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Lore Writers
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Everything posted by Caelphon

  1. With the resignation of Zer0Winds, a Dionae Lore Deputy Writer position has opened up. We’re looking for someone who has a passion for the species and is overall willing to work in a team environment – not just with the Dionae Lore Team, but the greater Lore Team as well. Whilst prior writing experience is preferable, it does not deter your chances of being selected! Additionally, coding experience and artistic ability is not a requirement, but an advantage to an applicant. Now, for the questions! Thank you, and goodluck. There are no wrong answers. Please follow the guidelines when posting an application.
  2. This address has been rerouted as per instructions by the owner. The Biesellian Song Express has been repurposed by the Omnivirate
  3. Hi there. Unfortunately m, we’ve recently learnt about administrative issues that have come up regarding your conduct. We’re going to deny this app, you’re free to reapply in two weeks should not additional issues arise during that period. Thank you!
  4. Unfortunately, we’ve decided to deny this application. The time period allocated is three days, after this you are free to reapply. The main issue is that it feels like you aren’t really engrossing yourself within Dionae Lore, more so only touching on the surface elements. I tried to explore this with questions but your answers weren’t really satisfactory. Youre nearly there! For your next application I’d advise going over previous applications, asking questions in the lore discord, and reading over the pages again. You don’t have to play an application character! But for your first, I’d advise making a character that touches on significant pieces of lore. Take for example one of the minor dionae factions, or Dionae from the Eternal Gardens! I wish you the best of luck in the future!
  5. Hi there! Sorry for the wait. Just one last question / request. The Team feels, that although your application does cover what is necessary, we’d like for you to perhaps elect a different conglomerate of Dionae and give a brief “new character” outline just so we know that you’re aware of the cultural elements of the species. Thank you!
  6. Hi there! Thank you for your application. Goodluck, there are no wrong answers.
  7. This application is accepted!
  8. Though I have not interacted with you, you do write well! I enjoy your ideas. 1. How do you feel about Dionae in the Federation? Anything you’d change? Anything you’d want to see added? Removed?
  9. Recalling your Skrell Application, from almost a year back, you have an incredible ability to weave a story based on what’s given to you — and I think Skrell Lore would perform admirably with you. Just a few questions: 1. How do you feel about Dionae and the Federation? Anything you like, anything you don’t like? What would you change if you could hypothetically change it unilaterally. 2. Do you see any issues with inter-species coordination and developing lore that would impact more than just Skrell Lore?
  10. Do you mind expanding in what makes this species different to roleplay than humans? The team will assess following that! Thank you!
  11. Hi there! Thank you for your application. It’s a bit short, but hopefully with some questions we can get to know some more. 1. How does your character feel about Hephaestus Industries? 2. What was their experience like in C-block? How did they discover they enjoyed song-writing? 3. Why did they seek the SCCV Horizon, why not a lesser well-known exploratory vessel? 4. How does their initial wildness, or rather having been voidic, impact them today? How did they integrate with C-block? 5. How does the Harmonious Hymn impact their decision making? How will this impact their personality? 6. How old is the Gestalt? Were they all voidic, or did some from the Narrows join them? Thank you!
  12. As said in the previous application, Brotendo was a strong contender for Deputy Loremaster during my holding of the position. I have no doubt they'd make an excellent Deputy Loremaster. This application has my support.
  13. Well, Tau Ceti as a whole (this means the Corporate Reconstruction Zone [Port Antillia & Mictlan] and the actually Tau Ceti [Biesel, Valkyrie & Reade]) are all under the purview of the Lore Team Administration -- at this point, @Triogenix and his elected Deputy Loremaster. Really, every city mentioned is a "major population centre" whereas there's a large conglomeration of people, it doesn't necessarily mean its a huge city like Mendell City, or Arequipa or the provincial capitals mentioned across Port Antillia. Let's look at Caxamalca for instance, in regard to drafting your own mock-up. It gives us a few key things: 1. Environment, which can be used by players when talking as their characters (Joe Mictlan: "Back in Malca, the winds from Tepeyollotli used to ravage us on our ways to the mines.") 2. Primary economy (Mining), which can be used by players to give a background to their skills (Joe Mictlan, Supervisor at a mine in Caxamalca, now Head of Personnel on the SCCV Horizon.) 3. Culture, another thing to blend into your character (Joe Mictlan, who likes his fungibars with a Chilean-style twist!) 4. Lastly, how does one possibly escape or leave this origin? Introduction of Hephaestus Industries clears that for us (Joe Mictlan, previously a Mining Supervisor gets transferred by Hephaestus to the SCCV Horizon, coaxed by increased pay and ability to send money back to his family on Mictlan, or take them away from the dangers of the Samaritans should it ever come to Caxamalca). I hope that helps clear up some confusion? @lilahnovi
  14. I enjoy the motto, however, a "lore mock-up" of Saladas might go a long way in terms of the team trying to understand your motives and the direction you possible wish to take it.
  15. I believe Rusting is a very level-headed individual, and have yet to seen them have outbursts of any kind in the community. While I might think a little more experience might be necessary, they have often taken the reigns on projects and have gone above-and-beyond. This application has my support.
  16. I believe compromises are a necessary step for any team to work, and communication. I will always ensure the deputies have their voice and opinion heard on any development moving forward, I do try my best as Loremaster, and I have no doubts this will carry over to Dionae Lore. I hope that helps any worries?
  17. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ntxA61vf3WZO9eO9TJRB91RIwi4wJ6zB7QETIWn05yU/edit?usp=sharing This is my intended expansion of the Eternal, a stepping stone in the direction I wish to take.
  18. Of course, I imagine it would also be something commonly found across Voidic Dionae as well, and would tie in especially with my idea of the "hardline industrialist" view. I would likely expand its existence on EUM as well, with caveats as to how it is viewed by different Dionae and whatnot.
  19. I'd like to factor that into my expansion on Moghes Dionae, and their consumption of Unathi having perished following the atomic cataclysm, and expand the religion there with elements of Th'akh. I think it would mesh well together, as having formed as a mashing.
  20. Hi there, thanks for the questions! 1. I have no plans to remove any of the branches, but instead expand on them and their impact on Dionae. I solemnly believe that the Eternal is ripe with potential for engaging, interesting content that can be used more dynamically with the species. My plan is to primarily integrate Xrim's reverence of Glorsh-Omega and Iron Eternal to be where it originated from, and tie it more into that than its current existence of having merely "popped" into belief. 2. I do not seek to change its current existence of how it currently manages itself, but moreso how it goes about managing itself (confusing I know) through trimming some of the sections, and expanding on existing sections relating to how planetary unification works. I enjoy the name, having come up with it, "Co-operative Territories of Epsilon Ursae Minoris" which has a nice ring to it -- though perhaps shift it from Co-operative to Covenant, so we can all it "The Covenant" as a more unique name, but I understand the implications from borrowing such a name (with reference to Halo's "The Flood").
  21. Hi there! Thank you for the questions. In regards to the Hegemony-Dionae Relations I do have plans in particular for the Hegemony-Dionae relations, in particular their necessity to clearing of radiation outside of the Terraforming Machines in the Wasteland. This would factor into my plans to also expand on the Eternal as a more "intrinsic" element of Dionae, where it is essentially not a religion, but a motif for their existence. It is ingrained into every existing Dionae, and yes one may elect to pursue another way of thinking, but the Eternal will "always be there" sort of internal conflict. I'd like to expand on this relationship (and more so their presence) with a combination of: The trading of Dionae on Moghes, in particular how Dionae are impacted by this during their lifespans on the once-blooming planet. Though perhaps a controversial take, I think it is one that would be a good addition to in-character building and how it impacts Dionae. These three sentences spoke the most to me, and I think they have massive potential for expanding on Dionae's integration into the planet, while also leaning onto the species on themes, instead of always "parasitising" other themes from other locations/species. I'd begin by re-writing the religious experiences and introducing a "mashing" of the Eternal and Th'akhism, alongside expanding the idea brought forward by @whitewolftamer in regards to Dionae do not see death as finality, but instead continuous within themselves and through that they seek consumption, though primarily of radiation as opposed to other available resources due to its importance to the Eternal. I'd also like to lean into the idea that these Voided Vocals being the bogeymen of Moghes, in that they exist as "trophies" for Unathi to venture into the Wasteland in regards to possibly proving themselves as acclaimed warriors to their clans. I'd also like to revamp the section to honour so it is more consistent with my vision above, if the Unathi Team agrees. In regards to the Federation-Dionae Relationship: Again, re-introducing the Eternal to the species and how it impacts them within the Federation. Especially with the Federation's approach to the Social Credit System, and in particular Xrim. There is something really big I'd like to do with Xrim, that I attempted to do a while ago, and that involved massively expanding it and it becoming a pseudo-vassal within the Nralakk Federation with significant overwatch from the Federation as a result of its history of revering Glorsh-Omega. I think Xrim has massive potential to be something that can be developed into something of considerable interest to not only Dionae players but the rest of the playerbase. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Xrim&oldid=18853 This was one of my first renditions of Xrim, and I'd like to take it in a similar direction once again. Otherwise, I have nothing I currently see changing, if perhaps making the Dionae are more "watched" or "monitored" species within the Federation due to their status as being possibly dangerous. I do plan on starting off with an Arc that makes them significantly more important to Dionae, and changing a little of the history regarding the Eternal. Its first existence was that there existed a conglomerate of Dionae that rivalled even the largest stars, sending messages to its "children" or "followers" from across the stars to perform its will. I would like to begin by saying the Eternal Leader on Biesel claims to have had his signal "severed" or the Eternal has gone "quiet" and introducing a new character that claims to be a prophet from the Eternal, and that they will usher in a new age of spirituality, with the Eternal being divided on this approach, as well as Epsilon Ursae Minoris hosting several significant religious ceremonies and deliberating on how to move forward, again leaning into the Theocratic Gerontocracy I wish to introduce. Possibly, I'm not entire sure of how I'd do it right now, if I have to truly be honest.
  22. Hi there, thanks for your feedback! I don’t think we need to add another faction for Dionae currently, nor another primarily antagonist faction. We’ve saturated the lore with them for a bit already, and think it’s necessary that the species itself needs to be adjusted and re-themed to a central approach. I did enjoy these ideas, and I think this would be an element I would like to explore regarding the psychological approach to their consumerism and whatnot, should I be accepted.
  23. I believe that the species itself is considerably alien, which makes it difficult to really craft characters without approaching it with gestalt-psychology in mind. It was initially my idea for the species to be given pain receptors mechanically as a way to decrease the frustration in regarded to the species. I do believe this mechanic does maintain usefulness compared to the previous “I stronk tree” that reigned supreme and ruined rounds when they became antagonist. I rather see this as an enforcement issue, and where this does crop up there should be a zero-tolerance policy. The species itself is unique mechanically, but currently I have no ideas besides my desire to add an Argus sub-type. The Eternal is an important aspect for myself as well. I believe that an introduction of the “grey goo” scenario (apologies if it seems I ripped it off you, but swear on my oath I’ve been kicking it around for a few years even way back in my deputy position!) would work well with small changes to the Eternal in regards to being hardline industrialists with little respect for ensuring the sustainability of their actions or society. I do wish to make the Eternal a more integrated aspect of EUM, where it plays a significant role in the internal affairs of the planet. Theocratic Gerontocracy, something already seen with our friends in the Eternal Gardens (District 11). I believe that the species lacks any defining theme, and it would be necessary to outline it prior to moving forward. I believe this would be done best through a tweaked origin — which does not resemble them being designed for destruction! Apologies if I gave anyone that impression. I do not wish to introduce them as a designed species for destruction. However, I do like the Spiritual Idealism and Amoral Materialism, which I think would gel well with a species that consumes (and by consumes, I mean conssuuuuuumes). Again, linking back to the element of being devouring creatures that need it to sustain themselves, at the destruction of their colony/ies. @GeneralCamo @whitewolftamer
  24. Ckey/BYOND Username: Caelphon Position Being Applied For: Dionae Lore Writer Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page? Yes, I even added addendums to it! Past Experiences/Knowledge: I have been Dionae Lore Deputy, Skrell Lore Writer, Deputy Loremaster and Loremaster with the team for around three years if I’m correct. Examples of Past Work: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Special:Contributions/Caelphon I have worked on various Lore projects. The most recent being the Queendom, Ouerea, Mictlan’s Expansion, The Trasens and the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate re-write. Additional Notes: As per the rules, my position will be vacated. My proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WErNy7zb690O9d_cEQVTG2rYWZNBHNdk9QkhrA04htA/edit I will create a section that I wish to add to Dionae tomorrow morning. Until then, adios!
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