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Everything posted by Jakers457

  1. Working in the plumbing industry these days, I found that most plumbers use speedfit which is a flexible rubber pipe that allows for easier installation opposed to it's copper counterpart. Which got me wondering why it wouldn't be used on a space station, I mean it's easier to place down (would be like cable) and would make modifying the atmos piping so much more efficient and less time consuming. I would think the speed fit would go side by side with the standard piping, as in real life they're both useful in their own right. But eh, perhaps it would ruin the artisan flavor that involves laying pipework so it's up to discussion.
  2. Biological classification is by a species trait. For example a Tajarans would be: Biological classification Cunabula: Ahdomaris Kingdom : Animalia Phylum : Chordate Class : Mammalia Subclass: Eutheria Order : Primacreodonta Family : Coetidae Genus : Tajara Species : T. Sapiens
  3. ((OOC: I might open a forum roleplay or something like that.))
  4. Curiously, what would we class them as?
  5. Have you made any commitments to them being Synapsids or Diapsids?
  6. BYOND Key:Jakers457 Character name: Miko Du'Razhu Item name: Why is your character carrying said item to work? It's pretty much physical proof that he is qualified in piloting a Ripley. Item function(s): You can show it to people like an ID card but little else than that. Item description: Probably something describing his pilot clearance, like to what level a Ripley would be. I mean whatever lore fluff tickles you I'd suppose. Item appearance: Basically a space age driving license. Additional comments:
  7. Jakers457


    I usually attempt to harness the powers of anomalies... Which is a slow process.
  8. Would you class them as siphonophores?
  9. I'm speaking from a gameplay perspective opposed to an IC one.
  10. After a long wait, the bar you've been waiting for is here! Come along to Messa's Bounty! OOC: If you're interested in a job for your character or have applied for a job already, PM on here.
  11. Perhaps but the antagonists main objective is not to win. It is to make the round interesting for players. The only reason I propose the raised player level is because a skeleton crew cannot manage the nuclear attack, it might not be ideal but when not a lot of people end up enjoying the round it defeats the purpose of making the round interesting. When you have three people in medical, two people in Engineering and a hand full of people in Security, it doesn't bode well. Especially if Engineering go SSD, a good number of medical aren't too sure on how to play their roles and Security can't do much due to being bound by SoP when it comes to who can do what, it means allowing for the station to suffer damage before you get more crew to sustain it. Security is to engage the Ops, the Engineers are to repair the battle damage and the medical officers are there to treat the wounded and allow for the round to flow. If Nuke ops basically outrobust and outnumber the crew then it be best to end it with a quick and painless blow rather than have it drag out with people ending up disgruntled.
  12. Personally I think it is pretty bad at the moment. I mean, Security is comprised of a lot of roles and most don't include combat or leaving the brig. So when you have say.... One officer, Warden, HoS, Cadet and FT while a team of heavily armed operatives attack the station, it usually ends up one sided. We need to take into account that if one of those combat ready roles is goes SSD then you're severely lacking in firepower and always relying on ERT to save the day is not ideal. I propose we raise the player limit to a number that would in theory, ensure all the departments have enough personnel to deal with disasters such as these.
  13. We seemed to have moved away from the main topic that was brought up. But this is the issue right here, you ask what do we want exactly? What do I want particularly is that threads like this don't turn into a massive shit fest where everyone is bickering and arguing, completely forgetting about what the thread was about in the first place. And you say what have we done to remedy the situation? Hartburry comes to you with a thread, highlighting his concerns, his complaints and does it in a completely reasonable manner. There is no point going to one man, be that your door is always open Skull, when anything brought into light for the community results in this. How are we supposed to fix anything when we insist on causing arguments or being hostile to any critique. I admit there was one thread where I was pretty pissy and defensive, but that was mainly on how I found a particular member get treated. I mean, look at how this thread develops, it is a prime fucking example. You say to us 'why leave us in our hour of need' and 'why not help remedy the situation.' And this is why, it seems to be easier to ignore the problem or slink away compared to the impending mess that comes with even attempting to speak. I've kind of hijacked Hart's thread with my issues as we all have it seems. But Skull, you now know my issues, issues I know one other member leaving for and you also know Hartburry's concerns, have at it.
  14. I'm behind Hartburry with this, all the way. There are certain individuals who I find to be... Elitist? I won't name them, but.they're the reason I've distanced myself from you guys, perhaps doing that gives me no right to speak my mind on this topic but nevermind. I have seen many times where people get chastised for not having the pedigree of roleplay, and though there's many of you who teach the new guys and you have my respect entirely. But we're quick to assume, to judge and to take a swing at eachother. This post has some examples of that, and its something that might not be changed. But we should make ourselves aware of it and admit to it. For I admit to it myself.
  15. For the past few days I found myself reluctant to come onto the server and I suppose I've had my fill, I've done what I wanted to do so far. So for now I'll probably be inactive, not sure for how long but I will be lurking on the forums here and there. As for Messa's Bounty, I'll probably run it from the forums for now once Hart' has a ledger drafted and I've got a few things in place. As for the job applications, I've a few people 'Miko' would be willing to hire for the first wave of staff. I'll probably start a thread on the forums for roleplay 'offstation,' we'll see. Anyway, I thought I'd state my absence for those who still hold an interest in Messa's bounty, or my characters.
  16. I'll just post music collections I've found on youtube which I enjoy. Dark Cabaret: Femme Fatale Love, blood and booze Mad Women in the Attic Deadly Elegant Spooky Evil Steampunk Alright, there's a good few hours of music there. I enjoy finding these music collections as it introduces me to new artists I've never dared to listen to.
  17. Though most of departments are prone to SSD. Security is usually one of the more infamous ones in my opinion, with pretty much the entire department going inactive with shit hitting the fan shortly after. So trying to stop or deter criminal activity may just kill off the experience that is Security. Because let's face it, unless you're whispering with your erp buddy in the corner or have the ability to chill with a few people, you're going to be wandering the halls and tunnels or just standing at a post for most of the round, which kind of get's boring. We could argue that roleplay comes first and action comes second, but then again the core aspects of Security roleplay is the action. What I'm trying to say is, when it comes to these sort of things we should consider Security's experience less we bleach that side of the roleplay.
  18. Roger Brok is doing illegal shit again.
  19. Jakers457


    Eh we've never called tech support, the tills run off vista and tend to crash but we just turn it off and on again.
  20. Though I seldom play Peter Stone as HoS, I try to play him as the calm and collected type from his hard boiled detective days.
  21. Research is a mixed bag, we'll always have problem children who will rather max everything out so that they can grab a Bluespace backpack to fill it up with other dangerous shit and then join that one Roboticist who'll illegally build a weaponized Mech suit before raiding the kitchen to kill the cow. I mean, every other department have a similar problem but science usually has the dangerous stuff. If I were to make any suggestion, lacking faith in the randoms that occasionally flock to this server, we should make things a little less streamlined?
  22. I used to write lyrics -fringe flick- But nah, I dabbled in lyrics and acting whilst in school.
  23. Jakers457


    I work in a store at the moment. After a couple of years in Retail, the term 'nobody's that stupid' becomes irrelevant. Don't work in retail unless you live in a small town and don't have the variety of choice.
  24. Jakers457

    The List

    Updoot: Miko Du'Razhu - Smooth talking cool cat. Revvy Black - The dopest dope you'd ever meet.
  25. So this is similar to Character feedback but with a twist. Seeing as a lot of players were posting their characters for feedback, but not giving feedback, the thread became quite messy in my opinion. So I, Jakers of the fourth fifth and seventh, have devised this thread so that players may give feedback or praise to characters they enjoy on the server. So I will start with the first post. Samantha Mason: Though seeming like a gimmick to most at first, with the speech impediment and deafness. I would like to say this character has become something I appreciate a lot, an example of how a character can grow organically over their time on the station. She evolved over time, not only with speech therapy and implants to overcome obstacles, but she matured through her experiences as well. She's at a point where she is still the same character I first met from when I first joined the community, but at the same time seems incredibly different from the experiences she's been through.
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