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Everything posted by FearTheBlackout

  1. Silvorz plays a fun range of Tajaran characters, and I think that he'd do well as a head of staff or a representative alike. +1!
  2. Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Small/Medium (depending on how much impact you'd consider renaming but not really renaming the planet) Species: Synth, Human Short Description: Give the synthetic planet of Orepit's government an official title by calling it in full "the Ecclesiarchy of Orepit". How will this be reflected on-station?: It will give Orepitters and those other characters talking about Orepit a more formal way to refer to it by. A PR would be created to update the name of the origin and citizenship in code. Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: Orepit is currently just referred to as "Orepit", which while unique as a planet name, is less interesting than "the Republic of Biesel" or "the Empire of Dominia" (both of which I understand have more importance and recognition than Orepit). Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? I understand in full. Long Description: Rename Orepit to "the Ecclesiarchy of Orepit", reflecting ARM-1DRIL as the standing Ecclesiarch and its governor. Orepit is undoubtedly a theocracy, so this adds flavor (and perhaps coolness...) to the planet's title. This is already somewhat reflected in the form of being mentioned as an Ecclesiarchy in the cultural practices section of the Mictlan Trinary Perfection page. Thank you for considering my lore proposal.
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  3. Pocheto checked in with me about her proposal prior to applying and I think she'd be a wonderful candidate! She knows her lore, including Skrore™️, and we've interacted as enough of our characters that I'm confident in her commitment to roleplay and feel perfectly comfortable giving her a +1 on her app!
  4. i know you said youve never drawn a diona before so feel free to decline, but here is Winding Roads Ventured, my diona hegemony shill mechanic! "A grandstanding-height (210 cm) Coeus Diona with a strangely Sinta-like appearance. They possess mid-tone green skin and impressive horns fashioned from biomass." bonus image:
  5. Pocheto is a very good roleplayer and one I could see doing just fine with a Command whitelist; I remember particularly talking to her Azquil Vaurca and having an enjoyable time that round. +1!
  6. Floppa's characters are all sovlful, and he has a great way of roleplaying well without going "against the grain". I don't have a doubt that he'd play a good Vetju bug.
  7. I think Anthony is very capable of playing a large variety of roles and backgrounds; you could say it's almost his specialty. I can also tell he put a good amount of thought into this application, and I'm looking forward to being able to Vaurca alongside him soon. For those reasons, he has my +1!
  8. Hurgraza, as a former resident of the DPRA, sees the nation with mixed opinions; now a Hadiist, she views the DPRA as a confused state with a failed civilian government and juntas alike. Still mostly a Democratic People's Republican by culture, however, she also sees its populace as capable of returning to the fold of Hadiism, given enough time. She feels more strongly about the NKA, as a state of oppression that seeks a return to the caste system of old that would see her as no more than a farmhand or miner. She would rather the modern state of the New Kingdom be dissolved entirely, whether peacefully or by force. Hurgraza is an orthodox Hadiist, by and far. As a late supporter of Hadiist thought, she is firm in her beliefs, yet not firm enough to extol the tenets of totalist Hadiism, nor does visionary Hadiism appeal to her due to her rural and agricultural origins. Young Hadiism is seen by her as a waste of time if you are not going to go the full mile and practice Hadii's original virtues. Thank you for the response and pointing out those errors! I think they can be worked around just fine.
  9. BYOND Ckey: SimpleMaroon Discord username: simplemaroon Character names: (currently) Jet Xanthopoulos, Rachana Yeshy Species you are applying to play: Tajara ------------------------------ General Whitelist Requirements What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: Was thinking a sort of tawny brown, or #80471C, but I haven't messed around with what colors look good just yet and will adjust accordingly at some point. Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yep! Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this species?: Tajara have some of the most work put into them of all the species, and it shows. Even though I have disagreements on some of the lore that was present in the past, particularly their viewpoint on LGBT rights and culture, I think they are in a good place now. The themes and setting are highly thought-provoking in the sense that the Tajaran people's governments are so unique and far apart from each other, as well as the Tajara's historical cultural and political strife that has placed them into the factions they are today. What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: Tajara, at their core, are a lot smaller in terms of their factions than humanity has as a whole; you can't really play or discuss Tajara without getting into their sociopolitical struggles, be it the authoritarian regime of the PRA or the accepted caste system of the NKA. All of these, and the First and Second Revolutions, are the sign of a long struggle between the Tajaran people alone, only to be further interloped by the other species of the Orion Spur. ------------------------------ Character Application Character Name: Hurgraza Mizhkolai (I just made this up as a traditional Tajaran name so subject to change) Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. Hurgraza is a young Zhan-Khazan Tajaran woman, born to the island of Amodha in 2445. Displaced by the fighting of the second revolution, Hurgraza's family made their way to what would become DPRA territory on her native island, fearing punishment in the wake of the crackdown on Zhan-Khazan after President Al'mari Hadii's assassination. Growing up throughout the years, Hurgraza learned to farm, and her family had an easier time than they would have in the People's Republic due to the ideals of Al'mariism, allowing them to eke out a simple living on a farm with modest equipment. Hurgraza, mildly an introvert, spent much of her time looking inward -- reading not just any random materials she could get her hands on from her family, but studying the swordsmen of Amohda. She took a great interest in their martial arts and skills, sometimes to the distraction of her other studies. After turning 16 in 2461, she made the decision that she would travel to Chaniska and collect People's Republican citizenship by making use of the Chaniska Resettlement and Development program. Hurgraza would study under Amodhan swordsmen through a lodge -- not to learn the art of the blade, as she was refused due to her Zhan-Khazan genetics, but to learn their wisdom and philosophies. Despite the way of the city she now resided in, she grew a delicate appreciation for nature and the art of patience. Yet, she could not escape the distinct discrimination she experienced by these traditionalist teachers. For this reason, she steadily developed Hadiist sentiments, whether mistakenly or not -- believing Hadiism to be the way forward. Applying her teachings from the lodge, she acquired a position as a secular -- though she pays light heed to Kraszar and the Ma'ta'ke Pantheon -- Counselor with NanoTrasen aboard the SCCV Horizon. What do you like about this character? Hurgraza, despite the discrimination against her people, even in the "perfect world" of the People's Republic, as well as her young age, attempts to be wise and as kind as she can. She also plays the intersection between nations, both the PRA and the DPRA, having been a resident of the latter, now the former. How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character. Hurgraza has faced her share of troubles in the wake of the phoron scarcity; her hiring company, NanoTrasen, has lowered her already meager salary due to the losses faced -- but the discovery of Orchard Moon has brought with it hope for the future. Though she was not present for the recent expeditions down to Adhomai, she would likely have had mixed feelings about travelling there anyway due to her history with the DPRA and subsequent "defecting". How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? Hurgraza views NanoTrasen overall positively; it has allowed her to practice her counseling in a new age and location. Not only that, but it is allied and works heavily with the People's Republic, which she now calls home. Although she is not paid highly because of her species and chosen profession, she makes up for her salary with passion for her workplace.
  10. Just got off a (albeit not great for other reasons) Rev round with Rozalt as the CE. I would say that Lenny provided good leadership and characterization before things broke into chaos! I can't speak for afterwards because I got converted to rev and was out of contact with the rest of Engineering, but from what I've seen (and I'm sure I'll have more to say next time I play with him during a less hectic round) I'm happy to maintain my +1 at this time.
  11. Lenny is a good man just to talk to, and all of his characters are hits. He knows the responsibilities and mechanics of whatever department he plays while still managing to play a character with great personality at the same time. I don't see any reason why he wouldn't do well at Command. 💜
  12. Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Medium, I would say? Species: Dionae Short Description: Dionae will be allowed to speak Solarian Common, both from a canonical standpoint and mechanical one, for the reasons outlined within the long description and other paragraphs. How will this be reflected on-ship?: Dionae who are residents (not citizens, arguably, or second-class citizens at best) of the Solarian Alliance proceeding the Rueltab Onslaught will be able to conversate in the nation's main language, both with Dionae and non-Dionaea Solarian citizens alike. Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: It will give Solarian Dionae a chance to be from more origins and cultures than they currently can with just Tradeband and Freespeak, as well as allow them to meet the criteria outlined in the Guide to Citizenship page on the wiki that says you must be able to speak Sol Common fluently, which is currently not possible for Dionae due to mechanical limitations. Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? I do. Long Description: Since the addition of Solarian Common to Skrell in March, I've seen neither abuse nor overuse of it (as far as I am aware) by players. I think it was a very necessary addition for Solarian Skrell, as the alternatives were either maintaining the status quo, removing Solarian origins from Skrell entirely, or implying a greater deal of segregation/isolation in Solarian society than would make sense for the Nralakk Federation's biggest ally in the Spur. I understand that an "each species must have a unique language" ruling is in effect, which is why implementing Solarian Common for Skrell was difficult to begin with. However, Solarian Skrell characters are few and far between enough that, as mentioned before, I'm not aware of any abuse or overuse of the language at this time; I imagine this trend would remain the same for the Solarian Diona origins that exist now. Finally, if it ends up being an issue of any origin being able to take Sol Common, Solarian or not, I would be willing to take a look at implementing such a feature for both Skrell and Dionae alike.
  13. I'm honestly mostly okay with this. Having an FR who can't wear the rescue hardsuit anyway (V*urca), I find that it's not a necessary resource, however much of a boon it may be because of the attachments, for doing your job, and consistently wearing the module, even outside of emergency situations, is a strange commonality that I can take or leave.
  14. I'm totally on-board with these being an option for those who cannot or do not want robotic prostheses. The only thing I would say should be different is that there should be two different kinds of hook prosthetics: A "pirate" hook hand, like you described, and a body-powered hook that can be used to hold things but lacks dexterity for some tasks when the relevant hand is selected.
  15. No issue at all with that! If that's the case then I'll probably remove the wires from the sprites. Will change the app itself sometime tomorrow.
  16. BYOND Key: SimpleMaroon Discord Username: simplemaroon Character Name: Za'Akaix'Pleig C'thur Item Name: Lyukal medical rig Item Function(s): Serves the same function as the regular medic chest rig overwear, including being able to hold medical paraphernalia such as blood bags. Item Description: This blue chestpiece, stylized after a traditional paramedic's chest rig, contains the iconography of the Federation Resistance, also known as the Lyukal, with the flag of the Free Traverse on the back. It is most suited to the form of a worker or warrior Vaurca. Why is your character bringing this item to work?: Load-bearing equipment is an essential for any worker in emergency services, and Pleig is no exception. Additionally, they prefer a rig that is fitted better to their Vaurcese anatomy. How did your character obtain this item?: Having studied community healthcare in the Traverse, Pleig kept the repainted and refitted rig that they would receive when travelling from ship to ship in an ambulance shuttle. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: Pleig, as a Xi'larx, strongly believes in the ideal of the Free Traverse movement, expressing disappointment with the recent Kala crackdown in their original home, the Q'elpi, as well as the collaboration of "Traverse moderates" with the Federation. Nonetheless, their identity is still rooted in Raqa'Nuul and the Resistance as a whole. Sprites: pleig rig.dmi Additional Comments: I believe that it is possible to restrict a custom item by job when it is added in, so I hope the benefits that the medic rig receives are acceptable if Pleig only receives it as a First Responder! The sprites could also be subject to change based on feedback, as I'm not entirely confident in my work.
  17. So I've only had positive interactions with Frozen's characters, both with Cato Volvalaad and especially Narcisse, even if the majority of it has been through the relay. I really love the arc that Narcisse has gone on to train through Ringspire, and he and Pleig got along unexpectedly well! They are also just nice to talk to outside of in-character elements. I also appreciate your choosing of a less common brood, such as Xakt. I think people shouldn't be afraid to play around with the "less compatible" elements of Vaurcese society, so kudos! I think your answers display a fine understanding of the species, so I approve of your application wholeheartedly. +1
  18. I explored a similar concept in the past on both the Aurora and Horizon with a character who was both Security and a volunteer with the IAC. Although she wasn't one of my longest-existing characters, she's been one of my most thought-provoking ones in terms of being at the intersection of two employers (PMCG and the IAC, or NT and the IAC back on the Aurora) that don't often interact with each other in such a way. I also think that this would revitalize interest in the IAC on the whole. Therefore, I support this application!
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