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Everything posted by Kerbal22

  1. Now, sorry about my previous post. But, the question begs. Why do you people care anymore. The Apartment server is no longer of Aurora's concern. It is now completely separated from Aurora. There is no more affiliation. You act as if there's something you should get for it having been related to Aurora at one point. There is nothing. This thread is downright moot now. It means nothing. The complaints should be taken up privately. You are now complaining about another server on the forums, which if i remember is frowned upon in this community. EDIT: You have no authority on it anymore either, not that the administration had any in the first place, but any attempts to try and assume such will be met with gratuitous laughter from me and many other people. Please don't even try for the sake of your egos. Now i'm sorry if it managed to hurt some of the delicate egos here, but please, do understand that we've got no desire to be part of Aurora anymore. We've seen the bad and want no part of it anymore, and there is no salvaging the situation considering everything's starting to come out of the woodwork for Aurora. *tips fedora* You've lost my favor.
  2. 10/10 approved. +1
  3. Depression is different for different people. For me... Depression is an ally and an enemy. It is a darkness that is all encompassing, and painful. You can not leave the darkness. You can not move. You can only struggle inside your own mind. The light is so close, but the darkness won't let you. In time, Stockholm syndrome sets in. As people drift away because you become more and more withdrawn, the darkness becomes less of an enemy, and more of a friend. The only one beside you. And suddenly, you're not bound by the darkness anymore, but it's still there. Even in the light, it lingers and walks beside you, always coming at you in bad times. Depression is bipolar. One moment the darkness is your ally, the next, it is your enemy. I have struggled with the darkness for so long that i can't be released from my binds. I am reaching the apex of a journey that began six years ago. I am miserable everyday because i am lonely. I see no attachment to this life. I have no reason to stay other than the fact that my mother is still recovering from the death of my father. No, i am not going to commit suicide, but there is simply little to nothing here for me. I don't feel any emotions. Nothing. It's all just blank. Happiness, sadness..joy and despair. All acting. The only thing i feel is misery and hopelessness. No pain. Just darkness. Cherish the pain, it lets you know you're still alive.
  4. Right, this is still all a bit new to me but considering the evidence that has been brought to light and the reactions. I am going to tentatively, VERY TENTATIVELY +1 this. Why? Because the thing you people must keep in mind is that we are all humans behind the screen. We are all people with emotions, grudges, lives and loves. I know this myself. I have kept grudges for no reason other than out of spite. I have been angry like plahunter has. I would have acted the same way were i not more mature. This being said - I believe that humans are intrinsically good and capable of change, call me foolish and wrong, but i changed. I became a mature individual out of a spiteful piece of shit that i was. I will admit i act biased and do things in anger - recent events considered, but still. I give this a tentative +1 and genuinely hope that Plahunter improves.
  5. Right, i have decided to stick around for a while, maybe shit'll turn for the best.
  6. It's not the same, Delta. More than meets the eye.
  7. Seeing as recent events and turns in the community have ruined Aurora from what it once was, i'm leaving. I came here because i sought a productive environment for good RP. That lasted a good few months. I have had good and bad times here. But the fact is the community is going right the way of Baystation. It is becoming toxic and bloated with those who seek to always have their way and ruin it for everyone else. I'm disappointed to say that i am let down by the recent turn of events. I had higher hopes for Aurora. To all those who i have interacted and had a good time with, goodbye. It's been nice. I hope i have made some memories and helped people have a good time, but unfortunately that's just not happening anymore with the state of the community and how things are. I can't change it because the rot is too deep.
  8. "Concordia detecting gunfire inside of Red Winter...possible coup in progress. Deploying marines. Doors on the outer hull of Concordia slowly roll open to reveal multiple shuttles, each glistening with weaponry and armor. They soon undock, carrying a payload of eight Hegemony SpecOps forces.
  9. LOGIN -> WinterStorm PASSWORD -> *************** ACCESS -> Sapper NET ACCESS GRANTED WELCOME
  10. AKA, the best RTS of recent times. Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance is the continuation of Supreme Commander. It takes place after the events of the Infinite War, a conflict spanning one thousand years. The ultimate victor of the Infinite War, the United Earth Federation, won by firing a planet-buster called Black Sun. However, Black Sun also weakened the fabric of space and time and allowed a alien race, called the Seraphim, to invade our galaxy. They were joined by fanatics from the Aeon Illuminate, and formed the Order of the Illuminate. Soon the Seraphim had all three factions on the run, the UEF, Cybrans, and Aeon. Why are the Aeon fighting? Rebels, that's why. The three united into the Coalition, to destroy the Seraphim threat. It is only done by launching a direct attack on Earth where a Quantum Arch is located, and destroyed ultimately by you. Now, let's see just how awesome this game is! Example A. The UEF Tier 3 Armored Assault Bot, nicknamed the Percival. A platoon of these bad-ass motherfuckers can downright ruin any commanders day! You see THIS motherfucker? That motherfucker will tear a commander a structurally superfluous new behind! But, as the saying goes "To solve a problem, use gun. If that don't work, use more gun!' A platoon of Percivals can see that lard-ass motherfucker shown above, crying to it's mother! And then fuck it's mother!
  11. It doesn't matter the quality of your mic, only that the voice is understandable.
  12. What it says on the tin, i'm working on a short film for StarMade, particular a bit of lore i came up with. I have some things planned out, but the major issue is the lack of voice actors for various people.
  13. Mod list pls.
  14. Just a point i have to make here... You are on a space station. in SPACE. Bullets break windows. Windows keep air in. Just to make it clear, You are in space.
  15. "Railguns? Outdated. Plasma weaponry is much more effective than radiological shells. But no, i have no intentions of harming you. Speaking of harm, battlegroup will be emerging in t minus three hours. They're...quite slow for being in warp."
  16. Vouching. That pic is Not Safe For Work. At all.
  17. "Target lost...disengaging. IFF signal confirmed, Acetes, Captain Zephyr left notice of your actions." "BB-HSV-01 Concordia standing by. The energy signature from Concordia's guns slowly abates as heat, venting from hidden vents along the sides of the main guns. "Urgent. FTL wake sensors detecting a battlegroup incoming. FTL wake unknown. Not consistent with bioships. Possible alien contact. First contact package ready. All hands to Condition one. The Concordia's shields flare into resistance, her torpedo and missile tubes opening aswell as all her guns activating, every turret extending and assembling into their forms, and they surge with power, lighting up Concordia like a Christmas tree. "Red Winter unresponsive...assuming lost."
  18. Contemplate your dreams of going to clown school.
  19. Sounds perfect, and it's in line with the backstory.
  20. Say no and then turn around and walking into the door repeatedly, never opening it.
  21. Pictured: Dominika Kuznetsov and her wire...art?
  22. BYOND Key: Kerbal22 Character name: Dominika Kuznetsov Item name: Ushanka Why is your character carrying said item to work? Dominika wears it as a remembrance from her childhood, and because it is one of the few items she has from her home. Item function(s): It's a hat. What more could you ask for? Item description: A comfy fur ushanka, with a small red star embroidered on the front of it. Item appearance: Just the normal ushanka item. Additional comments: This should be simple enough.
  23. +1 fucking trees. On the other hand, Ej is very good at roleplay and i'm confident he/she/it will play them just fine.
  24. The missiles are laser-guided, and all hit, detonating with bright flashes of explosive power against all the probes. Ship controlling probes located...aligning primary weapons.. The Concordia aligns it's main rail-guns with the asteroid, and even inside of said asteroid, Thanix can detect massive amounts of power building up along the main rails.
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