BYOND Key: Devildabeast
Character Names:
+ Anita Constable
Species you are applying to play: Vaurca
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: RGB (0, 35, 115) (the color of Unbound Workers under C'thur)
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I have! There's a lot of it, but it's worth the read.
Why do you wish to play this specific race: When I first came to Aurora, Vaurcae stuck out to me as a species I hadn't really seen before across other servers I'd played on. There's tons of variation in the way they can be played from their Type, being Bound or Unbound, what hive they come from, so on. It's almost a shame that I see them so rarely in-game, although that also benefits the experience of actually meeting them when you can! Any species with nuance is great, as it keeps things from being homogenized and allows more creative freedom in character creation, and Vaurcae fit that bill perfectly.
Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Vaurcae live by a series of extensive conditionings that are foreign to human society: They are born and grown according to the whim of their breeder, thrust into Virtual Reality to train in their intended purpose. Their society is hive-based, and they basically go from to start to finish serving their hive however they must. As such, there's a lot less emphasis on individual desire and unique personality than there is with a human, depending on if you are playing a Bound or Unbound, as well as adapting to the way the Vaurcae's alien biology impacts how the game must be played and emotes and flavor text written.
Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Egz C'thur
Please provide a short backstory for this character: When Egz was born into the world and given its first taste of Virtual Reality, it saw around it a great wonder in the Icthi'ktha -- and a great confusion that there could be anything that lies beyond. It entered the training of becoming a Shaper under its predominantly Preimminent hive-cell, where it was influenced by C'thur and her virtual heaven. Egz believes in authenticity of the mind and soul, a perfectly compatible trait in a eusocial society, in an attempt to follow after the words of its Queen. Its foremost mentor was Ka'Akaix'Oz C'thur, a Xakat'kl'atan who was a Preimminent herald and powerful debater, for which Egz considers itself greatly honored to have learned under.
Egz now works on the Aurora as Shaper and Chaplain. It encourages others to be honest with their purpose and destiny, and to join the collective of Preimminent believers if they are so willing. It studies other species' religions as part of its duties to better understand their spiritual mindsets and how it might better provide service to them or have them join it in its system of thought. Of course, it is glad to serve other Vaurcae as well, though it lacks patience for those of other beliefs that are not as open-minded as it is! Even so, its understanding of Pantheons and Pilot Dream Theory are perfectly adequate.
What do you like about this character? If it weren't obvious, and I hope it would be as well to anyone who knows me, I love chaplaining! Working with fictional/alien religions, though, is something I don't have a lot of experience with, and I want to see where I can take it. Because of my focus on civilian/RP roles, I would even love to try being a Vaurca Consular Officer own the line when/if I apply for that. I think Egz also has an interesting angle, both due to the brood it comes from and its intended purpose, that would be highly enjoyable to play.
How would you rate your role-playing ability? I think my roleplay is actually above-average. I've been doing it for a long time now, and I have a system for engaging others and myself creatively and in interactions. Of course, I struggle at times like anyone else, but like any other artform, inspiration is always around the corner if you look for it.
Notes: So I took a long break last year from Aurora, as well as a break from SS13 in general. It happens. Even so, I'm completely understanding if I haven't been around long enough recently to gauge accurately. I've been playing consistently every day since before the writing of this application, and I intend to keep doing so after it. Waiting a bit longer to enjoy this great species is no big deal if that's how it has to be, though!