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Everything posted by Caelphon

  1. Thank you Garnascus, it means a lot for someone as high as you are to speak on my pesky little application!
  2. BYOND key: Caelphon Character names: Ranked from most - least played; Naila (IPC Detective) Scattered Embers of a Dying Star (Diona Engine Technician) Nhadijya Khadijrifik'Mdijya (Tajaran Scientist) Uptari'Xixi Kaaxi (Skrell Chaplain) Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 (IPC Trauma Physician) Juuxin Kin (Skrell Warden) HEPH-ENGINE S2.U4.C2460 (IPC Engine Technician) Encroaching Song of Life (Diona Physician) Hanru Smith (Human Chef) How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I do believe its been a few months since I've joined - I joined in December. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I have recently set-up a discord server for those who hold a Command Whitelist, to help eachother and provide ideas that can be implemented. I think I can assist both the discord server and actual serverbetter with a whitelist. Why did you come to Aurora?: It was actually one of the first servers that I joined - I drifted between Aurora and Baystation but I found myself more interested in the Aurora lore, and players really. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: I have, rather extensively. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? To the best of my knowledge, I have not. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Role-playing is the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role - This is the dictionary definition of roleplay, but roleplay isn't just to assume a role, but to faciliate an environment that others will want to seek and join. Roleplay should be about developing connections to the character (or role) that you've undertaken, and ensure that others surrounding you are included in the development through positive and negative interactions. Roleplaying should be enjoyable. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: The Out-of-Character purpose of a Head-of-Staff ingame, is to ensure that a round is enjoyable (for all parties, including antagonists). A Head of Staff is meant to make decisions ooc that they know will either facilitate roleplay or completely shut it down, and they are required to understand that they are a faucet to increasing the connections between players (characters really) through facilitating roleplay in their decisions (obviously to ensure that the environment is not toxic, but a positive on that others wish to join). A Head of Staff is someone others look to in order to guide them how to react to situations - so a Head of Staff should be capable of responding to situations with the correct mindset (for example; A person reports that they saw a person teleport in and out of the medical bay - OOC Command Staff would understand it might be wizard, but IC Command would attempt to investigate it and ensure that if there is nothing found that the person gets treated and is given a psychiatric evaluation before anyone jumps to conclusions). What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Whitelisted Players are held to a high regard in terms of how much 'power' they hold, and thus should set good examples of how to portray a character. Whitelisted Players are there to ensure that enjoyable roleplay (positive and negative interactions) takes place, and further encourage it by doing so when a Whitelisted Player spawns in. Whitelisted Players should also be conscious of how their decisions can ultimately change the narrative of a Shift (understand that getting killed by an antag isn't a lose, but simply a stepping stone to complete the narrative ((of course self-preservations comes into play)) of a shift) Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Ezra: Ezra is a four-year-old IPC, who is fiercely loyal to NanoTrasen. Ezra was constructed in 2458, in the first inklings of the Frost Invasion - Ezra was a free baseline, contracted by Nanotrasen to work as a Quartermaster aboard the NSS Upsilon. It was after the Frost Invasion of March 2nd, and the 're-purchase' era of the Republic Of Biesel that Ezra found themselves owned by Nanotrasen - The IPC began to see NanoTrasen as their saviour, purchasing them instead of letting them be scrapped like many other IPCs. Ezra was transfered to a Shell in 2461 - shortly before Cere's Lance introduction into NanoTrasen, where Ezra saw the work that they were doing as a way to save Shells, and ensure that they'd be well-looked just like NanoTrasen had once done to them. Ezra was promoted in mid-2461 (Approx. June) to Head of Personnel aboard the NSS Upsilon, however eight months later they were reassigned to the NSS Aurora. After a short debrief regarding recent circumstances (Skrell Arc and Tajaran Arc), Ezra has found that they need to solidy relations between NanoTrasen and other species. Ezra has been affected by the recent events, as they believe that the recent growth in disloyalty to NanoTrasen has occured due to the incidents aboard the NSS Aurora - Ezra has been discriminated against due to their origin (IPC) but ultimately wishes to help other species, and ensure that no-one is treated unequally. Tiiquu Xii-Quualt, a one-hundred-and-twelve year old Skrell, currently with faltering views of her Nation (Jargon Federation). Tiquu was born aboard The Homeworld, where they were not only specialised in Industrial Psychology, but further specialised in Communication. Tiquu was involved in numerous organisations on The Homeworld, ensuring that cohesion took place - but it was in 2445 (almost a hundred years after she was born) that Tiiquu realised she wished to further educate herself regarding the inner-workings of other species. Tiiquu left The Homeworld for the Republic of Biesel in 2445, and spent many years as a Psychiatrist aboard the NSS Canis Major. It was in 2456 that Tiiquu was promoted to Chief Medical Officer aboard the NSS Canis Major - however her time in the Republic was not as smooth as it seemed. Tiiquu had somewhat of a shock when the first synthetics began to be deployed all across NanoTrasen assets, leaving her frustrated at the stupidness of humanity - and in February of 2459 following the Frost Invasion, that her views regarding synthetics changed. Tiiquu saw how other species had grown attached to these synthetics - much like how Skrell from the Weeping Era felt, but it was different, synthetics were different. Tiiquu remained apprehensive near synthetics, but soon her tolerance of them began to grow. Tiiquu was transfered to the NCV Clark in 2459, also being promoted to Captain of the vessel as well. Tiiquu remained aboard the NCV Clark until late 2461 - returning to the Republic just before the 'Archives Incident'. Tiiquu found the actions aboard the NSS Aurora unforgiveable - the violence and death brought upon the crew by the Federation's hands were against her teachings, and she vowed to make it right. She requested a transfer to the NSS Aurora in January of 2462, and was promptly transfered to the NSS Aurora, as Captain Tiiquu Xii-Quualt. Tiiquu tends to find herself slightly apprehensive near synthetics, as well as fiercely loyal Skrell to the Federation. The recent events have caused Tiiquu to realise the Jargon Federation lied to their citizens - leaving her questioning her ethics and morals, but she knows for sure she wants to help those aboard the NSS Aurora and make it right. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? I will most likely dive into being a Research Director or a Consular Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: Ezra (IPC Head of Personnel) Tiiquu Xii-Quualt (Skrell Captain) How would you rate your own roleplaying?: Again, I do not like to rate myself using numbers. I believe I try and maintain a high-level of roleplay and if I am given the chance to undertake a trial, I will to the utter best of my abilities attempt to uphold the whitelist. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? I do. Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? I have.
  3. BYOND Key: Caelphon Game ID: Round before b55-cLZY Player Byond Key/Character name: SPCR Staff involved: Bearschwanz and possibly Yonnimer (in-round, but was attacked by said player as a Cyborg) Reason for complaint: Excessive LRP behaviour, as well as continous ICKY OOCY even after being told to stop. LRP Behaviour: Repeatedly bolting doors, shocking said doors without any directive to do so. Vented their own core in order to prevent others from coming in. Ultimately, their AI roleplay is quite dismal and there doesn't seem to be any improvement what so ever as they repeatedly do these things even after being reprimanded IC and OOC. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? No, but Bear PM'd me regarding an incident with them. Approximate Date/Time: 19:00 GMT +2, March 8th 2020.
  4. TO: Katheryn Linerbord, General Officer, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been merged with two (2) other incident reports. The Class Action Report is now known as Case Number 24620229. If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins. -------------------- DTG: 07-18:04-TAU CETI STANDARD-03-2462 SIGN: CCIAAMS
  5. I'll be sure to answers those below; 1. I plan to play Nhadijya as a Scientist, specialised in Physics. 2. Nhadijya saw the signing of the armistice as a chance so escape Adhomai, due to the ever changing politicalscape there was no telling if the Armistice would continue. She would have gone earlier, however due to the lack of spaceports and the worry regarding the Ha'rron and the safety of the smugglers this pushed her to stay. The construction of the first space-port in the New Kingdom of Adhomai was an opportunity for Nhadijya to escape war-torn Adhomai, but she also heard rumours that there was a Tajaran similar in appearance to that of Fasiajiski that went with a smuggler to the Republic of Biesel in 2461 and therefore wished to investigate the matter herself. It was a combination of escaping future conflict and a possible reunification that pushed her to leave Adhomai.
  6. TO: Zahi'id Al-Mrrazhughran, Shaft Miner, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review. If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins -------------------- DTG: 06-21:56-TAU CETI STANDARD-03-2462 SIGN: CCIAAMS
  7. TO: Adelina Valdemar, Surgeon. NSS Aurora FROM: CCIAA Rahilah Abbas, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. This matter will now be considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 06-22:30-TAU CETI STANDARD-03-2462 SIGN: Rahilah A.
  8. TO: Takiyah Hanar, Research Director, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review. If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins -------------------- DTG: 06-21:56-TAU CETI STANDARD-03-2462 SIGN: CCIAAMS
  9. Brilliant! Thank you for satisfying my curiousity so quickly! My +1 remains.
  10. This is an interesting application - clearly well thought out and shows a good attitude in regard to the IPC, I however do have one question; You mention that your IPC had quite a lot of freedom in regards to the University, but the University seems to be rather stuck in a 'pro-human' stance. The Lore-Devs will most likely correct me here, but wouldn't Dorian be heavily discriminated against, and most likely not given a vessel? I do really enjoy the backstory - and you've clearly but a lot of thought into this application +1, but I'm still just curious
  11. BYOND Key: Caelphon Character Names: Species you are applying to play: Tajaran What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Cinnamon (RGB 160, 82, 45) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Extensively Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: The Tajaran Cold-War arc has really highlighted the species, and after a deep dive into their lore I am thoroughly interested! Also - Alb told me that they had a Tajaran version of 'The Little Red Book' so I just had to apply. This species also appeals to my passion for history, as it seems to be closely related to the events that occured through the years of 1945-1989 - so this just really LURED me. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Tajarans have a rather big difference to humans, especially their political conflict as well as the segregation within their society. Tajarans not only judge others on their caste, but also from which Nation they hail from leading to interesting concepts that could occur between each Tajaran. Tajaras are also technologically equal to a toddler in terms of the intergalatic relations, and tend to forcus on rather 'retro' weapons similar to that of the Fallout series (charging rifles). Tajarans seem to be one of the most discriminated species played (besides IPCs, but even then some players treat IPCs better than a living, breathing anomorphic feline). Tajarans are also deeply rooted in their culture, as well as relying on it in order to guide their decisions. Character Name: Nhadijya Khadijrifik’Mdijya Nhadijya begins her life along with her twin brother, Fasiajiski, almost twenty-seven years ago, the bastard byproducts of a servant/mistress Hharar and local disposed noble Njarir’Akhran in a village not too far from the city of Baltor. Nhadijya was born with strikingly similar features to that of her father, however Fasiajiski seemed to gain most of his traits from their mother - This resulted in a big divide within how the village would treat Nhadijya. Nhadijya spent much of her childhood years sticking close to her mother, shielding herself from the criticisms of society - leaving her to have increased struggles trying to make friends, or even interact with anyone. She began to resent the village, ultimately going as far as to not even attend S'rand'marr Worship, straying herself even further from the village folk. Nhadijya’s newfound freetime was often spent with the crucks of books or watching her brother play with his friends from afar. During their teen years, Nhadiyja and Fasiajiski began to question the next phase of their life; Leaving home. Their questioning period wasn’t long, and a war began to brew. Much of Nhadijya’s life she believed the nobles of the past had all died - barring from those that willingly stepped down in an attempt to save their life, much like her father. Seemingly overnight the rumours of a King were exposed to be true - and the New Kingdom of Adhomai sprung from the earth where nobles had once roamed. It left a deep turmoil in her heart, maybe she would finally be accepted within Society? Nhadiyja and Fasiajiski fought multiple times about the topic - discussing whether her fleeing to the NKA would actually work, or whether her patriotism to Hadii was lacking. The assassination of the then-president Hadii, and when the current-President Hadii began the public executions shocked the Tajaran family - ultimately leading to them accepting the views of Nhadijya. Nhadiyja, Fasiajiski and their mother, three years after the beginning of the civil war, defected to the NKA - however in war there is always loss. They began their journey early dusk - setting out towards the PRA/NKA border, hoping that they’d be able to defect. The journey took a grueling two weeks, as they attempted to hide from the PRA Army, and stealing just enough produce from the collectivised farms in order to survive. It was in their third week of traveling that tragedy struck - A Hadiist border patrol stumbled upon the defecting family, resulting in Fasiajiski attempting to garner their attention long enough for the two to escape. Nhadijya and her mother escaped the collision, and waited for days hoping that Fasiajiski had escaped as well - it was with a heavy heart they both accepted they needed to cross the border to the NKA without him. The two Tajaran padded through the streets of Barj’ar with their heads hung low. Their pelt was matted with dirt, dust, and mud. Both had their ribs jutting out of their pelts. They made it. They had defected to the NKA - but at what cost? They had no clue whether Fasiajiski had survived, and spent months searching for him in the surrounding villages before they slowly began to lose hope of ever finding him, rooting her hatred towards the PRA. Nhadijya’s studies had not faltered - perhaps due to inheriting her father’s intelligence - no matter, she was accepted within the Miran’mir Academy of Scientific Pursuits. She began to flourish in her new setting - She made friends, and began to attend S’rand’marr Worship once again. Nhadijya was fitting in, for once in her life. It didn’t take long before she finished her education, graduating from the Academy in twenty-four-sixty at the age of twenty five. She worked with many others in order to further the technological advance of the NKA so that they can end the war, once and for good. Nhadijya would spend the next two years working with other Scientists, before the armistice was signed. She, along with many other co-workers, rejoiced at the hearing of the news - so many lives had been lost (including possibly Fasiajiski), and when the first shuttleport opened within the New Kingdom of Adhomai she pooled her finances together and secured herself a seat towards the Republic, her curiosity pushing her to do so (curiosity killed the cat, huh?). When the shuttle landed, she was exposed to such different cultures - species even. Immediately she seeked out for Tajaran, trying to find some resemblance of home. Nhadijya son stumbled upon a small slice of Adhomai, Little Adhomai, where she began renting an apartment, and soon realised she’d require some means of income rather soon otherwise she’d end up on the streets.After numerous applications and CV’s issued, Nhadijya was accepted within the ranks of Nanotrasen aboard a Research Station located within the Romanovich Clouds, The NSS Aurora. What do you like about this character?: Comrades, whats not to like? I like this character, not only because I've created her, but because although she has been faced with adversity in her life no only did she not accept it, she did something about it. How would you rate your role-playing ability?: Again, I do not like to rate myself with numbers, but I can say that if I do get this whitelist I will uphold what is expected of me, and do my very best with portraying the species.
  12. I've enjoyed roleplaying with this character, and they seem to have a very good grasp of the brainmed system (from what I have observed). I do believe that Mel is capable of upholding this position and would like to see a trial. +1
  13. TO: Oliver Roadman, Chief Engineer, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review. If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins. -------------------- DTG: 29-18:19-TAU CETI STANDARD-02-2462 SIGN: CCIAAMS
  14. Its completely understandable - I actually was at a loss for words regarding how they'd end up back at space. I assume that the IPC would be a member of the Exiled Convoy, where after the many negotiations the IPC would then be handed over to Nanotrasen. Most of the backstory would remain (barring the retirement and purchase of them by David Mwabe) however the unit would no longer be free but instead be owned by Nanotrasen, and would still have worked aboard the NSS Canis Minor before being reassinged to the NSS Aurora.
  15. I don't see a problem with your suggestion and I really like it! I think I'll go down the route of the IAC having sold the unit to David Mwabe. Currently it is indeed free.
  16. BYOND Key: Caelphon Character Names: Hanru Smith - Chef Jadeen Willows - Medical Resident Uptari'Xixi Kaaxi - Chaplain Juuxin Kin - Warden Scattered Embers Of A Dying Star - Engineer Nazmi Al-Fasid - Medical Officer Species you are applying to play: IPC (Integrated Positronic Chassis) Baseline What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Excempt Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes! Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I stumbled upon the IPC after applying for my Skrell whitelist (Glorsh specifically), and it interests me how much like a Diona they can have varying personalties, ranging from a cold, logical being that bases their decision making purely on 1's and 0's to another IPC (Shell) that can be indistinguishable from a human. The ability to create so many different IPC really does intrigue me, and the fact that they're not bound by anything specific rather by a quite understandable mentality of 'self-preservation', which most if not all organics tend to think as well. I also believe that I can imitate machine, as I have done so with my Diona who I try to protray as very 'freaky' and alien-like, and I can attempt to portray how some IPC personalites can be formed (as menioned above; Cold and Calculating or 'Emotional' (ones who can act pretty well) and try their best to portray their human characteristics. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I believe that is is evident that playing an IPC is rather different from being a human. IPC's (or their posi) typically tend to mimic humans to a varying degrees, however it is just immitating it. Humans have emotions, which not only assist them in making decisions, but also tends to ruin things due to their subjectivity and connotations of a subject, which IPC arn't really affected by due to not only not having emotions (merely emulating them) but view subjects with objectivity (to a most part), and the fact that they're fairly lacking of morality usually results in IPC making decisions with a 'cause and effect' mentality. Humans are also typically not owned by others, nor are they discriminated against, but IPCs are both discriminated against (typically hatred by Skrell, Humans ((Dominians & Solarians)) and Unathi) and regarded as property. Character Name: Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 Break down of the name: Heph(Producer) Medic(Occupation/Skills) S1(Assembly Line) U8(Representing it was the 8th unit assembled) C2439(Year it was constructed) Character Backstory: An array of cogs and steel plating wheeled down the line before a rather large metallic arm propped the machine up on it’s two lanky, gangly like stilts, before gently slotting the positronic within the rectangular cranium. The positronic whirred, before the robotic arm again slotted an item, however this time a circuit card with programming required for Heph-Medical S1.U8.C2439’s knowledge banks. Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 was packaged and sold shortly hereafter amongst numerous other baseline positronic chassis to the non-government humanitarian organization, the Interstellar Aid Corps. Although severely restricted, the IAC were deployed to Unathi Space, shortly before the exchange of the nuclear firearms. Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 suppressed much of their ‘personality’ (really anything that showed them as something other than a tool) usually only responding minimally and conservatively. When Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 and their colleques were notified of the impending War, they hurriedly began to load their shuttle and evacuate the area. The pilot began the pre-flight checks, before commencing the climb. As the shuttle began to ascend, it spewed foliage and debris underneath it into the surrounding environment, before beginning to rapidly increase the velocity required to escape Moghes' atmosphere, however it was for naught. Shortly after take off an unknown projectile collided with the main fuselage, fragmenting it mid-air which resulted in the almost immediate descent towards the planet's surface, primarily plummeting towards the eastern mountain ranges of the Mimba Sea. When the shuttle collided with the surface, most if not all the crew aboard were killed upon the impact. The collision left Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 almost destroyed, a piece of steel from the wreckage had pierced its upper thorax and the visual receptors had been incredibly damaged. Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 was rapidly leaking coolant when it took the decision to manually enter hibernation mode, desperately hoping that it would be recovered, however the shuttle never was recovered due to the nuclear exchange that occurred less than a week later. Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 remained in hibernation for roughly a decade before self-diagnostics routines detected sufficient repairs capable of sustaining elongated activity. It rebooted, slowly allowing the operating system to once again extend and cement itself within the baseline. Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 awoke surrounded by Unathi scientists and engineers. It took numerous sessions with the scientists and engineers studying it before Heph-Medic came to understand that they had begun to augment themselves due to their faith, as well as influence from ‘Oss’. Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 remained within the commune for a year assisting with the augmentation as well as other duties before it was ultimately released from the Aut’akh bunker to what remained of Moghes. The cruel sun beat down on the Baseline, it's malevolent eye unblinking, and the sky was it's co-conspirator with not even a wisp of cloud to soften the harsh rays of Uueoa-Esa. Each step sunk into the searing sand, and the Baseline soon began to overheat, but continued to persevere forward until finally having reached ‘Camp Integrity’. It was here that after multiple explanations, and threats that Heph-Medic SI.U8.C2439 returned to the stars aboard a shuttle. During the 2450’s Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 managed to return to the IAC however opted to 'retire' instead of returning back. Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 was introduced to a new political environment that had began to rear its ugly head in the 2440's and thus ultimately landing Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 to search for asylum/safety which they found within the Republic of Biesel, the first political entity that gave them rights. Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 was purchased by an Eridanian, David Mwabe, and hired out Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 for a short period of time before they passed away unexpectedly, and surprisingly Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439’s owner had left their deed to the Baseline in the will. It was here that for the next decade Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 managed to work as a Trauma Physician aboard the NSS Canis Minor before being reassigned in late January of 2462 to work aboard the NSS Aurora. The experiences that Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 has partaken in has ultimately changed their point of view regarding xeno-life forms. H-M S1.U8.C2439 developed a cautious approach surrounding non-Aut’akh Unathi and typically will only speak and respond when spoken to or questioned, however they tend to flock to Aut’akh more than other species. Heph-Medic S1.U8.C2439 also has numerous ‘scars’ from their experiences, evident by the scratches, welded metal marks and seldom malfunctioning visual sensor issues. What do you like about this character? I particularly enjoy the rich history I've created for them. I also inherently can't dislike a character that I've molded, even going as far as diving deep within other species' wikis, and asking for assistance from numerous people in order to ensure that no lore breaks were occuring (or atleast I think there isn't a lore break). How would you rate your role-playing ability? As I've stated before, I dont particularly like using numbers. I do believe that I can accurately portray the IPC species, and uphold the whitelist if I am accepted.
  17. My character (Embers) has grown quite attached to their Consular, who not only satisfies their craving for knowledge but facilitates RP whilst doing so. I thoroughly enjoy our conversations about the Aether (and I hope we can ask you more questions in the future). I support the application for Leudo's position as Command Staff.
  18. CCIA Staff Application Basic Information Byond key: Caelphon Character names: Hanru Smith, Jadeen Willows, Shattered Embers Of a Dying Star, Juuxin Kin and Uptari'Xixi Kaaxi. Age: 18 Timezone: GMT +2 What times are you most available?: I'm avaliable throughout the week from 9 AM EST to 1PM EST. I am avaliable most if not all weekends. Experience I am not sure what I would put here, however I am a member of Toastmasters International. I am a member of my High School's leadership team, where we routinely have to discipline or make decisions that will effect the Student Body. How long have you played SS13?: Two months, give or take. How long have you played on Aurora?: Same as mentioned above. How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? I recently joined the discord, and I lurk deep in the forums. I tend to be on the server atleast once a day. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I have never been banned. Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: I was briefly a Game Admin for a Project Zomboid server before it went under due to personal reasons of the host. Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: I plan to study an Undergraduate Degree for Law in my country and I believe I can implement what I learn into a character of the CCIA. Personality Why do you want to join the CCIA?: I wish to contribute to the server, and I believe being a member of the CCIA is the best possible way I can do that currently. I am refining my art skills to maybe assist as a spriter but until then this is the most obvious way. What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: A CCIA Agent must be capable of making impartial decisions that might not only affect an indivdual, but possibly groups. A CCIA Agent must also display a degree of empathy or sympathy to those in question and understand why such decisions were that taken by an individual/group, and must also be analytical in order to gather evidence to best ensure that the decision made was founded on multiple perspectives as well as the truth. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: A CCIA Agent's purpose during a round is to respond to incoming faxes (either from the Command Staff or someone who has faxed due to the lack of Command). A CCIA Agent may also be required to conduct an interview with victims and/or witness from incident reports aboard the NSS Aurora, as it assists in gaining additional evidence that will be required in order to conclude an Incident Report fairly. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: The CCIA Agent is essentially an enforcer for the IC 'rules' (regulations) to best ensure that any issues regarding IC issues can be handled IC so that they can facilitate growth within character development and server development. How do you handle stress?: I have been under stressful situations and I believe is can handle it quite well. How well do you work autonomously?: In my position at my High School we're encouraged to perform work autonomously so I do believe that I work well doing so. Additional Notes: None that I may note.
  19. BYOND Key: Caelphon Character Names: Hanru Smith [Chef], Jadeen Willows [Medical Resident], Uptari'Xixi Kaaxi [Chaplain], Juuxin Kin [Warden] Species you are applying to play: Diona What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes! Extensively. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Whilst reading the Skrell Lore (in order to apply) I stumbled upon the leafy aliens lore! The concept of diona really interests me as they're quite unique compared to the other 'humanoid' species, also regarding that not only are they not 'one' diona but instead are made of multiple organisms that work cohesively in order to sustain the cyclops and think as one due to being a Hivemind. The Lore is also rather extensive regarding Diona and I do like to do some reading Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: For starters, Diona are primarly made up of small dog-sized creatures known as nymphs, which have an exponential capability to learn unlike Humans and their 'young'. Diona are also capable of understanding and speaking many languages, as well as perform certain gestures in order to convey what they mean to other species, but Humans are limited by these options due to their evolution (or creation). Diona are also affected an environment entirely different to that of humans, and instead rely on a heavy supply of consistent light as well as radiation in order to nourish themselves and prevent their termination. Character Name: Scattered Embers of a Dying Star The Colossus had an enchanted way of moving across space, seemingly like a fish. It was however not just one organism but instead dozens upon dozens of small plant-like creatures that had unified, seemingly interconnecting with one another to form one. They skipped along the echoes of space for centuries possibly millennia witnessing many acts of Stellar Evolution, including that of the creation of a Supernova later described by the collective as; (translated from Rootsong) An eerie darkness that fell upon the void, before a sudden explosion of euphoric gases of captivating hues of maroon, garnet and scarlet formed remanants of the star within the void. It was here that Scattered Embers of a Dying Star found their name. It was perhaps centuries after the supernova that the The Colossus was discovered 'drifting' seemingly far out the reaches of civilised space by Skrell-Human joint practice operation. The Colossus sailed through the depths of space, quickly seizing a Human Frigate 'Ophion' before devouring the ship and her crew. The Colossus cemented itself within the Ophion, 'contructing' a path where many of Ember's collective found themselves basking within the radiation surrounding the engine. It is here they remained for the next decade slowly exploring and discovering the intricacies of the Ophion's engine soon educating themselves on how to produce more radiation, but also the fine details regarding powersystems located aboard. Ember's left the confines of the Ophion, seeking more knowledge on the topic of Engines, being hauled like many other cyclops' to the Republic of Biesel. It was within the Republic that Ember's attended the Hongsun Park Engineering Institute. The Gestalt would spend the next few years within the Institute craving additional infomation regarding Engine, but their addiction was never fulfilled and consistently the Gestalt seeked knowledge on Engines, apply to numerous corporations such as Haephatetus Industries, and worked amongst Engine Technicians as an Apprentice. The Gestalt intrigued by the Engines eventually began to partake in their design and construction, where they'd often remain working well into the night welding and ensuring the construct was perfect. It wasn't for another decade that the Gestalt left the Assembly Lines to work amongst the stars for yet another mega corporation; Nanotrasen. Ember's was assigned to assist aboard the NSS Upsilon as an Engine Technician for a few months before they before being transfered across the Republic's Airspace to assist another Nanotrasen operated station; The NSS Aurora. The Gestalt's duty would begin shortly after their arrival sometime in early 2462. What do you like about this character?: I have always been interested with astrology - and there chance that I'll ever witness a star go supernova is extremely low (but never 0%) and I thought that if I couldn't atleast experience it, why not create a character concept where the very character got to experience many wonders of the universe before their own eyes (lots of eyes really). I also enjoy that this character is a concept that I've created, and I put quite a bit of thought into the backstory of the Diona. How would you rate your role-playing ability?: As mentioned before, I do believe that I can achieve a rather high ability to role-play, and I really do enjoy roleplaying but I am still learning as many others are as well. I believe I have the ability to create a really interesting character in regards to Diona as well.
  20. I enjoy roleplaying with WickedCybs' characters and I believe that this player has the ability to do great things whilst on Command.
  21. BYOND Key: Caelphon Character Names: Hanru Smith & Jadeen Wallows Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character: White Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Since I joined Aurora, I have been interested in the Skrell. They're a highly-advanced and inquisitive species, with the ability to use psionics, but besides their mechanics the species is extremely interesting regarding how one would have to show a high level of restraint as the Skrell express their emotions quite different, and always appear to calm. The inner-workings of the Skrell is also interesting, regarding their Federation that is based entirely on achievements, meaning Skrell are rather ambitious and always attempting to grow and develop themselves. The Skrell's religion (or semi-religion) also piqued my interest as I wish to play a Skrell who solely relies on the Stars in order to guide and teach. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: We, the player behind the screen, are human. We know how another human would act, or we expect to know how someone will respond due to their emotions, but with Skrell no one knows besides other Skrell. They solely rely on their vocal expressions and body language in order to display their emotions in their current state, and to others Skrell might seem 'calm and boring' but theres a myrad of different ways for a Skrell to roleplay their emotions, such as by using their headtails or by indicating by the noises they can emit. Skrell are naturally drawn to the unknown, it is in their religion, and its one of the Federation's cornerstones. Besides the at of roleplaying Skrell, they are also biologically completely different. Skrell have psionics, but also don't have teeth but are also mostly vegetarian so they rely on soft, chewy fungi in order to get sustenance. Skrell are also one of the galaxies oldest species, they're practically the old-grandpa of the universe. Character Name: Uptari’Xixi Kaaxi Please provide a short backstory for this character: Birthed almost two centuries ago, Uptari’Xixi Kaaxi begun her life near the depths of Quuat, where The Kaaxi Qu'draa were situated far from. Her Qu'draa continuously put off her education when finally they decided to return to the city and enrolling her, however it was almost twenty years after she was born. Uptari struggled with her education, and was atleast a decade older than most of her peers and no matter how hard her Qu'draa attempted to push her academically it never yielded any prominent results and she remained struggling throughout her academic career, and when she was roughly seventy years old she finished a sub-medical degree which allowed her to be (in human terms) a Registered Nurse. Uptari took this as an oppurtunity to go and attempt to find employment options within Fertility Clinics, always ensuring other Skrell Qu'draa were educating their off-spring. Uptari was an employee at the Clinic for roughly six decades, before she terminated her contract, where she then returned to the city of Quuat, instead investing her time in aiding a devout believer of the religion of Qeblak Qu'Xiix Vuugix in his religious and atrological studies and spent a further five decades feverently studying the stars and their patterns with the Skrell. During this time period Qu'Xiix health began to decline, and when he finally passed it left Uptari truly devasted and she wept for long after his death, staining her eyes with black ink. Uptari, whilst mourning, continued to look into the Homeworld's night sky, before it dawned upon her what the Stars truly aligned her to do, and she realised it was to teach. The Skrell taught the juveviles in the area for almost seventeen years, recanting the knowledge she has gained from Qu'Xiix to them, as well as teaching them the various constellations that had guided them for so many centuries. However, she soon found herself longing to embrace the stars and spread their knowledge further than the small community surrounding Quuat. Uptari relied on frugality for almost four years in order to gain enough credits to uproot her life and replant it, and in January of 2462 Uptari managed to travel and secure a citizenship within the Republic. The Republic amazed the Skrell, the communities of all the different species, cultures and languages. Uptari felt almost immediately that the Republic was her calling, but one dark sinister thing stood out -- Soulless Megacorporations. It sickened her to see how they treated the other species, paying them less or evening advocating enslavement. It didn't take long for her to realise that the stars guided her towards the Republic in order to assist in teaching others to long for the unknown and the discovery of such. She began to look for career oppurtunities, and Uptari soon landed herself the position of Chaplain aboard a quaint research station within the Romonovich Cloud. What do you like about this character? I like this character because she has flaws, and has had a life before that of coming to the Aurora. She didn't one day decide that "oh, I best be going to the republic." but instead it took her almost one hundred and thirty years to realise where she truly wanted to go in life. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I believe I have a good understanding of how to roleplay, as well as I believe I have the ability to roleplay well. I am still learning, and I think I can do better in some circumstances but other than that, I do believe I have a good roleplaying ability.
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