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  1. This is approved. You can link that on the PR.
  2. So, sorry this took some time. Had to give it some thought. This month in particular, you've been spoken to regarding some rough behavior, similar to some extent to the reasons I removed you from medical for. Due to this I don't think I can rightly remove the roleban from you. You're playing a lot now, so I'd just like to see if you're taking what's being told to you to heart and improving your behavior. You can appeal again in a month and I'll take another look.
  3. Sorry that it has been a while. This will likely be handled in about a week or so.
  4. Alright. They were playing an alien inordinately fixated on Dominians. They frequently talk about dominians too OOCly, which started up again after I unbanned them. Harder to search in discord now that I removed them, but you probably saw that I believe. They targeted someone affiliated with Dominia. In Yekta's case, they also had bad interactions regarding Frankster's roboticist maltreating them and not really doing their job. In Levi's case they've had close to zero interactions with Frankster's new character. Levi is however a friend of Yekta and a Dominian. In both cases Frankster tried to have consulars get Yekta or Levi into trouble. I take a look at Frankster's relay comments and he does a funny name drop too after openly talking about this. In both cases the player being targeted (Mel/Levi) have been warned by others in-character that this random Tajara is slandering them When I referenced my/Mel's earlier complaints I was kind of surprised how on the nose it was. Similar relay comments. A lot of the same IC aggression. A random alien with the same fixation. What isn't very present is the OOC aggression beyond metagaming because I stepped in before it could get any worse. If this was anyone else I would give them the benefit of the doubt. And to be clear, I know Frankster had no OOC conversation with Herbs. When Frankster said "A friend and I inquired with Herbs" what he actually meant was "I sent another player to DM Herbs. Herbs said talk to staff."
  5. Appeal's a bit short but you did DM me over discord regarding this and it has been a long time. The appeal is accepted. I will trust you're being sincere. It's been a while since I've unbanned someone from the Discord so that might take a bit. The game itself will just be a few minutes though.
  6. Accepted. You should be able to play on the server now.
  7. You were not banned because I thought you might be transphobic. You were banned because this situation the way it's been laid out from your actions on the relay to those in the game itself was almost a 1:1 repeat of your targeting of Yekta in the first permaban (And it's because of a connection to Dominia again, go figure) minus the part where you're able to actually completely ruin someone's day yet. I am never accepting another appeal from you. This is denied.
  8. Hey, I didn't forget about this. Last week's been busy. I'll follow up/resolve it by Friday at the least.
  9. Here is what I believe is the full discord conversation.
  10. In any case, this is approved.
  11. This is a very novel and interesting idea, I really like that about this. Lore also thinks it's based so this is approved.
  12. Will be reviewing the rest of this later. Regarding item limits, we don't have any at the moment so it's up to you on whether the trophy stays or goes.
  13. Approved, then. I won't lock this for a few days though, in case there's any other elements to consider that haven't been posed yet.
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