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Everything posted by stev

  1. Oh, I'm sceptical of that too lol. I just think that it's essentially harmless to add, and how fun it could be on the rare occasion it happens makes it worthwhile.
  2. Mainly proposed a second office so they can get access to the Journalist's locker for access to some job-related stuff like cameras, photo albums, the microphone... Equally, I guess we could just map another Journo's locker into the vacant office and call it a day lol.
  3. That's fucking genius lmao, I'm so here for it
  4. So, pretty self-explanatory really: We should make the Corporate Reporter and independent Freelance Journalist able to be played in the same round. Still one slot each. Would need an extra office mapping in, probably just a slightly shittier-looking, smaller office for the Freelance Journalist and make the current one the Corp Reporter office. Why? Well simply, we now have multiple active Journos and Reporters vying for the same slot and it'd be really fucking funny to enable in-round beef between plucky freelancer journalists and corpo shill reporters. Is it a role that can struggle for much to do if the player isn't actively getting involved in the round? Yes. But hey, the resulting rivalries would be both hilarious and help provide multiple perspectives on rounds where players in uninvolved departments might not see any of the action. (And yes I know there's a thread from like 2021 about making 2 reporter slots but that's technically a bit different to this proposal and also, that's from 4 years ago lol.)
  5. Gonna be brutally honest, I'm not sure that the sparse addition really helps. What's his actual background, something military? Also, why is his first job with any SCC company being the XO of an SCC ship? Unless there's something I'm missing, that seems like quite the leap that needs some explanation/justification.
  6. i love corporate reporter
  7. We could probably do with some PMCG loadout stuff getting versions matching the new Security PMCG palette and/or re-adding the previous versions as options to accommodate the PMCG Medical palette. IIRC at present the PMCG Modsuit and Armband are exclusively in the previous Security/current Medical palette, while all PMCG headwear is in the new Security palette. Would also be nice to get the new Security PMCG uniform patterns in the previous Sec/current Med palette as alt uniforms, but I figure that's a little more labour intensive and less necessary than getting loadout items to match our in-use palettes.
  8. Right, fair enough. I'll try to contact moderation in cases like this in the future, it's been an exceedingly difficult couple days--sorry about the uh, incoherence in this thread, lot of things compounding. On the topic of the other accusations against me, do you believe I am an emotionally abuser, intentionally using emotional blackmail in a concerted attempt to abuse Marlon, a person I have little interaction with? These are some extremely strong accusations and frankly I don't much like being compared to an emotional abuser over something like this, especially as a past victim of emotional and physical abuse. (That was a large reason this got blown out of proportion, again, I'm sorry for that.)
  9. Give me a. Mi ite I need 5o take care of some stuff, I might drop off this threas for a while if I manage to get some goddamn sleep.
  10. What fucking. Website??? I don't know what you're talking about I'm doing. Nothing but respojdnitnro you hijstly and straightfot3ardly.
  11. You don't seem to really have th full picture eekrhr, as this has been going on for weeks across multiple discords, and honestly I don't even know how to search for it, especially i mobile. Ti's been ramping up like this for weeks and Cael thankfully finally addressed this behaviour, but rbah was reacted to with the really sramated, "can't psot pridue stuff on aauroa" thing ejcij started this whole complaint.
  12. I didn't, I haven't had time to engage with the community very xoncsirtnyp recently and frankly doubted anything would happen, as it seems that whenever someone disagrees with Marlon or addresses their hyper dramatic and incendiary posts something like this happens and their every message is hyperanalysed for "mewnness" despite being reactions to clearly incendiary stuff. I didnt want to raise anything further because I feared a thread like this would be made, which turned out to be a pretty damn accurate fear.
  13. Also, I'm physically and emotionally exhausted from moving house out from my partner in the middle of a heatwave in the UK as a physically disabled person, I'm really not fucking thrilled at now having to fight a possible community ban put in place due to apparent "abusive behaviour" for something that was already handled by admins on the discord. I just want to sleep.
  14. I can't find it right now because I've just moved house and only have access to my phone, but 5his has been going on for weeks. I've previously discussed with @Faye <3and others how disrespectful and shitty it feels to have seemingly everything I say reacted to with multiple trans flags for seemingly no reason, asking them to stop reacting like that, then repeatededly disregarded. It's just toxic and shitty behaviour , to be entirely honest, and frankly it's made me look forward to the end of pride so I don't have to to deal with it anymore.
  15. This has been going on for weeks, every time they join or even just read any discord channel every message gets spam reacted with general LGBTQ+ and trans pride flags. Every time I have had a discussion while Marlon was online to read it has resulted in both my messages and others' reacted to with pride flags, especially reacting to trans players (such as myself) with trans pride flags regardless of content or context. Every time this has happened I have asked Marlon to stop, as it's annoying spam at best and targeted labelling of specific players at worst, to which he's only responded by doubling down and continuing doing so--even reacting to my requests to stop with more pride flag spam, or questioning if I know that it's pride month. After bringing this behaviour up with other community members and Marlon himself many times, he eventually got told to stop spamming it, which he reacted to with the "since it's so divisive I won't celebrate pride within Aurora" post, which to me seemed intentionally over-dramatic and baity given that other queer people have been asking him to stop doing this for weeks already with no change in behaviour. And for disagreeing with this, I'm now being branded a homophobic, abusive piece of garbage and whatever else I'm being accused of here. I just find this whole situation to be completely overblown, and frankly, it was already dealt with by Alb stepping in.
  16. I mean, I don't know what else there is to say that wasn't said in the thread. I was told to drop this by staff, so I dropped it. I don't want to go against a staff ruling by defending or rehashing my actions here.
  17. Unironically? Replace Pun Pun with a Schlorrgo.
  18. Seems fairly self-explanatory, currently there's no player-facing way to distinguish between uniforms ingame other than trying to guess from the sprite's palette; for example, all security officer uniform items are just named "security officer uniform" with the generic officer uniform description. Faction should be in the description, at the very least, so you can easily distinguish between uniforms and more easily internalise a faction's colour scheme. Should also help with stuff like EPMC vs PMCG uniforms and other potential variants in the future.
  19. Also, if the Warden uniform is going to get breast pocket highlights, those highlights should probably be removed from the Investigator uniforms (as the new Warden sprites are mostly just swaps with the Investigator sprites). If you can't spot them on the Investigator uniforms, that's cos they've been recoloured to just be the same colour as the trousers of whatever corp they are, so they don't really do much as highlights on those uniforms. EDIT: The new Zavod & PMCG Investigator/Warden uniforms for reference:
  20. I think a recurring issue with this new Warden sprite pattern is it's just sorta like, too plain? It feels like we've been moving backwards from the initial NBT Warden jumpsuits with the cool highlights and shoulder bits, then down to basic Officer shirt + tie + pants uniforms with the Officer/Warden switch, and now to just pants and a coloured shirt. The Zavod and PMCG Warden uniforms here seem quite indistinct from the other uniforms, though that might just be because the 'new' PMCG one has just been swapped with the old PMCG Investigator from the previous PR. I like the little yellow-gold breast pocket highlight on the Idris one, though, is there any chance we could get similar highlights on the other Warden uniforms to distinguish them a bit more? As for the PMCG Sec switch to black from grey, I don't really oppose it after thinking about it a bit more. I would request that we get alt PMCG Sec uniforms with the PMCG Med/blue-grey colouration, though, as the lighter colour is quite nice for some loadouts and helps keep the overall PMCG palette a bit more consistent. EDIT: The new dark-grey PMCG hats and black EPMC hats should probably also be alt versions in loadout, as they're for both Medical and Security PMCG but Medical seems to be staying light-grey.
  21. EDIT: Yeah, y'know what, this post was pretty kneejerky and unproductive. I still think changing PMCG's palette yet again should be accompanied with additions/tweaks to loadout items so that the palette fits together, but I posted this pretty late and is overall a little incomprehensible. Will post more thought-through feedback soon.
  22. This question is a little confusing, I'm assuming you're asking how their character and tasks will be incorporated into Run's day/ingame play? I'll answer that, can't hurt. Run will approach its tasks and the shifts ahead of it with an odd mix of detachment and fervent execution of its duties. It knows this life to not be real, just as it knows that every life before it has not been real, but it also knows that it must perform admirably and learn to properly maintain the real SCCV Horizon if it is to one day ascend beyond the nested simulations. I seem to recall it being mentioned that Vaurca dislike wide open spaces, such as, y'know, space, but can't find it mentioned directly on the wiki; unless I'm completely off-base with that aspect, Run will probably have a mildly uncharacteristic tolerance for operating on the outside of the ship in space and empty space itself, but be utterly terrified of nearby 'things' and objects outside the SCCV Horizon (such as asteroids, space stations, other ships, etc.) as they are alien to the world it's always known. In its daily life and the work set before it, its experience and its way of relating to others will be a touch dreamlike and surreal; it has some limited knowledge of some notable crew (such as Captain Ahkam) from simulated recordings captured from the SCCV Horizon despite never meeting them face to face and will speak to them in an oddly familiar way. It does not seek death and holds some instinctual self-preservation despite its assured afterlife, as learning to die is not something that would benefit its ability to maintain the real SCCV Horizon, it does not fear death but fears the simulated pain that has accompanied death in its past training simulations. Its life is a test that it does not wish to fail, lest it be forever resigned to the endless nested dreams and never serve aboard Mother K'lax's true SCCV Horizon.
  23. BYOND Key: Memescope McGee Character Names: Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Green, RGB 11, 43, 27 (Zkaii's brood) Have you read our lore section's page on this species? Yes, I've read important pages through a few times and read most pages in the Vaurca navbox(es) through at least once. Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race? I can honestly say that the recent abolishment of OOCly required Avowals has got me interested in playing Vaurca. While it took me a long time to really get the appeal of Vaurca lore in general, I've become increasingly interested in the cool unique parts of the species' lore, especially the importance of VR, the semi-disposable nature the Hives' Bound (and Unbound non-Breeders, to a lesser extent), and the juxtaposition of being a people with an incredibly old history and being complete newcomers to the Spur. The portrayal of the lore by the Ta character Nangeren and of VR in the SCC Relay also played a really big role in kindling my interest for the species. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human? So much that it's difficult to sum up concisely! Mechanically they have a Phoron reservoir instead of nutrients, are (mostly) insulated against shocks, radiation, and zero-pressure environments, are susceptible to burns and bleeding out, don't have natural healing, have a night-vision mode... There's a lot. FLuff- and character-wise, there's also a ridiculous number of differences. Bound of any caste (which are also a big thing) are essentially mindless servile drones, whereas Unbound are much more analogous to other sapient species; the castes are highly specialised and consciously designed for different tasks, with all playable castes but the practically immortal Ta/Breeders having extremely limited lifespans; they physically mature within a year, with around half a year spent raising them in time-dilated immersive VR; at the end of their lives, Unbound enter VR as a guaranteed eternal afterlife, leading to some very fun theology; their names are made up of four designators, one for caste, one for Bound/Unbound, one as a short individual identifier, and one for Hive; Vaurca are part of enormous Hives and born into Broods of individual Queens within them, with numerous ideological and political divides among these... There's a lot, really, and I don't think anyone could list everything due to the sheer quantity of major differences--I'm probably missing something, but like, yeah. Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Run K'lax, Hephaestus Apprentice Engineer of Brood Zkaii. Please provide a short backstory for this character. The worker awoke... What do you like about this character? I really really like the concept of a character whose entire life is the ship and also really love all the Pilot Dream/Mother Dream simulation theory lore, love all the weird existentialism you can do with it. I also particularly like the K'lax Hive's deal of innovation and heavy engineering and wanted a good excuse to re-learn Engineering. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Imagine I put like a really funny meta joke about the pointlessness of this question/10 Notes: I can't fucking wait to play some REAL dumb Viax, probably gonna do a Drone Burger worker and mayyybe a TCFL Peacekeeper warrior Viax. Also, I'm probably gonna try and contribute some loadout/marking sprite tweaks and/or fixes in the near future, so that's fun.
  24. I'm gonna be honest, this causes a lot more problems than it solves, and the changelog is extremely misleading. Going to go through this point by point. Idris and Zeng-Hu labcoat tweaks are good. "Adds surplus security uniforms. They're the old Aurora corporate uniforms, tweaked to match the new uniforms. Also, I added some Idris ones, I guess. The old ones are near-identical to the ones we already have." and "Undoes the swapping of officer and warden uniforms, and tweaks the other uniforms accordingly." have a LOT of issues, though. These "surplus security uniforms" are... Very, very weird. They mostly seem to be based off of the old EPMC and Zavodskoi Security contractor uniforms as a template, but tweaked a ton a load. Also, it's even stated in the PR that the Idris ones are "near-identical to the ones we already have," so I don't really understand why these are even here. What's worse is the "undoes the swapping of officer and warden uniforms," which doesn't actually undo the swapping, for the Warden's part. What this actually does is... Really weird and complicated: Swaps new Warden and Investigator sprites (look at the 2 pixels on the breast pocket of Investigator, that's taken from the old Warden sprites), fully removing the nice PMCG all-grey and blue Warden uniform I made just 2 weeks ago from existence Makes Security Officer and Investigator uniforms literally identical, except from two pixels on the breast pocket of Investigator (which is actually from the Warden uniform) Makes all Zavod Security uniforms all-brown Recolours Zavod Warden uniform alone to be this really really bright shade of red that seems to have been removed as a colour on all other Zavod Security uniforms None of these touch Idris at all, for whatever reason This isn't mentioned in the changelog or anything, but this includes the re-adding of EPMC items, except they've all been tweaked to be a weird halfway mishmash of the PMCG and EPMC palettes. Also, this doesn't allow for any of Medical to take EPMC uniforms, which is disappointing given the EPMC First Responder uniform was one of the most requested EPMC items. The descriptions for all of the "surplus uniforms" are also extremely strange: The Zavod surplus (which is the old Zavod black sec uniform) is named "necropolis industries security uniform", described as "A depreciated design, the label on the tag still reads 'PROPERTY OF NECROPOLIS INDUSTRIES'. Nostalgic." This ties an alternately coloured uniform to a long-defunct lore entity while including a reference to the fact that this thread and other such feedback has led to it getting added. The "EPMC security uniform" says that it is "A uniform that has seemingly survived the corporate re-structuring of the Private Military Contracting Group, holding it gives you a sense of familiarity." This does not reference the fact that it's even from the EPMC at all, apart from the name, and to someone unfamiliar with the EPMC would just seem like a weirdly named rejected PMCG uniform. The surplus "idris security uniform" has the description "A scrapped uniform design for Idris security. Not wearing a tie is a benefit for some, you know." There's no outright lore issues here, but it's weird to call it 'scrapped' when it's clearly, like, still used, since someone's wearing it. And finally, a miscellaneous holdover change, but the EPMC shoulder patch is still mislabelled as PMCG while sticking to the EPMC palette/aesthetic, while the new PMCG armband still isn't in the loadout. Also, the EPMC ERT don't spawn with these EPMC uniforms and instead spawn with PMCG gear, which is really weird.
  25. There isn't a unique PMCG sec vest/jacket, all Officers get the same one that annoyingly matches the PMCG colour scheme.
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