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Everything posted by Caelphon

  1. Article #9 of the Libération, Révolution et Évolution Arc Minutemen Help Settlements In Need of Assistance! The Tau Ceti Minutemen have decisively cleared several Mictlani settlements from Samaritans – sweeping through the area alongside the Auxiliary Corporate Forces and the Foreign Legion. Intelligence was given by the Zoleth Line’s Aura during the early hours of this morning, confirming significant communications that it predicted was certainly a mounting ambush on Lago de Abundancia yet again, previously a harrowing ordeal that the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion in co-operating with the Mictlan Defense Force engaged in almost a year and a half ago. With support from the Tau Ceti Rainmakers, using primarily short-range artillery, the Minutemen were able to clear a route towards the centre of the Samaritan Enclave within the local region. Shortly after making contact with the insurgents, the Tau Ceti Powered Support Detachment made its way through a separate rear flank, ensuring the anti-corporatists were ensnared within a trap and unable to flee from the Tau Ceti Armed Forces. After nearly three continuous hours of switching tactics and levelling an attack on the Enclave, the Minutemen were able to declare themselves victorious as they detained numerous, however rather low-level, insurgents. Following a retreat to safer territories, the Hazardous Environmental Gestalt Unit’s Fulcrum was assigned to disaster relief within the area, ensuring that the local inhabitants that were cleared from association with the Samaritans would be relocated towards major population centres across the planet, with support from the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate ensuring that those innocent of wrong-doing would “find themselves accepted within the personnel ranks of the Conglomerate, should they apply.” Veni. Vidi. Vici. Date: 08/23/2465
  2. Article #7 of the Libération, Révolution et Évolution Arc Auxiliary Corporate Forces Integrated In an announcement that has been a long time coming, Secretary Trasen today confirmed that the Auxiliary Corporate Forces have finally been integrated into the new Tau Ceti Armed Forces. Making up the last branch of the armed forces, the Auxiliary Corporate Forces will act as a cushion for the new branches of the armed forces as they train and build up strength in case of any unexpected attacks before they are fully ready to defend the Republic. The Auxiliary Corporate Forces will then transition into a proper auxiliary force, acting as a backup in case of massive invasion or crisis, assisting the armed forces in fighting off enemies of the Republic. Equipped by their respective corporations, the force is composed of mostly Zavodskoi Interstellar and PMCG assets; as well as NanoTrasen Fleet assets such as the NDV Icarus and the renowned ERTs. Employees assigned to the Auxiliary Corporate Forces will now have their paychecks increased by wages from the government, and be considered full members of the armed forces. The SCC has confirmed that individuals serving within the Auxiliary Corporate Forces will be eligible to apply for the Tau Ceti Corporate Scholarship, and the government has stated that organic members and free IPCs of the Auxiliary Corporate Forces will also be eligible to receive Republican citizenship after completing their deployment. IPCs will still be assets to their corporations should they be owned, and make their way towards freedom through other stipulated channels. Secretary Trasen also announced that the Auxiliary Corporate Forces will begin to deploy alongside the Minutemen on Mictlan, taking over responsibilities for protecting important installations such as FOBs and acting as a quick response force for conflicts. Some members of the Auxiliary Corporate Forces will also be assigned to special action groups, who will hunt down key members of insurgent organizations who present a danger to the stability of the planet. These special action groups are composed of the best of the best from Zavodskoi Interstellar and the PMCG, and CEO Lyudmilla Zavodskoi has promised they will be put to good effect in cutting off the head of the snake. Those on Mictlan can sleep easier at night knowing the worst of their terrorists may soon no longer be a threat. Date: 08/14/2465
  3. Thank you for your application. Welcome to Head Staff.
  4. Thank you for your application. You and I have many similar standings, and I do believe that you'd make an excellent Lore Master. I enjoy your lore, and I'm glad I get to work with you. The direction you are taking Skrell Lore in is something I've fought for many years to be able to take it in, and I'm glad that it has you at the helm pushing it forward. Thank you for throwing your hat into the ring, and I encourage you to apply for the position in the future, when I eventually retire from my tyrannical reign.
  5. Thank you for your application. Kyres, you are one of the most involved members of the community. You are a talented artist and a great writer. You also have a phenomenal mind for creating event arcs. Though I have elected another applicant at this stage, I do wish to involve you more in our event arcs, and bring you to the table as someone with as much experience as you do. Thank you for throwing your hat into the ring.
  6. Thank you for your application. Your time on the Team was a valuable one, and we do share many common grounds on the direction we wish to take the lore. You have many ideas that I think should be implemented, and I'm hoping to commence some of them, and I want to thank you for that. I'm glad you threw your hat in the ring, but I've selected another applicant.
  7. Thank you for your application. It's been a while since I've seen so many applicants for any particular position, and I'm glad you threw your hat in the ring. I like your ideas, and your ability to give critical (but helpful) feedback towards members of the team. Though I have chosen another applicant to fill this position, nevertheless I encourage you to apply for a position on the Lore Team as you'd be a valuable asset.
  8. Article #6 of the Libération, Révolution et Évolution Arc People's Republic of Adhomai Joins Training At around noon today Secretary Trasen announced yet another partner for the new Armed Forces, the People’s Republic of Adhomai. The People’s Republic has been a long ally of Biesel, and they have fought beside each other on multiple fronts, from Adhomai to Tau Ceti. Many citizens of the People’s Republic have also immigrated to Biesel, making new homes in District 6 of Mendell City, now nicknamed Little Adhomai. Troops from the People’s Republic are sadly unable to visit the district, as their duties are expected to keep them occupied for the duration of their stay. The People’s Republic Minister of Defense, Irbaykhan Mirarkiizar, spoke in a joint press conference with Secretary Trasen about the training exercises that the People’s Republic would undertake with the new armed forces. He confirmed that the majority of training exercises would be run between the Grand People’s Army and Minutemen, with war games planned in the snow covered mountains of Northern Selene. These wargames will pit the Minutemen and select divisions of the Grand People’s Army against one another in simulated battle, with mock villages, logistic hubs, and other important infrastructure being built. Secretary Trasen wanted to get out of the way that he expects the Minutemen to lose at first, as the divisions he selected to be rotated through the exercise are primarily made up of inexperienced volunteers, who never served in the past. The goal of the exercise he went on, is to teach the new recruits and officers by pitting them against an army with years of experience in battle, in an environment that most are unfamiliar with. Observers will be watching the battle in a command center located aboard the NTCC Odin, and after the exercise is completed go over the results with unit commanders who will disseminate information to their respective units. Similar wargames are also planned within the Romanavich Cloud between the PRA’s Kosmostrelki and orbital navy facing off against ships of the Republican Fleets and Minutemen Legions training for combat in the vacuum of space. A travel advisory has been issued for areas of the region, as the exercise is expected to involve some live-fire aspects. Secretary Trasen closed the conference by thanking the PRA, particularly Defense Minister Irbaykhan Mirarkiizar, and declared that a new chapter had been opened in the relationship between the two nations. All currently planned exercises are expected to be completed within three months. Date: 08/13/2465
  9. Article #5 of the Libération, Révolution et Évolution Arc Zoleth Line Proclaimed by the Republic of Biesel Today standing on the steps to the State Senate, President Dorn and Secretary Trasen announced the completion of the Zoleth Line after eight months of continuous efforts to keep its existence confidential – initiated by President Dorn as a means to safeguard the Republic. Named after the Zo’rane Warrior Queen, the Zoleth Line is a set of listening posts, naval anchorages, and Minutemen outposts along a particular stretch of the Republic’s Hinterlands. Well staffed, its purpose is to prevent future incursions by “rogue actors”, capable of delaying Solarian dreadnaughts whilst the Republic prepares for a front within Tau Ceti, and smaller threats, such as the constant raids suffered in previous years from within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone before the ceasefire with the Southern Solarian Military District. Piracy also runs rampant within the Region, and the Zoleth Line is well-equipped to ensure the safety of the starlanes. Additionally, Aura will be relocated to the Zoleth Line to ensure capable defences, using its computing power to ensure best the stability and safety of the Republic of Biesel. To deal with these issues, the Zoleth Line must be flexible and stiff, where no greater force comes in than the Tau Ceti Intervention Command. Masters of intelligence gathering, this primarily Skrell force helps to manage the hundreds of listening posts dotted along the border, locating incursions and coordinating with fleet admiralty to vector ships into blocking positions. Finding ships in the vast emptiness of space is no easy task, but their unique training and skill set, combined with high-end bluespace instruments, allow them to pinpoint vessels within a parsec, even if engaged in warp or bluespace plotting. Further behind the listening posts sit dozens of outposts and anchorages, constantly ready to respond to any call. Zoleth’s own warriors play a key role here, with members of the Tau Ceti Powered Support Detachment, small squads of heavily augmented Vaurca Warriors built around providing Zo’rane firepower through the use of modified hardsuits with tank and mechanized armaments attached being assigned to the first line of defense. Operating in small Sections of four to six Warriors, they are able to remain mobile and in vacuum due to Vaurcae Exoskeletons, while still carrying enough firepower to rip apart vessels once latched on to the outside and boarding. The Republican Fleet supports these brave warriors, engaging incursions alongside them, while Minutemen units supplanted by corporate auxiliary forces hold hard points further back along chartered routes of travel. These units will be of the Minutemen’s 3rd Division, the latest to move to active status. Secretary Trasen has stated that the division will continue its training on the Zoleth line, ensuring that it keeps the edge it honed over the previous weeks. Lastly is the TCFL, which act as a mobile reserve force in case reinforcements are needed somewhere. This line will ensure the safety of the Republic and its newfound territories, potentially halting yet another Solarian Invasion before it manages to reach Tau Ceti. Both Secretary Trasen and the President are reportedly happy with having completed the defensive line so quickly, and average citizens can sleep more easily at night knowing that they are well-defended. Date: 08/07/2465
  10. Article #4 of the Libération, Révolution et Évolution Arc Mictlan becomes First Conflict for Tau Ceti Armed Forces Though the Peacekeeper Mandate continues across the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, it has seen considerable success across Mictlan, where the active combat areas are confined only within the eastern continent of the planet – which the Tau Ceti Armed Forces shall see as their first deployment, at the request of the Mictlan Defense Force. Secretary Trasen announced that the training for previous members of the Foreign Legion who transferred over to the Minutemen has completed and that this new force, now re-organized into the 2nd Division of the Minutemen, will be deploying to Mictlan. Composed of 15 Legions, the 2nd Division represents a commitment from the Republic for a safer tomorrow in the CRZ. For many of the divisions it is not their first time on the planet, but armed with new equipment and better training, it is expected that they will be able to be an effective force against the terrorists that still roam the Eastern Continent. Critics against the move have pointed out that the vast majority of the Division’s legions were filled with brand new volunteers, primarily immigrants and refugees to the Republic, not veterans of the Foreign Legion. Secretary Trasen assured them that while the division is partially filled with new volunteers, all the officers and senior enlisted of the division are veterans of the Foreign Legion, and he trusts that they can effectively carry out their tasks. Specific mission orders and objectives are classified, but Secretary Trasen has stated that the soldiers of the 2nd will be actively engaging insurgents in the countryside, and mounting patrols to ensure the safety of the local population. The reaction on Mictlan has been mixed, with the recent withdrawal of the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion many had hoped that the Mictlan Defense Force would be able to keep the insurgents under control, perhaps eradicate them for good. Prime Minister Santos expressed hope that the new Republican Armed Forces will destroy the insurgents, finally closing this messy chapter in Mictlan’s history. It seems the Minutemen may fulfil these hopes, as deploying infantry, air, and mechanized legions made up of the best the veteran Legionnaires and new recruits had to offer. Many of these special forces have been carried over from the Foreign Legion and are species-specific, such as the Redsnouts, a force of heavily armored Unathi who are utilized as shock infantry. We wish to remind readers that the name Redsnouts originally comes from the unique livery of helmets worn by members of the group, who have now begun painting their snouts red as a form of Unathi ritual, and not because they devour the corpses of their fallen foes. Rumours have also been circulating about deployments to the Western Corporate Reconstruction Zone, known as the "Hinterlands", in what may be an attempt by Secretary Trasen to secure one of our most vulnerable flanks. Date: 08/04/2465
  11. Article #3 of the Libération, Révolution et Évolution Arc Tau Ceti Armed Forces Trained by Corporate Mercenaries Secretary Nathan Trasen announced in a press conference earlier today that the Tau Ceti Armed Forces has purchased military stores from the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate; primarily military surplus from Zavodskoi Interstellar. Additionally, the SCC pledged to continue supplying the armed forces through a lease agreement orchestrated by the Secretary of Defense – with each megacorporation assisting in their specialities. Considered a generous agreement, the Conglomerate appears to be offering these supplies significantly below market value, with several of the spacecraft in the Republican Fleets already due for the installation of a combination of heavy gunneries. The Private Military Contracting Group has negotiated a training agreement between itself and the Tau Ceti Armed Forces, with various subsidiaries focusing on particular elements of the armed forces – such as the Xanu Defense Services planning to run several combat simulations, as well as practical manoeuvres to ensure that the Republican Fleets are prepared in the event of another incursion against the sovereignty of the Republic of Biesel. The Kazarrhaldiye Operations Group, composed of veterans of Adhomai’s Revolutions, will assist in training the Minutemen in counter-insurgency tactics, the identification of explosive devices, and other commonly used insurgent devices that would assist in the Minutemen’s objective of pacifying eastern Mictlan. Select members of the Wildlands squadron who formerly enforced laws in the Outer Rings of the Solarian Alliance have been contacted to instil a sense of loyalism within the Minutemen, additionally assisting in teaching methods to adequately quell riots and deal with close-quarter combat situations. Date: 07/31/2465
  12. What is your opinion on the following?
  13. What is your opinion on the following?
  14. What is your opinion on the following?
  15. What is your opinion on the following?
  16. This is in discussion amongst the Lore Team. Once it has been vetoed or assented, we'll move forward with scheduling with the Maintainers/Developers on how to move forward.
  17. As a non-Lore Writer, what is your perspective of the Libération, Révolution et Évolution Arc so far?
  18. As a non-Lore Writer, what is your perspective of the Libération, Révolution et Évolution Arc so far?
  19. Article #2 of the Libération, Révolution et Évolution Arc Trasen Appointed as Secretary of Defense Electing to reshuffle his cabinet, President Joseph Dorn has announced the appointment of Nathan Trasen as the Secretary of Defense – the cousin of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate’s Acting Director Miranda Trasen. Though some within the other political parties of Biesel have criticised the President’s appointment of Nathan Trasen, in particular Zash Vi’tak of the Cetian Social Democratic Front, who called the appointment blatant corporate favouritism and subsequently demanded that President Dorn resign from his position. Despite the criticisms, Nathan Trasen has considerable experience as a result of his position as the Chief Security Director of NanoTrasen. Throughout his time with NanoTrasen, he oversaw the deployment of its fleets and its response to rising tensions across the Orion Spur – such as the Second Solarian Invasion, in which he oversaw several fleet manoeuvres during critical moments of the fighting. He has elected to remain as the Chief Security Director of NanoTrasen while he serves as the Secretary of Defense. Where he confirmed that the position would hold no sway in his abilities or decisions as Secretary of Defense, citing that the shared interests of the Republic of Biesel and NanoTrasen should coincide and thereby not interfere. Secretary Trasen has already begun discussions with President Dorn regarding the priorities of the Tau Ceti Armed Forces, in particular ensuring the protection of the NSS Orchard Moon as it supplies the Republic of Biesel with much-needed phoron, and overall decreases the strength of the phoron scarcity on the greater interstellar economy. Questioned by many regarding the training of new recruits to the new service branches, it was confirmed that several Legionnaires have already been transferred and given new assignments with their elevation. Additionally, he has confirmed that he will be meeting with his cousin, Acting Director of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate Miranda Trasen, to discuss corporate contributions to the Tau Ceti Armed Forces. Date: 07/27/2465
  20. Beginning of the Libération, Révolution et Évolution Arc Article #1 Amendment to the People's Protection Act of 2464 President Joseph Dorn of the Republic of Biesel has recently announced in a press conference, amendments to the People’s Protection Act that were passed earlier in 2464 aimed at overhauling the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion and equipping them with a fighting chance against the threats that were presented – such as insurrectionist groups in the Corporate Reconstruction Zone and the skirmishes that broke out with warlords hailing from the Wildlands. However, President Dorn has stated that these measures were not enough to ensure the safety and security of the Republic in an ever more turbulent Spur. In an emergency quorum meeting between the Republican Congress, an amendment to the People’s Protection Act was passed with significant backing by almost every political party, with only the Cetian Social Democratic Front dissenting, arguing that the Legion’s budget should not be slashed to accommodate these new forces. The amendment titled the “People’s Protection Amendment Act” finally formalized the existence of a proper military to defend the Republic, and allocated significant funding for its creation and training. The current Tau Ceti Foreign Legion will be incorporated into the armed forces as a service branch, and all currently serving Legionnaires that haven’t completed their active service requirements will continue their terms of enlistment. Introducing an additional three branches to the greater armed forces, the Tau Ceti Armed Forces is composed of the Tau Ceti Minutemen, Republican Fleets, Foreign Legion and the Corporate Auxiliary Forces. Each will be outfitted with equipment purchased primarily from Zavodskoi Interstellar, and Hephaestus Industries. Personnel from these service branches will also be required to undergo additional training separate from the regime utilized during the dominance of the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion. Newly opened recruiting stations have already been overwhelmed by a flood of applicants, both those previously serving with the Foreign Legion and patriotic citizens of the Republic of Biesel – who will be given a chance to defend their nation and see the stars. It is expected that the Tau Ceti Armed Forces will be able to begin deployment by the end of the month, officially. However, it has been confirmed unofficially that deployment will commence across the Republic of Mictlan. Date: 07/24/2465
  21. Hi there, some questions. You make reference to their time in the TCFL. How did the Peacekeeper Mandate impact your Vaurcae? How did they react to the increase of unrest in District 9 a few months ago regarding the Queenless? How do they feel about Queenless Vaurcae? You mention an undeveloped personality. Would they be similar to a drone when playing them initially?
  22. After consulting the team, we’re going to be denying this application. However, thank you for contributing and perhaps in the future some elements may be used and credited to you!
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