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Everything posted by Crescentise

  1. I'll be honest. The fact that you did this on a serious application boggles my mind. Especially since it resulted in all of those 'uguu~ frances you're sho mature and young, +9000' comments. I can only ask... why??? I wasn't one of the people who 'spoke against' you. Keeping this in mind, though, I still personally had some kind of ehhhh intuitive feeling against your modship. I couldn't articulate it well enough, or at all, so I kept it to myself. Despite all of that, however, I've had lots of time to observe you, your conduct, your contributions. And from what I saw, I can say I think you'd fit what you applied for very well. You're a human who strives for fairness and justice and generally keeps their cool. That's all anyone could really ask for in a mod. Sorry for this really backhanded endorsement. I didn't really know how else to say all of this. But I hope that the fact that it's an endorsement nonetheless still makes you happy. You're one of the best candidates for a mod out of the recent applicants, and I mean that wholeheartedly. I would also encourage everyone to be a bit more understanding of stuff like this. Whoever was in charge of this application most likely isn't a shitler, but shit does happen. Frances did good to bring it up again and outline her concerns. Hopefully she will receive an apology and more attention on the application (that isn't 'uguu~ the most perfekt 14 year old ever'). This post was weird. Huh. I can't word today.
  2. You go, girl. We'll accept you no matter what.
  3. I know you're a strikingly on-point member of the lore team, Xander, but hold your horses about accepting this, won't you? While the quality of the Taj drawings are lovely, they are factually misleading - due to no side view nor shading being present - and possibly inaccurate with regards to feet. I'm not sure what your edit accomplished, Catti. First you had their feet be paw-like with claws, then you changed them to look more humanoid, without claws. If this was a response to Jamini saying Taj feet are digitigrade, that's not what digitigrade means. And the feet you depicted look - from the lack of side view or shading present - plantigrade. In my opinion, there needs to be at least either a side view or shading present before this can even be considered to be accepted. Also, an official statement on what Taj and Uneth feet actually are.
  4. Maybe that's one of the reasons nobody likes playing it.
  5. Crescentise


    Cool, we have any controversy relating to IPCs out of the way.
  6. For the love of Nar'Sie, can we forget about lizards and cats for a moment and focus on the Skrell who don't even have a single unique mechanic yet.
  7. Crescentise


    I like this quite a lot, and the hardsuit-related nerf is highly appropriate. An advantage of this would be most likely increasing peoples' desire to play Skrell, because of this cool and potentially OP mechanic (though I personally don't mind the potential OP-ness at all as it's high time the race had a facet like that, just like Tool said about Dionae being damage tanks that don't need into anything). Think about it. It would become even more OP/effective the more Skrell there are. So if this gets implemented - y'all better start playing Skrell. I find this a little more questionable. If this were to be implemented you would need to think carefully about the race-wide implications and acknowledge them on the wiki. Among their own, there would be very little culture related to the spoken (out loud) word. Also, if their equivalent of vocal chords is so specialised and fancy that they can speak like that, would it still allow for them to attempt to articulate sounds in a human-like way for the language of humans? I'm not familiar with this system, but if it's something that can benefit both Skrell and Unathi, then I approve very much. A mechanisation of differences in diet. Very nice. However, I would personally put it fairly low priority relative to other unique Skrell mechanic ideas, as we've gotten by fine with arpee until this point. One issue, as Frances kind of sort of pointed out in my thread before I asked for it to be locked, is that Skrell are innately not attractive. As a playable race, their appearance... hence I'd like to quote my suggestion from that other thread. It both adds a slight advantageous gameplay mechanic for Skrell, and makes them look a bit more magical/mystical/otherworldly/pretty. Look up bioluminescence on google images if you disagree.
  8. Crescentise


    I get this is kind of hypocritical by me posting this, but. You did it. You did it again. You ignored my ideas and made a separate thread to push your own. I'm so ready to just pack up and stop creating things all together, roleplay on this server included. What's even the point? I don't care how pathetic it is to say this - consider my feelings and desire to make a difference to the server majorly wounded. Edit: I get emotional about Skrell and ignorance. Sorry.
  9. Ever heard of going the extra mile, Jackboot? You have a race that is suffering in every way. Lore-wise, playerbase, mechanics. As the head of the lore team, I can't possibly fathom why you'd let it continue to do so, and not do everything you can to alleviate it. So please dispense with your 'computer says no' attitude and do the following: 1) Listen to my idea. 2) Understand and outline the pros and cons, discuss with lore-team. 3) If possible, see what non-lore-team people think. 4) Make a decision whether or not the lore team approves of the idea. 5) Make an official request to the devs and present it along side all the info and opinions you've gathered. It's really that simple. Why is a lowly commoner having to remind you how to work your own domain of expertise?
  10. Deep down, Frances, I do know this. You are correct. This is something intrinsic about the race that can't be changed. Therefore, I want to make up for it by giving them a few extra mechanics and a more clarified and liberal yet relatively sciencey and realistic lore (particularly on that of speech). Tool. You are worried about their similarity for humans. Is it any wonder? They have no unique mechanics, unlike every other race. Nobody seems to even be looking into inventing some, which is practically a personal slight to me. In case you haven't guessed: I CARE ABOUT SKRELL AND KINDA THINK I HAVE GOOD IDEAS ABOUT THEM. Please help me help you! Like, look, I came up with this thing! Please don't discount it like you did before like 'hey I'm responsible for ALL the stuff on the wiki rn, look at all this OTHER stuff I'm gonna add'; no. The stuff you've brought up could be brilliant, it could be crappy, but all I know is that it is entirely irrelevant in debating whether or not my ideas are good or should be implemented. Said thing is a unique mechanic idea, based on this article. If we pseudoscience it up a bit, basically we can say that special photoreceptors in Skrell skin give them some kind of vision bonus. For example, even if they have their eyes removed, they can still see everything, but in that ss13 white haze sort of way. I mean, hell, I'm an idea-generating machine. I, among others, think bioluminescence looks fucking cool. What about them being slightly bioluminescent? Always emanating a PDA-style or slightly higher light beam? Maybe even the light would depend on what colour they are? Either one of these seems a totally viable unique mechanic option to me. And why not both? And what's the harm in making speech synthesisers the norm? I already explained the benefits. So why didn't any lore-person acknowledge it? Why is this thread getting so derailed? Also, is a really novel idea for increasing Skrell numbers. Could we focus on discussing that and the above, please, instead of lore team in-fighting?
  11. Isn't this a bit slippery slopey? Like, I completely understand the concern. But hasn't Aurora as a whole been trying to be more open-minded with this sort of stuff recently, in order to combat the many complaints of roleplay being too heavily regulated? I feel like allowing this and seeing where it goes could be a nice first step into that. /two_cents
  12. I was wondering a little about why people don't play Skrell that much. Anecdotally, I came to the conclusion that Skrellian slurring plays a part in this. My very long explanation and thoughts on why is hidden in the spoiler tag. I have attempted to think of some solutions, and I've only really thought of three. 1) Making one standard of Skrell pronounciation and vehemently enforcing it upon everyone who doesn't attempt to make their Skrell speak as such. Bad? Bad. Would reduce the players who want to play the race even more. 2) Removing all the dissimilarities between Skrell facial structure and human facial structure so they talk completely normally. Also not that good, as in my opinion it's a pretty interesting thing about the race that makes them alien beyond anthro appearances. 3) Making it a thing that pretty much all Skrell talk through special voice synthesisers when speaking human languages. I like this option, and the main aim of this thread is to ask for it to be canonised and implemented in the lore. For one, it provides an extra thing to expand on in the wiki. Secondly, it adds to their apparently emotionless exterior by making the voice of Steven Hawking machines emanate from their squishy organic bodies. Third of all, it would add to their air of supreme technology, showing that it's no trouble for them to get around this communication issue race-wide (that instrinsically gets in the way, might I add – there can be no efficient collaboration on technical research between human and Skrell without perfect clarity of communication on every detail). This post is a hybrid of a Lore Question and a Lore Canonisation Application. Sorry for that. If you lovely people could tolerate that in favour of discussing the ideas outlined in it, I would appreciate it very much. I would like to hear feedback from the lore team on the implementation of Solution 3, as well as the general opinion of everyone who wishes to comment on the various points that I brought up.
  13. I personally like the socks, but I can see why Skull would disapprove. I like everything else too! Although, how would the jeans (and indeed the socks) even work if we have no separate leg slot? If we had socks I could see attaching them to shoes like an accessory. But jeans? How? Sorry for my dumb questions in advance. I hope I'm not missing something basic.
  14. Name: Qrrlin Wesh. Age: 239. Gender: Male. Race: Skrell. Title: President of Acquisitions/General Counsel/Chief Legal Officer. You can use whichever suits your purpose at the time. For clarification, the last two are synonyms and the first is his specialisation. Brief Bio: To the untrained eye, Qrrlin Wesh is not imposing. He barely reaches five feet tall, with skin that's the ghostly blue-white of holograms. He also happens to be a contributing mastermind behind the 'super' in NanoTrasen's identity as a supercorporation. Since the advent of plasma, he has been responsible for ensuring the continual rapid growth of the company through acquisitions and mergers. His motto - “A merger of equals? Fie!” - sounds particularly intimidating when spoken through his high-tech voice synthesiser. As the General Counsel, he identifies and oversees dealings with any legal issues in all departments of NanoTrasen, and their interrelation. He has lived a long life, a legendary lawyer and dabbler in internal affairs, and his mortality is the subject of many a corrupt executive's private phone call. As such, he is known among the Directors' Board for his caution, thoroughness, and trusting friendship with the Chief Security Officer. EDIT: Age!
  15. Ohhhh! Pardon me, then! -1 for Paladin, that's... a little too far.
  16. NO POOL. NO. POOL. EDIT: Ways to make it up to me for the lack of pool: 1) A holo-pool. And I don't just mean a block of water covering the entire deck. It has to have pool tile edges, at least. --kinda planned 2) A scream noise when characters scream. The ones on other servers are fittingly disturbing. Maybe it will promote pain and fear arpee. --This isn't to do with the map 3) Speech bubbles when players are typing, like on other servers. Very useful for a multitude of reasons. --This isn't to do with the map and was pondered, but people who use the command bar to type it would not work for 4) Overeye Long hairstyle. Like on other servers. ;_; --This isn't to do with the map
  17. Yes, if you incorporate everything that Jackboot has considered, I would very much like to see this character around. +1
  18. I love the art, and the banter, but... sorry for being dumb. I don't... 'get' it? Can somebody explain?
  19. Requesting staff - or someone else, not sure how polls work - to put up polls for both adding ninja to secret and removing wizard from secret. Whether or not the majority vote will be implemented is another story, but in my opinion it would be useful in order to gain an accurate feel for what forum-goers think. I personally want wizard out of secret rotation, and have no opinion about ninja. Also: 'calm down', from experience, is a useless statement that only serves to rile up the target. Particularly if the person was calm to begin with. Please don't do it.
  20. I haven't interacted with Robert Hoffman, but I know for a fact that you're a brilliant roleplayer and person; dat arpee experience tho. It'd be nice to see another face with the CMO rank. +1
  21. This looks like a superb application! Nice picture, too. The only respectful, polite Unathi regular Aurora had died a canon death of old age recently. Here's to hoping you can fill that much-craved niche, while adding your own original twist. What's he going to work? Cargo? I'm excited to see your character around!~ +1
  22. 1) Please name the admins that said that. 2) The cult didn't kill you, though. You were observing from the start. And doing your anti-antag spiel in deadchat. And calling crew transfers on the dot as soon as you could. 3) When I ahelped this issue, I was met with... josh, I think? A trialmod saying they were very stressed about handling the round and if I could just wait a little. At some point they indicated that you had been 'talked to', so there must be some kind of 'admin' that recalls this. 4) I am doing what I can to recover the logs from that round. It was the cult round of 25th April, around 5am-ish English time. 5) The blood writing literally said 'Roy Wyatt is summoning' and 'Atmospherics'. And you wrote it again even after Luna Tsuki the janitor wiped it away.
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