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Everything posted by StationCrab

  1. I would consider it, if it was a mouse thunderdome.
  2. I agree with furrycactus. Every other department has these by default, and mining can be a dangerous job. Why not add them to the racks, seems like basic equipment to me.
  3. I was the only 'engineer' (apprentice), and I accidentally delaminated the engine because I had no idea what I was doing. The admins were merciful thankfully.
  4. Hello! I just wanted to throw my hat in the ring with Senpai here. I played a couple of rounds with them, and two of their characters: Azkuyua Triaka and Rhazajun Rhazakal-Jawdat Azkuyua was a great head of security, as a cadet I really enjoyed that they got me involved with the role play, and gave me tasks that made the round fun and immersive. They promoted my character Kevin Adams to detective during a vampire round, and I had a lot of fun interacting with them and attempting to solve the mysterious blood losses around the station. Overall they were very responsive and attentive even with a very chaotic round with lots of things going on. They weren't overly bossy, and gave a lot of leeway to how the other officers wanted to play things. Essentially it was the perfect blend of authority and cooperation, something I enjoy in a head of security player. They have my full recommendation! +1
  5. Okay so I thought I'd reply here, I don't participate much on the forums, and generally go with the flow and don't get riled by changes, but this really bugged me a bit. I understand that the Noir thing might be played out, but I genuinely enjoy it when I play detective. So this change in it's current form is a -1 one from me. I'm not a fan of the new coat replacement, but at least the majority of the clothes that the detective used to have can be gotten through the loadout system. Skull brings up good points about how it doesn't kill your ability to RP as a Noir inspired detective, and he has also expressed his desire to move away from the old style. Maybe there is some form of middle ground that could be found? I'm no artist, but I really enjoyed this art piece and thought maybe some sort of similar more futuristic trenchcoat could be created by someone more talented? Not to knock whoever made the new jacket, but it looks like a bath robe, although I can see they were going for the detective aesthetic from Detroit Become Human, for better or worse. This is what I envision for my character personally, maybe a talented spritesmith could create a more futuristic looking attire for the detective, while still allowing for a bit of the noir influences? I'd also like to come to the defense of other Noir players out there, not all of us go crazy and shoot the place up. I personally try to emulate the attitudes and mannerisms of the noir period, without going off like a loose cannon. Mainly because it is against the server rules, and the wiki itself encourages the detective to skirt the edges of conflict and solve the case. If people are concerned that noir aesthetic drives players towards murdering everything on their own, then you should deal with those players on an individual basis, not punish those of us who don't use the detective as a front line defense fighter. In closing, I just don't like the way it was just completely removed, especially considering that this seems to have a bit of push back behind it. If everyone reaches the consensus that Noir is overplayed and not welcome on the server, obviously folks should respect that, but I don't see the harm in putting options in the Detective wardrobe. Also I must admit I miss the awesome Detective's Flask sprite, which is not available from the loadout screen, but that's a minor gripe. As long as the cosmetic options remain in the loadout system, I can be cool with it. Sorry if this is scatter brained, I'm a bit tired.
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