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The AI core no longer gets a requests console or a newscaster which leaves the AI a little less informed on things, even if they are extremely niche and minor, I like reading out newscaster stuff as the AI
I made an entire game system spanning many many years of refinement first using rimworld as a framework to tell mechanical events, to other games like cogmind. I stopped using these systems in favor of one master system; my fucking giga brain The best thing I can tell you is that my character, World Crawler, is beloved by many for the games I let people roleplay out Do you know the secret to world crawler? Its just improv, I made up a bunch of rules that sound cool and make the game really simple to run in my head, and thats it. How do medical supplies work? I thought it'd be cool if players didnt have to scrounge for specific supplies, they instead get medical charges, these charges can be expended to heal 1 damage severity (Minor/Moderate/Serious/Severe/Critical). OR you can use medical charges to specify a medicinal item, and what it does, and I'll determine how much that costs based on how useful it is The key of the game is to make t he game FUN, I fudge roll, I fuck things up all the time, I forget, but in the end the game was really fun for my players, thats all that matters, world crawler stories arent intended to span hundreds of hours, they span like 2 or 6 at most. What im saying is that, if you want to make a game to run the aurora setting in, make one up based on your favorite rules from other tabletop games, come up with a couple scenarios in your head, then advertise these scenarios with a general guideline on where they start, and where you want them to go and end, don't railroad or make the game overly complex I actually made an AURORA BASED SCENARIO for world crawler, it was called "TCFL Robot Revolution" where you were a mech pilot trying to keep your dysfunctional mech from fully going kaput while deep in enemy positronic territory, tearing off enemy limbs to use as your own, and so on TL;DR: When you run it
1. You don't, aurora downright has mechanics to stop players from making throwaway characters or obfuscate their characters name when joining as an antagonist, and that's not in scope for this suggestion. The issue isn't with the player playing the same antag on the same slot multiple times, its with the players who recognize this pattern and then purposely seek to ruin, metagame, or put that player under a microscope when he joins. If the player is a good vampire player, this is like reading a draft for a movie script which gets better as they slowly refine their craft, try new gimmicks, test abilities, and so on 2. How I think it would work is that when the gamemode is rolled the game will check for things in this order; (People who have the antagonist setting on > People who have the antagonist switchslot setting on, also with that setting on > Alert theres not enough, and try again for another gamemode), though this is more how I think the code might inevitably work rather than intending the code to work this way. In your example, if everybody is purposely selecting mercenary, but someone has switchslot on for vampire, the vampire is ALERTED to the fact they have switchslot on when readying up specifically so they dont accidentally play something they don't want to, so that player would want to play vampire, and if it rolls vampire before it rolls mercenary, and theres enough vampires, then its a vampire round. Why I think it should work this way is that the game shouldn't be biased and skip over switchslot people, that player probably has a reason for wanting to play that antagonist, and thats the antagonist the game choose at random first, better luck next time mercs. 3. It could have a preference for the slot your currently playing and its antagonists preferences when searching for an antagonist, if not enough players meet the antagonist requirements, then it searches for players with switchslot enabled to fill the remaining open antag slots for the gamemode, if theres still not enough, then the game checks for another gamemode. The "Preference for the slot your currently playing" would only really account for multi-antagonist gamemodes, like veilparty (CULT+VAMP) or Tower defence (PIRATE+MERC). Your alerted to the fact that you might be drafted for vampire due to having "John Vampire" with switchslot enabled, so you cant complain when the game rolls vampire and your readied up for mercenary on your current slot 4. No, this would be for roundstart only 5. It goes by the occupation settings of the slot is pulling from, if John has no occupation settings, then he cant join, and therefor the game skips over that slot, if the occupation is full, same thing, the slot is skipped, also if the player is banned from that slot or the slot has CCIA action or what have you.
Heres the setup; Sometimes, certain antagonists don't jive well with the slot you want to play at that moment, but maybe you have an idea for that antagonist, and just don't think that round will have them Now heres the idea; Add a button to the character menu that; if set to on, will change your slot to that character and give you the antagonist roles that character has, with the occupation you set, IF the antagonist is available and not already taken. Let me explain a bit better Lets say you have a human character called John, you want to play john as a vampire, and you WOULD play john if there was a large chance that he'd be a vampire, but at the moment, you don't want to play John because theres no guaranteed chance he'll be a vampire when you ready up, and your just not in the mood to play his character. You flick this "Antagonist switchslot" button on for this character. Now lets say you have another character you want to play right now, this is X**Q)b(*#mPL the skrell, a research director, you want to play X**Q)b(*#mPL right now, but you don't have any antagonist preferences set for them since you don't have any good ideas for how to go about antagonizing the crew on THIS character, but you do on John. Now, lets propose that the round is just about to begin, everybody is readied up, and the game choses vampire, but nobody on their current slots is valid for this position, However, One of your slots, John, has switchslot enabled, so the game switches your character to John instead of your skrell when the round begins, spawns you in as whatever johns occupation is, and lets you be a vampire, now you get re-invigorated to play that character, because now you have the role you wanted without having to take the risk of joining as a character you won't enjoy playing at the moment without said role Obviously this would need some kind of ALERT in chat that one of your slots has "Switchslot" enabled so you dont accidentally play a role you dont want, as well as things like catching the system so during multi-antagonist gamemodes like veil party, you don't accidentally eat up two+ slots, play a character thats impossible for the role, like traitor AI, and preventing this system from working if you've deleted a character.
After reading through alot of the things presented in I have to say that maybe I had misread the room and the environment, I'm still coming down from disease induced aggression that I got over about 6 hours ago and was needlessly upset by what is pretty normal considering what is written in the complaint above. From the little I was paying attention to the round when I saw these comments I thought that the unathi in question was doing a fairly good job, saw people complaining about it and believed people were nitpicking on antagonists again, I went back to writing another post on the forums in off-topic and didnt witness any of the aforementioned bad things in this report. I stewed on these feelings until I collected evidence and made this player complaint which now feels unjustified and wrong now that I'm examining it a few hours later with a more level head and more information. I'd like to remove this complaint, as I personally dont feel that Susan did anything wrong anymore, and it was more my warped perception and lack of information that lead to me making this
My complaint is that I didn't appreciate how nitpicky you were, and your comment about "Good I wish nobody played antag" made me believe that you were cherry picking all the bad parts about the antagonist to stirr up deadchat into seeing these flaws while not mentioning anything good about them. I thought comments about "limb aiming meta" and "adrenaline sac ling.mp4" felt somewhat toxic, as if the player was doing wrong by using these People should also not be discouraged from using the game and its systems when the reasoning for them is valid, such as aiming for exposed or unprotected legs when trying to slow someone down No. I am just tired of seeing some players nitpicking antagonists for any perceived slight in their behavior when I'm observing, as this completely demoralizes me to try my hand playing an antagonist and entertain the round, because I'll always be thinking that there's a group of players hyper fixated on me, analyzing and critiquing everything I do. Yes I'm aware, its just in this specific instance I was under the impression that you were pointing out the flaws in the persons playstyle specifically because they were an antagonist, and not because they were actually being a bad one. I'm aware this is pretty common place, I wish it wasnt though.
---------CONTEXT------- Ok listen this is going to be a long one, but it needs some context, if you don't want to read for a while no-one is making you read this (I hope?) So in this robot game, you have many things, engines, legs, modules for the legs, your robotic organs like your brain, and program chips for your brain which are rare and powerful, but you only have limited slots, and so on, but one thing that I thought was lacking complexity was how hacking worked see; Before this, hacking, in my head, worked like a binary off and on, either you hacked the person, or you didnt, and if you did, you could mess with things like distort their hud, stop them from being able to lock on, forcefully disconnect their modules and so on, but I felt this wasnt complex enough and didnt have much of a personable touch as many other systems, like customizing your own mech down to its many many details. After getting covid recently, I was hit with a sudden inspiration and enough material to flesh out the idea. For context, mechs have a size class, 0 is under human sized, 1 is human sized or above, 2 is vehicle sized or above, 3 is mech sized or above, and 4 is building sized. Your class determines many things, including how dangerous the weapons you wield can be (As you cant equip class 4 weapons if your class 1) as well as your health (obviously), but also the complexity and strength of things like your hacking resistance, but also your hacking strength. Now onto the idea -------THE IDEA-------- On the hackers side, you can customize your hack and how bad it could possibly be. Hacks act like biological diseases, going through stages, as the machine builds up "immunity" to it (decodes it and finds a way to stop it). You can assign symptoms, vulnerabilities, how many stages, as well as its resistance to immunity buildup. Assigning more symptoms means that your hack will progress exponentially slower the more you have. You can assign as much of all this as you want if you can afford it, but certain symptoms have caps on how dangerous they can get. Symptoms get more dangerous the earlier they appear in the hack, each "stage" of the hack increases all current symptoms danger + adds a new symptom (if theres one that would appear). So for example; If you were to start a hack and it gets to stage 3, (Symptom 1 would be at a power of 3 and appears first) (Symptom 2 would be at a power of 2, and appears at stage 2) (Symptom 3 would be at a power of 1 and appears at stage 3). Symptoms dont do anything if the stage hasnt revealed them with some exceptions, like stealth modifiers to the hack. Now lets look at some examples of symptoms, and other mechanics *CPU Degradation Lowers the players framerate, graphics, resolution which gets progressively worse with each stage, eventually making function virtually impossible by stage 6, where its effects stop *Information Encryption (Stage1: All hud elements and menus have 1 letter per stage changed to "X", EG: HEAXX(Health)) (Stage2: Numerical values, such as the number of bullets, parts, repair kits you have is locked to "XX", you dont know how many you have anymore) (Stage3: Bar indicators, such as for your integrity, heat, or your hack immunity are glitchy and unpredictable) (Stage4: Hud elements are censored) (Stage5: Menus are blurred) (Stage6: Audio is glitchy and unpredictable) (Stage7: Video is glitchy and unpredictable) *Overheat (Stage 1: Makes the machines engine produce more heat, getting worse with each stage, infinitely.) (Stage 2: Makes movement produce more heat, getting worse with each stage, diminishing returns, but infinite) (Stage 3: Reduces heat dissipation, getting worse with each stage, until heat dissipation is 0) Now lets talk about mechanics, including what you can do if your being hacked in this game that doesn't actually exist. You can assign vulnerabilities to your hack, this makes them weaker, but gives you more points to add to making it, such as increasing the number of stages, adding more symptoms, or adding modifiers. Some modifiers/vulnerabilities are things like making the hack appear as if its coming from a lower class mech, has less stages than it actually does, or makes the hack able to be instantly removed by checking through certain menus in the players mech, like the inventory. -Symptoms cost less the lower down you put them on the stage, you can have a hack that does nothing for multiple stages yes, having a symptom appear on stage 3 will cost less than stage 1 -Vulnerabilities become active depending on which stage they appear for example, adding a vulnerability that makes your virus weaker at the last stage will give you 10% the points, while putting it at the first will give you 200% more points. -Stealth modifiers are removed and alerted/revealed on the stage they are placed, eg; adding a stealth modifier on stage 6, that makes the hack only appear to have 4 stages, will update the affected player once it reaches stage 6 Adding another symptom decreases the speed of which your hack progresses additively, which means that mechs with better immunity generation may be able to beat it before reaching later symptoms. Class 4 mechs have more points to use when creating hacks than class 1 mechs, obviously, though they both pool from the same abilities. "Well that's great and all, but what can I do as the person being hacked? Do I just die?" No actually, you can edit your mechs settings to generate more heat in order to overclock your immunity, but if that doesnt work, you can enter "Safe mode" where your mech becomes inactive, all systems stop working, and immunity generation is increased by 25%, while stage progression rate is decreased by 90%. This is for emergencies where a hack is causing fatal damage to your mech or its systems and you need it to be removed now, and you dont care about the consequences. Also, certain program cartridges can make hacking a non issue, but you must remember that program cartridges are rare, and you can only have a couple of them at the time, they are often so good its hard to choose which ones you want. Some program cartridges make it so that you simply cant be hacked at all, regardless of class difference. ------ "Why did you make this" I unno, food for thought, pick it up and play around with it in your tabletop game, or something if you want. I asked a few people if I should make another one and some people said they liked to hear my weird, random ideas that are trapped in my mind "Tl;dr" You were warned
BYOND Key: Colfer Game ID: cr3-dehb Player Byond Key: SueTheCake Staff involved: None Reason for complaint: Somewhat toxic anti-antag talk in deadchat from SueTheCake. People literally just antagging and getting put under a microscope for every small infraction or thing that they do is the reason why when 30 people are ready, the game cant find antags 8 times in a row, Aurora has this foreboding feeling of not wanting people to be an antag and I personally don't tolerate people adding to that negative environment. Players should be appreciated for their stories, and shouldn't be nitpicked just because they want to play an antagonist that attacks other characters. For context; a unathi changeling was actually doing a pretty good job roleplaying as a changeling, roleplaying before escalating, and generally being a good antagonist as far as I could see, he was being pretty spooky and this is GOOD, this shouldn't be punished by having a hidden cabal calling out everything that the player does. Limb aiming is a viable strategy because people wear body armor, the main complaint about "Powergaming" is the fact that the unathi was using adrenal sacks which allowed him to use unathi sprint speed forever in order to get away. ------------ Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? No, the round was about to end by the time I noticed it and I didn't want to make an ahelp that would delay the round. Approximate Date/Time: 4:50PM, January 31st ---------------- (Important to note: Not all the players depicted in these screenshots are at fault, these are evidence against SueTheCake) > I said "Oh my god, Shut up about powergaming." "Let a man antag for once." "You people are the reason nobody wants to antag." (This is because there were more than just Sue, but sue is who I perceive the main person adding to this.)
This suggestion was completed already and can be archived, matriarch drones are now unwhitelisted
The Idea---- tabletop/turnbased systems only. Instead of going unconscious/prone at 0 hp, allow players to remain conscious. Deathsaves now deal damage based on your constitution, less if your con is low, more if its high, this means that failing a death save will generally be devastating to all characters but not overly punishing to characters that only have 20 or less hitpoints. When at a base level of constitution (I've never played DND before so lets assume this is 30 hp), you will lose/gain 5hp for failing/succeeding a death saving throw. Crits will double the damage/healing, you continue rolling death saving throws until you die or you go above 0hp. Taking damage will make you fail your next death saving throw, rather than failing one automatically like before. "Why is the damage so low?" you might ask, well let me address that with this next section Playing dead is now actually important, if you are above 0HP, it requires a successful deception check. If you are BELOW 0hp, it requires no check and succeeds automatically. While playing dead, creatures will consider you the same state as being dead and all the same rules that used to apply to it, such as deathsaves auto failing when taking damage and being crit if in melee range, creatures will not suspect you will get back up, but they may still finish you off regardless. While playing dead, you CANNOT take any actions, all actions are done being convincingly unconscious, all you can do is get back up and keep fighting, if you do, enemies will keep attacking you even if you go down again until your completely dead, treated as getting up from prone. Enemies can potentially do this as well if the party didnt make sure that giant dragon is actually dead, or throwing out red herrings to make people roll perception checks to see if an enemy actually died or just took a dive during the fight This makes death far more forgiving and encourages players to willingly give up in a fight rather than continue fighting until they are completely unconscious, because now continuing a fight means theres a high chance you'll straight up die, and allows people to spar more effectively, since 1 crit fail doesnt mean they are going to coinflip after getting stabbed by a great sword for 59 of 60 health, and then punched in the nose for one damage which was the real fatal blow. This also can make revives less common and more rare, and encourage players being taken by opponents and potentially given a second chance to fail before they die by escaping a camp or prison together, or be rescued by their teammates if they were left alone. "Why did you make this" I unno, food for thought, pick it up and modify it for your own game if you want. "If you cant stabilize until reaching 0hp, how do spells like spare the dying or actions like stabilize work?" Simple, they act as a critical success, or you can rule that they bring you back to 0hp, whichever you prefer. I prefer the former, as not everybody can survive being nearly bisected just because they got premium medical attention on scene "Tl;dr" If your health is 0 you can choose to play dead and you dont go unconscious, deathsaves hurt/heal you instead of kill you, enemies don't like when you get back up especially when magic healed
I hate grabs and its system because as I've been told its broken on purpose to not make it too powerful but this is terrible. I've been a golem ordered to grab a changeling spider form and kill it, and when grabbing and upgrading to aggressive IMMEDIATELY, it still allows 6 tiles of movement before it kicks in and stops the spider from moving, and at that point, the grab also checks for range, and breaks the grab! This is an awful system! What this encourages is beating the living hell out of someone until they are twitching and unmoving on the ground before you can do any grabs on them, and for antagonists this is bad because you cant grab someone to start a roleplay, and beating the shit out of someone before roleplay is discouraged. If I grab someone after typing out how I pick them up by their shirt, 9/10 times they'll panic and step away before reading the emote, which is the mechanical equivalent of doing "/dodges", yet this is treated as an okay system and it should remain as broken and useless as it is because it'd be too powerful if it was working as intended, the system IS very powerful if it was working correctly but, nerfs exist don't they? Just look at AI I could go on about how throat slicing shouldn't require a neck grab because why do I have to get someone in a choke hold to cut their throat or making it so it doesn't drop items out of the opponents hand on aggressive grip, or making ranged weapons have randomized firing angles when grabbed, but this isnt really a suggestion as much as it is just upset venting about a system If theres anything to take away from this: PSA, don't use grabs to disable your opponent, always make a stunprod and handcuffs or batter their legs/feet until they cant walk you'll find infinitely more success doing that. Do note, I haven't USED this system personally in the last year or so, but from what I've OBSERVED none of this has changed, people are still fully able to just walk out of grabs and run away without any issue, and grabs still leave the AGGRESSOR at a disadvantage which encourages click until horizontal
BYOND Key: Colfer Discord Username: Co.lf-er (OR) colfer Character Name: System Control Computer Item Name: (if you are applying for multiple items, it should be made into a list with the description, name and appearance together): Custom Hologram Sprite Item Function(s): N/A, hologram, Aesthetics? Item Description: It is a directional hologram, with sprites for all directions, the face in the center changes to a sad face when looking up, an exclamation mark when looking left, and a question mark when looking right. It also has various spinning icons at the sides. Why is your character bringing this item to work?: Because they were programmed with this appearance, this is was initally for my AI: Anoxie-v8.04, however I have stopped playing them, I've instead started playing a new AI that serves the same function; System Control Computer. How did your character obtain this item?: They were programmed to have their hologram take this appearance. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: It tells the story of an AI that is not personable enough to have a body, but does have a face, a manifestation of their presence on the ship. They are not designed to have an humanoid interface for holograms. Sprites: Holo-colfer.dmi Additional Comments: Based off my request with a few reference pictures, but namely this one. (Spoilers for 2016, PASSANGER)
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accepted Farofafeijao - COMMAND WHITELIST
Colfer replied to Farofafeijao's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Given what I've seen of their character (Jorge-Josias Barca) over the course of round ID: (crD-cGk9) as a diona nymph, I think they are a good fit for command, they care about the corporates image as well as the mental and physical health of members of their team, but still uphold the law and get things done in a summary fashion with no dawdling, quickly raising code levels and getting weapons where needed without spending 5 minutes delegating if they should or not. I have not necessarily played long enough to recognize their character names or their actions of previous rounds, but from this one event I think they have a good heart for it. (Though to be fair, My mind kind of clears out everything when the rounds done so I don't remember much of anybody) +1 -
Yes, I am contradicting myself, because one of the roles is so vastly different from the other command roles that it cannot be considered a command role, I've tried for a very long time to get the whitelist removed from the server config to no effect. I've been told numerous times that I should just make a command application, this is that command application. This is not an application with a consular character or liaison, this is for a matriarch drone OR a research director IPC named Trajectory if necessary I fully intend to prove my competency with Trajectory.
Matriarch drone is a command role, by definition, I very eagerly want to play command.
BYOND key: Colfer Discord Username: Co.lf-er (or) colfer (I don't know which one works best) Character names: [System Control Computer] [Ka'Viax'Zoin C'thur] [king (department) robot (REX-598)] [maintenance drone (REX-993)] How long have you been playing on Aurora? More than 2 years at this point Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Yes, I did on 2020-09-09, It was serious, but reduced in severity after added context, it resulted in a warning after being reviewed I believe, but at the time it was a temporary ban Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame? I think heads of staff serve as a role model, a point of reference or as a guide to those who seek knowledge in the head's respective area. A head of staff's duty is to serve as an exceptional member of the community through the actions of their chosen character, as well as a point of interest for administrators or antagonists of the round, to either add spice, play along with gimmicks, or otherwise serve the round in a positive way in order to add and expand to the story as much as they can at the time. Ontop of that, it is their duty to try and help players who seek their help in understanding and more easily grasping complicated parts of their department. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? I believe the OOC responsibilities of the whitelisted player to other players is to provide meaningful and helpful experiences, however subtle or overt they choose to provide them, as well as to somewhat ensure that the round in progress goes smoothly, by coordinating and helping keep other players calm in times of pressure or hardship, or teach newer players an easy learning experience to the complicated mechanics or functions of whatever department that the head of staff is accustomed and knowledgeable in. I would strive to uphold my spot as a command whitelist holder by doing my due diligence as a matriarch drone to show people that despite drones being devoid of character, you can still roleplay as them by doing important maintenance around the ship, inspecting wires, fixing APC's, cleaning under floor tiles, and washing windows Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon. While I could provide a long paragraph detailing the intricacies of my matriarch drone and their background, I feel like that would be dishonest because I would just be making stuff up for the sake of it, as matriarch drones are defined by their lack of character and background, being a simple role to jump into and out of. If it is absolutely necessary, I will describe a backstory for a character I have in mind whos sole purpose is to be a vessel for me to gain access to a command whitelist, and nothing more. Trajectory is an IPC created by nanotrasen to operate a nanotrasen shuttle service. They became inquisitive of the world due to their constant travel and seek to understand it, leading to their education in science before the phoron crisis. During the phoron crisis, the shuttle they were using had to be grounded due to the expensive engine it utilized not being worth keeping it in service. Nanotrasen, seeking alternatives decided to allow Trajectory to have a new job working as a nanotrasen scientist, rather than leaving them employed as a shuttle operator for a new ship. This eventually resulted in a natural affinity with research due to their predictive algorithms ment for operating new shuttlecraft, and an appreciation for exploring new stars. They specialize in anomaly research and xenoarcheology. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Matriarch drone and only that If this isnt a satisfactory answer, then I will play a research director, The bishop IPC called Trajectory, but I will only do so in order to prove my competency, or get denied trying. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes, I'm familiar with it, I've re-read it a few times for this application Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: Trajectory (Research Director) Matriarch Drone (T-REX) Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? I'm acutely aware. Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums? It says I did. Extra notes: I'm re-making this application because my previous application was denied because the administrative team wasn't confident allowing a person to have the command whitelist who has no desire to play a command role, just so they can play a matriarch drone. This denial was because a PR was made to remove the whitelist https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/13974 However, 606 days later, the whitelist is still in place in the server configs, I still want to play a matriarch drone, and I still do not want to play command. I still do not believe matriarch drone should be a fully fledged command role, I'm making this command application as a means to an end, the end being my ability to play matriarch drone
I use "Toggle-Camera-Light" to flash to antags and let them know I'm watching so they don't be surprised when I make a notification about them killing someone while I'm sitting there watching. This suggestion is to allow the AI to color the lights when using Toggle-Camera-Lights, as well as make the camera that's emitting it turn the color of said light. This does nothing bad but allows the AI to flicker colored lights. I personally would use this to make the light slightly red, making it obvious when I flicker the lights as a flashing red sphere appears around whatever camera I'm currently using. I don't like to click on nearby light tubes to get peoples attention, because some people think its just the lights flickering, and not the AI flickering the lights purposely to get their attention.
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My viax is sprinting on an almost constant basis and their thirst and hunger is a near constant concern for them as running out of water means they cant sprint, therefor cant do their job as effectively as before. Hunger and thirst is one way I roleplay, sometimes I will stop in the middle of the hallway and emote drinking mop water infront of medical and watch the doctors stare agast as they ask me "That has to be unsanitary" where I then reply, "No, I added industrial cleaners to it, so its sterile" to which they stare in horror I would be deprived of these interactions if I wasn't given an indicator as to how thirsty or hungry my character was, as sometimes I just zone out when playing and don't give much thought to anything I do (just like a real viax) I think that these mechanics are good indicators that your character is experiencing some fatigue and to go and relax. HOWEVER, I believe that; like drinking. You should be able to continue eating just as you can continue drinking endlessly until you reach the reagent limit of 300 on your stomach, or whatever it is. Hunger and thirst decreasing your stamina gives you minor mechanical enforcement to relax TL;DR I think these are important as an indicator for your exhaustion, their stamina penalty is a mechanical reinforcement to chill out for a minute or two during the round.
Still waiting on this change. They are currently locked in the server config
/obj/structure/sculpting_block /obj/item/autochisel
A crate that makes statues a little easier to acquire for people who aren't shaft miners, by adding a crate or box that has an autodrill and a chiseled rock inside of it when pried open. I imagine it will be pretty cheap, since cargo probably gets alot of refuse rocks that can be easily repurposed for statue carving
From the person who made the "Observant Orchestra" mindtype on the discord, I bring you my next newest idea for a diona mindtype Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Medium Species: Diona Short Description: Phantom Pastorale are diona nymphs that are mutated/malformed/afflicted when born incorrectly, but through careful medical attention, are nursed back to health until they can survive, their body may reform, but their mind remains altered and deformed, leading to peculiar behavior How will this be reflected on-station?: Phantom Pastorale is a Mindtype for nymphs, a full Pastorale diona will not be on station due to being unstable. But more stable mindcasts can take Pastorale nymphs to broaden their experiences, leading to more diverse diona behaviors Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: Yes, it adds a new diona mindtype that is unique to the other ones. Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team?: Yep Long Description: The Phantom Pastorale is a very rare abnormality in malformed nymphs grown in incorrect conditions that manage to survive where they otherwise would not. "Pastorale nymphs" as they are called will reform physically, but will remain emotionally, psychologically, or mentally altered. Pastorale Nymphs do not behave like regular nymphs and are afflicted with different kinds of abnormalities, but commonly these abnormalities are in the forms of hallucinatory stimulus, not all of them share this though, with some having similar mental ailments as humans may. - A diona gestalt utilizing a Pastorale nymph may occasionally see figments of their imagination, remember things that they cant recall seeing before, or hearing things such as their name when it was never said as the Pastorale nymph recieves and adds memories of things that it could not have seen, they may be afflicted with other mental disorders up to the players choice, or randomly lurch from uncontrolled electrical activity in the Pastorale. Pastorale nymphs are often uncoordinated in their speech and speak gibberish intermixed with coherent sentences and words, and make terrible social nymphs - A diona gestalt entirely made of Pastorale nymphs is a schitzophrenic and may often blabber about things that do not make sense, if it can even be understood at all, a formation of multiple pastorale nymphs is an extremely rare event if it lasts for more than a minute or more, as Pastorale nymphs are not great at communicating with eachother, but can communicate with more stable mindtypes better, effectively stabilizing them, while multiple pastorale nymphs will destabilize eachother, worsening their symptoms and afflictions. - Diona gestalts are not permitted to carry more than 2 Pastorale nymphs as part of their gestalt, and must pass a mental health checkup before being admitted to work if they absorb a pastorale nymph into their collective due to the sometimes broad nature of Pastorale mental alterations. - Pastorale nymphs do not connect well with other diona, diona sometimes describe the feeling like connecting with a hidden, or "Phantom nymph" within their collective, that they can send information to, and receive it from. This isn't to say that its hard to connect to them, its just a far different experience than is comfortable for some gestalts, akin to one of your legs becoming invisible, but still being able to feel it and touch it. + Some diona gestalts voluntarily allow Pastorale nymphs into their collective, either out of pity, for religious purposes, or simply for the experience of what it is like to have one due to their strange properties. Pastorale nymphs are usually triggered by blood or stimulus running through their nervous system, and can induce vivid, short hallucinatory feedback as the memories gained by the blood are distorted and altered by the Pastorale nymph. + Diona gestalts that take single pastorale nymphs are generally fine, with hallucinations being equivilent, to slightly above what humans would consider a "Trick of the mind" such as hearing someone say your name, seeing something briefly that isnt there or remembering something incorrectly. Pastorale nymphs can often times randomly involk feelings within their gestalt that don't make sense based on the stimulus they are receiving, often times however, these feelings are that of "Dejavu" leading to speculations that these nymphs can see the future, when in actuality they are incorrectly communicating to the gestalt they are within. Diona with Pastorale nymphs may randomly feel happy or laugh at things that arent funny, or sad randomly, depending on how the Pastorale feels in the moment Rumors and Speculation: "Pastorale Diona can catch glimpses of the future" "Full pastorale diona gestalts are real and commune with forces outside of this realm." Antagonists: Phantom Pastorale diona could be a good mindtype for "Unstable Psychic" "Technomancer" "Cult" diona antagonists, Phantom Pastorale could randomly laugh and cry in dismay at the smallest changes of emotion, with some nymphs independantly lashing out and trying to attack something that frustrates them, or even attacking other members of the collective for invading their mind space, as each member will only "See" itself within the collective due to their unique presence when gestalted Phantom Pastorale is an antagonist only mindtype, as they are so rarely able to communicate together in a coherent manner to stay in one cohesive gestalt for longer than a few seconds. its important to distinguish, that one or two nymphs does not have these aggressive, discombobulated characteristics. Pastorale diona become worse the more Pastorale nymphs are within them.
Make Red Nightshade able to be produced in hydroponics again
Colfer replied to Colfer's topic in Suggestions & Ideas
I'm not great at balancing recipes, and I offered the ingredients for it based off not adding another plant, but maybe another plant would have to be added, or something that yields lithium when grinded up, or something along those lines. I think the advantage of it is heavily outweighed by the risk of making it + the requirements to make it, if you are not a botanist then it would be very difficult to make, especially in the garden for all to see, atleast as far as I can tell. I just want to be able to make more drugs in hydroponics that are illegal + would actually get me put away for a long time for making The risk of making some drugs in hydroponics to sell is really low, or its too complicated to do, with space drugs itself being effectively legal at this point The addition of things like morphine, cocain, and heroin is good though. But I don't think I'm smart enough to imagine where you get the ingredients necessary to make those two Heroin, (Morphine + Acetone?) Cocain, (Cocagrounds + Hydrochloric Acid?) I'm not sure where you'd get acetone normally, or hydrochloric acid, I believe nettles produce it, but that might be sulfuric acid, so I'm stuck with a similar problem of not knowing a way to get the necessary ingredients for these things -
I asked for this exact thing once and was met with a "No" from the lore team. But then again, I was asking for unbranded itself to be made enabled with no changes to the lore, rather than asking for it to be enabled but reflavored to be more compliant. Unbranded are mechanically weaker than, and have more weaknesses than other chassis, they'd have be restricted from mining work because it seems that suit cooler or not, you will still heat up in a vaccume. Though I'm not sure if I tested this with a suit or not. I'm pretty sure it was with a softsuit. Not to mention other mechanical maladies that could come from such a thing. Search for "Unbranded shells being selectable?" in synthetic-think-tank on aurora lore for more information on the discord discussion, which is where I got these pictures from
If baseline IPC's looked anything like unbranded IPC's do, or if baselines had non-TV head alternative sprites for it, I believe that the population of baseline IPC's would increase, probably not substantially, but noticeably, as I am one of the individuals who do not play baseline very often because they are just ugly to me, their sprite is not visually appealing in any way contrary to how every other chassis in the game looks right now, and there's no markings or prosthetics, or anything you can do to prevent this from being the case, as using prosthetics causes floating limbs which looks even worse. If baselines had an option to inherit the unbranded sprite, they'd look SICK, perhaps a modified version of it. If the unbranded chassis was made usable from roundstart, almost all of the baselines I have right now would instantly be switched without a second thought because I do not like baselines as they are right now. I'm not saying that unbranded should be made available roundstart I just think its a far more enjoyable sprite, and I wish something like it with baseline stats and lore was made available My final thoughts: To add on, the reason why I mostly don't make IPC's is that baselines serve the niche of cheaper standardize chassis, while having generally ok stats across the board, while every other model is more expensive (bishop/shell), weak (zeng-hu), specialized (Xion/Zeng-hu), or slow (G1/2), so baselines dominate a very strong monopoly of robot characters, but to me, are visually unappealing to look at Tl;DR this suggestion is asking is for alternative's to the baseline IPC sprite Unbranded chassis looks like this: