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Everything posted by Aqy
Lady_of_Ravens' Head of Staff Application
Aqy replied to Lady_of_Ravens's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application approved. Glory to Aurora. -
Head Whitelist App - ChevalierMalFet
Aqy replied to ChevalierMalFet's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application approved. Glory to Aurora. -
General Staff Complaint - Handling of OOC
Aqy replied to Frances's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Obviously, you can see in what I linked that there were more jabs beyond Letz Shake's comment, although that was the one that made me say enough. No where at all did I ever criticize the conversation as having no point, and that is a heavy misrepresentation and incredibly wrong assumption of what I said. As for not liking my tone. Neat, I guess. -
General Staff Complaint - Handling of OOC
Aqy replied to Frances's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Yes, I do have thoughts. You've managed to pick out a response to what was an example, that was not insulting in itself. To say that the things I posted are constructive, and not hostile is searching for any excuse to give the benefit of the doubt to something. And this was -not- preemptive. I participated myself in it a bit, until specific characters were called out. Which is when people were told not to insult characters, and to take it to the forums. If that's wrong of staff to do and will be called unfair, or shitty to do. Then I'm at a loss for words, and have to question what the hell I'm doing on this server, because it clearly can't be called moderating. -
Ultimately, I have no strong opinion about what the basis of the conversation was on. And that had absolutely no influence on my choice to ask Tablespoon to mute OOC at all. Tajaran aren't a big issue to me. Unathi aren't. Xenos aren't. Furries aren't. You do what you wanna do. What I care about was things like this: "OOC: Letz Shake : Man I had a character get beaten to death for making fun of Samantha Mason's fake-ass speech impediment once" "OOC: Letz Shake : Says the guy who gives himself superpowers every round" "OOC: Letz Shake : Only thing toxic in OOC is you, buddy" Which of course were not said one after the other. I understand discussing stuff that may be controversial, but there's no reason to be making jabs at other people while you're discussing that. There were of course, more people than you doing this, and that's why OOC was muted. I have no problem with people talking a lot, or turning the screen blue with OOC, talking about racism that's towards real people or tajaran, I don't care personally what you guys talk about, I don't really mind at all(As long as it's within the rules). But this wasn't a civil discourse on tajaran policies, most of you were just(again, not just you) prodding at eachother. And that's when it should be taken to the forums so that you're not sending messages back and forth calling each other weeaboos, and edgy, and salty turning it into one huge mess that quickly lost its purpose.
General Staff Complaint - Handling of OOC
Aqy replied to Frances's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
I'll refer to the things I saw in OOC as this conversation continued to go on. OOC: Letz Shake : It's just a product of someone trying to be edgy OOC: Nanotoxin : We can't ablosih racism cause Tytos exists OOC: Alberyk : muh edgy OOC: Ryan falco : Like the full tajaran emo security OOC: Ryan falco : Who brood in the bar about their tragic pasts OOC: CakeIsOssim : you'd get mauled for being racist because almost every xeno ever thinks it's acceptable to nearly kill someone just because they don't like what species they are OOC: Fritz_Kuhn : Fact is- tajaran players are not following lore. and those who are racist players are taking it too far. OOC: Letz Shake : Man I had a character get beaten to death for making fun of Samantha Mason's fake-ass speech impediment once OOC: Nanotoxin : A server full of weeaboos is gonna say it's ridiculous for Tajrans to accept other peoples culture as their own? OOC: Magnificent Melkior : Unathi are more laid back. They don't rub their uniqueness in your face like taj do OOC: Letz Shake : Says the guy who gives himself superpowers every round OOC: SierraKomodo : She's the one who started the whole thread/deal with Tajaran aggression OOC: Fritz_Kuhn : Here is my thing about the current lore leader. OOC: Letz Shake : Yes racism should be expected, and YES that means you shouldn't go walking around like you own the place OOC: Fritz_Kuhn : /where/ are they? OOC: Fritz_Kuhn : why are they in charge of lore when they are not on our server? /ever/ OOC: SierraKomodo : Sue was acting on second-hand information she received from a few vocal people when she popped on the forums but hadnt actually on on the server, so there is that. There /was/ an issue with a couple characters here and there, but that's been settled now OOC: ChrisCa : THE PROBLEM IS TALKING BOUT TOXIC THINGS IN OOC WHERE EVERYONE BUT THE ONES ARUGEING HAVE TO TURN IT OFF THEMSELVES OOC: Letz Shake : Only thing toxic in OOC is you, buddy OOC: Magnificent Melkior : Shake you said 'hurr no u' in response to my reason why unathi dont catch as much flack, and you're being salty AF. ((Edit: These are not continuous with one another, but picked out to show what I was reacting to.)) So yes, after seeing people repeatedly being passive aggressive and rude to each other. I am going to tell them to stop. This player base is not composed of children children, and they're not going to be treated as such and coddled, and talked to as if they're too sensitive to handle being told to stop. Just because my tone was not overtly friendly does not mean that I was inappropriately aggressive. My tone was not angry, nor did I use caps in an angry way. I used them for emphasis. My problem wasn't initially with this topic, but when it got down to what I've posted above, that's when it becomes an inappropriate thing for OOC. When it becomes less of a conversation, and more of "Let's see who can piss off who enough so that they stop talking," I'm going to step in. And yes, if people choose to insult characters, and each other over OOC they will be muted. Being told to stop and take it to the forums when something gets out of hand is not some attempt to silence you and never allow discussion again, it's keeping OOC civil. It clearly was not civil, and I stand by my decision. -
I'll ask a similar question here, that I've asked on Killerhurtz's application. Recently I've seen in LOOC that you say things that aren't exactly friendly such as something similar to "Well, there goes any chance of RP." And generally seeming to get rather frustrated. Is this something that you would attempt to change should you be a mod, is this behavior that you think a member of staff should be allowed to take part in?
Killerhurtz' Server Moderator application
Aqy replied to Killerhurtz's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
Recently, you were a ninja who was (unjustly) killed. And during this time you reacted in an extremely rash way in LOOC and ahelps. I'm curious as to how you would have handled your behavior if you were a mod, and if you thought that your reaction was becoming of a moderator or something that you'd want to see in staff behavior. -
I will continue to stand by what I said during the ahelps. You were asked to tone it down just a bit, no one told you to change your character and make it completely different, you decided to assume that that was what I was saying by your own volition. You may have talked to them in Skype, and resolved it, however that proves nothing when it comes to the fact that it had bothered them enough in the initial interaction that they felt the need to react the way they did. Nowhere did I say that you needed to make interaction for everyone fun, and I think that's one section of this that's getting confusing. However when it comes to the fact that people are being upset by something being blatantly ridiculous(Which remember, this -is- a heavy role play server, a certain amount of seriousness is to be expected.) staff steps in. We're not looking to make you change everything, delete the character, and quit the server. However, when there is an issue, it needs to be addressed. And the issue here being ridiculous role play, and offensive behavior, which mind you this -is- a job. Being blatantly racist and sexist is not going to fly for half a minute before you're fired. So it's incredibly unrealistic to believe that a sexist, racist, character that attacks people for having pasta would be hired at all, let alone be transferred to a secure research station. As for the Church of the Surprise Pizza Pack, just because someone else does something wrong and ridiculous does not mean that it makes it any less wrong for someone else to do the same thing, if they weren't caught and dealt with then shame on whoever didn't handle that. However, people being allowed to get away with breaking the rules in the past shouldn't, and currently has no effect on how future situations are handled.
HunterRS Head Of Staff Application.
Aqy replied to HunterRS's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application Denied. However, please don't let this discourage you from applying in the future. If you'd like to know the reasons behind this, please PM Aqy and TishinaStalker. It's recommended you contact us, and allow us to offer explanations and hopefully help you in learning from the reasons for this denial before putting in another application. -
Application approved. Glory to Aurora.
Glovesflared's Head of Staff Application
Aqy replied to glovesflared's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
TishinaStalker and myself would like to see more feedback on this application before we give a ruling. You can advertise your application in OOC on the server once per round. -
Hi_im_white's Head Of Staff Application
Aqy replied to Hi_im_white's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application Denied. However, please don't let this discourage you from applying in the future. If you'd like to know the reasons behind this, please PM both Aqy and TishinaStalker. It's recommended you contact us, and allow us to offer explanations and hopefully help you in learning from the reasons for this denial before putting in another application. -
Kaz Martell's Head of Staff Application
Aqy replied to KazMartell's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application Denied. However, please don't let this discourage you from applying in the future. If you'd like to know the reasons behind this, please PM both Aqy and TishinaStalker. It's recommended you contact us, and allow us to offer explanations and hopefully help you in learning from the reasons for this denial before putting in another application. -
Emily the Awsome's Head of Staff application
Aqy replied to EmilyTheAwesome's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application approved. Glory to Aurora. -
Application Denied. However, please don't let this discourage you from applying in the future. If you'd like to know the reasons behind this, please PM Aqy and TishinaStalker. It's recommended you contact us, and allow us to offer explanations and hopefully help you in learning from the reasons for this denial before putting in another application.
Jaden Kent's Head Application [Revised]
Aqy replied to Code2200's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application Approved. Glory to Aurora. -
Arkin100's Head of Staff Application
Aqy replied to Arkin100's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application Approved. Glory to Aurora. -
Application Denied. However, please don't let this discourage you from applying in the future. If you'd like to know the reasons behind this, please PM Aqy and TishinaStalker. It's recommended you contact us, and allow us to offer explanations and hopefully help you in learning from the reasons for this denial before putting in another application.
Application Approved. Glory to Aurora.
Richard_Lennox's Head of Staff Application
Aqy replied to FinalVerdict3's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application approved. Glory to Aurora. -
Application approved. Glory to Aurora.
Tishina and myself would like to see some feedback on this application before we make any decisions. You can post an application once a round in OOC to get some attention to it.
Lord Fowl's Head of Staff Whitelist
Aqy replied to LordFowl's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application approved. Glory to Aurora. -
Cobracoco007 Cmo Application V1
Aqy replied to cobracoco007's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Application approved. Glory to Aurora.