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Everything posted by Crescentise

  1. BYOND key: Crescentise. Character names: Luna Fountain, Vitaly Zheleznikov, Aryss Wolfe, Loreili Ih-Na, Kiki Ran-Ayyah, Anatholy Tup-Ferras, Deidreth Kaas, Neil Khatchadourian. Help; number of characters approaching critical values! How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Since about December 2014. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I told myself I wouldn't apply for head in a million years – or at least I'd completed certain goals I'd set myself. However, time passed. I became better at dealing with stress, trained myself up in several departments, and made a small dent in the community. I think I'm ready to try out RD, at the very least. Why did you come to Aurora?: I started off in Apollo. Took a break. Returned to see it a barren wasteland. Remembered the Apollo-Aurora split. Went to Aurora. Tried it out, stayed for the HRP and familiar faces. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: The definition of roleplay is in the name. Playing a role. In the context of ss13, your role is the character you create. You are to immerse yourself in the character and be as they would, through speech, emotes and actions. While playing them you are to keep in mind their past, their goals, their personality, and more. Roleplay should be about making a high-quality fictional person, and showing their character by interacting with others. That last bit is important. Roleplaying with yourself, while valid, is not so appropriate on the server. You should be doing your best to involve others. Hence high-level roleplay would also involve attempts at creating persistent storylets and in-character relations with others. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: A Head with a fully-staffed department tends to delegation, and coordinating its department for a compromise of roleplay and efficiency. However, they will fill necessary holes in the department too, e.g. a CMO making vital chemicals when there is no Chemist aboard. They will apply themselves to fix problems relating to their department and staff, and assume a role of authority for the rest of the crew should they be the only Head of Staff. They are also responsible for personnel safety. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Whitelistees set an example for others with good roleplay and both IC and OOC behaviour. They are more prominent people aboard and so commit to a duty to represent the server to their best ability. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Loreili “Lola” Ih-Na. Character age: 79. Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): She was, plainly, the best among six Na spawn. One pronounced himself Dienabi, and began a self-imposed pilgrimage to Diona space, never to be seen again. Another was too afraid to leave Eriuyish, thereby stagnating in his home city, alone. Two became faceless soldiers for the Skrellian Confederation. The last? Even Loreili herself didn't bother staying in contact with her. Not after that sister failed her first year of university. She was, therefore, the favourite of Necheril Sel-Na. The Chosen One to work on his brainchild with him as father and daughter. Hyper-regenerative implants that would go on to cost forty thousand credits apiece – after Loreili had worked on them, of course. All his bluster and self-importance, yet he never would have made it without her. After most of the hard work was done, she abandoned what she now saw as a solved puzzle. She was, subsequently, searching for further intellectual stimulants. Loreili chanced upon a WetSkrell advertisement, and became driven to understand this alien, unfathomable concept of sexuality. Many body modifications and dance sessions later, she became Lola. SEE ME AFTER CLASS, her image winked, artfully draped in a labcoat and nothing else. THE SEXY SCIENTIST - PULL DOWN HER GENES! She was, eventually, looking for stable employment. Flighty curiosities would not pay for pinkroot and satin sheets, and there was only so much she could wrangle out of the implants' profits. Lola finally recorded a response to that message from NanoTrasen about a potential contract. Now well-versed in human interfacing, shall we say, her long period of silence was wilfully forgotten by higher-ups. She was, now, a Research Director. No mystery would escape Lola now. What do you like about this character?: She is extremely open-minded. She is Skrellian. She is intelligent and knowledgeable – things I strive to be. She is a WetSkrell – something of interest that makes her not just a boring scientist after all! She always has an interesting tale to tell. What do you dislike about this character?: She is fickle, switching her focus and interest easily whether it's a person or an area of study. She lacks a true sense of loyalty to anything except herself. She is, at times, overconfident. She is, at heart, intellectually callous with high standards. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: She acknowledges ethics and procedure while being in no way a slave to them. She treats subordinates with respect. She has decades of experience within the area she will be leading. She uses every method she has at her disposal for research - this means she will be inclined towards interdepartmental cooperation. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: S'okay. The opinion of others matters more, hence endorsements. Extra notes: I'd like to ask some things. 1) Are RDs expected to leave Lamarr alone? 2) What knowledge do RDs have about antags and so on? 3) What else is there that I should know about RDs that is specific to Aurora?
  2. This thread was requested to be locked by OP on page four.
  3. What powers Nova Concordia? Is it their own Singulo, perhaps? Or a supermatter? Or something else?
  4. More like #VoteJasonSanders, amirite?
  5. Instead of making this thread, you should've just gone and made another sandwich.
  6. It keeps happening. Person A criticises Person B for doing something they don't like. Person B goes "Oh yeah? Well here's all this likeable stuff that I do!" and completely ignores what they're being criticised for. It happened with Xander. Someone was all: Xander, I don't like how your characters are all the same. Xander responded by making a thread trying to prove how brave and cool and likeable they were, while ending up highlighting some very prominent similarities between them, i.e. the original problem. It's happening here. Rech, Inverted knows you're good at being a psych. That's not the issue. Address the intrusive lesbianism surrounding Baranova. I myself recall her involved in a literal SSL (Suicidal Space Lesbian) incident...
  7. BYOND Key: Crescentise. Character name: Vitaly Zheleznikov. Item name: Framed Photograph of a Lady. Why is your character carrying said item to work? Vitaly's fraternal twin sister, Olga Zheleznikova, has been officially missing for four years. His placement upon the Aurora allows him to meet with many different people. The more people he shows, the more statistically likely that someone will recognise her, yes? After all, he's out for revenge so worried. He wants to find her as soon as possible before the statute of limitations of The BP-71 Incident runs out to ease his own heart. Item function(s): None. Show Held Item and Examine are all that's needed for this item to have the desired effect. Item description: A wooden-framed photograph depicting a somewhat striking young lady in a mostly-side-profile view. She is pallid and elegant-featured, with long espresso-coloured hair. A large hunk of it appears to be arranged to cover the eye that is out of view. Raw, red skin can barely be glimpsed underneath. The doe-like uncovered eye is looking down, as if the weight of her own eyelids is too much to bear. Item appearance: A fine wooden-framed picture of a female. The perspective looks pretty much from the side, but will be described with slight three-quarter view for added detail. The frame-holder-upper should poke out from one side so it doesn't just look like a rectangle when placed on a table. The female, in spessman terms, looks like this. I decided on the side sprite as it looks less awkward in the head-shoulder cropping. And the cropping should be a neat little vertical rectangle, with a grey station-wall type background. Additional comments: My first custom item app! Enkas has very generously said he'll have a go at spriting it. Anyone else want to try? And he's done it! Thank muchly. <3
  8. A ferret would be cute.
  9. I did say traditionally domesticated. I know you can domesticate many things, like a tiger, even. Doesn't make it traditional. But then that's a silly argument that I put forward. I have to say I would prefer a parrot for the 'more Captain-y' reason, though the name reference is completely lost on me. Plain old Polly would work as a name as well.
  10. I completely understand this feel. For what it's worth, many people here disagree with you on how good a roleplayer you are.
  11. Incoming killjoy. This just seems pointless; another useless animal on station to serve only as a magnet for animal cruelty. And why a fox, of all things? They're not traditionally domesticated animals. If we were going with department pets, I'd want some exotic xenofauna sprited, personally. Otherwise, I am perfectly happy with the current animal quota on station, thank you very much.
  12. Cassie's characters are highly varied, developed, and a joy to interact with or observe. From the co-dependent Dendritic to the insufferable loveable rich-bitch Elizabeth, all of them are testament to her high skill with arpee. I haven't seen much of Chawcer yet, but I have faith in Cassie's ability to make her a competent, well-known character and head of staff. She also has good knowledge of corporate regulations and all that jazz. I completely trust Cassie with a position of power.
  13. I'd totally support Amonizine if Jakers promised to play Esh-Ka more. He'd get mad respect - or should do - if he was the engineer of a widely used chemical in the department. It's nice to have 'celebrity' characters like that.
  14. Aryss Wolfe... … practised ballet as a child. … had to retake her first year of university. … speaks lower-class Martian slang with a posh, Russian-tinged accent. … works in the security department to feel safe. … lost her right eye to chemical burns and prosthetic rejection. … is trying to become the lie that she's living.
  15. Crescentise


    Look here! Mechanics are being implemented. First comes the colour telepathy discussed in this thread, then hyperzine fear-fluid, then bioluminescence. Look forward to it, 'cause it's going to be sweet!~
  16. They see me rollin'...~
  17. Another system to match players with their characters, but new and improved! This is why: How quickly it initially updates depends on the players who want their characters listed, not how busy/attentive OP is. All original formatting is conserved, because the players post themselves and don't rely on another party's conversion. Players don't have to worry about cluttering up a single post with their descriptions. Players don't have to worry about asking for further updates if their list changes at all. Here is how it works: Everyone (except me, kukuku) is allowed one post in which to list their characters. You can write as much or as little as you want, pictures, colours, formatting; all up to you. You can edit your post an infinite number of times, and whenever you want. For maximum limelight, put a link to your post in this thread in your signature. To hyperlink a word: [url=PasteLinkHere]word[/url] To get the link to your post in this thread, click the Re: The List 2.0 at the top of your post. Your link in the navigation bar at the top should change, and go to your post instantly when followed. Hope this thread fulfills its purpose!~
  18. I've both observed and interacted with Eshka. I can't help but compare his mode of speech to Mass Effect's Mordin, and I don't know whether or not that's a good thing. He's competent, arpees genetic research (so rare hohmygod), and is a Skrell, so is overall cool in my book. You should prolly play him more, though, and shove your way into peoples' chair arpee (the struggle Skrell players face is that nobody wants to arpee with them for some reason, and everyone refers to them as 'The Skrell'). His whole turnabout-of-thought philosophy is something that could be super interesting if explored with someone's personal problems or what have you.
  19. This is one of the most intimate and 'real' backstories I've ever read. This isn't just a spaceman background, it's a background which many many many people go through in real life. People don't usually use such stories for their characters, though, because it's not glamorous enough. Fie! Anyway. An actually old head of staff, the 'future self' of the dashing young upstarts we're full to the brim with, would be a wonderful breath of fresh air. I have no doubt that Hackie could pull it off - he has quite the talent for playing flawed, grizzled old men. His answers on this application are serious and in depth, I don't particularly remember many bad decisions made by his characters in the past. Put it this way: Hackie deserves this whitelist way more than several individuals who have one already.
  20. Oh gawd, er, well, I'd argue that's still a bit too bright. Definitely needs some brown overtones there, like the spiny frills. Jackboot has the final say as the Lord of Unathi, tho. This is mine, for reference (we even both have spines, twinsies~!):
  21. I REALLY like this idea.
  22. The similarity of this character's backstory to mine, down to the mother-was-an-artist and the colour of their scales, is certainly a mighty coincidence! I would just ask that the yellow not be banana-yellow, as Hycinth said. My Unathi is a sort of 'darkish gold' and I think that's the most vibrant you can go with that colour archetype for lizards. You really did your research into Aurora's lizardlore, which is commendable. The recommendation is also that you hop around in intern positions to find out what you like. Otherwise, I would support this application on the basis of 'twinsies'!. +1
  23. This whole thread is a very good because objects pooping out of nowhere kills my immershuns. However, Jamini has a fair point. I do like his alternative, as long as the menu was easy to use and well-designed (R&D needs this too, hohmygod).
  24. I haven't interacted so much with either players' characters, however, the drama their relations spread ICly is unsavoury. In my opinion, the quality of arpee went from 'somewhat interesting sour grapes' to something completely immersion-breaking in its nature. Due to the insane amount of disagreement and noise involved, I don't see this being resolved ICly even if it is an IC issue. I mean, I would commend Draculabot for making Rebecca have that epiphany in the library recently, but even that's not significant/relevant enough with regards to this problem. Therefore, I would really implore you guys to talk it over. If you don't reach an agreement and end up continuing with this debacle, please consider making characters of entirely new origin (Callum, that means nobody related to the Scotts in the slightest) and focus on them, as Enkas suggested. Many people do this even if there's nothing wrong with their other characters - it's just objectively good to have variety, you know? I would go so far as to say nobody on the station wants to hear about this anymore. That's how far it's gone. I believe you're both capable of rising above all of this. You can do it! etc. c:
  25. Where exactly do you see the many many people who oppose Sue on this application? I don't see them anywhere. If any exist, they certainly haven't posted yet. You'd better not be referring to nanotoxin and Loow. What I believe they were trying to get across was that there are undeniably issues between some players and the way Sue does things with Ana. They are not naysayers, if you were directing any comments about such at them. And what they were trying to say was relevant, believe it or not. Whitelist applications are not just about how good an arpee-er you are, they are also about your general-in character behaviour (arpee != character behaviour). This is perfectly exemplified by Sleepy's recent Taj whitelist app, and how it was stripped from them after a string of incidents involving their behaviour. You see, this could be very badly taken were this a security IPC with Sue's track record. If you disagree with her methodology, this translates to 'It will never arpee and will solely hunt and eliminate antags instead'. To find out whether or not there is a risk of happening with this character, I just discussed with Sue some details that might help any potential naysayers (read: people who want to say no but have not posted yet, and not nanotoxin/Loow) to be more open-minded with regards to this application. That is, this particular character will not be security - it will be a Janitor or Engineer - and that it is not smart enough to doggedly chase people with batons in service to security, nor will it participate in any hypothetical brogineering milita vs. the world riots. In fact, it's going to be a mechanical zombie of sorts doing what it's told. Now that I've clarified all of that. Sue is capable of good writing, as demonstrated by this well-written application and her Taj lore. With all the clarifications I've managed to wrench out into the open, I endorse this application.
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