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Everything posted by Crescentise
"Garnascus agreed with Frances, this is not healthy for a trial mod." - Apparently Viking sees Frances as, like, heroin that can talk. Or Satan. Watch out, Garn. "Frances makes you rethink your opinion and that is bad." - No. Clearly, the real Satan here is thinking twice about your own opinion. Damn all people persuaded of different points of view in the past! WITCHCRAFT!!(!) Thundy wasn't demanding anything, but suddenly CAPS DON'T DEMAND ANYTHING OMGGG, just because she bothered to press Viking a bit more. I don't get it. Is he just lazy? No wonder he hates Frances, I can agree she is a rather tenacious debater. I've just skimmed this complaint, but from the byond messenger convo alone I'm ready to agree with Frances. But nobody listen to me - I'm suffering from agreeing-with-Frances-itis
"Garnascus agreed with Frances, this is not healthy for a trial mod." - Apparently Viking sees Frances as, like, heroin that can talk. Or Satan. Watch out, Garn. "Frances makes you rethink your opinion and that is bad." - No. Clearly, the real Satan here is thinking twice about your own opinion. Damn all people persuaded of different points of view in the past! WITCHCRAFT!!(!) Thundy wasn't demanding anything, but suddenly CAPS DON'T DEMAND ANYTHING OMGGG, just because she bothered to press Viking a bit more. I don't get it. Is he just lazy? No wonder he hates Frances, I can agree she is a rather tenacious debater. I've just skimmed this complaint, but from the byond messenger convo alone I'm ready to agree with Frances. But nobody listen to me - I'm suffering from agreeing-with-Frances-itis
It's only useless because you can't muster up a civil, rational rebuttal.
It's only useless because you can't muster up a civil, rational rebuttal.
I did in my informative, yet sadly deleted, post.
Doomberg and I just attempted to yell reasonably at each other over Skype. I am looking forward to an official announcement about our new, fetish-friendly-as-long-as-they-don't-break-rules stance.
Doom. It REALLY feels like you misunderstand on purpose to be all heroic and protect your favourite people. But you just end up antagonising others through this attitude. U mad cos I insulted ur frends? Well stand back, you've just insulted mine. Do you really think of Enkas so poorly that you would actually think that he's attempting constructive criticism in his post just now (I assume you don't, but if you do, ignore this post by all means). Pro tip: he's not. He's frustrated that OTHER criticisms in the past have been dismissed. He's not even naming names with these half baked insults. But it seems not even expressing any sort of negative emotion is allowed on forums anymore. Again, it's not my fault the targets of the criticism are huge pussies. You 'will not allow anyone to be publicly shamed out of' brainless, reputation-damaging (that of your precious server), fetish-driven roleplay? Then get used to disgusted, excluded newcomers and veterans alike.
Because random criticism == aggressively confronting and insulting people, eh Doom? My big binned post didn't actively insult anyone. I even accompanied most criticisms with advice. If anyone was offended by the mere mention of their name alongside factual recall of what they did or do, it's their problem. Maybe if they don't want to be offended by their own actions in the future, they'll, you know, actually bother to consider why what they're doing might be criticism worthy.
Well, yeah. Harassment is characteristically repetitive. Openly disparaging popular, yet extremely flawed, characters over a long period of time is social suicide as far as aurora is concerned. There IS no harassment, or homophobia. Just straw men and butthurt, horny people constructing them.
I'm on my phone, so I can't talk at length here, but I must say this. What Skull just said is perfectly indicative of why deleting my post was bad. Ignorance abounds.
Staff Complaint: XanderDox, Attached Posts
Crescentise replied to a topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Yep. As did everything alluding to it. Watch out, your post might be next. Nothing is safe from The Ministry of Truth. -
The possessive context is that the tentacles have a use (as Russians might have a dog; the Russians' dog), and there needs to be no 'action' other than the ownership. The case is genitive, not dative. You wouldn't say 'The Russians only dog is brown". You would say 'The Russians' only dog is brown". Hence "The tentacles only other real use is X" is wrong, and should be "The tentacles' only other real use is X". A clarification, perhaps. The use described here can be paraphrased as a function. A function of the tentacles is to help incubate shit. Yes? Also Gollee is correct about tentacles vs. tendrils.
Hi. I, um, replaced your The List topic. Sorry about that. You don't have to put any effort into that anymore, at least, yay...! I obsess over words. Boka's misspelling of soldier made me think of people chucking melted solder at each other. I once accidentally burned someone with a soldering gun, whoops. I like Skrell. I've been zealously pushing for a greater playerbase of squishies. There are new mechanics coming for them, courtesy of Skull - colour telepathy, fear fluid that actually does stuff, and bioluminescence. Read more about that here! I also like helping out with names, flavour text, and backstories. I like a lot of stuff, actually! Some of these things include languages, maths, music, afflictions, and art. My earnest gets me into trouble, sometimes. You should tell us about you, also.
Xelnagahunter's Head of Staff Application
Crescentise replied to Xelnagahunter's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've only interacted briefly with Vel Carin. He is one of those regular assistant types, and stuck out to me because he was simultaneously grey-suited and perfectly literate, as well as actively seeking to learn and assist. From this little experience I would certainly agree that you can hold your own with arpee. I have noticed and appreciated that, like Vel, you've been trying hard to learn things and participate in the community; I think it makes you deserve the whitelist more than the average Joe who just wants to play head. Even if for some reason you go wrong, I have a feeling you would acknowledge the problem and try to learn from it rather than arguing tooth and nail about it. c: -
Whoops, I meant possession, not plurality. Both p words, my bad. The sentiment was still clear, I hope. Second round of proof-reading to come.
OH BOY IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE. Constructive edits will continue to come. I'm so hyped for this I have to post a placeholder. Feel free to edit my posts and strike out what's been changed. I suppose I'll only point out what is most jarring to me. Anything that can be handwaved as inferior style I won't mention, because there's a lot of that. 1) Adhomai. Not Ahdomai. Tajara page - "Additional information: Ahdomai" Adhomai page - "Ahdomai (major planet designation 1345 Adhomai)" as well as the page's title. 2) General quality of writing on the Skrell page. "Skrellian skin looks gelatinous but in fact has a second layer of a less translucent flesh under the surface, their skin secretes a slightly sticky mucus when frightened or in a dangerous situation, similar to the humans adrenal boost, only it helps sooth the Skrell and prepare for death, rather than attempting to fight or flee, this does not however mean Skrell will not fight, but it does mean they can be at peace if they choose not to, this is likely a leftover function from the Skrell’s many years of being prey on their home planet, the mucus itself is dangerous to ingest, even in small quantities, meaning if a group of ancient Skrell were caught by a predator, the first to be eaten, would ensure the others survival, or at least give them a chance; however it is not deadly and only causes nausea and digestive issues that wear off a few hours after ingestion," - this is an entire run-on sentence with numerous grammatical mistakes underlined. "Jargon IV(Qerrbalak)" - no space between IV and the bracket. "instead need to wear Skrell Hardsuits helmets" - needless capitalisation, unclear plurality. "helmets (found in EVA) their head tails also make" - run-on sentence. "However Skrell can wear normal Hardsuits" - needless capitalisation, needs a comma after 'However'. "Due to their herbivore nature"/" the source of their amphibian nature"/"Due to their herbivorous nature"/"Due to the nature of their digestive system" - jarring repetition. "call a nose is infact" - 'infact' is not a word. "Earth born Salamander" - needless capitalisation, could do with a hyphen between 'Earth' and 'born'. "the Skrell bare tentacles. These tentacles have no real muscle tissue in them and cannot be controlled, instead they hang down over a Skrell’s shoulders and tend to keep the area between the neck and tentacle damp for the incubating of eggs, Nanotrasen discourages this practice aboard it’s vessels however, and says that any Skrell eggs should be kept in a bucket of water." - run-on sentence with numerous grammatical mistakes underlined. "The tentacles only other real use" - needs an apostrophe after 'tentacles' to indicate plurality. "chains, plates anything that can be used" - needs a comma after plates. "Due to a lack of sexual organs the Skrell do not procreate as many other species do, and instead the eggs are laid by the female and fertilized by the male, the females can lay anywhere between 5-50 eggs and this has caused the Skrell to seek out other planets with similar features to their homeworld Jargon IV(Qerrbalak), as warm and humid environments are the habitats Skrell eggs are best raised in." - run-on sentence. "The Skrell brain was not compatible with Nanotrasen neural devices as soon as Skrell started to work aboard Nanotrasen installations, and instead Nanotrasen started a project that took five years to complete, editing their Neural tech to fit almost all brain types, although the project set Nanotrasen back nearly Five billion credits for research and production, the Nanotrasen investors saw it fit to edit the devices to allow the Skrell, who were at this point far more advanced than they were, access to their neural interfaces." - run-on sentence yadda yadda. "meaning that English cannot" - clarification needed. Just English? What about Tau Ceti Basic and Sol Common and stuff? Do people even speak 'English' anymore? "often(but not always)" - space needed between 'often' and bracket. Man, this sure would be easier if I was loredev. c;
Could be worse. Could have misread it as 'Down with coloured penis'... which I totally didn't misread it as. >_>
The kikikikikiki was in the chicken suit, trying to be a Real Birb... as if it matters. x_x
The only ss13 dream I've ever had was a... special one. Samantha Mason. Dancing salsa. With a Vox. In a chicken suit.
Time to make a big post about life, the universe, and everything. And by that, I mean characters. I personally subscribe a bit more to the Jakers method than the Meowy method. I feel like I can't go in game without knowing at least something. A 'gimmick', if you will. Like the ones shared (or intended to be shared) in this thread. Gimmicks are not inherently bad - they become bad if they're the only thing that defines your character. And also if certain gimmicks recur in many of your characters. We have several players around who have the latter problem, and one of them posted in this thread for my convenience!~ This is all well and good and interesting, mate, but the only character of yours that anyone cares about (being a bit mean and overgeneralising here, but I hope you can take it/understand what I mean without me having to sugarcoat it) is Vittorio. This is because not only does he have a defined race and ethnicity, you've got this very detailed political ideology that you manifest through him. And contrary to popular belief, he doesn't hate all xenos ever. I know that from interacting with him. See? Lots of facets, and more that I haven't described here. Good job with that guy. Lodewikus, however? He's like... Afrikaaner... and also does something political, I guess? Maybe? Who knows? My point is that he's also of some obscure ethnicity and he also does something political. Because of this people may view him as just another version of Vittorio. Because it doesn't appear that you've made an effort to really separate them. You have a 'Baguette Captain' too, or something. Hell, even this nickname you've labelled him with illustrates the problem. He's a French guy, as noted from his fancy name. And what else? Think on what I've said if you have a desire to be more diverse or if you want to generally improve your character roster or roleplaying ability. All gimmicks are equal. Some are more equal than others. Literary quotes aside, I mean you can judge gimmicks on their merit. Observe: 1) Young teenage Unathi with braces? Cool, by all means explore dental maintenance among Unathi. But the moment I see the lisp - NO. Bad. Ignorant. Braces don't automatically give someone a lisp. Haven't you ever met a person with braces? And people are probably sick of lisps by now because that's the way some Skrell players have interpreted the 'slur'. 2) Please no more of these. As described above, there have been so many characters that have this as their only gimmick. It's irritating. 3) Interesting, I know of one character whose gimmick this is. However, it's not so common - and neither are psychs in general - so we can afford to have a few more of these running around. 4) Similar to what I said above, I think that if you have nothing to your character other than their nationality, then don't even bother. However if you can add it to a character who has a few other things going on - mad props to you! I'm an idea-generating machine - it's why I whore myself out to other people for character-related matters - but yes, I don't like creating a character unless I have at least a few things to them. Like, very recently I was thinking stuff. I want to create someone on the autism spectrum. I want to create a Swede. I want to create a paranormal enthusiast. I want to create a cargo worker. Then I thought - why not all of those in one person??? If it's not completely implausible, combine ideas. An autistic Swede who works in cargo and has an intense, obsessive interest in occult and paranormal things. See? Instant interesting. And then comes the matter of actually playing them! Again, I don't like creating a character with gimmicks unless I extensively research anything I might not know about. Like Direwolf's "Korean" accent the other day - NO. Horrible. Incorrect. I'm a general enthusiast of afflictions and cultures and general stuff so this comes easy to me, but clearly not to some others. More advice/preaching on how I do my thing! I take a lot of real-life inspiration from things. I've been in a nuthouse, I know what real schizophrenia looks like. My only Tajaran character to date is entirely based off my own mother and her experiences - I later found out that creating the character and getting the whitelist was cathartic for me, and didn't end up playing her for other reasons. I guess I might just have... really high standards, or something. Perhaps my approach can be summed up as "you can make it interesting if you put enough effort into researching it". And "you will annoy the shit out of learned people if you're wilfully ignorant". Another example? Using "anorexic" as a physical descriptor. Ew. Don't. Especially if you don't make them have the illness. I should stop, this is getting long. This concludes Volume One of Character Musings by Cres. Volume Two will probably bring actually ideas to the table beyond those in my experience!
OneWingedMajora's Unathi Whitelist App
Crescentise replied to Majora's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've been following this thread for a while. It took a while before I was satisfied with an answer, but this chunk here is what I approve of. We have a ton of typical brutish lizard men but very few typical downtrodden lizard women. As long as you make your time at Aurora all about this - exploring relatively untouched avenues of arpee - rather than being "that one person who joined to be Attimus' bitch", I'd be super happy to see you around. -
Bumpity bump. Perhaps Sammac would know?
Player Complaint: Callum99877 and Draculabot
Crescentise replied to A Vision of Sound's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
The progression of this thread went from efficient to beyond dumb. 1) Original post. 2) Note from staff, about staff. 3) Targets of complaint respond. 4) Not resolved at this stage, okay, fine. 5) Assorted shit-flinging. 6) Assorted shit-flinging dies down. 7) A billion posts saying "guys stop shit-flinging!!1". 8) As with 7), but from a staff member. Can this, maybe, get relevant staff intervention now? Please? Your cue, Tish.