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Everything posted by StationCrab

  1. I'd like to be able to toggle off tile cleaning as a Custodial borg. Sometimes you want to go through an area but don't want to dispose of evidence as you roll around. It would be neat if the verb had a sound effect when toggled on, maybe a subtle vacuum sound (nothing ear splitting for obvious reasons), but this is just a secondary thing that is completely optional for whoever decides to implement this.
  2. Sorry there is a misunderstanding here. I meant I am okay with hacking IPCs if it is difficult for the antagonist to successfully accomplish it mechanically. IE they should have to work for it not just click one button and instant convert remotely or something.
  3. +1 No reason not to. Should only need 1-3 cryo beds tucked in there somewhere. Plenty of spots.
  4. I agree if it is difficult to pull off.
  5. Removing something from the secret rotation might as well be removing it entirely. The majority of the rounds are either extended or secret. It is very rare to see something voted for specifically. That being said I like the proposed replacement, I had the removal of MALF on my mind is all, I wish there were improvements made there is all, but that is outside the scope of this thread.
  6. So much is being removed. It makes me sad.
  7. Tomiix apologized to me for their actions during that round and I have accepted it. I ahelped because from my perspective it seemed as though they were utilizing an exploit to deactivate my character, during a rather nasty lag spike at the time. I did also feel that they did not properly fear RP given their character being trapped in a bolted room with a dangerous combat borg, however they say they did not recognize my sprite, so I suppose I could have emoted better. As for my comments in LOOC, it was out of frustration because that is not the first time I have been borg memed while trying to do proper escalation role play. I am not sure if my testimony will have any impact on the decision here, but I just wanted it known that myself and the player have resolved our differences.
  8. Despite some hiccups with the original trial period, I still maintain that this player has what it takes to be a member of command. I hope if a second trial is granted that they will be able to prove it! +1
  9. Menown, it is always a pleasure playing ss13 with you. I wish you the best, and will look forward to playing some more rounds with you, even if they are less frequent. Have a happy holiday season o/
  10. While the staff may seem like a generic item, the player has obviously put a lot of thought into how it would be implemented into their RP, and the mechanical aspects of the item sound really cool (attaching a sound effect to it upon activation). My borg character does not get much of a chance to interact with Suul directly, but from what I have witnessed their player can make this otherwise simple item really work with their character. +1
  11. This is just really cool. I'm not a lore expert in this department but just based on visuals alone and the sprite I will give a +1 I'd like to see this around the station and learn more about this garb icly.
  12. I like the idea of it being tied to alert level. Lets maintenance be a sanctuary for antags until they make themselves known.
  13. This would be an absolute headache for the doorknob core. No thanks. -1 Add more tools to conceal yourself from AI tracking, don't remove a feature. See the digital camo suggestion for one idea.
  14. -1 Outright removal is too far, and unfair to the malfs out there that pour large amounts of effort into their gimmicks. As a frequent borg player, nothing is more frustrating than getting a bad malf as your master, but that could be said for any game mode. Rework it somehow, whitelist the AI slot, something, but please do not remove it.
  15. This seems like a low impact change. +1
  16. Sounds neat. I'd like to see more songs unique to Aurora added. Music that fits our lore/theme. +1
  17. +1 from me. Just remember if your trial is approved make sure to be active during that time so you can show your skills!
  18. An Auto-Compressor module would also be nice for borgs to do CPR.
  19. This is a no-brainer. Kyres is a dedicated member of this community. +1
  20. This one is a no-brainer for me from a player perspective, from a lore perspective I am not an expert but everything here looks interesting, and there is clearly a solid effort on the backstory. +1
  21. I've interacted with Yahir the most, and I can say those interactions have been positive. I say give them the trial! +1
  22. Something like this?
  23. I like it, make people pay extra if they want to smoke like a vacuum.
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