of challah bread since you live in the city too
  21. Let's take some things into consideration, as I observed the round in it's entity. Conflict during transfer and shuttle is allowed to continue as long as it draws to a close. Seeing as a threat was made that there was a bomb and it was set up, and to your other complaint about the AI's reasoning of calling the shuttle, it was ongoing conflict. Could a bit more roleplay been involved in the situation? Yes. As I will always tell Nuke Ops, communication is key if a plan does not follow through. But it's also very, very difficult to have communication between AFK players, Dead players, and Lost players, and the amount of ahelps from the team of "Oh, I don't really feel like playing it" or "I'll be AFK, I really can't stay", doesn't do good. If I had the power to put in replacement ghosts, I would, but it was only a few people on and I did not have that power. In short, the team was messed up, but that's because there was really no teamwork due to a lack of a, well, team.
  22. The discussion of anything but the case in point will cease from here on out. If you cannot attribute to the topic at hand, do not comment. If there is a post that you believe is not on topic, report it and we will handle it. Do I make myself clear?
  23. I will try to get in hold of Kingmatt to explain his side of things in this topic as soon as I can.
  24. Excellent. I will be locking and archiving this now. Do feel free to contact me for any more questions or comments regarding the topic if you feel this needs a re investigation.
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