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- Birthday 24/07/1992
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Security Officer (6/37)
Icedcabbage's Command Application
cheap31 replied to icedcabbage's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've played with several of Cabbij's characters and I think that August is the best example of how good of a roleplayer they are. They know how to run with a gimmick as an antag and have fun with it against all odds as well as draw other players in. I'd love to see them use a Head position to do the same thing. big tiem +1 -
Hey, dropping in again. I've really enjoyed where the vision cones have gone since the first test merges. I just wanted to say thanks for listening to all of this feedback you've been getting and also dealing with the people that have been bitching about them thus far. I really like that we now have our little movement markers and I have not had any problems with text bubbles not appearing. Those are a very excellent and I think necessary touch that you've hit right on the head because neither are obstructive and help facilitate roleplay much better than when we first started merging. Also, I have personally been able to use the mechanics in creative ways that don't just cater to antags, even going so far as to use them against antags. The only problem I see now, lies with unfortunate bugs like permanent text bubbles. But that's not really related to the pull and is more of an unfortunate happenstance.
[Accepted]Valk's Squid Application
cheap31 replied to Valkrae's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've ERP'd roleplayed with Rasuna extensively and to a very mild extend ZHX-Nongmin. And I've found Valk's ERP talents to not be lacking at all. I'm really eager to see them expanding their knowledge of the world of being Skrell firsthand. They also seem really intent on reading all of the lore available on the Aurora like some kind of huge nerd, which is exactly Skrell enough for me. Giant +1 -
It's an interpretation of station protocol thing. Since he's a synthetic, while not law bound, he's still liable to follow rules as written. However, he is usually not against promoting if a volunteer steps forward of their own accord though. I do remember our IC discussion on this the other day. I think it is because the wording of 'finding an Interim Head' made it seem like someone was going to be pushed into becoming an Interim Head instead of actively wanting and searching for a venue to become one, which wouldn't be necessary at green alert. Thanks for letting me know what your worry was! Hopefully, my answer clears the airway there.
Alright, here's my thing. I really really liked this idea in theory. When I first saw it testmerged, I was very intrigued to see stealth action in our spaceman simulator. HOWEVER, I find that it has come to be more of a hindrance to roleplay which is The most important aspect of this game and server. Without my rear vision cone, I cannot see when someone is typing when I'm walking away which means that I am missing out on some continuing roleplay opportunities even though, technically I have already left the conversation. When it comes to antags 'sneaking', I don't think this is as viable as one might think. In a game centered around roleplay, where we have to notice the other person initiating or talking to us, this merge severely hampers the crew's ability to notice or initiate. If an antag has a stealth gimmick, there are already means available to help that antag accomplish that without unfortunately blinding the other players to the people behind them. If an antag's gimmick involves sneaking up behind people in their blind cone and gimping another player or sneaking around and never getting caught, they need to re-evaluate their gimmick, because it does not facilitate roleplay which is the paramount task that antags have as their responsibility. Period. I also, don't like the lag. But even if that's fixed, my main gripe still stands.
vaurca [Accepted] Equairio's Vaurca Application
cheap31 replied to Equairio's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I feel like the Vaurca population has disappeared recently on this server. It is extremely refreshing to see that you've very obviously done your research. I feel like just from what I'm reading here, your characater ideas are growing ones that would be awesome to witness in action! +1 -
Icedcabbage's IPC Application
cheap31 replied to icedcabbage's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I am eager to see this happen. You seem to have fleshed out a lot of your application really well and I can confirm that Hongo is a more than acceptable Sec Officer character. I would no doubt enjoy seeing you play as an IPC as soon as you get this whitelist. +1 -
While this app is very bare bones, I have RPed with both of their stated characters and I think they would be an excellent fit for an IPC whitelist. You obviously know the basics of how to roleplay and beep boop as a robot, so why not +1!
BYOND key: cheap31 Character names: CORE, Kekk'es Zuka, Johan Wurst, Bo-RING How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Three years, but I have been absent intermittently throughout that time. I always get drawn back. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I have reached a proficiency in the way that all of the jobs on Aurora work, in their own rights. Now I want to experience the different challenge of being a part of the command, or harrassing them as a Liaison or Consular. I've been de facto 'HoS' for a few tempestuous shifts as Warden and while I am not perfect or ROBUST per se, I think I've handled things as sufficiently as any other 20-something year old behind a keyboard would be expected to. Why did you come to Aurora?: I played on /tg/ for a few years when I first got into SS13. I really enjoyed testing my memory and exercising as my favored roles, but I didn't really get into it's shotgun roleplay and lack of continuity. When I first moved to Aurora I said it was to get more into roleplay and that statement still stands. I used to LARP in the pre-coronavirus age and so that idea of immersive roleplay really gets my goat, especially when I feel like my characters actions can help to drive another person's experience. And Aurora has really hit the spot for me in that, especially nowadays. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: I am intimately knowledgeable with what the wiki contains in its job guides. I enjoy poring over the wiki to plot prior to playing a job. Since the beginning of my time on Aurora, I have researched and made a character plan for each character within the constraints of what knowledge is available on the wiki. And I think that habit will make my future Head characters all the more real. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?: My only blunder was 2 years ago and resulted in a Warning, but no temp bans or action was otherwise taken. I totally deserved being called out and getting my hand slapped. Instructing players ICly to repeat a bug was a shitpost that I needed not to repeat, and thus have not for a long while. Since then I have had zero admin actions on my account. ============================================================================================== Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is a conversation between the imaginations of two people. We work together to make a story that has each of us as the main and side characters. We may each be roleplaying a cog in a machine, but the dynamism between each of those cogs is what makes roleplay feel real for the people behind the keyboard. Roleplay is a replacement for social exercise as well as an exercise for our creativity and memory. At least, that's what it is to me and what I think it should be. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: To be an engine to drive plot forward. Antagonists may create the gimmick and set up the pace of the round, but it's really the Heads of Staff that can make the station click together and really be engaged. An antagonist gimmick that is not a big deal by itself can be made into one with a few well-selected words spoken from an ingame voice of authority. Together Heads and Antagonists decide the path of the round and whether or not the crew itself is entangled in it to create drama. They are also viewed with prestige, as earning a whitelist ensures a certain competency and mechanical knowledge. While they set the pace of the round, they are also intimately responsible for giving a department purpose beyond its base job guide implicates. This often includes IC training that is translated in a way that players behind the keyboards can learn the game in a more kinetic fashion. Or it could just as easily be used to create a gimmick goal that their department has. Either way, a good Head is looked up to as a leader with knowledge to back it up. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Stay in practice enough to be at least as competent as most of your fellow players and learn how to engage more people than just yourself. I will use gimmicks to drive drama and make the station feel more like a living breathing thing with goals beyond just this singular round. I intend to work the players into the overall story and use the ongoing Aurora storyline to drive each round to make every round an event. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?: The Tau Ceti system is currently undergoing a harsh reduction of phoron drought which is making NT more desperate for outside help. And as all that is happening the Sol Alliance is dissolving slowly, but surely. This ensures that the Aurora somehow gets caught up in the action that results in different parties convening on it as an unbiased witness. Alright, I will admit that I am not as knowledgeable because I have recently returned to playing after hiatus and things move fast in Tau Ceti. That doesn't mean that I haven't done my research though since the Lore Overhaul on Aut'akh. Kekk'es Zuka, who is arguably my main character, has not been incredibly affected by canon storyline events in Tau Ceti as he lives on Oran in Epsilon Eridani. But I suppose if one were to force my hand and say what he 'might' be affected by is the Phoron shortages that will undeniably affect his ability to work so remotely from his home at "The Factory". He might be forced to get a Biesel Visa and pull away from his commune for an extended time. He may become frustrated and distant from other Unathi or form a community of Aut'akh. He might even be convinced to step down from his position as a Warden to work in Mendell as a shaman if enough Aut'akh had need for guidance from an elder. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?: Probably Head of Security or Research Director because I look at those two as very capable of generating drama within the round, despite antag intentions. Head of Security I chose mostly because I have fun as Warden and would love to actually be able to enforce expectations within that department moreso than a Warden is capable of handling the Brig and Officers. The Research Director however has much more of a sandbox approach of devising some goal for Sceince to be aiming towards instead of just aimlessly performing their duties as expected. Such as research expeditions and material excavations on the Asteroid's surface as an entire research department. However, I think that I would be enticed by a Corporate Liaison position because I think that those have access to bring a fun outsider into NT business to push an agenda over several rounds. Maybe they would even be able to convert other employees into loyalty with that company or work to get labor visas for certain employees to work elsewhere. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Kekk'es Zuka would be aiming for Head of Security. After several shifts acting as de facto lead of the Security team in lieu of the HoS, he feels like there is a certain dependance upon him that would make him excellent for the position. And especially with him not being able to return to "The Factory" to assist his commune he would feel it necessary to have an Aut'akh that locals could look up to with their best interests at heart. Bo-RING would step down from contract work in Robotics to become a Corporate Liaison for Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals to better push the Bishop Cybernetics agenda. He was literally created as a Public Relations IPC that would push Bishop Cybernetics prosthetics and other medical technologies. I want to keep his Robotic Engineering intact by using medical device gimmicks to 'license' to medical for future use or cater other products to whoever's on his list. CORE would be another IPC that I designed because I refuse have any other humans on my character roster other than Johan. They function as a Research Director and I am using them to give science a little bit of higher purpose than just performing their base duties. So far, I've used them to create interesting overarching goals to facilitate roleplay such as preparing for employee evaluations. And they also serve to keep communications open and transparent (within reason) between the department and command. Thus far they have proven to succeed in empowering their crew and keeping them composed. ============================================================================================== How would you rate your own roleplaying?: "9/10 I've been at this whole roleplaying thing for a long time. I've made and broken a large amount of habits I can and like put myself into a lot of challenging and uncomfortable roleplaying scenarios. I think a sure way to show my 'veteran' roleplaying is that I enjoy putting myself outside of the spotlight to allow other newer roleplayers to learn the same way I did, instead of just being unenthused about being forced to deal with a newer player." I wrote that for the answer to this on my first applications and I still stand by it. My storytelling methods have improved even since then and I am a constant student of my mistakes. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?: Yes, but I do not think that that will come to happen. I do not often bend rules for my advantage and my record on this server shows that. However, if I am proven wrong in the future, you can show me this application and I will most likely agree with whatever decision that has been made. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?: Oh yeah... All of them, even the ones I don't intend on playing right now. While I believe in my abilities for the jobs I intend on playing, I can say I also have knowledge to play every job on station at least to a satisfactory degree. But if it were to come down to it, another Head character from me would likely start with another job to get used to the workspace before moving up into the Command role. ============================================================================================== Extra notes: I thank anyone who looks this app over. Every time I have posted an application it always comes with a wave of anxiety first. Thanks for caring enough about the community to critique or support me, bro. Extra Edit Notes: Added CORE, my new RD character.
[Dismissed] Maintenance Drones Suck, Heres Why
cheap31 replied to Bygonehero's topic in Rejected Policy
I don't think they should be removed, period. HOWEVER, I don't think they should have AI cams on them. I accidentally ruined a gimmick while afk because of it and it also just kind of doesn't make sense for these cheap little shells to have cams. All these things can be remedied by taking them into consideration when making a gimmick though. You are also allowed to just kill them. They don't move fast. If you don't kill them immediately, they'll likely fuck off. They are allowed to follow someone who has done damage in order to clean up after them just like they can follow a bleeding person because they know that that person is going to mess the floor more, they just can't interfere or prevent any damage. -
[Accepted] Cheap31's IPC application
cheap31 replied to cheap31's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Yeah, of course. I wouldn't try to squeak out meta knowledge just because 'lel snowflake knowledge'. Also, thanks for eventually getting to my app. EDIT: I feel like this denial wasn't clear enough. Nothing in the backstory states that he went back to a flotilla or any big vox vessel to witness anything other than grunts on a raider ship which are common knowledge. -
Quote from man who says he's doing his job too well and needs more complaints to go through. No, seriously, you're completely right though. Should've ahelped it, but wasn't thinking at the time. That's my bad, but I'll use it in the future.
BYOND Key: cheap31 Game ID: bQE-cNQD Player Byond Key: Absynth? (Pretty sure it is.) Staff involved: Null Reason for complaint: In the deepest darkest depths of the Food Guide, is the ridiculous sandwich. And it should stay there and never see the light of a shift. The Ridiculous Sandwich is a meme and in this particular game, the sandwich that Jim Morano had made was large enough to reach the holodeck from the kitchen. This thing was seriously big enough to destroy the station with its sheer mass. When the crew transfer shuttle arrived on this shift I noticed that I was acting a bit sluggish and so was the game itself. When I went around the corner into departures I saw a ridiculous sandwich spanning my screen. It was lagging enough that the shuttle didn't arrive for 30 seconds after it arrived and couldn't open its doors for another 30 seconds. So, the meat and potatoes of my complaint is that the Ridiculous sandwich is a meme and really takes players out of character, and Jim Morano really broke the immersion of the game with making it so big. Suspension of disbelief can not make this sort of thing okay especially on a Heavy Roleplay server. The fact that it lagged the game doesn't help either. Now I'm sure this was all in good fun, but this is a multi round thing. Last night, Jim Morano (at least I think it was), made a ridiculous sandwich that was gigantic, but I just kind of brushed it off because one meme isn't bad. So, I just want staff to address this 'probably' consecutive character issue that becomes very OOC. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? No, it was noticed at end of round and I was trying to get in my last roleplay as well as save someone from suffocating from a punctured lung. Approximate Date/Time: 9/26/17 13:30 Mountain Time
So, couple of questions. If this character is 27 and was raised in the metropoli of Ouerea, did he move to the planet from Moghes? If he was a colonist then that's fine. If he was born there, then there will be a problem considering the colonies of Ouerea are only 21. You may want to clarify that. Also, a question that Jackboot threw at me on my Unathi application. Religion is a huge part of the Unathi culture. Is Valitek a follower of Sk'akh or Th'akh?