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Everything posted by Japak121

  1. Good luck with that, you're asking for too much, lol. You think the majority of us haven't tried? By and large, the thematic of security has always been about getting your rocks off being a psuedo-gestapo. No matter how much I've tried, I've failed to muster any level of results. That's not true. I specifically remember being an antag multiple times and having some pretty good RP between myself and security, including with your character Vira. I take it you mean it's difficult USUALLY? Yes?
  2. I'd like to talk about an experience I had with extended. **I like antag rounds as well as extended. I don't bash any antag rounds other than cult and mutiny/RP-Rev, but that's just because I hate them.** I was the RD, doing the research thing alone. I got all my tech up as high as I could with a little bit of mining (No diamonds and barely any gold.. whyyyyy.) I handed out some nifty gear to sec, got the engineers to upgrade medbay and the lab, got the medbay to examine and study a Xenobiologist that turned themselves into a slime (something that provides a TON of decent RP if they're willing, as it turns out), and ordered experimental and random stuff from cargo to test (and was bitchy about it). Results: Security spent an hour playing with there new toys and actually having fun doing it, we also learned alot about those gloves ICly and OOCly. (Force gloves, energy shields, and chameleon suits.) Engineering stayed not-bored and someone even learned how to upgrade machines. Cargo got to actually interact with people and put in some work, as well as participate in the safer experiments. Medbay got to RP something different than the usual boring physical or life-or-death situation. That's four departments that all had RP. All because I'm sick and tired of people saying there is nothing to do during extended. I'd also like to point out that people in each of those departments even learned some new game mechanics. **Also a valid argument for RD's to stop denying everything and anything. Nobody died that shift or even got injured. Paperwork was filled out properly and no experiments left the station.**
  3. Mods aren't robots. We get what you were trying to do. Meow makes a solid point and one that pretty much sums up what I'm sure Josh was thinking.
  4. I was, in fact, the banning staff member on this. First, yes, I did say that and stand by it. (It's also still a terrible reason. You are a geneticist, not the hero the station deserves. Odin is a heavily secure area and security was right there.) Second, we did not dispose of you as trash. The short ban is to reinforce the fact that we will not tolerate such actions. You were warned before about EoR according to your notes and the standard procedure is a short-ban. Please do not take this personally. It was a related incident in a short period of time (3 days before this incident) and that's what was called for. Furthermore, if you recall (and you do based on all that you typed up about the incident before this), there WAS a discussion about what you had done. I asked you at the very beginning of the following round and by the time the ban was implemented the round had started and you were already aboard as a geneticist. Third, I'd like to also point out that at the time of our discussion, I was also speaking with the Head Admin, a Secondary Admin, and a Head Developer about the incident. Being a trial mod, you can rest assured that I am doing my very best to learn what is expected of me and do all I can to help players on our server. As an admin, I would imagine you would understand what this entails and that there is a great deal of trust between staff. If I see a note from three days ago that you had been talked to about EoR, then I take that at face value alongside everything you say, and then add in what the senior staff are telling me before committing to an action. Lastly, I have played Gmod RP and so have a few others in the staff. I can't speak for them, but I can say that based on my own experience a Heavy RP server on SS13 is a bit more strict than in Gmod. Suggestion: You have about a day left on the ban, check out our Guides forum section and maybe browse the Player Complaints and Incident Reports sections. The NanoTrasen Personnel Database and Whitelist Apps sections may also be of interest to you, so you can better understand what the community is like in-game.
  5. I have to say, this particular player actually interests me quite a bit. They are new to the server but already seem to have a good grasp of Heavy RP and what that entails. They regularly ask questions in ahelps and oocly and are eager to learn, as well as ensure they are following the rules and guidelines at all times. Unlike a lot of our recent newcomers, they really seem to be here for the Heavy RP and for the server atmosphere. I would suggest anyone who glances at this application take note of there name and who there characters are, then come back and leave a note or suggestions for improvement as they see fit. Overall, I approve of this. If you don't get a shot this time, I really do hope you stick around and try again later. A minor note: I'm sure one of the forum mods will comment on it, but your application isn't just for the Captain role, it's for ALL Head of Staff roles, even if the Captain position is the only one you intend to play.
  6. You are right about watching and learning, as a trial mod and having been observing rounds I have learned quite a bit mechanics wise that I didn't know before. I know the steps to Surgery and Toxins, it's just the fact I've never really played them means I'm not very good at handling the glitches/issues that can come up with them. As for my time, I've been here since early January actually, but I was really new and on-and-off for a few months, so I suppose I've REALLY been here about 4 months? I had gone through alot of characters that were just... bad and never really socialized. It took me a while to learn everything. That's sort of my big reason for being mod, so I can help people and make them feel comfortable enough to open up and stick around.
  7. If it was handled entirely in IC and people who were involved are dissatisfied with the way the characters acted, there is a complaint board where this issue could be taken. That said, I'm going to hold my opinion for the complaint, if one is even made.
  8. Don't know why this even NEEDS feedback, everyone knows XanderDox has some fantastic characters and knows there stuff. They are responsible as Head of Staff and there character's are some of the best and most widely known on the server. I mean seriously....cmon.
  9. Solid RPer who's character KIX is really a joy to interact and roleplay with. It's true we need more CE's, but I'd ask that you try and learn more of the advanced engineering/atmos stuff first. Beyond that, I don't see an issue with you in the CE role, you'd be a joy to RP with.
  10. No. Nothing wrong with that at all. This is a game and if that's how you want to play it and how you get your enjoyment from it, then have at it. People who say that's wrong don't seem to quite grasp how the real world is anyway. Plenty of people go to work and avoid there coworkers, focusing entirely on the job at hand. As long as you aren't breaking any rules and having fun, keep up the good work.
  11. -1 Ban looks legit.
  12. Basic Information Byond Account: Japak121 Character Name(s): Jeanette Locklear, Antoinette Locklear, Arianna Cessa AI Name(s): Preferred means of contact: Skype/Forum PM, Beyond PM Age: 26 Timezone: GMT - 4 (U.S. EST) When are you on Aurora?: A lot, usually towards the end of the busy hours and into the dead hours. Experience How long have you played SS13?: About a year How long have you played on Aurora: Coming up on 7 months How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I know Engineering, most of Medical (except surgery), Science (except toxins) and the civilian/supply jobs like the back of my hand and I know where to look if there's something I don't. I also know general atmos/it's setup, forensics, and the obvious rules for security. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: No Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No, never been banned anywhere Personality Why do you play SS13?: I play because it's a fun game and easy to play on my laptop. Why do you play on Aurora?: I play here because I like the community and I like the Heavy RP. What do moderators do?: They moderate the content on the server, enforce rules (via bwoinks, warnings and bans), answer rule/general questions, and help newer players. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: It means that I'll do all of the stuff the previous questioned asked, but I'd do it for this server. The mods here should ensure the in-game and OOC environment is in keeping with the policies of the server and our particular rules. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to be more active in the community and support the server in the best way that I can. I enjoy playing here and I want others to as well. I also like helping people, which is something that I do often ICly, and I think being a moderator would allow me to help a wider range of players with a wider range of issues. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I am extremely fair and level headed when it comes to the rules. I can easily hear out both sides of an issue and give unbiased rulings. I'm also enough a veteran to know the red flags of grief/gank and what to look out for. I know some basics when it comes to searching through logs for something. I have no drama at all on the server or with any of the regular players, or any sort of background whatsoever with anyone, so I would be neutral with any sort of issues that would arise. If I develop background/drama with players, I know to hand over a complaint/issue to another mod or admin. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I have a pretty stress free life and rarely, if ever, get stressed out. I know to take a step back and breathe if something makes me angry and insults have little to no effect on me, because I know the people don't know anything about me. Anything Else You Want to Add: I can't overstate enough how fair I am when it comes to dealing with two or more parties. It's a fact I'm proud of and I think it's an excellent trait to have in this sort of position. I also love helping people, another excellent trait for this position. I take criticism well enough, so if this app or my performance needs work, do not hesitate to contact me and let me know.
  13. Is this still a possibility, because I would really like it to be.
  14. So..I've gotten quite a bit of feedback and this app has been up awhile, was curious if I could get a ruling on it at least? I'm a bit eager to get started.
  15. I ask because there was a round where a botanist grew a nymph..which then evolved into a full diona.. so, would it have been given an ID and allowed onto ODIN orr....?
  16. What happens when a Botanist/Hydroponacist grows a Diona Nymph and that then grows into a Diona? Is it technically trespassing, or is it considering property of NT and now an employee somehow?
  17. Reporting Personnel: Jeanette Locklear Rank of Reporting Personnel: Station Engineer Personnel Involved: Myself, Terrance Frank, Andrew Coatzee Time of Incident: (If unable to provide, leave blank) Location of Incident: Engineering/Construction Area/Stationwide Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty [x]Harassment []Assault []Misconduct []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: Over the past month, every shift in which I and Terrance Frank have been on has been marked by Agent Frank following me and occasionally questioning me. Usually, it is my birthdate, where I went to school, things that can easily be found in my record. Occasionally he will show up to an emergency repair and question me about the repairs, that part I sort of get. This shift, however, he apparently demanded a demonstration of my abilities as an engineer. After performing some basic and advanced construction, I got fed up with the questioning and told him I was done. He said I was becoming violent, which anyone who knows me will tell you is very unlikely. He then apparently demanded from the Chief Engineer my demotion, failing to inform him that it was not mandatory. This is getting out of hand and I would like it to stop. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: Andrew Coatzee, Chief Engineer and Raymond Galloway, Head of Personnel Additional notes: I have the necessary degree and am twenty-three. I come from a long background of engineers and I am very proud to have the job I currently have.
  18. I enjoy playing with Draculabot and there characters. They have a solid understanding of RP and I especially like that before any sort of combat, they always attempt dialoge or /me, even as Rebecca, Dracula's wildest character. This, to me, shows a clear and mature view of how RP is done and I believe that I would enjoy interecting with a head of staff played by them.
  19. Edit: Changed the example person to my future HOP.
  20. What is it exactly that needs to be edited? Should I write in the new character I've created for the head of staff position instead of jeanette?
  21. But isn't this just...Kaipov? I mean I get that the staff want to curb homicidal janitors and what not, but this character has established history of basically being a shock trooper. I gotta say also, even though Techno talks alot of smack OOCly and is pretty robust, every interaction I've personally had and have witnessed there character's have are usually very fair and by the book. Things sometimes get out of hand and/or things are miss-communicated, but they rarely ever step outta line on purpose. People just seem to really take it personally that they get robusted even when it's a fair deal. Hell, I've been nailed by Kaipov as an antag quite a few times and my first thought is always 'damn, wish I was that good' or 'i messed up'. TL;DR - Technokat didn't do anything wrong. It was a mix of miss-communication, crap circumstance, and just how THAT character is.
  22. Yeeah, Jeanette apparently barely even qualifies age-wise to be an engineer, which was an oversight on my part. I'm going to create a seperate character for the head of staff.
  23. BYOND key: Japak121 Character names: Jeanette Locklear, Antoinette Locklear How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Around about 6 months. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I have a tendency to fill voids in the station manifest, as I play a lot late at night. There are frequent times when no head of staff is available at all and this tends to slow things down. Also, there are two specific head of staff roles I have my eye on (HoP and CE to be specific, but I'm not going to touch CE untill I get atmos and/or telecoms down.) Why did you come to Aurora?: I was looking for Heavy RP with a friendly community. I found neither and stayed for the food. (Kidding, I came for Heavy RP and stayed for that AND the community.) Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: I have. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Oh boy. Roleplay is exactly what it sounds like, playing a role. For some it may be playing out a role they would never dream of doing in real life and for others it's playing out there dream role. Some play a character as they are in real life and others play a character that is completely opposite to how they really are. It all comes down to people creating a character, doing the job they choose (or are assigned), and building that characters persona. As for what roleplay is about.. I would say it's about having fun AND creating fun. As a roleplayer in SS13, you are both the player and the NPC. Not only are you creating a legend that is your character, but your also participating in the legends that others are creating for there characters. If you're John C. Blow, Nuke Op, and you bust through a window and instantly shoot someone dead, you just ended that person's legend on a pretty lame note. If you come in and yell, argue, threaten, and interact with that character first.. you are letting that person finish there legend on a note more appealing to them at the very least, thus, providing fun for both you AND them. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: OOCly, a head of staff should just KNOW more about whatever they regularly command. If you're a CE and don't know how to setup the engine, that's pretty poor. They should be the ultimate authority in there department, as well as, the ultimate educator in there department. The purpose of any leader is less about shouting orders and more about guiding those under your command. Teach them how to do what needs to be done and they will carry that knowledge on. If you simply shout an order and never explain the why, how, or what or it, chances are those under you will not only not do that thing again but will probably come to resent you after awhile. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: OOC responsibilites of whitelisted player to other players are essentially: Don't be a jerk. Be helpful. Be responsible. I cannot stress enough how much I hate it when new players ask a question in OOC and people who are whitelisted obviously ignore them and talk around them. It takes a second or two to answer them and make the game -that much better-. I regularly answer any questions I see that I know and try and get a discussion going on those questions that I do not know. I would of course just keep doing this. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Mitsuka Tanaka Character age: 45 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Mitsuka Tanaka, or Mits to her friends, was born on Sol to a well off family of socialites and government bureaucrats. Her father, a major shareholder in NanoTrasen, passed away when she was eleven and left her in the care of her mother who was a skilled socialite, but not very skilled as a loving and caring mother. Mitsuka had access to all of the best schools a young girl could ever need, excelling in math, finance, and business. When she was 18, she joined NanoTrasen at the bottom however, a lowly cargo technician who stood out from her peers by the obvious upper-class education and refinement she possessed. Before her inevitable promotion to Quartermaster, she was left scarred and emotionally damaged by a plasma fire in the facility where she worked. She never forgot the way all the other cargo employees left her burning on the tiles while they each attempted to save themselves. She was eventually promoted to Quartermaster a few years later. From this point on her career was in a steady incline. Her employers quickly noticed that her department was not only efficient, but always made a steady income despite whatever issues seemed to plague her workplace at any given time. She was eventually given a secondary job as an accountant during her Master's schooling. During all this time, Mitsuka has never made any friends or particularly tried to do so. She has lived a solitary and content life working and climbing the corporate ladder. With her promotion to Head of Personnel, she has recently been transferred to the NSS Aurora, a station plagued with income discrepancies and profit loss, in the hopes that she may finally get that place to turn a profit. What do you like about this character?: I like that she is efficient and cold. Unlike my other characters, she will be more of a challenge to play as she will rarely ever be happy outwardly, which I think I will really enjoy. What do you dislike about this character?: On the flip side of it, I dislike that she will never really have any friends and, likely, will have a number of enemies. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: She is responsible, efficient, and absolutely willing to make the tough decisions with a fair mind. In the position of Head of Personnel, she may even turn the station a profit, which I am sure command will just LOVE. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I would rate it as: Good, but could use improvement. I tend to type to quickly which I notice really mixes up people's replies, I tend to get impatient at times, and I could use work on my /me's. Extra notes: If I should include the Head of Staff character I've already created, please let me know.
  24. OOOOH HOW I LOVE KAREN PIERCE AND SILENTNIGHT195!!!!!! But really, excellent roleplayer, I support this app 110%
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