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Everything posted by Flamingo

  1. We have to be careful about "remove all synthetics" or "lynch all xenos", because that removes a LOT of players from the game immediately. The humans also rarely "care" to the effect that one might expect from people who've made friends with these people who are being arrested/killed unless they are basically best friends.
  2. Sorry for the delay, swamped with school and been using the spare time I've had to rp. Here's some basic recolors I did in about half an hour. In order, I have the standard module (service android, which I intend to recolor the highlights when I think of somethig better) Janiborg (might darken it a bit) Medical Borg (I intend to modify the color to be less... blinding and show definition between the edge of the chassis and anything behind it better) Mining/Cargo Borg (I intend to modify the color to better fit cargo. I have another color in mind that I can use but I didn't want to dig it up just yet, these are just proof of concept photos) Securiborg (I'm quite happy with this one actually, black and red look good) and last, the engineering/atmos borg.
  3. A window that you have to break yourself in order to get the glass shard scalpel perhaps?
  4. The only one I disagree with is the incinerator camera, as it is one of the few places a traitor has to dispose of evidence, and a plasma fire could be easily created by any AI who knows what they're doing. Also I vote no to filling the maintenance tunnels with cameras. It's impractical and would kill RP for antags unless they subvert the AI every round.
  5. Suggestion: Weight Bluespace Pathogen 100% and rename the gamemode to "Bluespace Mutinee"
  6. Elena is the most competent (and my personal favorite) Captain on station in my opinion. She effectively helps run departments when there are no heads, while also assisting crew with additional access and other issues in a timely fashion. As with Elena, I'm confident Bokaza can role play this IPC well and it will serve as a valuable addition to helping security grow in a positive manner, as well as the station as a whole. On a more closely related note, Equites sounds like a hilarious IPC to add to the growing list, and I hope to see them in-game soon. +1 from me.
  7. I agree with everything said in this thread. I'm personally a fan of the more "action oriented" game modes and mutiny is no exception. Despite its reputation (along with nuke), I think mutiny is one of the best game modes for roleplay, but it doesn't often go in a direction that offers such opportunities. I personally like to roleplay out indecision from my characters regarding whether or not what they are doing is "the right thing to do" or not, but I find that not everyone does, and perhaps that mindset stems from the fact that if they win, their actions are justified by the end of the round. Changing this could help add the possibility of being wrong, and force people to think out their actions more thoroughly before going on a rampage. I think this might also help remedy the common complaint that "security always stays loyal" by giving them a chance to be "wrong" even if they win. In regards to the second point, I agree that more time on that specific directive is a good thing, as an hour is a painfully short amount of time to seed doubt (or lack of) in the crew and let the mutineers organize a way to get themselves out (or comply?). I think having a virologist/cmo should also be a requirement for that SPECIFIC directive as well, because it would allow for the security forces to collaborate with the medical department more easily than if they were just mass quarantining people. Bonus points if the doctors who can "help" with the virus must also be quarantined. If this functionality is added though, then there needs to be some randomly generated diseases thrown into the mix so that the virologist has something to freak out at security over. Perhaps completely harmless virus' that are generated to help strike fear into the station. Security and medical then have the choice to provide treatment to the infected personnel, or keep them quarantined until the order for incineration comes in. with the extended time before the second directive arrives, it should give the mutineers time to plead with some members of security and perhaps convince them to not murder everyone.
  8. Pictures of the sprite recolors should be up later today or tomorrow, depending on how long it takes me to finish.
  9. HELIX is an older model borg that has remained in the same chassis for a very long time. The chassis reflects knowledge and needs of his creator at the time, with a larger upper casing where all of the sensitive bits are stored due to the larger space requirements at the time, as well as jointed "spider-like" legs, which have been replaced by wheels on the newer models due to how much easier it is to replace a few wheels rather than repair a large jointed leg. While I've attempted to reflect HELIX's unique personality through chassis flavor text, I decided to take it to the next level by seeing if something like this was possible, so that I could better represent how he works and thinks. HELIX is a very utilitarian borg, with minimal personality that slowly begins to unfold to reveal much deeper understanding of the world around him than one might come to expect based on his outward expression towards others. His chassis is old and the paint is dulled, however the name HELIX is always neatly printed on the sides of the chassis, as if freshly painted every shift, because he takes what might be labelled "pride" in his work and in his name, and on some level, seeks to show this to the world around him. On a side note, as much as I'd like to give this chassis a use that differentiates it from the rest of the chassis', I don't think it's fair to expect someone to have to code something "different" about the chassis, so it will be purely cosmetic, which I know is something that is generally heavily criticized by those reviewing the applications. However, if someone wishes to discuss some of the interesting ideas I have, I'm more than willing to share.
  10. I can easily whip out some color variants for other departments, though I never play them.
  11. BYOND Key: Ejundersc0re Character name: Leah Conally, Anatu Parish, Adrien White, HELIX Item name: HELIX's Custom Chassis Why is your character carrying said item to work? HELIX has been confined to the same chassis for longer than its databanks are able to account for (likely due to databank corruption). The chassis is larger than the newer landmate models due to space requirements at the time of construction and programming. Additionally, it also makes use of four crab-like legs instead of the standard "wheels" that the other landmates use. While this has no adverse effects on its ability to travel through the station (gravity or null), wheels have proven to be a cheaper alternative for the newer models, and as such the jointed crab legs have been largely phased out. Item function(s): It serves as a cyborg chassis for an engineering cyborg (with a focus on atmospherics). No special functions (only because I think that sort of thing would be too difficult to implement, though I had some interesting ideas). Item description: A dulled orange chassis with cyan highlights that resembles that of a large crab. It has four jointed legs that extend out beneath it and a large elongated "head". The front of the head resembles that of the standard "Landmate" chassis, though the back half has been expanded outward and has additional plating over what appears to be a large interior chamber. "HELIX" is printed neatly on either side of the chassis head. The eye glows a non-standard cyan instead of green when the borg is online. Item appearance: I have the sprite complete, but apparently cannot attach a .dmi file, so I will upload a picture shortly. Additional comments:
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