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Everything posted by Caelphon

  1. Article #3 of the Magna Expansio Unionis Arc Commonwealth Naval Authority Instructed; Consortium leases Space Station to Union. The Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria is a yet unknown force within interstellar politics. It has not yet made any open alignment to any one idea, and the fractioning of politics across Hieroaetheria makes it difficult to predict any of its choices. The Union of Gla’orr, after consulting with the Grand Assembly of the Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria, has confirmed that the Commonwealth Naval Authority shall assist in gathering additional information concerning Wrath’s Anvil – furthermore, they shall be performing various tasks to assist in best determining the first Unitary outpost on the moon. Vice-Admiral Where Cataclysmic Energy Transverses into Celestial Life has confirmed that it has dispatched several units to conduct analysis for the Union of Gla’orrs selected colony sites on the moon, and will soon have results. Delegates from both the Consortium and the Union have also been collaborating in the passing days, in which through an agreement for greater resources harvested by Wrath’s Anvil, they have leased the Collis Space Station to the Union of Gla’orr so they may begin constructing a colonisation vessel for the intended settlement of Wrath’s Anvil. The Eternal Republic of the Ekane has offered verbal support to the Union of Gla’orr, but so far as yet has not offered anything more substantial to assist in the colonisation effort. [Date: 05/22/2466]
  2. Article #2 of the Magna Expansio Unionis Arc Colonisation is Greenlit by the Assembly Titan's Rapture is the largest system in the entirety of the Orion Spur, hosting eight different stars, each within a delicate dance with one another. The Grand Assembly of the Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria is pleased to announce after several days of discussion, the approval of the Union of Gla’orr’s proposal regarding the colonisation of Bellstep IVa – with the latter confirming the intended name being “Wrath’s Anvil” as opposed to its existing name. An extract of the final touches to the proposal can be found below: The Union of Gla’orr has announced it shall begin preparations for the colonisation of Wrath’s Anvil, and is expected to host delegates with the Commonwealth Naval Authority and the Consortium to ensure the efficiency of its colonisation. Paragon Carver of Order for a Unified Future has announced that the final details shall be unveiled towards the end of the month. For now, many within the Union of Gla’orr rejoice, as well as others within the greater Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria and soon it shall be revolutionised – the Consortium no longer being the sole interstellar actor from Hieroaetheria. [Date: 05/21/2466]
  3. Beginning of the Magna Expansio Unionis Arc Article #1 Grand Assembly Tables Discussion on Union Expansion Hieroaethera. Home to billions of Dionae. The first of its kind, but surely not the last. The Grand Assembly of the Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria has announced that delegates from the Union of Gla’orr have pushed for an urgent meeting concerning the beginning of their off-world ventures. Set to be discussed in the upcoming days, before finally being voted upon at the end of the week, it primarily concerns the Union of Gla’orr carving a piece of the interstellar pie for themselves – Bellstep IVa. Though a name has not yet been decided upon for the potential colony, the Union is adamant that the Grand Assembly will see to reason and agree on their proposal. Bellstep IVa orbits Bellstep – a gas giant that is rich in both hydrogen and helium-3; with the hopes that it will allow for self-sufficiency for the Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria, in which they can ensure the member-states need not rely on external actors to ensure independence both within Titan's Rapture and its greater territory. The Union of Gla’orr has expressed no desire in their proposal that indicates any wishes to terraform the moon, instead using its barren status to solely increase the industrial output of the Union. Date: [05/14/2466]
  4. Hi there. We will tend to this in a couple hours.
  5. This application is accepted.
  6. Of course, but you're basing your application on lore not yet released. Preferably, you're able to take a look at what exists and then sculpt around that, there are some significant changes between them, that a snippet doesn't particularly give.
  7. Nothing major, just remember the following: 1. Mindtype. 2. Role that their Origin has played. 3. Religion, if any. 4. What religion? How does it impact them? Preferably a non-EUM Dionae, as it is currently enroute to being shipped out. Unless you’d like to wait, and read Hieroatheria, and then edit your application.
  8. Hi there, I don't necessarily wish to approve of something relating to small tidbits of yet-unreleased lore. Either, you can change your application to one of our existing locations, or wait until Hieraetheria is released and then we take it from there after you get the whole picture?
  9. It was a wee bit confusing but it was a lowkey funny joke, still think it was evil incarnate because my brain couldn’t understand up was left and left was down…
  10. Hi there! I was once told by a very wise man @Mofo1995 its how you put your ideas to paper, and not what. Goodluck. There are no wrong answers.
  11. Hi there! Goodluck for you application, some questions.
  12. Honestly, through the years, I cannot say you've ever been disappointed with your roleplay. Your characters have been memorable, and ultimately enjoyable to converse with. This application has my support. However, I do have some questions:
  13. Thank you, we will deliberate sometime today.
  14. Hi there! What mind type is your Gestalt? How do they view the other branches of the Eternal? Do they have qualms with them? How do they view the Omnivirate? Do you mind expanding a bit on how the recent events have impacted your Gestalt?
  15. Thank you! We will discuss this today.
  16. Hi there! Thanks for your application. Just some questions: Does Pebble follow a religion, if so which one, if not, why not? How does Pebbles view the Peacekeeper Mandate? Was it a necessary evil, or a cruel decision? How does Pebbles perceive the Eternal and their leadership, the Omnivirate
  17. Hi there, thank you for your application! 1. What religion would you say your Dionae follows? One of the Unathi ones, or the Eternal? 2. How did they encounter Orion Express?Especially considering Hephaestus’ hegemony over the… well, Hegemony. Thanks! There are no wrong answers.
  18. Hi there. Some questions. Thanks.
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