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About SatinsPristOTD

  • Birthday 04/11/1991

Personal Information

  • Interests
    Pretending I'm a human being, shell chassis modifications, motor oil, scratch that last one.
  • Occupation
    Resident Potato

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  • Byond CKey

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Research Director (27/37)

  1. I didn't interact with their character on a command level, but I did get to interact with this character as an off-duty member. It's a very well wrote character, and the player is a wonderful roleplayer. The round was commanded well on a whole. I don't see issue with their roleplay at all, and I think they can handle the Command role. +1
  2. This would work VERY well!!
  3. Testament to the err-- lack of good RP from David Smith in the last round I had with them. As a Consular, they simply asked about my Empire, and then started throwing... 5 year old's insults at me? "Your house is full of chickens!" being one of the dumber ones. They then came back to my Consular and used the mechanic vamps have that make you "like" them, just to try and get me in my office so they could drain my blood. Now, it's small, but the RP was absolutely not there. I was nice to them, as the mechanic states, but once they realized I wasn't going back to my office with them, they just went "uhh... gotta go" and ran off to security to kill 2 officers, and a first responder. And this sort of RP is pretty.. standard to see from this character. I got almost the same sort of lackluster RP and non-story-driven RP from the same character as my Psych. It's bottom of the barrel mRP, at best.
  4. The Tribunal Funeral for Coldsmith and Monday was a riot
  5. Medical is blue enough to be confused with it. What about gold? Not brown, like Ops. But a deep gold?
  6. It does. It's very similar. The problem is, we're running out of colors to use.
  7. You do not get to, in the same excuse, admit you have an issue with stalking me and write it off as "An inability to read a room" and then turn around and blame me for you stalking me because I play a Command role. This is unacceptable behavior. I, not anyone else in this community, are mandated to make sure you aren't taking things out of line. You should treat us with some respect and understand we're people too, not just-- things for you to use to RP with. That's my main issue. If you're not doing this to me, someone else will be next. And your excuse will, again, be the same thing. And again.. and again... No one is obligated to make sure you're keeping yourself in check. And for you to turn around and blame me for simply existing as a character is absolutely wild. No other antag player has this issue. I can't think of a single one that continuously some how antags me. Eloise's entire gimmick last time was to drive Cordia crazy by making her think she was losing her faith. Literally, the ENTIRE gimmick was that. *Edit:* I often play Cordia as Off-Duty, and still have had antag gimmicks done against me. So this whole "Don't play a command role" excuse is invalid.
  8. Yes, Dominians have some pretty intense lore, so when someone makes a character that actively goes against the lore and how it is... we're going to take action regarding it. Specifically speaking, a Fissie did this scenario to a Loyal Noble, one that's pretty well established with consulars and is known to turn in Dominians that act out of line. We don't directly target new Dominian players. If that were the case, all of my new Dominian characters (Which I'm not naming for the sheer sake of staying anonymous) would be under fire. Maybe this isn't a "All Dominian players metacommunication against my characters bad behavior" situation, but rather a "I play Dominian characters that go against the lore and expected Dominian culture"
  9. I'm going to say this, and I'm trying to be polite but.. I don't owe your character anything, especially after what they said/did to my character ICly. OOCly, I also don't have any obligations to full-fill RP that didn't get "done" in a previous round. I do have the right to report things ICly and OOCly, and Cordia isn't the character that would just go "Oh yeah, let's sit down for tea and you tell me why you caused this sort of stress on my behalf, Fishuri." It's a lot of pressure on me to do what you want me to do, instead of just letting me do what I want/need to do. Cordia is not a "Main character" nor is she a "community character" to use however you want to progress your own character arcs. In the end, she's my sole intellect property. As long as I stick within rules and lore, I get to say what she does and doesn't do. I really do not appreciate trying to be persuaded into doing something, and you going as far to claim my friends are meta communicating for doing something I'd absolutely have done too. Actions have consequences ICly. ICly, Cordia was going to file an IR, but I chose to do this player complaint instead because of the sheer amount of *dedication* you have.
  10. I'm afraid I don't, I'm so sorry, and the Discord bot is REALLY not working right to tell me
  11. BYOND Key: Ben Aflek is an OK Actor Game ID: MULTIPLE ROUNDS. Player Byond Key/Character name: Our Lord Spungus Staff involved: Evandorf said to make a player complaint Reason for complaint: I wasn't going to make a complaint until last round. (This is wrost at 8pm on the 20th of December) Spungus has a general.. obsession with my character Cordia. This started with Turing and the fiasco that happened with Inese and Turing ICly. I get the Turing drama. I felt it was way too much, and even Turings behavior cost Spungus their whitelist for IPC. So that does put some light on how stressful it was to deal with. It was so bad, I didn't want to play Cordia while Turing was on, as the harassment was becoming too much for me to handle. Spungus made a warden, Chiora, and that warden was Dominian. Antag gimmicks when Cordia was on round with Chiora always involved Cordia, or something surrounding her. They made a warden called Strelitz, and the same exact thing happens. All their antag gimmicks involve Cordia, or the same exact gimmick of having psionic powers. It never deviates from this pattern, at all. Once again, I stopped playing Cordia, as I got tired of literally always being their antag target. I know she has exploitable information, but I'm not the only one on Aurora. Other players should be involved too. They have been behind several gimmicks that directly target Dominians. It's fine, but when it's all they do... you start to realize this is some sort of meta. I recently did a Dominian Gift Exchange event (the day this is wrote) and some random Fishu character started going *insane* towards Cordia, after Cordia told them to behave better and stop being an "asshole" to the machinist over entertainment radio. They played chaotic, insane, crazy... they claimed Cordia was going to have them killed. Cordia was sending them back to the Empire to have him murdered. Cordia was going to send FOOTAGE of this back to the characters family as a warning. It was RP that was honestly very hard to put any sort of "belief" in to. This was an extended round. I felt like I was dealing with a full on antag gimmick... all targeted to me and Marielle. (The other Caladius on shift). Cordia found out this character had PTSD and was off their medication. I have a few issues with this, OOCly. Firstly, as someone with PTSD..the roleplay was almost offensive in how it was done. Secondly, the fact that the Horizon would hire someone with this severe of PTSD (and) they'd randomly go off their medication like this is very unbelievable. They would be a major liability, especially since the character is supposedly security. I found out at round end that this character that harassed me the entire round was... played by Spungus. Spungus then spent their /time/ in OOC talking about Cordia, and demanding we do a "closure" RP so "Cordia understands". I ignored them. They continued. I asked them to please leave me alone. They also took major offense to their actions having consequences. A Fishu would absolutely not get away with doing what they did to a dedicated, loyal Imperial noble. I feel great stress about this level of meta behavior/targetting/harassment. I really just want to be left alone. If I'm part of an antag gimmick, that's fine, but constantly harassing me is driving me nuts. OOCly, this feels like some sort of meta action. I can't explain it any other way. Cordia and that Fishu had NO prior interactions at all. None. I've never seen the character before! Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? I ahelped asking, but as this is a lot of rounds combined, it had to be a complaint on the forums. Approximate Date/Time: 20/12/2023 8pm
    This was an AWESOME event. Map? Very well done Planning/Coordinating? 10/10 Fun? Absolutely Thank you so much for it!
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  12. Once again, I was in staff before and NEVER did this sort of thing. It's blaming me for doing something I might do (but have absolutely no history in doing at all). It's just slander at this point.
  13. I have made two since being back, one is directly about you and is still being looked at. The other I accepted the answer for and was pretty amicable in the entire time. I haven't been here "over the past year." i've been back since November. I'm not sure who you're referring, but it really isn't me.
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