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Everything posted by Wer6

  1. I was about to write out generally unmemorable Tailsons characters are. How Rex and Rayner are not really memorable people until I thought about it for a little bit. I don't think I've ever actually seen Rex and Rayner beside son a manifest simply because I play on different departments then every single character he has and I tend to never really leave it unless I'm either looting as a scientist or making sure peoples heads are staying attached to their bodies. ASSIST and Pocket Buddy, however, is a completely different story. The relationship that Assist has with one of my Skrell can be described as similar to that of an old lady who constantly bangs on the ceiling whenever ASSIST comes along and reeks the place with his presence, and I am absolutely okay with that. They are a great way for me to accurately portray my synth hating Skrell, and Pocket Body is someone I genuinely enjoy having around as a PAI because it's hilarious what they do. In short, the characters I have seen are all around excellently roleplayed.
  2. I, Hanira Yishu, Team Lead, would like to register my interest in this Gathering.
  3. The Collapse. Genre: Real time strategy game with space and ground elements. Box Description: In a galaxy of untold billions, commanders pick and choose the fall of worlds in a war for survival. You, commander, will be in the control of the fate of every single being alive under the flag of the United Galactic Nations Navy, UGNN. Beginning with control over aged and basic human legions and ships, expand your arsenal with a complex web of political alliances spanning across the galaxy with all sentient species in the galaxy in a all out war of survival against a merciless enemy of an enigmatic composition. The Abhorrent takes advantage of every mistake. Anyone fighting alone and divided against the enemy will inevitably fall, and the enemy is nothing if not ruthless. With a united war machine under your guiding hand, hundreds of hours of playtime in a galactic campaign can be had against an enemy that adapts to your tactics and comes with its own surprises. Each Campaign is never the same, with both customizable troops, generals, and warships. Choose your species, and your origins, for it can be the deciding factor of who backs your military might. Comes with the “Steel Rain”, “Desiccated Titans” and the “Golems Rising” Expansion pack. (Essentially a story expansion, Precursor relic hunting, and Glorsh Rising pack, respectively.) Plot Summary: After the tutorial mission which is mostly determined by your selected species, you gain significant notoriety as a fleet admiral, you are placed as Vice Admiral in command of a joint expedition into the unknown to scout out the mysteries of the universe. By discovering an anomalous signal on a garden world, troops are sent down. The infantry sent down inadvertently wake up the Abhorrent, a strange and utterly enigmatic collection of physics defying energy and matter particulates. After an intense and brief struggle on the ground, warships rise from the planet and make battle with your superior officers fleet. After a heated battle from which the Abhorrent destroy the flagship of the fleet with a devastating alpha strike, you as acting admiral of the entire fleet, ultimately get defeated and forced to retreat. When you retreat and with how many numbers determines both your starting forces and your relations with other officers when you ascend to the highest ranking military commander. The war quickly ends up with the Abhorrent pushing into the Human frontier, while simultaneously pushing closer and closer the Frontier Unions Homeworld, Anklan. The enemy uses worlds long ago perished, the enemies forges glow brighter than cities as war machines are created and sent to burn Human worlds. Larger and larger ships are produced in larger numbers, drastically pushing the frontier patrols farther and farther as the enemy cements its aged industry into a war footing set millennia ago. The enemies use of taken worlds ranges from orbital bombardment until the surface is rendered molten, or ground based conquering followed by corralling the population into what essentially amounts to large ghettos. If the enemy suspects that they may lose the planet, they sometimes risk tactical battles by glassing the planet mid-fight. It is later found out that the Abhorrent recently began using sentient beings as “processors” in their war machines, to horrifying effect. (Such effects are not always guaranteed to happen, as the Abhorrent can choose which effect it can put into play, similar to it “researching” the option as time goes by.) At this point, the player is declared the high admiral of the entire human military, despite the fact that they may, in fact, be a Human/Unathi/Skrell/etc, as the game takes place over seventy years in the future. At this point political intrigue, as well as alliances, become tenuis, and the player has to go through the confusing quagmire of the admiral's political landmine field. Alliances with Vaurca, Unathi, Skrellian, and even Tajara interest groups can make or break the entire campaign against the omnicidal enemy. At one point, it can even become feasible to purposely lose battles in certain areas to garner more support for the war in the long term. At any point, an alliance can be created with any foreign power if the player is skillful enough to bring their them close enough to Humanity and the other chosen allies against the Abhorrent, but that does not mean the other races will participate in a war against a foe without compromise. Hasty and lackluster alliances can always be made when the enemy sieges down a system in return for desperately needed assistance. The game only ends when every single species major system is either glassed, rendered a non-significant piece in the war when the Player Character themselves are killed, or the enemy falls, (among other conditions.) The game is so complex that many complain of its supposedly absurd political simulation that is not always accurate, with being simulated by opinion approximators that number from -100 to +100. A combat simulation mode simply lets the player choose scenarios of ships or soldiers in a chosen scenario fight to their heart's content. Ultimate moral choices include promises of allowing certain species expand their territory, independence of certain worlds, and closer or alienated alliances in exchange for other advantages along with more “spoiler” intensive options. Detractors point out the game's strange and often obtuse handling of certain units overall usefulness, and the bizarrely overdone nerfs and buffs to the game as time went by, turning valid or “overpowered” strategies into useless options and vice versa. The three expansion packs add a relatively massive amount of content, however, the “Golems Rising” expansion pack has faced extreme controversy due to its tie-in of genocidal AI “Glorsh Omega” into the game. Depending on what rumor mill you subscribe too, you may hear news of Skrellian government officials discussing bans or censors on the game based on this Expansion pack. Army composition is based on a point and lock out system that both grows and encompasses more or less as the story progresses, while navy is the same with the addition of a maximum of individual small craft support to prevent the abuse of fighters from a bygone “meta”. Players request ships from the shipyards that they have available for them or take from other fleets. Shipyards take a cycle of time to build their ships taking both resources and navy personnel as possible bottlenecks to flying ships into war. Modifications to the game are infamously hard to complete due to the complex affair that is the code, and the developers rather hands off approach to it, but several are in the works created by small teams, usually of AI. The endings of the game is most unique, as it can end in several fashions with the galaxy ending up in a severely different condition depending on the player's skill and moral choices, along with claims of “secret” endings among other such easter eggs, which have been proven true in the past. AI’s are expressly demanded to keep the validity of such endings secret if they find about it using their superior intelligence with several lawsuits being placed on “leakers” on some of said endings. One particularly notable ending is the military arm of the Sol Alliance reigning a coup over the Human government and conquering the galactic region as a military Imperium after defeating the Abhorrent, and emplacing strict breeding controls on the remaining population of all “xenos” to prevent the disruption of human interests, with the option of including Skrell in this new found Empire. Below is an example of a completed campaign by Game hobbyist Neq’Qurel De’Yurek playing as a human Admiral specializing in “political manipulation” After several years of intense strategic campaigns, consisting of six separate player controlled land and space battles, Humanity is losing ground every day. It has become clear that the war is far more dangerous than it is, and the Human military is fully mobilized to combat the threat as a significant world is subjugated. The Skrellian council joins the war by offering some small amount of resources. As battles become continuously more desperate, The Frontier Unions homeworld is assaulted, and briefly repelled before a suicide charge into the planet results in massive devastation on the entire planet as it is rendered sterile. At this point, The Skrellian Federation shifts from interested observers to actual war partners, but do not send their full bulwark due to political manipulations of both the SOl Alliance and the federation. Famed Tup Commandos are placed into the fray in unexpectedly massive numbers, as closer examination by independent operations in the Alliance reveal that they are little more than drones that could do little more then fight and take orders, a far cry from the famed Tups of old. The players can choose to “secretly” leak this information to the public, weakening the Federation as a whole, for the players political agenda if they so choose, which was done in this particular campaign. With the Union fallen, the Abhorrent spread like wildfire until hit by the Unathi homeworld. Depending on player reserves in the area and intervention policies, the planet can be glassed. In this particular case, it was not, the invasion was repelled successfully and with surprising ease. As the counteroffensives begin against the enemy, it becomes increasingly clear that the enemy is holding back resources, for a purpose unknown. By the time the player's fleet approaches their closer (<100 Light years) space, a deep strike is commenced against the heart of human space, barreling straight for heavy industrial sectors, but your fleet is too far away, the defense forces the player had stationed in the area are all that's left to save those systems. With the optional help of a Varca mothership, the fleet pushes all the way into their home space, and cripples their industrial might for the rest of the game, at however grievous cost to your fleet. The enemy immediately switches from a heavy traditional campaign of massive fleets to a game of harassment, while it shores up its defenses and prepares. Several human worlds are attacked, but never glassed due to insufficient volume of fire. Counter attacks on Abhorrent controlled worlds are repelled again and again as the enemies forces consolidate. Skrellian fleets assault the enemy position, alone and without assistance, the player chose not to speak to them about the invasion despite their excellent intel in Skrellian space, letting a large portion of their forces get sent to the meat grinder, while the Player's forces simultaneously assault lost worlds, and successfully manage to take back several burnt husks from the enemies grasps, while the Federation Fleet had lost a large portion of its composition due to enemy reinforcements. The player then capitalizes on the Federations sudden weakness and the threat of enemy invasion in their own territory with a series of high temperature backroom dealings and adjustment of patrols onto the border of Skrellian space to coerce the Federation to falling under the Alliance, the first species to do so Despite this newfound advantage the inevitable massed strike by the ABhorrent seeps over and results in fighting in human space, thousands of ships burning out like stars as both sides take grievous losses, in multiple fronts in the inner colonies. The player sent a contingent of warships along with a trusted commander to scout out rumors of a Precursor super weapon in deep space outside of the galactic arms. Wars on the ground and in boarding missions get increasingly easier and easier due great advancements in personnel weaponry, as Disruptor munitions which are built around destroying the Abhorrent with ease is built. Such munitions for ship grade kinetic weapons are still a long way from finishing, due to the required refit on the weapons that fire the munition. Despite repeated attempts to land troops on enemy forge worlds to steal technological samples and sabotage suspected industry, most result in failures in the navy aspect. At this point, the entirety of Human navy and Skrellian reserves is deployed, with mothball ships being taken out while exploratory ships are being refitted. At this point in time, the Precursor super weapon rumors come back to you, and it appears that it was honestly under-estimated as your trusted commander comes back with a fleet of autonomous, automated war ships, under his beck and call. Thankfully, you chose that commander more for his devotion to saving humanity at all costs then greed, and he gladly turns the “ship keys” over to you. Had the Abhorrent known about the Precursor fleet, it would've immediately beelined with the entirety of its war machines to destroy it at all costs, but a mistake on the player's part in both not ordering for more information to be collected and sending a small and unsuited fleet had thrown the Abhorrents AI entirely off guard. With the ships in two, fights become one sided as space is slowly retaken. Every planet is reinforced like a meat grinder, and methods are emplaced to prevent deep strikes that had been done in the past. After years of the brutal campaign, eventually, the Abhorrent threat is finished off, at the expense of billions of lives, ships, and soldiers.. This was perhaps the best outcome for all parties involved, as the player uses the newly found fleet of autonomous warships along with a nanomachine based immortality project she had finished in the shadows to work her will onto the human species, leading it with an iron fist. She eventually went and placed all other species under her will in a galactic order after the game had officially “completed”, preparing a military state that would hopefully never be taken back by a superior enemy ever again. Playstyles permit completely different games to form, it is not uncommon for completely unorthodox strategies to form that would result in a flawless victory. Notable endings include Templars, Xenocidal Imperiums, Slave empires, Post Scarcity, and the Secret Banana ending. Several “memes” caused by the game include: Depending on what some traits the PC may get as well as the current condition of the galaxy, the Player can choose to engage in actual hand-to-hand fighting, either against the enemy which they will almost always lose in, or against other admirals and generals. In interaction screens, there is a button that is grayed out that is called “Begin Combat” against NPC’s. An achievement called “Brawling Bawling Politicians” that a player may achieve by successfully winning hand-to-hand combat against the leaders of the civilian government of the Tajara, Humanity, Unathi, and Skrell in one game. Such combat usually entails heading right up to said NPC and landing a crushing blow in their face and walking away. Supposedly, one player has managed to successfully beat up the entire admirals board, every single Skrellian official of note, and several high ranking Tajara and Unathi officials before events inexplicably caused the Tajara and Unathi species to go extinct or disappearing before he could presumably punch out the rest of them. The player then went on to defeat the Abhorrent and win the game, managing to complete a Hand-to-Hand fight against two separate Abhorrent individuals and living to the ending which results in said Admiral “peacefully retiring” on a frontier planet away from politics. Inexplicably, the Abhorrent AI will send out interception forces to catch up to large fleet if you send one out to unknown space near the supposed precursor ships are supposed to be located, usually thinking that you found the Precursor Fleet. This has resulted in the AI sending their fleets to well entrenched positions that the player had built beforehand in completely subtlety and decimating the Abhorrent fleet. In a reference to an apparently extremely old game, one can witness a commander punch a reporter if they have the “agitated trait” and the player lets the situation occur. ((I will update this if anyone sends me a hilarious “meme” about this fictional game.))
  4. I believe some people are claiming the Skrellian Frontier the "Traverse", which I thought was an awesome name which differentiates it from the HUman Frontier quite nicely.
  5. Why do you want to become such an infernal machine i will never know, but i can safely say that Senri Ishiwawa is perhaps one of the more enjoyable to (E)RP with, mostly on the fact that he seems like the standard human male in a suit, which in this time and age is just so enjoyable to be around when compared to the furred masses. I'd be glad if Incog joined the Clanking Masses of the IPC Whitelist.
  6. Just gonna clarify some points that were brought up that came up previously. I have updated the application with far more I will admit that yes, I went to Cryo way too often, I would play for around six-hour binges and by the third or second game I would finish and go to cryo. However, I did make a point to dump every single bit of equipment I had on me back where it belonged or at the very least a pile on the floor in the office. Granted, the equipment may have been something like a flash would have been hidden in a container, but every time I went through the process of going to cryo I dumped all my equipment before I headed off. the two main problems I had playing a head of staff was being AFK practically all the time I played and acting less than expected of a head of staff when I was active. At the time I treated the game less like an actual immersive "situation" and more like a chatroom where I had to lodge into somewhere good to have any fun. Now that I had some time off the roster I am actually enjoying myself playing as a regular Medical Doctor, Engineer, and the occasional Cargo tech. as a side effect, I am not treating it as a chat box that I alt-tab off of to be active somewhere else. Although that means I am on less often, I am paradoxically active more often. As for the bug abusing and chuckelfucking, I could say I won't do it anymore, but I don't think anyone would believe me, so instead I am only going to be playing important roles when I can put the effort in and non-critical roles where I can slink off and meme when I can't.
  7. I love, LOVE your play style of Station Control Unit. there cheery demeanor, etc, etc makes it VERY easy for my Skrells to be annoyed at SCU. the heavy amount of writing you put in makes them sound less like a Skrell in how they are more repeated testing rather than heavy theorems, but their overall demeanor towards science makes up for it in spades. Definite +1 from me.
  8. I really should of put more effort into the backstory of my perhaps-to-be CMO to be completely honest. re-reading it through, the slightly satirical vibe I was attempting to create was very overdone, and I'm actually cringing just a little right now. I'll begin rewriting a little more sensible and serious responses to the questions after I finish this reply, but to respond to both Scheveningen andFire and glory's points, I can conveniently place them in this post. Yes, I AFKed, Cryo'd, or otherwise shirked by duties Way too much. the entire root cause of it was, in my mind: I logged way too many hours in the game. I can easily guarantee that I spent at least 10 hours minimum on the server, every week.I have noticed that when I play Space station thirteen in a roleplay environment, I get a little bored and "anxious", and when that happens I make mistakes unless I only play it sparsely. Now with the fact that I am treating SS13 less like the only time I use my free time on and more as a hobby, I'm actually interested in the game. I actually think what my character would reasonably do instead of thinking about what I could do for maximum "hilarity". Since I had my whitelist stripped, I started playing in the medical staff roles, and I am honestly frustrated with the current player base of the Medical staff. Maybe it's just that I have high standards, maybe I need to grow a thicker skin, but half the time the lower Medical staff don't know what they're doing or forget the standard duties. That is alright, that is okay. People make mistakes and they should learn from it. When I posted the application on May 2nd I was stupified by the fact that despite having a half-full medical roster there were people dying in the lobby while the medical staff was straight up gone. I was frustrated at the time and it bled into my writing. Like I said earlier in my post I am going to rewrite it so it isn't terrible but they are not without flaws. In my personal nitpicky experience of the medical staff, I have just one main problem with the function of medical staff, with a small number two. Noone communicates to eachother I've had three notable occasions where I would report that I am heading to a medical emergency, and not three minutes later half the medical staff shows up and run around hitting people with analyzers and found out that everything that could have been done was already done. It has become such a problem that I basically can't actually trust anyone to do anything because no one reports what they're doing. I do the rescues by myself so that I know that the people there are okay. I bring them to the medical bay, scan them, do the full surgery and then release them, and with that in mind I believe that medical needs a Chief Medical Officer, someone who plays semi-regularly that makes sure that everyone is on the same page and actually speaking to each other instead of being lone medics in the field. however, I still appreciate other medical staff members, mainly because I'm not without flaw myself. I am actually not that great at Chemistry. I used to be pretty good at it, but that was a long, long time ago that I can barely remember the basic anti-toxin inaprovaline recipes. I actually prefer other players who don't know a single iota of what they're doing in chemistry since I think it's a mind numbing button pushing job, and I am grateful for the types of players that can handle it. Writing up the more "profesionnal" application right now, I'll probably dump the original application in a spoiler for clarities sake.
  9. Gonna have to post-phone re-rewriting this due to the fact that I took to long re-writing it and the entire application I wrote were lost. BYOND key:Wer6 Character names:Kerr'Quil Decart, Xui'Gal Syun-Chun, Dih'Xerc Yell'Teh'Meh, Mek'Heb Zoul, Hanira Yishu, Stella Gellar. Skakseeki Ssresh How long have you been playing on Aurora?: 3-4 Years Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Because I would personally enjoy myself more in a position of perceived power. Why did you come to Aurora?: Because the previous server I visited died. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yes. Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is and should be about: Roleplay is the situation of multiple people pretending to be their chosen roles in a setting. I think it should be a bit "dramatic" where not everyone is a perfect person, and there should be leniency towards situations like someone setting up the engine in a dead hour despite not being an engineer. Roleplay should always be for the entertainment and to give everyone a fair chance fo having fun in the roles they chose. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, in game?: They are the ones that are the leaders, bosses and sometimes the tyrants of the role play environment. they are more important than the non-antagonist are staff and for that reason, they should be upheld to a different standard than other players. Players should have the vast majority fo their head of staff be the "ideal", competent and the type of person that meshes well with MOST people. there should also be some head of staff that DON'T mesh well with most people and only got to the position for either their unmatched skill or their connections. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Be the leader, be the person that upholds the what their character should be, as often times they are the only ones between disaster, or they are the ones that CAUSE the disaster with their reactions. They should act as the "beacons of stability", with characters that are always the same person, that are either always competent and inspiring, "hated" and disliked, or the type of person whose orders are laughed at. Most Heads of staff should be competent and inspiring, but some can be less than the ideal, but not too many. If too many "bad" head of staff come aboard, then it is horrifically ironic to have what should be the most competent people on the station be the ones that cause the most strife. When I say bad, I don't mean the type of people that just sit there and either do nothing or act like fools the entire time they are there, I mean the type of people that go about doing their jobs, in such a manner that causes strife with other people. It doesn't have to be much, maybe the way they do things irks another person or they litter, tiny and insignificant things as well as hard and stubborn personalities that grind against others. outright hostility, utter incompetence or otherwise behavior that would easily cause someone to be arrested or fired on the spot is an obvious no-no. Ultimately what I am saying is that Heads of staff should be notable, "stable" in their personality and not terrible enough that it would make no sense for them to be in the position they are at. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well-articulated responses to the following questions. Character name:Kerr'Quil Decart Character age: 108 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Born on a space station in Skrellian space, Kerr'QUil Decart was deprived of the surface of a planet, and only knows the void between the stars as her home. She has been deprived of large bodies of water, and due to her defective genes, she is actually inferior to most other Skrell in the sense of her swimming ability. This does not affect her much, but her skill in the life of a spacer has been a boon many times. the station she lived on the majority of her life was poorly maintained and alway's on the brink of failure. When she was fourteen, a beloved friend died in her arms after a damaged equipment failed catastrophically, and she vowed that she would never be in the same situation again. By the time she was eighteen, she had enrolled at a very prestigious university, and she learned Skrellian Physiology as her major and Xeno physiology along with Martial arts as her minors. She worked for around ten to fifteen years before growing for the lack of a better term bored of Skrellian space and signed onto a Nanotrasen Program that if she succeeded in, would fast track her as a head of staff aboard their vast and glorious stations. In the two-month tenure, she had stayed aboard the Odin and the Exodus, she had shown excellent skill in the line of duty and in several situations she had saved lives. However she is not perfect, Decart has shown outright disgust towards Vaurca, and a superiority attitude towards tajarans and certain Unathi. She still keeps her professional attitude most of the time in her occupation, but it causes friction among others. She has recently put in papers to officially finish the fast track program for better or worse towards the board who decides heads of staff. if they accept, she becomes eligible to work as a Chief Medical Officer. if they don't, she will still work as a Medical Doctor on the Exodus. What do you like about this character?: I found out I am very, very good at being a Medical doctor. Much better than being a paper jockey. Of course, I also have my own plans for the Medical b ay once I become a Head of Staff with Authority. What do you dislike about this character?: Two problems, the first of which is the fact that I sometimes get carried away with the xenophobia and it shows, just like how Hanira is with being lazy. the Second of which is that if I am on too long and too late into the evening I either get disinterested or start playing mindlessly. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: A hundred years of life with decades worth of dedication towards the saving of lives, be they Skrellian or alien combined with their credentials has resulted in a very superior Head of staff candidate. Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I'll be honest, my Roleplay has gotten a little sub-par over the last few months, but I think if I put more effort into it I'll get better at it eventually. Extra notes: I may bring back Hanira Yishu.(But better this time I swear) My favorite flavor of HotPocket™ is the Used Medical Bees and Syringes™ Fultra™ blast Flavor™. Original application in the spoiler below.
  10. Forgot to post until because after a bit of self-retrospection I realized that it was pointless to make this ban appeal for about two reasons. A.It's so short that it may as well not be there, except as a warning to what might come, and B. I had literally no excuse for what I did. and since it is over, can I request this thread be archived.
  11. BYOND Key: Wer6 Total Ban Length: 4320 Minutes (3 days) Banning staff member's Key: alberyk Reason of Ban: Injecting with sleeping toxin and tapping the hos and captain as the cmo due to a mouse in the escape shuttle, chucklfucking and poor escalation in the escape shuttle where conflict should be avoided.. ( http://i.imgur.com/oSQYUJr.png ) Reason for Appeal: Yeah, I was chuckle fucking a bit. I put myself in the moment after a horrific round of doing 30 minutes worth of surgery back to back on various people who should've known better, honestly. Before that, I obtained a fancy rig suit from a borg and got it with a chemical dispenser and a couple other things so I can use it for surgery, but I did not use the radium inside it to actually kill people. the whole ordeal started essentially with me carrying a mouse into the escape shuttle, it hopped off and the HOS began chasing it even though he literally just saw it came off me, and I told him in the chat to stop twice. he killed the thing and I hit him with twenty-five units of soporific even though I meant to hit him with only ten, he responded with saying "what the hell" to an approximate extent and the captain came turned around as this had taken place in the cockpit of the shuttle. I taped both their mouths shut with a roll of duct tape I had obtained earlier, and they both hit me with a flash and the collapsible baton, HOS using the baton and the captain using the flash. I then attempted to cuff both the captain and the HOS with the duct tape, only managing to cuff the HOS and then I ran away, as the escape shuttle had docked. I was promptly wrassled to the ground at the captain's orders and brought to the security area because they couldn't actually cuff me because of the aforementioned rigsuit. Now that all the information on my end has been given, I know the ban is legitimate and that it was put on with good cause. I have a problem with the fact that it's a little too long. I was expecting at most a day or so band and hopefully just a six-hour ban. I knew what I did was pretty much the definition of chuckle fuckery at the end of the round, but I was pretty agitated after doing the thirty minutes worth of back-to-back surgery-and-giving-life, and "tried" to have a little fun by reacting over the death of the poor, anonymous mouse. If I seem unreasonable with my request of a ban reduction or perhaps hopefully a ban lift, I can deal with a three-day ban no problem. (largely because I can't do anything much else about it besides brood.)
  12. I'm actually pretty alright with this.
  13. I am alright with lowering it to a week ban with a antag ban.
  14. I am all for that, I know I fucked up, I am completely okay with an antag ban and a week or more ban, but a permanent ban just seems a little bit... too much for murdering and bug abusing.
  15. I really don't think I have a better reason. I mean, I could say that I've contributed so much to the server with my characters all doing what other people consider "very good" roleplay and other such, but I think that's just a little bit too much for me. I could also say I am a really bad wus and I want to get back to the server I contribute to the most out of any other, play the most out of any other server, and that I am willing to change my actions and attitude if I am unbanned.
  16. I never had known about the bug where cyanide apples would go through windows until the round where I got banned. I knew about it and lied to an admin about it, yes, but not before. the warning on my account was about abusing teleportation as a wizard. I'm honestly thinking that a permanent ban was a little extreme, a antagonist ban would've been... sufficient.
  17. BYOND Key: Wer6 Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key:Shameonturtles Reason of Ban: Abusing a bug with chemicals from thrown plants going through walls, killing multiple people. Also killed upwards of six people with little reason as an antag. You have been warned previously for both of these offenses. Reason for Appeal: Yeah, I might be bug abusing, unrobust, and excessively scheming when I get antagonist. In fact, that is pretty much why I avoid going antagonist because I know I can’t beat anyone on the security team unless I do sick shit like throwing the cyanide apples first and then later through windows. I’m gonna accept that, yes, I really fucked up by lying to an admin about knowing that the splatter of apples goes through walls. I’m pretty sure the worst thing I did was when I finished with the cyanide apples and walked out of science while screaming about how my character has all the edge, but when the four officers came, I just panicked and threw apples and basically put them down for the count. Yeah, I could’ve handled that situation differently, but the entire time I thought I was gonna be ruthlessly killed just out of some sort of spite against me due to the events previous to encounter. I was brigged, made fun of and essentially just clubbed around by members of Engineering, cyborgs, and security, at least from my point of view at the time. At this point I really don't think I can beat myself up anymore without sounding like a lunatic, So I am gonna go straight to the point and sum up why I should be unbanned. “Because I won't do it again, and I know how I fucked it up previously.” I could replace the entire wall of text and it will still be the same with just that one sentence. I really can't think of any other reason that doesn't sound stupid. ((Because Albi-jerk manipulated from the shadows, and the admins hate me soo much, it's all a plot!))
  18. I've seen Troy around. I liked his character quite a bit, but sadly I don't have the best memory for their actual if-they-did-their-job type of deal. but they do Roleplay to others very well, and I believe if nothing else they should at least have a chance at dipping their feet in the waters so to speak, as I really don't think many other people has actually noticed Troy or Harriet themselves.
  19. I honestly can't take Rur seriously. they are well developed, from what I can tell, but what i really can't get over is the lack of using periods on the ends of sentences. I very much promise you that using periods at the ends of your sentences will help /a lot/. It's a problem in your application, even if it is well thought out from other aspects. I would approve this, but I really suggest you work on using periods more in your usage of the grammarz.
  20. he plays his characters well, I like them.
  21. I like Ashley Long. Good character and good RP.
  22. Exactly what it says on the tin. Just for Skrell, get out of here mon-keighs. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9e0kvt33m0gobtn/Headtail%20Garmints%201.1.dmi?dl=0
  23. Wer6

    New Lobby music

    I like it. It sounds like it belongs. http://strawpoll.me/6596701
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