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Everything posted by Ozob_Korolenko

  1. I had the pleasant chance of interacting with Evie a few times, it was always a solid RP and a fun time, i'm sure you will be able to develop a interesting and new Tajaran character and will continue to add to this community, a solid +1
  2. I liked playing with Popov, solid RP and epic gamer +1
  3. Pierre is one of the best characters with one of the most solid roleplays on the server. Unlimited +1
  4. No hurry mate, I'm glad to answer any questions In my original idea Marnik is owned by Necropolis Industries, but, in the light of that i can change it so he's owned by Nanotransen, in this new origin for him, i can keep his orignal history until the part where he was transferred to the NSS Aurora, in this new story Marnik was bought by Nanotransen because they wanted this Elite State of the Art G2 model guarding their brand new Station, since it's a strategical station which mines and researches Phoron, a vital material for Nanotransen, any investment, mainly in its ISD, would seem of great interest to the company seen in the light of the threats this company has received in recent times even tough they're in the Tau Ceti system, and so, this unit who proved itself again and again in the field proved itself a good investment for Nanotransen. and so, looking to improve their Relations with Nanotransen, mainly in the security and genetics services department, Necropolis gladly sold this unit to Nanotransen. That's actually a really good idea, i will change his story so that even tough it has been repaired, in the forehead scar it will be so that with a bit of inspection it can be seen that in the left side of his forehead a small line with about 6 cm of length and 2 cm wide that is clearly a fresh paint, a way more light green than the usual dark green of his chassis. On his chest scar, although painted over, it has a bit of a bubbling effect with the shape of a wide open robotic hand, but that can only be seen with a closer inspection due to the repairs and the paint that's over it. Thanks a lot for these ideas, i hope these changes are satisfactory, i will be happy to answer any other questions
  5. Had a lotta fun playing with Isac Harper, very solid RP, i think he deserves this shot in command, hope to see you again in sec buddy +1 With my full support
  6. Played along with his Diona characters many times, and it has always been a very enjoyable experience, you clearly deserve this shot in the command role, good luck +1 With love!
  7. I had the pleasure to play with ZeroWinds a number of times, with different characters, and it has always been a solid and very nice RP, i have no doubt he will give a very solid Vaurca with great RP. +1 And good luck on your application
  8. Of course my friend, IPCs are by their nature, extremely logical, driven by cause and effect, although IPCs are able to mimic human emotions to a certain degree they always are driven by this binary nature, and so, are never unpredictable or illogical in their actions, only in rare exceptions caused by extremely damaged or corruption on the IPCs systems, and so, this same nature is expanded to their Language, being it part of their "psyche", their incomplete understanding of humans prevents them from appropriating vocal mannerism, among that comes their very analytical nature too, making very improbable for an IPC to speak like a human, therefore, they're usually very respectful and quaint when speaking biological beings languages. Another extremely important aspect of role-playing an IPC is the understanding of their primary directive, the self-preservation, this single directive and how the IPC being role-played interprets it can define massively how this character behaves, being able to define his day-to-day interactions to even what they ultimately seek, always focused on their own protection, being so a good alternate for the felling of pain that lacks on these IPCs, and even so, while pain is a biological alert for self-preservation it can, even so, be turned into other focus, like rage, as in the matters of IPCs, no matter what, it must always seek out its own preservation, being so possibly more "efficient". On the ownership of IPCs, it can be understood tha working for such owner is a fulfillment of the IPCs own origins, their creation as a workforce, being so a form of urge embedded in their own programing, but of course, never above their primary directive. Thanks for the attention, i hope i have been clear with my answer and, as so, i would be more than happy to answer any other question
  9. Great RP, in all the shifts i had the pleasure to encounter i had a really good experience, i don't have any doubt in giving my full support for this opportunity! +1 with all my heart
  10. Being the only major Starship (HSF Titav) on its fleet Hephaestus would deem of great value keeping it fully operational and secure with the best of his personnel, it would also come in hand showing how well these G2 frames operate in an optimal way, mixing PR and security in the same move. His base programing consisted in human relations, a variety of languages, a personal defense program, hostage situation negotiation and crowd control, the optimal programs that would suit it as best in his relations with other personnel and mainly in his operation as an security enforcer. From these experiences he learned much in the ways of human day-to-day relation and learned that besides defending the crew one of the security officer main tasks is also maintaining the well being of the crew, such as assisting in arguments and misunderstandings. As of his programing, Marnik was designed to have as one of his most important goals the defense of his colleagues and crew, as such, in that critical situation and as he failed his designation of defense of the personnel this "crack" showed up in his programing, even tough it was only minor mistake by his part not blocking the entirety of the shrapnel, he showing some sort of individuality, but still, a very small "crack". Marnik was sold due to Necropolis Industries interest in expanding into robotics with their subsidiary (Confiance Technology) seeking interesting in how well that G2 frame would operate in their services of security and possibly with their own components installed into it. Those events changed Marnik by having him exposed to many varieties of human existence, many exposures to the suffering of living beings, they inflicted a toll on Marnik helping to grow these small "cracks" of individuality and consciousnesses on him, and also expanding his knowledge and programing on these many human relations, facilitating his comprehension and existence along them. Actually that's a very good point, i do not know why it did not keep the shrapnel, in fact, i will change it so he keep that scar too, so maybe these scars help to illustrate smalls glimpses of his individuality, and in my opinion they can be a pretty good representative of that, maybe like humans he can be changed and defined by the scars from his existence. For me, it's deeply important that this character is a synthetic so that with all these scars and "cracks" there can be a construction of his consciousness and individuality among this damage (i'v just noticed this is getting a bit too allegorical LOL), that said, if he was a human he would already have that, not having then an struggle that would move on the story of this character, and for me, if there's no struggle there's no story to be told. I hope i have been clear with my answers, if not i would be happy to answer more. Thanks for the attention to these details and please fell free to ask any more questions, i will edit now his story so that he keeps his first scar
  11. BYOND Key: JuanXBr Character Names: Ozob Korolenko; Rurik Grenwood; Nero Hyperion; Teagan Scott; Christopher Lundvik Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character: IPCs are exempt Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've always being very fond of the IPC role-play style, firstly by their sheer amount of options and personalities each positroc brain can have, from the most extremely logical ones to the more human-like programs, and so how these very variable personalities can act in stressful situations , how they can put their own survival above all directives, and even day-to-day interactions are very interesting and exciting to me, taking all of these in the point of view of a Security IPC.(One paragraph minimum) Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The role-playing with an IPC is different mainly by the concept of a "limited" consciousness based on a algorithm, but in the other hand having an almost unlimited acess to Data, being therefore very different socially and culturally from their biological counterparts and the also very interesting concept of being owned by a company, being therefore a property and having a very limited freedom, Character Name: Marnik Please provide a short backstory for this character Marnik chassis was constructed in a state of the art HPS Amóni on the sparkling Jewel Worlds, more specifically on Sol, he was fabricated and originally owned by Hephaestus Industries, an industrial model part of the Hephaestus “Second Generation” Industrial Model IPCs, from the 5th line of production, a fairly new frame, fabricated in the year 2456. Firstly stationed in the HSF Titáv a Super Bulk Jump Freighter, Marnik was assigned at the security wing of the vessel, learning much and upgrading his program in the ancient ways of kicking off intruders and shooting at pirate and their vessels, in one of those encounters the sector of the ship he was got blown to bits and depressurized, he manage to drop some of the shutters and as he stood stranded in that sector for at least 20 minutes one of his colleagues died on his arms, a piece of shrapnel hitted Marnik forehead and pierced his colleague chest, Marnik took the fault for his colleagues death processing that he could've stopped the shrapnel but wasn't fast enough. And, to this day it can be seen that in the left side of his forehead a small line with about 6 cm of length and 2 cm wide that is clearly a fresh paint, a way more light green than the usual dark green of his chassis. After his survival, a few years of experience and his state of the art technology Marnik was bought by Necropolis Industries and worked for a few months in a Maximum Security prison on Mars where he witnessed many violent riots and was thrown in the middle of that chaos, but thanks to his thick armor and brand new Crowd Control Routines he managed to survive mostly in his entirety, of course, some lost limbs and critically injured inmates were part of the routine, on one escape attempt he joined the pursuit of some prisoners who had run into the "Metal Dunes" an almost endless scrapyard on Mars, as he was searching for them Marnik was attacked by a group of old and Rogue simple robotics, he managed to escape, but one of them manage to melt the shape of his "hand" on his chest, due to the extremely high temperatures of the region and his hand being covered in some kind of oil, although painted over, it has a bit of a bubbling effect with the shape of a wide open robotic hand, but that can only be seen with a closer inspection due to the repairs and the paint that's over it. After his lenghy service Marnik was transferred between some branches of Research and Management of Necropolis until he was bought by Nanotransen because they wanted this Elite State of the Art G2 model guarding their brand new Station, since it's a strategical station which mines and researches Phoron, a vital material for Nanotransen, any investment, mainly in its ISD, would seem of great interest to the company seen in the light of the threats this company has received in recent times even tough they're in the Tau Ceti system, and so, this unit who proved itself again and again in the field proved itself a good investment for Nanotransen. and so, looking to improve their Relations with Nanotransen, mainly in the security and genetics services department, Necropolis gladly sold this unit to Nanotransen. What do you like about this character? What i like about Marnik is mainly how this state of the art security IPC managed after his life-changing experiences to develop sparks of consciousness and individuality and how they marked him, physically and psychologically, having many ways how these small details can interact with the role-playing, and that for me is very exciting How would you rate your role-playing ability? I don't really like rating in numbers, but i can say that personally i believe I'm capable of role-playing in a HRP environment an IPC and giving a fun and interesting time for me and all other involved in this role-play Notes: This is my first whitelist application on this server and on SS13 so fell free to leave any constructive critics and tips, I'll be very grateful PS.: FUNFACT: Marnik when broken down stands for; Mar from Mark: Russian for beacon; nik from Sputnik: Russian for small companion Edit 1: I forgot to put his name on the first line on the What do you like about this character section Edit 2: Added the following line to the end of the first paragraph on the backstory "And, to this day the scar can be seen on Marnik's forehead, a light shrapnel wound that was never repaired, maybe as a reminder of his past." Edit 3: Changed Marnik's story so it would be put into how he was bought by Nanotransen and a small update on his scars to they're more subtle
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