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Everything posted by Jakers457
BYOND key: Jakers457 Character names: Daniel Escher, Peter Stone, Micheal Forte and James Brook How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Maybe just under two weeks? Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: So we can exercise control in Research. Why did you come to Aurora?: Heavy rolepay indicated a decent roleplaying experience within the SS13 universe. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Pretty much, common knowledge of all the labs and how they work. Including babysitting the manchildren and helping them out where I can. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Some consider roleplay to be constructing a character through backstories and records. I personally consider it to be growing the character in an organic manner, letting them develop over time through the experiences you put them through, to give them a more well rounded nature. Because for me, you can tell quite clearly when someone is sticking to a set background or trope for their character. Coming from a more 'acting' perspective, it is also to embody that character and to put what he/she might feel before the mechanics of the game, even if I the player have the ability to do something.. the character might not. Though I wouldn't say I'm an overly incredible roleplayer, I like to think I can be adaptive and can produce some decent roleplay for people to partake in. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: It depends on the Head. If we talk about the Head of Security, it is to ensure the players within security to abuse the equipment they are given, while also making sure that the round runs smoothly with little in the ways of chucklefucks. While the Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer and Research Directors are more like teachers than anything, they are there to help guide their staff through different problems. Perhaps an Engineer doesn't know how to properly construct a camera, or a medical officer isn't sure which medicine to use and Research Directors to help their departments if they get stuck. While the Head of Personnel on the other hand, is there so players can try something out if they dislike their current job or have been mistakenly placed into the wrong job. While the Captain.... ehh, I suppose it's to keep the other players in Head positions in line. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:Whitelisted players have been entrusted with features of the server that either rely on proper roleplay and ability. And with this, the Admins have put their faith into these players to represent the server respectfully and not to abuse the whitelist given to them. I personally wish to show decent rolepay as the Research Director and hopefully help anyone new to the science department get to grips with everything. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: James Brook Character age: 35 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): James Brook is a reasonably mellow individual, who will only snap if it is necessary. Working mainly in Archaeology and Anomaly studies, he credentials are as respected as ones you'd find with Robotics and R'n'D. But he fully believes that anomalies, as well as the concepts of Blue Space will push humanity to great heights in space travel and power utilization. Despite working for NanoTrasen, he finds plasma being used for fuel to be arcane but does not question the large paycheck he receives for aiding NT's monopolization of plasma and agrees that is useful for aiding Xenobioligists to create new abominations. Due to his ambitious nature, and willingness to push projects to their full potential while keeping them legal, or in the very least in a legal grey area. He has been considered to be a fine applicant to babysit their research departments through out the Tau Ceti system, and with ambitious individuals comes to the potential to make more money from these expensive facilities. What do you like about this character?: Not much, I've hardly got to know the character. Once I've gotten to grips on how he will actually act, by playing him, will I know what I dislike and like about him. He could be sarcastic, or he could be kind... who knows? What do you dislike about this character?: I dislike his long hair and beard, but I've decided most of the hairstyles are awful and this style may or may not suit the characteristics or atleast trope of a typical space scientist. Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff? (Please note that Head characters must be over 30, unless given special clearance): I am pretty sure he'll be fit for the job. Why?:I like think he would be, with the basic foundations that I have given myself for him. He probably won't flip is shit, or atleast a little longer than most RD's. I would like to think he'd be there to teach and aid the science team, so that they may achieve something. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I'd give myself a 7.5. I still make mistakes here and there. And I tend to make a lot of typos too, which makes me look a bit silly but there we go. Extra notes: Applications are my weakness, this is why I rely on my charm to hit it off at job interviews.
I doubt people will take the SOP into account when they rush the shuttle and trample the medical staff. I mean, if a small shuttle would suffice for the medbay, the fact there doesn't appear to be a escape pod for the medbay at the very least, seems questionable to me. Though we could argue that medical holocausts shouldn't happen but we have to take into account that the station is a glorified oil rig. It's soul purpose is to mine for plasma, and then do stupid things with it to find out how they can monopolize it further. So accidents would, in theory, happen a lot... especially when there are asteroid belts and 'radiation belts' in it's orbital path. So a means to keep critical patients separate from the crew during evacuation would make sense, especially from an IC point of view. I mean if you remain adamant on the medical shuttle being unnecessary, then someone better remodel the escape shuttle because that design bottlenecks people and stops the flow of 'traffic' which doesn't make a lick of sense for an escape shuttle. I mean, get a brutalist architect on the job, they'd probably give you the best design. So either, a medical shuttle for patients or a remodeled escape shuttle.
I personally don't see why not. I mean, it may need some balances like... it can't help you in areas where you need internals explicitly. Also, people keep throwing the term snowflakey way too much. I mean, the station is basically a glorified oil rig with intentions to mine and utilize plasma while exploring it's potential... soo industrial accidents are too happen, so it's not enitrely snowflakey. So if it is down to an industrial accident, or one that would make sense in relation to where they worked... opposed to Chariots example of Super Ex-merc, loses his face after a genetic accident which lead to him fighting an evil Doctor villian man who inevitably kills all he holds dear! Coming to cinemas this Winter! Then I'm cool with it personally. Though, why would he have a screwed up face when reconstructive surgery is a thing?
BYOND Key: Jakers457 Player Byond Key: Not sure Reason for complaint: I'm not sure if he's aware of what he's actually doing, or he's just a very confused individual. On many rounds I've played with him, he has seemed to be a problem child. Whether it's trying to murder people, assaulting people, making weapons, stealing weapons or just doing something stupid. And sometimes, shortly after causing issues, he will go SSD So I think, someone needs to sit him on their knee and have a little chat with him.
I'll give my bitcoin to discussion, and produce a couple of examples of how I and potentially other roleplayers react to antags. Firstly, while playing my Engineer - Daniel Escher, he was attempting to repair a hacked door in the tunnels behind research. Once he had repaired the door and opened it, he encountered the bodies of two scientists and an armed Nuclear Operative. First response, run to the door to get away, but he already locked his sights onto me. Second response, declare that I surrender and put up my hands. Now being an engineer, I had a good amount of tools to beat the man with and if I were to powerplay I could have tied him up if I had the ability to. But no, I was playing an Engineer, with no combat experience who was at the gunpoint of a potentially highly trained terrorist. He inevitably held me hostage and having me as a body shield prevented him from being detained. And it was actually pretty cool from a roleplaying perspective. Second time while playing Peter Stone, who of which is an experienced Officer and has been through many situations. He was patrolling tunnels due to reports of people going missing. All seemed to pretty clear despite the silent Engineer who was tagging along behind him and due to his EXPERIENCE in the force, he knew something was up. When he was about to call for back up, he found himself unable to speak and the Engineer was right behind him. This suspicious Engineer then attempted grab him, which caused Peter to push him away and run down the tunnel away from the unknown. But when he found himself cornered, he used his combat experience to subdue this strange man and took him into custody. Some examples from two different characters. One who has no combat experience and one who had good enough experience to subdue a man trying to assault him. Now, when we discuss civilians taking down antags and then prattle on about how ADRENALINE DUUUDE, makes you able to fend off the enemy, you need to shut up. Because it comes down to, the flight or fight instinct... whether you're going to run to survive, or attempt to defend yourself, which kind of makes fighting off the antag seem like a viable solution. But then we have to take into account, whether your character actually has the ability or know how to properly fend off someone who might have an advantage of you. So let's think of this in the real world, you're in an alley way at knife point. Now you think, because you've seen some knife defense videos, you have the know how to deal with this guy, especially with ADRENALIIIINE. But no, you'll end up getting stabbed a lot when you try to pull anything. So realistically, you'd either run for your life or give your money so that you may live. So take that situation into account, when your character meets someone who's probably stronger than them. (Sorry if there's any typos, I've a bad habit of doing them.)
The office needs remodeling too, I'd say.
So, have you ever found yourself trying to drag all the wounded to the shuttle? Only to have ignorant crew members push the roller beds away from you, as they blindly push their way into the escape? Well here is a solution. Wouldn't it make more sense to have a medical shuttle on standby at medbay, to transfer critical patients? I mean, it could have a couple of cryo tubes and some pods, along with space for the beds and the medical crew. That way, the doctors can easily load up the patients into the shuttle without leaving anyone behind.
I have one, Cider. The recipe could be apple juice and enzymes. I mean, what good is bar if you can't drink cider?
Stone is one of the oldest Officers working in Security and is considered the old dog. But the old dog still knows how to bite.
Internal Affairs are loyalty implanted, if they were to steal anything, the player should be banned. Also, the IA would only check the armory counts to make sure the Warden hasn't pulled a fast one. Because let's face it, a non-loyalty implanted Warden can falsely count the armory to help with any traitor objective they might have.
So I think it would be nice to have some civilian jobs, to add a little more to some of the departments. Waiter/Waitress - Wouldn't it be nice to have someone bring the food to your table? Or perhaps your drinks? I don't know, it would add a little to the atmosphere I suppose. Nun/monk/general chapel staff - I feel the Chapel would be more popular if it was just one lone, potentially crazy, guy preaching away over the radio. I mean we have the uniform already, let's use it. I mean, they're not overly vital jobs but they shouldn't be too hard to implement. But I thought I'd throw it out there.
BYOND Key:Jakers457 Character name:Peter Stone Item name: Peter Stone's badge (or something fancier, eh.) Why is your character carrying said item to work? He's been working in Security for thirty years, and still has his badge from his early days. Item function(s): Similar to that of a Holobadge, except the identity is already imprinted. Item description: An old looking badge that has seen as many ordeals as it's owner. Item appearance:I would like the spriter to come up a with a design of what the badges may have looked thirty years earlier, IC wise. Additional comments: I would like this, to tell a story about Peter and perhaps show his experience as an Officer through this little trinket.
So the other day, I was looking at the flare that Security Officers are equipped with. And it puzzled me why we would have such a thing, inside a space station, it's basically a combustion stick and when it comes to space stations... FIRE BAD. So I assume in the game, the flare is used to light up a hall way or room if the power was out and there was no other source of light. So why not just have glowsticks instead? You click the item, to 'crack' the stick and toss it into a room to illuminate it. And I mean, it could also be a thing for chemistry to make? And isn't there a slime where you can use it's core as a light source with water? I mean it sounds more practical than what is essentially a fire stick. Also, I know the flare isn't actually used... ever. But I thought it would be a good alternative.
I once was given permission to test bombs on the mining outpost. Let's just say the power got the better of me.
So this was a suggestion I made on BestRP which seemed to be popular among the community. Essentially it was the ability for a pAI to emit a holographic sprite such as a little mushroom or cat, that can move within in the vicinity of it's card. It basically added a little more personality to the pAI and gave the player more means to interact with the world, in a sense. So I thought I'd throw it to you guys, see how you find the idea and how you will build upon it.