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Everything posted by Surrealistik

  1. Pretty much all of the medical skills could be acquired in that time; MD learn pretty much all of it to trained proficiency in their 8 years as is in the modern day. Keep in mind that the speed at which you acquire skills is a function of intelligence and the density of your educational itinerary. Assuming admission at 18, a true full time student, nevermind a genius, could most certainly acquire all of those abilities in 12 years (Constrution at 'trained' was not intentional though; that should be amateur). That said, there definitely could be reasons for geniuses being at backwater stations. Hell, geniuses work rote, shitty jobs IRL routinely, and often because they can't quite nail the social/emotional intelligence which is so important for advancement and integration within society. In the case of my character I envisioned it as being more the outcome of professional censure due to overtly aggressive and controversial experimentation in biochemistry that push the bounds of what is acceptable/ethical, and may arguably transcend them (appropriate!).
  2. Again, geniuses are not even remotely 'one in a million' (again, more like 1-2 in a hundred), and a genius doctor is not an unrealistic character. These assertions are straight up ridiculous. Further, I didn't say that scientists and doctors aren't geniuses, but that though they may not always be geniuses, they are significantly more likely than the general population to be geniuses (average IQs for MDs are around the 120-130 mark, which is damned close to genius level). If there's some completely unwritten rule or prohibition against them that I'm forced to abide by under penalty of banning, fine, I'll comply, but there's no way these things make even the slightest iota of sense. Third, no, inaprovaline only came up once during that round after I left virology to treat some patients, and used it to get to them with sanic speed as precursor testing to my paramedic program you interrupted with admunning. Fourth, I did not and do not hijack anyone's role/job. I focus on my role as Surgeon as I'm supposed to save when I choose to commit to another role (like Virology/Chemistry), and fill cracks in Medbay as needed.
  3. Actually that was intended to directly address your earlier bogus accusation that I 'always dose on Spaceacillin even after being told not to'. You mean a staff I couldn't defend myself to (barring Nursie who had clearly already made up her mind)? That had nothing but biased notes lacking critical context for reference? The notes are apparently woefully incomplete and if that's all they say, they clearly lack important context and underlying causes. I cited all these things at the time I was warned or the note was drafted, and still they were not included or recognized. If this is the case, I suppose that makes some degree of sense as administrative staff have a vested interest in retaining only that information which serves their judgement or version of events for fear of reprisal or discipline. I'm sure most of the admin staff are doing good work; your disingenuously and deliberately one sided attacks on my person and character convincingly show you're probably not among them.
  4. Haha, someone's apparently pretty angry and out for me; I mean the level of effort you sunk into this, screencaps and all is seriously impressive. I assume this has a lot to do with my pushback on both Discord and the Suggestion subforums. That said, lot to go over here. First, there is absolutely no metric for determining how long each level of skill and proficiency requires; no guidelines, nothing written, period. My understanding is that amateur is not a 2 year degree, but something you could pick up either as a hobby in one's spare time, or basic schooling; which I feel to be completely reasonable. Trained in my view requires either schooling or significant individual study; how much is again, completely ambiguous; anything from 1-4 years post secondary or equivalent individual study seems about right depending on the subject, and this would be for an average person with no especial aptitude or intellect (a genius might be reasonably expected to achieve this level of proficiency sooner). Professional is less ambiguous, but again, is variable depending on the nature of the subject. Beyond that, my skill distribution is sensible for a surgeon. The most dubious part is the engineering elements, and those were taken exclusively to ICly justify repairs on prosthetics, which I envision as being a fairly pretty standard cross-discipline for surgeons 500 years in the future where they are as common as candy. Second, I don't pretend to be 'cool' for powergaming, but I will gladly dispute my level of system mastery relative to the average /tg/ Sybil player anytime. Third, that you apparently find It's Always Sunny to be 'frankly subpar' (assuming that this a genuinely held opinion as opposed to yet another tiresome, characteristically pitiful attempt at a backhand) is really an indictment of your taste in sitcoms to be entirely honest. Fourth, no, I didn't spend 2 hours straight going over this; it was pretty on and off; evidently you are not familiar with tabbing and multitasking. That said, argumentation due to working compliance in commercial real estate as a day job does feature prominently in my life. Lastly, to go over your bogus list of accusations that deliberately lack context and are intentionally phrased in an obvious and disingenuous attempt to portray me in as negative a light as possible: Bludgeoning crew prisoners in the brig with a fire extinguisher as a cyborg to pacify them: I was defending an incompetent/new Security Officer after my flash had burnt out trying to subdue 2 prisoners assaulting her (who were both Assistants and of a lower rank than her in terms of Protect and Serve priority), and who continued to assault her, which she ultimately still failed to deal with in time. At one point, they blocked her means of escape. The crew were not killed. The use of a fire extinguisher was intended to knock down or KO the attackers in order to minimize the number of attacks needed to get the situation under control, but this did not come about unfortunately due to bad RNG. When they stopped attacking me and the officer, I left. Sedating a hostage taker as a cyborg with little to no actual engagement or warning on the matter: I was directly commanded by the AI I was slaved to to stop the hostage taker given the absence of any and all viable security staff. The hostage taker in this case was a rogue Security Officer who clearly had a flash, and could very easily stunlock me to death. The location of engagement was the Security Substation in close quarters. At the time he was subdued, the taker had no lethals in hand, and could not readily menace the hostage. Second, applying a sedative to knock him out quickly was necessary both to avoid harm to the hostage, to the hostage taker, and to myself via flash stunlocking in said close quarters. Sedating someone AGAIN because they broke regulations whilst security were on scene and available to do detaining if that was their intention. Wordlessly sedated someone to the same threshold: I was directly ordered to help security detain this person by the Captain. Joining as Mantis Toboggan. Always Sunny in Philadelphia reference, in case anyone else has no idea what that is.: Guilty, I'll admit this one. Injecting yourself near to the OD point each with inaprovaline, spaceacillin and et cetera for every round prior to having a discussion with you.: Spaceacillin was the only one I did consistently, and I stopped after I was confronted about it (as an addendum I felt and continue to feel self-dosing this makes perfect sense for medical personnel as a preventative measure seeing as it's highly effective against all forms of viruses as well as bacteria). Inaprovaline was self-dosed one (1) time only near round start to see the effect on movement speed, barring the following situation. Getting banned (finally) for the culminaton (sic) of pressuring the chemist to give you inaprovaline, hyperzine in addition to using virology to self-engineer an infinite adrenaline virus to sprint forever in the halls with no repercussions or drawback whatsoever. In addition to all of your history leading up to this point.: Utterly and wholly wrong. A complete fabrication in fact, that reflects fairly obviously your ill-intent towards me. First of all, I had no communication or contact with the chemist. Second, I did not inject myself with Spaceacillin during the round I was banned in as that would interfere with viral infection; inaprovaline yes, for testing purposes in determining response times as I intended to roll out the virus to the Paramedic staff (which yes, I would have gotten command approval for). Third, hyperzine derived from the beneficial disease I infected myself with. Fourth, self-engineering a highly beneficial virus is, so far as I can tell, not a heinous crime or something that's even unreasonable ICly, nor was any indication ever given that such a project, even with respect to self-infecting, would require command authorization.
  5. Agree with all of these. Also think that CPU generation should probably scale with the current server population, as the MalfAI has very limited inherent scaling capabilities.
  6. There's only other thing I can think of besides a genius (as calculated by the game) skill set, is self-administering inaprovaline. This was done to test movement speed as I intended to significantly enhance medical response times by giving Paramedics a benign supervirus/AIDS (big time) I cultivated that round in addition to their test results after finishing testing of the virus (and getting those test results as well). Part of that testing was seeing how fast the virus enabled me to move with the assistance of inaprovaline. I've self-administered inaprovaline a couple of times in the past to test and help with medical response times and got boinked for it, as apparently this is considered to be powergaming; likewise with using spaceacillin injections routinely as a standard preventative tool for disease/contagion as medical staff (outside of clear and present contagion danger to be clear, but medicine is rife with preventative measures). Neither of these things seem unreasonable to me (both of which I've stopped since, even though I don't feel the prohibition against them makes sense).
  7. The last thing Cult needs is even more power, especially when Manifest Spirit is still degenerate. In general I think it could use a complete rework.
  8. BYOND Key: Surrealistik Total Ban Length: 3 days Banning staff member's Key: nursiekitty (I think?) Reason of Ban: http://i.imgur.com/LKXjbvC.png Reason for Appeal: The ban is essentially baseless. A genius medical doctor is an unrealistic character? I can understand a genius Sec Officer, Cargo Tech, Assistant, Miner, etc as being dubious, but MDs are among those professions most likely to feature them on the station. Further, geniuses themselves aren't exactly that rare, constituting roughly 1-2% of the population depending on who you ask (with the % of MDs that qualify as one being significantly higher).
  9. It actually has more to do with seeing these things abused as a spectator. The time I encountered it as a player, I was an AI and at no risk of dying given that the crew, despite being against one person, was deadlocking him.
  10. #1: Because it's efficient to tie in Spell Boons with the excellent existing new-wiz architectures. #2: 12th of never.
  11. My proposal for fixing the Cult game mode in light of the various problems discussed at length in these forums and elsewhere. Per link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10ggxXiWLGa3A1UL3eu3GzmnAC7GFqu382bdBKb-AsKM/edit
  12. You don't even really need that much coordination; not that hard to get a bunch of people together in the sekrit doom fort. Moreover, one (1) cultist can abuse the living fuck out of manifest spirit.
  13. And it's a complete logistical pain in the ass relative to the size of a small repair, which is precisely the problem. Significant QoL improvements are rarely strictly necessary but they make things a whole lot more enjoyable and fun, or massively less tedious and are worth pursuing for that reason. Further, as stated, the RPD functionality can exist by itself for atmos to get from Cargo's autolathe (or among an existent supply they start with).
  14. 3 cultists are easy, and you only need 2: you, and the cultist you want to revive. _Any_ ghost can be your manifest buddy. It's blatantly OP, and I've catalogued fairly clearly how it is, even if people tend not to always abuse its broken mechanics to the utmost. Also who needs cloning when you have unlimited nearly instant speed perfect revives anywhere (nevermind the fact that they can certainly build cloners or seize cloning)?
  15. Also, an alternative for those concerned about Atmos being unemployed or having access to functionality they shouldn't, could be to retain a distinct Rapid Piping Device per TG, make it constructible via the autolathe, and accept matter cartridges like the RCD.
  16. RCD to fix floor tiles... what? And I think it definitely makes some degree of sense to have a portable solution for piping issues that aren't catastrophic. Seriously, having to drag around and return a giant pipe dispenser to fix like 1-3 pipes is retarded.
  17. ...And apparently not only can you use manifest spirit to summon an endless supply of murderbaldies, and blood drain resources, but you can also use them for sacrifices to bring cultists back from the dead on essentially an unlimited basis (after teleporting their corpse into your sekrit doom fort from which you summon your hordes in perfect security and secrecy).
  18. Anyone who's played Engineer knows it is a total PITA to repair even relatively small amounts of damage to atmos and disposal infrastructure because you have to haul around the one (1) atmos/disposal piping dispenser that exists on the station. A better alternative would be to integrate the Rapid Piping Dispenser (RPD) functionality as advertised on TG and other servers with the RCD so that minor or small scale repairs can be made without having to retrieve that damn thing all the way from atmos (which you then have to return), which each pipe costing minimal material cartridge charge. For engineering holocausts such as the kind caused by max caps and blobs, you will appropriately need to drag around the dispenser.
  19. The mechanics certainly don't reflect that; you technically get infected, but the infection gets cured immediately, making it a de facto vaccine.
  20. Is self-injecting with Spaceacillin as Medbay staff as a standard preventative measure (albeit outside an immediate viral threat) illegal power gaming?
  21. As others have mentioned, any spirits will work, and even if only cultist spirits did, all it takes is one (1) dead cultist to have an unlimited supply of murder death kill. Further, as previously mentioned earlier, utilizing a doom fort + teleportation makes actually dealing with unlimited summons excruciating in practice. Lastly, that other players don't often embrace the broken cancer of Manifest Spirit often doesn't mean it's not egregiously unbalanced.
  22. +1, though I'd like the option to set Beepsky's level of verbal aggression from polite to a hair short of the emag "from the depths of shit" setting.
  23. I think it's pretty indisputable that some races are just better at robusting than others, and in balance have pros that outweigh the cons overall.
  24. Virtually all of those benefits are immaterial/irrelevant, and 'highest sprint endurance' is more than offset by the sanic speed Tajarans and Unathi get. Also I don't mind if humans don't get additional benefits so long as xenos are brought in line with them rather than being min maxer wet dreams.
  25. Also, if there could be general holopad announcements transmitting to all holopads one way (probably requiring Command access), and if holopads could be made buildable, that would be awesome.
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