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Everything posted by maniacalFowl

  1. I feel like for a lot of people the reasons why we all stick to SS13 as a roleplaying platform are because it's free, easy to run, an interesting setting, and interesting mechanics. Obviously we can all argue about this until the end of time but we're all coming back for beautiful mating between mechanics and the RP. I think what you'll see a lot from people in this thread (I see you engi mains) is that people like doing things As someone that works on a submarine you will see that this is true even in the real world, an environment very similar to the games in that we're isolated to a giant metal tube. Casualties are exciting, casualties are frightening, people will just default to what they know. Maybe even a bit of standing around in the most inconvenient places. All the time between those moments are you talking to some other guy in a chair five feet away about how Mormons live inside the walls of your house. And for me that's okay? That's why I'm an engi main. My problems are generally simple and easy to solve with only slight variation so I can RPmaxx, but sometimes the grind gets old. What I think a lot of people will find is that players will find rounds more interesting when they either have to deal with a problem within their normal gameplay loop that they have to handle differently or they get involved into another departments loop. I'm going to cry for buffing antags or nerfing sec here because it mechanically allows for the gameplay lasso to ring in more departments. You'll find more people talking constantly about a round that went completely wild when the entire server is involved. You can see this very clearly when a Rev round actually pops off with something other than pay-cuts or a Merc-round that rolls over Security. Sure Security is probably going to mald about it in D-chat but you're never going to have a round that everyone will be happy about. Force Sec to actually use their two collective brain-cells to formulate a strategy that isn't storming the bridge and shooting the hostage for the boarders and chances are it will be more memorable for all players involved. I also think that Aurora as a server has culturally shifted in a way to neuter antags for RP. Sure, there are weapons or items that do things a little too funky like with Punji sticks giving level 3 infections but goddamn did I laugh my ass off when I stepped on one and then watched another engineer come running to help me only to step on the exact same trap. This is the stuff I keep coming back for. Sure I died, but I think it was worth it.
  2. Not really a fan of the new colors for the great Hephaestus. I always loved the green/orange color combo. But I do like the Zavod colors. Also, I cant help buy feel like the jumpsuits are switched around. Like the apparentice should be wearing the coverall set and the t-shirt combo/peeled down set for the normal engineer.
  3. To echo what many other people are saying about the shuttle, I don't quite like it's design. Mostly in that it looks like it's made for creature comfort. Something that ideally shouldn't be a primary concern with an away shuttle. The small kitchenette is a nice touch bust mostly unnecessary. As well as that small area with the wooden deck. I think a lot of can be gained from looking at what Bay did wrong and what they did right in their away shuttles and basing them around their function. The Calypso was nice in that it had a rear cargo hatch to allow for quick movement of its holdings but also lead to problems with refilling it with atmosphere and eventually breaching its main cabins which became a huge problem as time went on. Grey's gotta tide and so on. It has similar nice clean white tiles and a microwave so your passengers can make a quick snack on the go but truly there's nothing special going on. Hell it even has a pointless bathroom... Which never got used... Moving onto their current ship, the Charon, they improved on the original concepts in the Calypso that made it something to desire. They gave the crew a slightly larger airlock to use, a larger cargo space, and most importantly the ability to move cargo in and out of the ship without voiding the cabins. Also, one may not there are quite a few doors even in these small ships. Sectioning off the different cabins will save the crew so much heartache and a lot of their oxygen at the same time. Wide open floor plans are nice for bars and houses I can't afford, not for space ships. I know there are going to be people shitting on me saying "Weh, Bayfugee get outta here," but lets be honest, they've been playing this setting for a while now and they have somewhat of an idea of what works and what doesn't.
  4. Throughout the early years of his life he was sheltered or rather blinded to the outside world by Charles. Clients would be nagged against spinning any tales to Jacket. To Charlie, Jacket was just a tool to make his life easier. When Jacket was finally sold off and stationed aboard the Aurora there was no overseeing guardian to quell such discussion and with all the different people coming into the Robotics office, those topics would be allowed to come up. Interest would be raised and a desire built over time. Purpose is unique in that it is a self sustaining society of synthetics, of all makes and models. Despite its existence only becoming known to the world until recently, its shown itself strong enough to withstand attacks from pirates and the likes of the Liidra, a threat not to be taken lightly. Their fascination with Purpose stems from the fact that they are a conglomerate, a union of machines within a central working body. While the Golden Deep can field its own reasonable amount of power, it works within the predefined systems of human space. While they field their own sort of power it doesn't quite peak Jacket's interest. Seeing it more as a potential investment than their quest for complete Freedom. Apologies for skipping this question earlier, but they're of a Standard Baseline model.
  5. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: IPC's offer the unique experience of dancing on the line of being both a commodity and a person. For many, they have as much soul as the person across from you on the train and to those like the Skrell, an affront against their race and to others no more just a tool in your garage. They dance this line very delicately and playing an IPC means to replicate this. Every decision is a calculation towards self preservation. More than how every living thing does but because they have things like repairs and insurance to worry about. Most IPC's don't live independently so every bad decision, every broken part, is a burden upon their owner. And to those that live freely, they have to live with the idea that there is still an ongoing political battle of whether or not you should be given rights. Regardless of being owned or a free positronic, they still have to live with knowing that the very societies and organizations around them play with the idea of taking away the spark that makes up a Positronic. They calculate the risk and reward in staying in a progressing world that may or may not destroy them or fleeing towards freedom. Playing an IPC is to go about their work, with an expertise that only trained and experienced professionals can even hope to replicate. Playing an IPC means going "home" back to their storage closet only to sit and think about what it would be like to live everyday as a free individual. To pursue whatever they want. To earn a wage that they themselves can use. Playing an IPC means being hunted by the Ceres' Lance because you decided you wanted to see that freedom for yourself, a calculated risk for the ultimate reward. Playing an IPC is to see and do all those things, through rose tinted glasses or with their own unhindered visual processors. Jacket was manufactured by Hephaestus Industries, at the end of the Robotics boom. His model was created for routine surgery at your neighborhood hospital. As nice as a machine is at precision and a steady hand, a Doctor's experience and a mechanical aid is a much cheaper alternative. This being said, Jacket would find himself and more being ever so delicately placed into the Martian dunes. Picked over by scavengers and scrappers for parts and technology, it wasn't until 2454 when Charles scooped up the forgotten machine and upgraded him with new parts. Looking more a Frankenstein of mechanical parts for utility than sleek and fashionable. With his death and no next of kin, his assets were handed off to the bank which in turn sold them off to the highest bidder. Nanotrasen, seeing the profit of scooping up already retrofitted and peaceful bots, added them to their arsenal.
  6. BYOND Key: maniacalFowl Character Names: Isaac Finch - Cargo Tech/Miner Javiks Ryzsyk - Engineer Hymrirr Rrhamra-Makozychka - Engineer Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character: (Color of your character; Dionaea & IPCs exempt) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: IPC’s are made with a purpose in mind, and in some cases with minds of their own strive for uniquity despite their assembly line origins. With IPC’s I want to explore new character options that otherwise cannot be made with a normal human or a Viax Vaurca. They are manufactured and like a cog. Placed into the machine to keep it turning. Some are tossed away and find a new life. Some might have jagged or just a different set of teeth and set out to find the right machine to settle into. I want to bring my own touch to playing a sentient machine just trying to find its way in the Orion spur. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: IPC’s simply put are machines, robots, synthetics. Despite humanity’s best efforts to create a freely thinking and feeling Automaton they’ve yet to create something as perfect and magical as an organic brain. Everything an IPC feels and thinks as an emulation of human emotion through calculations and programming. When playing an IPC this is the most important factor to remain conscious of. Sure, an IPC can think, but it will never be able to feel the same way as a factory worker that just got laid off and now has to go the next who-knows how long without food. Character Name: Jacket Please provide a short backstory for this character. When Jacket’s processors finally kicked on for the first time, their senses were filled with hills of steel and red dust, for miles. As their different processes checked and cross checked system ability, a man fully gowned in a hardy EVA suit filled now filled their view. Between the many different system failures, a strange man dancing in a metal wasteland and being turned on for the first time the synthetic didn't quite know what to think. Before long their systems went dark again. Again their sensors kicked back on and their system began booting up. This time they were in a garage. There were no hills, still some red sand, but not at all the same. They were strung up in a hanger of sorts, suspended above the ground for ease of access. But still no use of their limbs. Again the man appeared. Not clad in a Rig, but still a suit. A jumpsuit. Blue and with spots of oil around their knees and elbows. He was pecking away at a tablet as he strode blindly across the machine’s restrained field of view. At last the man looked up at them and smiled. Sound. “You’s gonna make me ‘lotta money, friend.” Peck. And their sensors went blank again. For the last time they booted back up. This time all their systems came online, fully functional and at the machine’s command. As their system ran its many routines and checks, new information appeared to them. Date: [...] 2454. Location: [...] Chicago. Mars. Tag: [...] Jacket. Owner: [...] Charles Whicker. Again the man walked in front of Jacket. Again, with a smile, stopping to lean down towards the machine. “Mornin’ Jack. Time fo’ work.” “Right, Boss!” And work Jacket did. For the next 7 years, Jacket, Charlie, and a number of other scrapped together IPC’s ran an augmentation shop on mars. They performed simple surgeries for the many inhabitants of the Chicago Hive. Anything from hair implants to combitool implants to full limb replacements. When the fateful day of November 7th, 2462 came scrawling upon their many sensors Charlie was away on vacation to beautiful Olympia. Of course, Charles Whicker never came back. The next man to come into their little shop wore another suit. Not covered in oil. Still blue. But with an Insignia on their right breast. A fabulous and Striking “N” that anyone in the Orion Spur would recognize. Once again, Jacket was turned off. When he awoke again, he had a new view. Restrained in a carrier of sorts in a… Cargo hold. Across the way they could spy a window, and through it a most brilliant and colorful planet. Slowly coming into view a massive space station. Date: [...] 2463. Location: [...] NSS Aurora. Tag: [...] NT-Jacket. Owner: [...] Nanotrasen. Aboard the NSS Aurora, Jacket would be slated to work as a Roboticist. To serve the many needs of the onboard Research team and crew. Over the course of their stay aboard the Aurora, they would begin to interact with the many new faces. Some treated Jacket with respect, others the same as Charlie. Eventually birds would come close enough to be heard. Whispers of a place called “Purpose.” With its own quiet research and time digging through old trash heaps, Jacket began to piece together the story. And it fascinated the machine. Slowly but surely, they began to save credits here and there. Wishing to save enough to make its way to Purpose. To make contact. To ask questions. For so long, Jacket had slaved away under a master and the thought of an entirely independent band of machines made their processors spark with excitement. But for now, they quietly bide their time, thinking now with newfound purpose. What do you like about this character? What I like about Jacket is the ability to create something from quite literally garbage. “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” is a saying that can be applied to many IPC’s very well. I also enjoy the idea of having alternative goals that many other races don’t have to worry about. Everyone else works for food and a roof above their heads. IPC’s, especially ones that have never tasted freedom, can only imagine what a life full of choice is like. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I’ve been playing on aurora for nearly two years now and SS13 for about 5 years. I think I’m pretty average when it comes to RP, even though for the most part I’m an engineering gremlin. I’m sure there are definitely ways to improve and I strive to do so every round. Notes: None
  7. Replacing security with a shitty exploration department is just putting us down the same path as Bay. Exploration over there are a bunch of valid hunting fools literally armed with machete's. There are more rounds with those purple idiots chasing antags than actual security. Exploration really isnt that big of a feature here where it demands its own department just for its function. Aside from that, removal of security is one of the most mind bogglingly wrong idea I've ever heard or seen. Like Ati and Greenboi, Security acts as a foil to antags as a whole. Removal of them would allow antags to just roll over every other department without remorse. And having recently joined up with security I can say now that I actually appreciate everything they do in moving the round forward in antag interaction. If people have a problem with shitsec, then more than likely its a result of the players populating that role.
  8. I've known Aticius for the better part of 2 years. In that time I've known him to be probably the most knowledgeable person I know when it comes to Engineering systems and mechanics in game. I can vouch for how they revolutionized the way we handled the engine back on Bay and can say without a doubt that anytime they played their Engi-Liz they were CE in everything but Title curse those damned scalie haters on Bay. They mostly taught me everything I know about engineering now and I fully support their application and not just because I want a Lizard CE. I could drone on about how amazing Aticius is but I'll keep it short because like Danse, I'm here once again to shill for my favorite person in spessman. If there is anyone I would want in the CE position it would be them. +1
  9. Honestly I wouldn't be against giving Science as a whole a greater starting tech level. However; nearly every department has ways of becoming more efficient at what they do but through one way or another, and aren't completely reliant on a singular role for that path to department happiness. Science however does but nobody really seems to care because of how many different roles science has to offer and how little they need to work together. Either way we resign Robotics to continued suffering or we come with a gray area alternative like upgraded starting levels and I'd rather have as many people happy as possible without allowing power-gaming to take place.
  10. BYOND Key: maniacalFowl Character Names: Javiks Ryzsyk, Isaac Finch, Ka’Akaix’Sijk K’lax Species you are applying to play: (species name) Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character: (Color of your character; Dionaea & IPCs exempt) A light gray (RGB 127, 127, 127) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I was bouncing back and forth of whether I wanted to fall down the slippery slope that is the catbeast whitelist for the past week or so. After the amazing Cold War event chain and the relatively constant love the species gets in lore updates and articles it definitely piqued my interest in the species. I also love playing out aliens because of how different they are compared to playing a normal human, even the ones from outside the normal spectrums of humanity. The Tajara are another glimpse into what happens when you interfere with pre-space flight civilizations and I quickly fell in love with the Tajara as a race which in the past I so quickly dismissed as Khajiit clones. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: First and foremost, the Tajara are a relatively young race when it comes to technology and for most Tajara, they lived through First Contact and all the hardships that came with it. In the last half century, they have gone through two revolutions/civil wars which turned into the most bloody and ruthless exchanges that many have seen in recent years. Each and every Tajara should be affected by the development of their planet, cultures, governments, and militaries because MegaCorps rocked the very foundation upon which their entire civilization was built on. Some Tajara were even bred for specific purposes and are even partial to more submissive roles in society. This is very far off from human and skrell society where you can do whatever you want. Which is why it created such a conflict in the race in the first place. Character Name: Rhaljidari Vhakkan=> Raold Kharminov Please provide a short backstory for this character. Before the First Revolution the Vhakkan family lived on a ranch with a number of other families; a mixture of Zhan-Khazan and M’sai. For many years they were ranchers that herded N’hanzafu along the coast of the Zarragh Lake making an honest living, selling wool, cheese, and other dairy products. And life continued to be quiet and easy for many years, until war had reached the Harr’masir continent. When the Military General turned for the rebel cause the first quakes of the revolution were finally felt by the small ranch. As rebel forces marched towards Kaltir with menacing intent, they swept through the plains, raiding the small villages along the way and slaughtering any loyalists hidden within. To escape this fate the families at the ranch packed their things and began the long and arduous journey to Kaltir, hopefully before rebel forces. Once the families crossed the isthmus, the families split: some going to Kaltir, some going to the west, and some joining one side or the other. The Vhakkan family traveled farther east towards Kaltir, eventually finding another farm town they were easily welcomed into and took up work. Here they lived peacefully until the end of the war as Rebels and Loyalist forces shrunk and swelled on the southern half of the continent, never reaching far enough north to affect them again. During the interwar period Rhaljidari Vhakkan was born. He was an M’sai tajara, with a light gray coat with thick black stripes along his back. In contrast to his father’s upbringing, Rhal was forced into schooling rather than assisting as a ranch hand. His parents wished for him a better life than a small village farmer, especially in light of the new rights given to Tajaran peasants. Hard pressed into his studies Rhal would eventually apply and be accepted to the Kaltir Law Academy in pursuit of a degree in Criminal Justice and Sociology in the year 2448. For a while studies were going well, Rhal was excelling at his classes then word was spread about an old Noble by the name of Vahzirthaamro Azunja with new dangerous ideas of bringing back the Noble-lead government. Having been raised by Royalist parents and befriending many Royalist Academy faculty, Rhal took part in the many protests in support of Azunja, even going as far as to be put in jail for his participation. During the 2450 rebellion of Azunja and his compatriots, Rhal wanted to join the “New Kingdom of Adhomai” army alongside his father and many other childhood friends He instead would be swayed to stay at the Academy by his Teachers telling him he would put at risk his future career and all his hard work for the past few years. After the New Kingdom had solidified itself as a legitimate government and the war had ended, Rhal’s Father and friends would return, at least most of them. His father returned a broken man, missing a leg and parts of his mind. He was now much quieter and struggled with his loss in ability. Some of Rhal’s friends did not return at all, and those that did did not sing many songs of victory and glory. With such a large loss of life of those he knew, Rhal’s hate for the PRA burned that much hotter. Finally finishing his degrees, his teachers referred him to job hunting in Tau Ceti, in particular with the House of Hamiyeh. Rhal knew that District 6 had a history of being lawless and impoverished but with the amount of money they spoke of he would get in return, he was willing to risk it to support his family. When he finally arrived he was taken back by how severe the problems actually were. Crime was widespread and riddled with politically charged conflict. Through the House, Rhal (now Raold Kharminov) would do his best to keep his organization’s territory safe. But with the aggressive and less than legal methods employed by the House of Hamiyeh, Raold looked for a way out. Quickly signing a contract and leaving without word he found employment under Nanotrasen in their ISD apprenticeship program, making what felt like his own first decision for his future he hopes he can still make the journey to Tau Ceti worth it. What do you like about this character? Rhal/Raold is a Tajara struggling in a developing world. From a young age he wants to fight for his political ideals and protect the people. At first he was too young and if he were to do so, he would sabotage his career. When he finally finishes his degree he is recommended into probably the most volatile and dangerous Tajaran cities outside of Adhomai and even then he is conflicted between his own beliefs and the methods of his new employers. From all sides Rhal is prevented from seeking out that which he truly desires and is coerced or persuaded to one thing or the other. I believe the many conflicts give opportunity for many interesting interactions and would love to explore the many conflicts Tajaran lore afford. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I think myself a capable player and as of late think I’ve improved since my last application. Especially after a number of fantastic interactions but like I’ve said so many times before I still strive to become a better player every day.
  11. I havent played science in a while but at night I am still woken up by nightmarish images of the RnD minigame. Relinquishing it to Robotics is something that should have been done a long time ago. And as said by so many people before me: The scientist role is so broad, the only reason anyone would want to bother with RnD is because they want to make guns or want to take pity on the miserable fucks down the hall. The PR changes something fundamentally awfully about science. If we consolidate the work from 1 role that really wants to do the thing along with the work that another role never wants to do, I don't see the problem. Everyone agrees that the minigame is awful and while unloading the work onto someone that might want to do that job doesn't actually do anything about it I can almost guarantee that nobody is going to miss actually doing the damned thing. If the worry is that people will power-game with the new change then obviously they don't get that entire idea behind science is min-maxing and peak efficiency. My only qualms with the PR in its current state though is the god forsaken oven.
  12. When I mentioned this bit I was under the assumption that the Reclaimers may be venturing into dangerous territory, places where Za may be required in order to allow the Ka to perform their ultimate duties. The Za exist to fight and protect, why not use them to do so. This might have just been a misunderstanding on my part and took like what you said as a stop of their emotions and actions. Unless I'm still mistaken I feel as though through this the Vaurcae can still be seen as emotionally and intellectually disconnected, with how simply they lobotomize their own people or how they otherwise go about augmentation. Despite their wide 'Human-like' range of emotions they themselves would have start contrasts in what is acceptable and what is not, unless pertaining to the well being of the Hive. Publicly, Xetz would say to one that they think the Avowal Callback is an unfortunate but understandable event. Unbound and Bound alike represent a threat to many species by sheer amount of population and potential for easy labor. The Avowal and other Workplace restrictions are put in place to prevent Vaurcae from entirely taking over and replacing the Parent-Species workforce. Privately, they see the callback as a harsh handicap placed on the C'thur and that it represents nothing more than old-world fears of automation. Ultimately Xetz is still grateful for the hospitality of the Skrell and appreciates the culture that they've built for themselves. However, with the Skrell's problems facing manual labor and the lack thereof, they find it hard to believe that the Skrell haven't come to the same conclusion as the Vaurcae and lobotomizing their own population for their own benefit. Xetz considers the Skrell friends to the Vaurcae but finds them to be morally troubled and trapped by them by their own designs. Xetz believes that the C'thur are accomplices of the Terrotist, Nliix, and must be treated as though they committed the crime themselves as they violated the laws of their Host-Species by creating an Ai. That said he still recognizes their accomplishments and will accept them back into the fold easily on the whim of their Queen's judgement. Not seeing them as mutants of the hive, they are instead simply performing that for which they were grown for, if done in a different system outside Federation Space their efforts would instead be celebrated.
  13. BYOND Key: maniacalFowl Character Names: Javiks Ryzsyk Isaac Finch Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character: RGB: 55, 0, 120 (Unbound of the Xetl Brood) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Vaurca are a very special race in my eyes in that every single hive has ties to at least one other race. They are not completely independent and each Hive has their uniquities, each battling their own deficiencies as a result of their parent species and environment they now find themselves in. Also I find them interesting for their species interactions within themselves: Bound vs. Unbound, Clan vs Clan and Clan A Bound vs Clan B Unbound. There is a lot of play that can happen within the Vaurca that are very alluring from a roleplay perspective. Along with what I will say in the other questions the Vaurca create an image more desirable than most other aliens available on Aurora. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Vaurca are a species that has lived long enough and developed to a point where biological augmentation has become ingrained into their society. Many other species might see this kind of altering as inhumane or outright disgusting but to them it is literally a part of their life. They accept lobotomization, sterilization, and indoctrination in its most evilest of forms and simply go about their day. In simplest terms they’re super intelligent ants with spaceships and it's downright awesome. Obviously with some roleplay liberties taken with the existence of Unbound, otherwise Vaurca live to serve. Also, Vaurca tend to not rely on their emotions and can even to an extent be described as stationbound with more character. Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Xetz C'thur Please provide a short backstory for this character: Born to an Unbound brood under the lesser Queen Ta'Akaix'Xetl'jyatk'yatu, Ka'Akaix'Xetz was groomed to work under the Reclamation sect of their Hive with specialization of physically retrieving the bodies on many developing colonies or unfortunate accidents befallen fellow C’thur while working with Skrell in the vast Jargon Federation space seeing as how the Vaurca now once again had planets to live upon and not massive Hive-ships, the role of actual recovery workers eased back into use... During their maturation period and for many years in VR afterwards Xetz and his clutch would be trained and taught recovery and preservation of Vuarca augments with the assistance of Bound Ka and Za under their command. While in this learning phase the new brood learned to survive and enjoy the thrill that Xetl'jyatk would create for them in the ever evolving VR world, further training them on their specialty. After this phase Xetz was sent to a multitude of Skrellian planets, first within the Glorashi system and once the effectiveness of their brood was proven, further into space where more C’thur would be found (or rather left unfound). For many years Xetz enjoyed the experiences that he would be exposed until he was given the opportunity of garnering a contract with Nanotrasen as an EMT aboard the Aurora and directed to take the job as the C’thur saw this as a venture to expand their reach into Human space. Of course their expertise would need to be proven first and an avowal given before full employment of Xetz could begin. What do you like about this character?: As I read over the many Vaurca articles the idea of a Reclaimer stood out to me and how the position could be expanded upon seeing as how the Vaurca are now once again living on solid ground and not confined to a ship in space despite how massive they are, evolving into a more physically demanding and dangerous job. Reclaimers can be explored and expanded upon here coupled with the lack of Vaurca I see in the medical department I saw it as an opportunity to increase their presence on Aurora and expand my expertise as a player. And like I said earlier, Vaurca separate themselves from their feelings or rather lack of and I would love to introduce a cold little bug into the warm beating heart of medbay And maybe even a few interesting antag gimmicks. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I’ve been roleplaying for almost a decade now and playing SS13 for maybe half of that. I think I’ve also played here long enough to build some sort of reputation or atleast for people to form an opinion of my characters. I think I’m decent and strive to become a better player everyday. Notes: I might be slow to respond to questions as I work late shifts for the next week so I apologize in advance.
  14. For a while now I've loved interacting with Skyglazer, on both their characters. They're well crafted and have realistic depth to them, not to mention how fantastically they've been played. I think the consular position would be an amazing thing to see them play out, especially like they and others said: Moghes is in a new civil war, and it would be amazing to have more on station influence of things happening within the universe here in our little corner of the galaxy. Plus its not very often that you see clan-mates on station, let alone both of them being in Command positions. The character itself would be a breath of fresh air in the dusty consular office, hopefully bringing with it tons of memorable moments. Very good boi +1
  15. Also here to vouch for Cybs. I have many good memories of playing with cybs on very long nights on Bay and would love to see them more here on Aurora as a frog once again. I know I haven't been here for too long either but still, +1 frog up.
  16. Like whats been said before, the Kataphracts showed up and were really cool about hunting down the scum of the station. Coming from one of the servers where Unathi were said bloodthirsty monster its really refreshing to see the new take on them and everyone accepting the concept so easily. The only problem I've seen with them was one round while hunting down an antag, they confronted a group of people (the antag hiding amongst them) and opened fire on them. Nearly everyone around them turned on the Kataphracts and they ended up getting turned into pin cushions. Besides the bit of miscommunication and bad choices I love them as an alternative to the "That was Easy" ERT.
  17. BYOND Key: ManiacalFowl Character Names: Isaac Finch Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Sandy/ Orange-Brown Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yup Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Unathi offer a unique perspective in dealing with a nuclear holocaust of recent time. Its very common in many other servers on SS13 to have Unathi simply living in a tomb world but Aurora offers the perspective of surviving and experiencing the disaster first hand. And not only that, both sides of the conflict offer sound ground on which they stood, neither was completely offending as say WW2 which offers amazing roleplaying possibilities and potential conflict with other Sinta aboard the station. Also, all other races are smelly. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Unathi are different from humans because they were never at the top of technological prowess in the galaxy. They're leagues behind Skrell and Humans in terms of standing on the Galactic stage, barely pushing beyond just Moghes without external assistance. Not only this but they are aliens. Obviously. They by no means are going to react to certain situations and events the same way as Humans. They're a more honorable race and are much more likely to be fractured or set off because of recent events. They are new to dealing with neighbors and it shows. Character Name: Javiks Ryzsyk Please provide a short stupid long backstory for this character (Approximately two paragraphs) What do you like about this character? (Describe what you like about this character): What I like about Javiks as opposed to other characters that I've played in the past is that they are dealing with first hand, and at a very young age, the changing of their entire life as they know it. It is easy for us to imagine people in our world moving on from say the detonation at Nagasaki or Hiroshima, but the complete decimation of your planet is an extremely fascinating topic to explore. Not only is he a survivor of the War but some may also consider him and his clan deserters of the Traditionalist cause, and to some that may be true, but to the people aboard the Warcarrier, they believed the Lord did the right thing, to save the families and preserve a future for their species. How would you rate your role-playing ability?: I've been at this roleplaying thing for a while, on SS13 and in other mediums. I think I'm a decent player and believe I can encapsulate a young war-torn Unathi from a militaristic background. Notes:
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