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Everything posted by Desven

  1. Final Article of Epilogue, "Days of Wine and Roses" President Torvald Nominates Melanie Dorn for Governor-General, Announces New Police Unit for Caprice President Torvald announced to Congress this morning that he will nominate Melanie Dorn, niece of former President Joseph Dorn and the current Mayor of New Sedantis, as the next Governor-General of Caprice. This marks a sharp contrast to his earlier stance when he had nominated Senator Sam Chandler, promising a "heavy-handed" approach to local politics in New Sedantis. The decision followed just days after President Torvald's official visit to Caprice, where he met with the Zo'ra Queens inside the Court of Queens' Chambers. Melanie Dorn is expected to be confirmed as the second Governor-General of Caprice by the end of the week. The nomination of Melanie Dorn, a strong supporter of Vaurca rights with ties to the Court of Queens, comes with some caveats. President Torvald also announced the creation of the Caprice Civil Order Unit, a new police force expected to be a joint venture between the Tau Ceti Armed Forces and the Hivenet Watch, which has monitored Hivenet communications in Biesel for nearly a decade. The Caprice Civil Order Unit, which President Torvald referred to as "Phase One" of his plan, is just the first step in his broader effort to modernize the Governorate. According to the President, the ultimate goal is to create a framework that is "beneficial" to both sides. In addition, President Torvald pledged to review the legislation surrounding the Governorate's structure and to follow through on his promise to expand the powers of the Governor-General. As part of this, he announced plans to establish a diverse working group that will include Vaurca representatives and other stakeholders focused on national security. However, President Torvald made it clear that he would uphold the doctrine that Caprice is the "natural extension" of Biesel and should be considered an overseas province. He stated, "I'm willing to go to the Supreme Court on this. We won't give up our interests in Caprice, and Caprice will be held accountable for any parallel organizations that try to diminish the rule of law." To this end, President Torvald outlined plans to work toward a system of checks and balances to ensure the Governorate of Caprice remains functional. President Torvald also emphasized the need to renegotiate the management of the Tau Ceti Minutemen Corps Base in Dis, a long-standing point of contention between the Zo'ra Hive and the Biesellite government. The base houses an arsenal of war-modified Vaurcae who serve in the Tau Ceti Armed Forces. Torvald has consistently stated that Dis is operated by the Armed Forces "on paper only" and needs to be fully surrendered. He further noted that the base will play a key role in his modernization efforts, with plans to train the first generation of the Caprice Civil Order Unit there. Although no further announcements were made, President Torvald also implied that the Caprice Civil Order Unit would have full clearance to access the branch of the Ve'katak that operates as a private military. The Ve'katak has been a point of contention, especially as critics highlight its role as the paramilitary arm of the Court of Queens. This issue is expected to be a central topic in the ongoing discussions about Caprice's restructuring in the months ahead.
  2. Article 4 of Epilogue, "Days of Wine and Roses" President Torvald Visits New Sedantis, Meets with Vaurca Queens President Torvald made his first official visit to Caprice, where he met with high-ranking members of the Zo'ra Hive to discuss various matters, including economic, military, and Governorate affairs. He was received by Governor-General Sarah Loveridge, whom he had never met in person before, though they are reported to have spoken over the phone previously. The meeting took place in the Court of Queen's Chambers, inside a massive room that serves as their headquarters. President Torvald and the press waited approximately an hour and a half before he was allowed to enter. Once inside, the meeting was held behind closed doors, with no cameras allowed. All Zo'ra Queens were physically present, which is an unusual gesture, as Vaurca Queens typically appear holographically or through avatars, as High Queen Vaur did during the election season. The Queens also refused to allow any aides to accompany President Torvald inside their chamber, and Governor-General Loveridge did not participate in the meeting. The meeting lasted approximately four and a half hours. President Torvald reemerged from a long corridor, where he reunited with the Governor-General and took questions from the press. While he did not discuss any specifics, the President described the meeting as "positive." "It was a damn good meeting, we covered a lot. We should've had this meeting a long time ago. That's all I can say for now," he said after a brief pause. The President and the Governor-General then retreated to the Governorate Complex, and no further public events were held. Melanie Dorn, Mayor of New Sedantis, was not present to receive the President but was among those waiting when he exited the meeting room. The two exchanged a brief word before the President and Governor-General Loveridge retreated. Afterward, Mayor Dorn told the press that it was "productive" to have President Torvald in New Sedantis. It is now expected that President Torvald will withdraw his nomination of Senator Chandler as Governor-General. However, it remains uncertain whether he will allow Sarah Loveridge to keep her position. The President returned to Biesel the following morning without taking any questions on the matter, instead stating that he would make an announcement in the coming days.
  3. Article 3 of Epilogue, "Days of Wine and Roses" Tensions with Caprice Remain as Vaurcae Continue to Protest Outside Congress After three days, Vaurca Equality—the non-profit organization that advocates for Vaurca rights in Biesel and across the Orion Spur—continues its protest outside Biesellite Congress. The confirmation hearing for Senator Sam Chandler as the next Governor-General of Caprice was scheduled for yesterday, but congresspeople were blocked from entering the Assembly Building. President Torvald initially announced that the confirmation would be held remotely, but rescinded that statement just two hours later. Mariam Ashraf, Executive Director of Vaurca Equality, addressed the press in a video from her offices in Belle Côte. The 31-year-old executive confirmed she would not be joining the protesters in Mendell City but emphasized the importance of the movement. "It's more important than ever that Vaurcae voices and their allies are heard," she said. "Senator Chandler has made some troubling comments in the past, and those need to be taken seriously, alongside the real concerns the Vaurcae are facing." Senator Chandler's confirmation is no longer expected to go as smoothly as it once did. Vaurca Equality is a major donor to several congresspeople, and pressure for Chandler to withdraw his nomination has been mounting. The current prediction for the vote is a razor-thin margin in Chandler's favor, but many congresspeople who are expected to support his confirmation have gone silent on social media. Meanwhile, Senator Chandler has been defending himself against "extranet trolls" on Chirper. In his latest post, he said, "My family and I have been getting so many threats. The police are on our side, but it's sickening to see this happening in our great nation. I'm still optimistic that I'll become the next Governor-General, but this rhetoric is unacceptable." President Torvald is not as optimistic. After an address today, he avoided answering questions about Senator Chandler and Caprice. It remains unclear whether the President has been in communication with the Zo'ra Hive. So far, President Torvald has only confirmed that he has not yet spoken with High Queen Vaur. According to President Torvald's staff, it is unlikely he will change his stance on Senator Chandler. However, what has shifted is his perception of the Vaurcae. A source close to the President revealed that he has become increasingly aware of the significant role the Vaurcae play in the economy and military, especially in light of the ongoing protests. "He's starting to see the bigger picture now, and he's keeping an open mind about how to approach the situation moving forward," the source said. This story is unfolding and will be updated with additional information.
  4. I think this is fine because it's worded as if Riva is just jaded at its work. Vaurcae can have an opinion on their job, but it's not like modern-day humans. Think about it more like people two centuries ago—if you pressed them about it, they probably didn't like what profession they were born in, but they saw it just as a fact of life. That's pretty much how Vaurcae think of their work. They don't have to love it, some probably do, but they won't complain because it's just what life is and what they're meant to do. This application is accepted.
  5. Article 2 of Epilogue, "Days of Wine and Roses" Melanie Dorn, Mayor of New Sedantis, Blocks Senator Chandler's Ship from Landing Southern Eos Senator Sam Chandler was expected to visit Caprice today, following an invitation from the current Governor-General, Sarah Loveridge. Senator Chandler's ship arrived at the New Sedantis Spaceport at 3 p.m., local time. However, it was reported Mayor Melanie Dorn blocked the spacecraft from landing, telling the senator, "You're not welcome." The legality of this decision is unclear. Mayor Dorn's authority to restrict airspace is limited, though there are no specific regulations governing this in Caprice. While the Biesellite Congress declared Caprice its "natural extension" in 2461, this designation has not been proven in a judicial context. Governor-General Loveridge pressed Mayor Dorn to allow the senator's ship to land, but according to an aide present during the call—who wishes to remain anonymous—Mayor Dorn responded that New Sedantis is "her city" and refused to comply. The heated exchange reportedly ended with Dorn stating that the ship should "better return to Biesel before it ran out of fuel," before hanging up the phone. The bad blood between Loveridge and Dorn isn’t new. According to multiple staffers, Ms. Dorn was appointed Mayor of New Sedantis as part of a compromise with her uncle, President Joseph Dorn. Reportedly, President Dorn made it a condition that his niece be given a role in Caprice if Sarah Loveridge were nominated as Governor-General. This story, however, has not been confirmed. Through Executive Orders and vetoes, President Dorn made the office of Mayor of New Sedantis more powerful than that of the Governor-General. For example, while the Governor-General can appoint a Mayor, removing one is much more difficult, requiring the approval of both two-thirds of Congress and the President of the Republic. This excessive control could theoretically be contested in court, but doing so would be a lengthy process. Another advantage the Mayor of New Sedantis has over the Governor-General is that Ms. Dorn works closely with the Court of Queens. This relationship had been criticized by Senator Chandler in the weeks before his nomination. In an interview, Chandler stated: "[The Court of Queens] is like a mafia. They control the ground politics and, if you were to visit Caprice today, you'd believe there’s no Governorate, but instead a corrupt structure led by the Zo'ra Queens." Senator Chandler emphasized his remarks after returning to Biesel. Answering questions after his ship landed in Mendell's Spaceport, the Senator said, "She's a bully. This is unacceptable. Melanie and her cronies refused to pick up the phone. They treated us as enemies." According to someone aboard the spacecraft, Senator Chandler did initially suggest that his aides call Mayor Dorn and demand permission to land. However, he quickly retracted the suggestion, fearing that Mayor Dorn "would use Vaurca Warforms to strike down the ship." Senator Chandler remained crouched below his seat until the ship exited Caprice's orbit. President Torvald called Mayor Dorn's behavior "disgusting" and stated, "This is exactly the kind of old politics the population of Tau Ceti voted against. She deserves to be removed." However, while President Torvald has significant support in Congress, it is unlikely he would reach the two-thirds majority needed to remove Ms. Dorn from her position. Neither the office of Mayor Dorn nor that of Governor-General Loveridge responded to requests for comment.
  6. Update: 02/06/2467 President Torvald has unbanned Vaurca Updates Online in the Republic of Biesel. This is a huge win for all of us in support of free speech and against the tactics used by the Zo'ra to silence us. The staff of Vaurca Updates Online fully endorses Senator Sam Chandler in his bid to become the next Governor-General of Caprice. We hope that law and order are restored across the Republic of Biesel and that no foreign actors destabilize the government's power again.
  7. Article 1 of Epilogue, "Days of Wine and Roses" President Torvald Nominates Senator Chandler as Governor-General of Caprice The Torvald administration has nominated Sam Chandler, the Southern Eos Senator, as the new Governor-General of Caprice. Caprice was initially flagged as a "day one priority" by the administration, but no tangible progress was made until recently. The Governor-General of Caprice holds a position without term limits and can be replaced at any time at the President's discretion. On January 31, President Torvald formally submitted his proposal to replace the current Governor-General, citing what he described as "horrible management" during Sarah Loveridge's tenure. The nomination of Senator Chandler is controversial. In 2457, Mr. Chandler lobbied against the relocation of the Zo'ra to his continent because they were "possibly dangerous strangers." To this day, no Vaurca settlements exist in Eos. In a private interview later that same year, Chandler mentioned that he had "warmed up" to the Vaurcae after High Queen Vaur addressed Congress to thank them for their help. However, following the Bursa attack of 2458, Mr. Chandler returned to his vaurphobic rhetoric, ramping it up. This helped him win re-election with overwhelming support from his native New Marfa, a city with a significant Elyran population. Senator Chandler's anti-Vaurca stance remains unchanged. In his most recent re-election bid, his campaign website featured a section called "Safety Policies," where he stated, "Southern Eos needs to remain a Vaurca-free zone." The site also included images of Flagsdale, juxtaposed with the upscale areas of New Marfa. A video ad featured Chandler saying, "Vaurcae not only shouldn't be in Mendell—they shouldn't be in Biesel. Caprice is not their playground." Despite the controversy around him, Congress is expected to confirm Senator Chandler as the next Governor-General. While the powers of the Governorate are limited, President Torvald has claimed he wants to expand them to remove "foreign influence" within the government's structure. Senator Chandler has big ambitions for the office, too. He has made similar remarks, stating, "We'll need to sweep the house and be heavy-handed when it comes to any organization that pretends or intends to act as the government. They're not—they're illegal and need to be shut down." Senator Chandler has also made inflammatory comments, including a promise to rename New Sedantis to "New Biesel." Governor-General Sarah Loveridge responded to the comments made by both President Torvald and Senator Chandler. In what's expected to be one of her last interviews as Governor-General, Ms. Loveridge explained that she "tends to agree" with President Torvald's goals, but disagrees with his methods. The Governor-General stated, "I know that President Dorn never wanted to appoint me. He was pressured by Congress because I was vocal about the national security risks that Dis posed. So I tend to agree more with President Torvald on this issue. But what I don't agree with is the idea that Vaurcae are somehow a threat. People need to understand the difference between the Gynes and the common Vaurcae." Ms. Loveridge also urged Senator Chandler to "moderate his rhetoric" when it comes to Vaurcae. "I fully agree that the Court of Queens has no right to exist as it does, and President Dorn ignored this issue. But Senator Chandler needs to moderate his rhetoric. The Vaurca residents of Caprice deserve to feel supported by their government, and I sincerely hope that you will honor that commitment." As Senator Chandler's nomination is expected to go uncontested, Governor-General Loveridge has invited Chandler to Caprice in a week. This would be the first time Senator Chandler has ever visited the planet. The confirmation vote for Senator Chandler is still unscheduled, though Congress has agreed to replace the Governor-General by mid-February.
  8. The K'lax Conflict: A Disastrous War Now Carried to Zo'ra Politics War in Heaven, Part Four: “The Quality of Mercy,” Article 3 The following text is the transcript of the speech recited by Dr. Seth Claasen in our new extranet video-forum, 'Skepticism in the 25th Century.' In order to gain access to this platform, we kindly invite you to subscribe to Vaurca Updates Online. Most of us have referred to the K'lax conflict as that, a "conflict," or dispute. The term "war" has been discouraged on Vaurca Updates Online, though this hasn't stopped some users from repeating it. Even pundits of the "vaursphere" on Chitter have occasionally referred to the conflict as a war, more often than not resulting in heated discussions. In June 2466, Jason Schmidt published here an article calling the K'lax conflict a "war." Despite being well-received, the rhetoric used by Dr. Schmidt was seen as hyperbolic at the time. I have a lot of respect for Dr. Schmidt—Jason has been a personal friend of mine since he entered college—but I too, didn't agree with him. However, I don't think it had a lot to do with the actual meaning of the words. A conflict, as agreed upon by many scholars, is a fight between armed troops. In contrast, a war is more official—it is a hostile declaration by the state or government. Many will explain that while conflicts are part of war, not all wars include or are limited to conflict. Governments that have declared war on nepotism or corruption can attest to this. To officially constitute the K'lax conflict as a war, you have to consider the hives as states. I know many of you don't agree with this, but it is the way the hives see themselves and operate. In fact, the K'lax are hive most "legitimized" in the Orion Spur, as they are considered entities of the feudal state. Moreover, Dr. Schmidt has also talked at length about how the declaration of war worked, and the disputes Zkaii and Tupii had for years. The debate about the hives' power and Vaurca traditions is usually what the discussions of conflict versus war amount to. Again, my reservations were never about this, and I agree with Dr. Schmidt's analysis. Instead, my reservations were more personal. It was more about the connotation of the words. The term "war" sounds lavish, official, and, most importantly, deadly. We've all heard stories coming from Vaurcae or those familiar with the hives, claiming that many are "dying" virtually. I don't know if that's true, but despite the lethality, I had my reservations. I thought that the conflict was just unglamorous, petty, and disorganized. And it is. It is unglamorous, petty, and disorganized. But that doesn't qualify it as being a war. A war can be disastrous—they often are. But I don't think the K'lax war has been this big of a mess because of the K'lax hive, as failed as they are. Rather, it's been because of various factors. Its secrecy, much owed to the Hegemon, is the main one. Why do I believe this? Because in the age of an inter-connected Orion Spur, you don't want to fight in the dark. To do so means you have no stakes. The entire Spur tried to understand just what exactly was going on, with big attempts by the Hivenet Watch to surveil and intercept the virtual reality network, but all failed. And after the Hegemony censored the news to appease the Skrellian embassy, all external interest withered. What this means is that support also vanished. Zkaii and Tupii are essentially fighting each other in a dark corner, proving their might to no one. It's nothing more than a slapfight, despite how many lives are lost, and it's eating apart their resources. Just as we usually don't think of the hives as state entities, we also ignore how they're also economic entities. No matter what rosy stories of Sedantis we hear, in the Orion Spur, the hives need credits to operate. And it looks like they're running out of ways to finance this war. This became obvious when the Tretian Guild, sponsored by the Izweski Hegemony, opened an online commerce, InstaTret. It appears that Zkaii and Tupii weren't involved at all, with all of the logistics and even promotion of the platform falling on Vedhra's metaphorical lap. It almost seems like, these days, Vedhra is the de facto "high queen." If you don't believe me, just notice how often Vedhra travels to Moghes and meets with Not'zar Izweski. And what has been Zkaii's and Tupii's response? Well, they're scrambling. They're terrified. They don't want to give up power, and now they've realized that they need to do something before Vedhra somehow beats them. They won't fight Vedhra, no—they likely think she's doing what needs to be done, for the time being. Instead, they're at a crossroads: either they go public and ask the international community for support—running the risk of upsetting the Hegemony, who wanted them to keep this on the low, but also of tarnishing their reputation—or they come to an agreement fast and wrap it up. I think that Tupii, at least, chose the first option. Why? Well, Tupii was always involved with Tret. I think she has overplayed her importance in building the factory-planet, but it's out of the question—Tupii did much, much more than Zkaii when it came to organizing Tret. Also, Tupii created the Tretian Guild and remains its guildmaster despite the promises to step down. None of this is a conspiracy theory—you can check the public records, and you can also read more about the relationship between Tupii and Vedhra. Dr. Schmidt has a great analysis, but in summary—yes, they're close, and they both don't agree with Zkaii's style of leadership. Does this mean that Vedhra is an ally of Tupii? It's hard to say because the other broods have made a great effort to steer away from all controversy. Even Vetju, who seems to despise Zkaii, has not taken a stance. The problem seems to be that the queens believe that they've been dealt with two bad choices. Zkaii is seen as incompetent, even if this might be a mischaracterization, while Tupii is seen as too cunning and impossible to read. Does she want to become a Zo'ra vassal, as many of her brood do, or does she want to turn the K'lax hive into the Tupii hive? Nobody knows for certain. But suspicions that Tupii might be warming up to Zo'ra again aren't unsubstantiated. Again, the facts are there. Just a few days ago, the Caprice Sun—who, out of all the K'lax queens, has only been favorable to Tupii, no wonder—shilled InstaTret and announced that they'll be manufacturing Vaurca Equality merchandise in Tret. This is probably the first time Vaurca Equality has seemed to care about anyone other than Zo'ra, so it is really telling. It is also true that Vedhra visited Belle Côte to receive the New Year. At the time I'm reading this, Vedhra is still there—there was a ball, sponsored by Athvur, and it is known that Vedhra attended. It is the first time a K'lax queen—or a queen other than a Zo'ra queen—attends the Zo'ra New Year's Eve Gala. There was no reason given for Vedhra's visit, and no statement was made. There are plenty of rumors that we're currently receiving, but I don't feel comfortable sharing any yet because I don't want to state something false as if it were true. Just know that Vedhra reunited with the Zo'ra queens in person. Are the Zo'ra making a mistake? Vaur makes no mistakes–no. They won't even recognize her failed VP bid as a mistake. But jokes aside, they're smart and they know what they're doing. For Vaurcae, every favor is a transaction. The queens don't interact with each other if there's nothing one party can gain. The possibilities of what Zo'ra can get out of supporting Tupii are endless, but so are the risks. Even if the war is transpiring within virtual reality, I don't think the Hegemon would like foreign factions to intervene. Only time will tell what's really going on—and we'll likely figure it out very soon. Seth Claasen is an emeritus professor at the Department of Economics at the University of Tr'ha'rem. He is also a public speaker and was one of the hundred and twelve intellectuals who signed a letter against the K'lax fiefdom.
  9. vaur tuah

    1. geeves


      klax on that thang

  10. All Your Holiday Shopping in InstaTret War in Heaven, Part Four: “The Quality of Mercy,” Article 2 This article is sponsored by the Vedhra Brood and the Izweski Hegemony. Haven’t done your holiday shopping yet? This year, InstaTret has you covered. InstaTret is the recently-launched online commerce platform by the K’lax Hive. It sells about anything and everything you can imagine, all manufactured on the planet Tret. Because you’re buying directly from them, you’re cutting out the middleman, which means prices are much cheaper than in normal retail! [Pictured: a K’lax-manufactured Christmas sweater. It costs 0.89 credits.] InstaTret has partnered this year with the Caprice Sun to offer its readers a special extra 15% discount. Just type in the promo code “HOLIDAYS” and all your seasonal shopping will be much cheaper! In addition to all the savings, InstaTret is committed to social causes. Starting in 2467, Tret will be manufacturing the official merchandise for Vaurca Equality. You can check Vaurca Equality’s shop if you want to preorder a “Vaurca Pride” water bottle or a T-shirt from their Vaurca Ally collection, with 10% of proceeds supporting Vaurca advocacy and unity initiatives. So why wait? Whether you're shopping for family, friends, or even that special someone, InstaTret has something for everyone—and at prices that won’t break the bank. Start your holiday shopping today and experience the future of online retail! Happy Holidays! Click here to visit the InstaTret website.
  11. I'm for this. Ideally, we would have a Vaurca smell system, but I would like to have mechanical Virtual Reality first and foremost.
  12. In His Final Days In Office, Joseph Dorn Pardons Viax Driver That Killed VP During this brief transition period, Joseph Dorn has not shied away from controversy. Most recently, the President decided to pardon Ka'Viax'Nurp Zo'ra, the Vaurca Drone that killed VP Fahjil Hurk'jurl three years ago. This decision was preceded by an intense campaign sponsored by Vaurca Equality, an NGO that promotes Vaurca's civil rights. Though the campaign had its peak during Nurp's trial in 2463, the issue resurfaced recently after Congress approved the Electoral Integrity Enhancement Act, a bill that weighted Vaurca votes into an electoral college. The Electoral Integrity Enhancement Act has been cited as one of the leading factors in Dorn's surprise defeat in late September. President Dorn reiterated during the final stretch of his campaign that he found the bill to be "unconstitutional," in how it limited Vaurca rights; A species he has been a staunch supporter of since their arrival almost ten years ago. Three years ago, the decision to pardon Nurp would have been highly controversial. As politicized as the trial was, a poll showed that a majority of Biesellites believed Nurp should serve their sentence for involuntary manslaughter. Today, only 41% of Biesellites believe the sentence to be necessary, with an additional 26% finding it to be "harsh, but understandable." However, even though the numbers have dropped, some sectors of the population—including the Tajara residents of Biesel—do not agree with Dorn's decision. "Dorn is out of their mind," said Mikhail Khirr'skolv, a resident of Little Adhomai. "This one thinks he prefers the Vaurcae to the people that have helped build this country for longer." Ka'Viax'Nurp Zo'ra was released this Monday from the Tonsberg Federal Correctional Institution, a federal prison in New Gibson. They were met by their lawyer, Chadwick Tremblay, and a group of Vaurca Warriors, who shielded them from the press. According to an anonymous source present, Nurp "understood that [they were] being let go, but did not comment." Vaurca Equality spokesperson Amy Monet commented on the matter: "It's a victory not only for Vaurcae, but for the Republic of Biesel's judiciary system, that Nurp can finally be free. A Viax should have been accommodated differently, and the Zo'ra are happy to be reunited with Nurp. While the future may be uncertain for the Vaurca community and its allies, we hope that President-elect Åke Torvald is open for a conversation about how Viax should be judged in a court of law."
  13. The Tretian Guild Presents Online Tret Store War in Heaven, Part Four: “The Quality of Mercy,” Article 1 Yesterday, the acting guildmaster of the Tretian Guild, Queen Vedhra, unveiled a new online commerce platform—Tret’skerret, known as “InstaTret” in Basic. Under the slogan “Tret Yourself,” InstaTret aims to serve extranet users looking to shop for a variety of affordable products produced on Tret, the Hegemony’s superfactory. According to statistics released by Hephaestus Industries during its second quarter of 2466, Tret produces over ten thousand different components distributed across the Orion Spur, with many products built, assembled, and finished at the superfactory itself. While Tret’s gross yearly revenue remains undisclosed, the planet has been instrumental in the recovery of the Hegemony’s economy. A spokesperson for the Tretian Guild, Ka’Akaix’Jujon K’lax, stated that InstaTret's goal is to “empower customers across the Orion Spur by cutting out the middleman, while continuing to boost the economy of the Izweski Nation.” Queen Vedhra announced the launch of InstaTret during her visit to Moghes. Rather than addressing the press directly, her recorded message was presented alongside a visual presentation at a press conference held by Hephaestus Industries, which focused on the growth of the guilds. Hegemon Not’zar Izweski also attended the event. When asked by Sinta Articles about InstaTret’s prospects, the Hegemon remarked, “It is an exciting opportunity and a necessary step for our economy. The K’lax Hive has proven to be instrumental allies during this period, and the future of the Hegemony appears bright.” The Tretian Guild is not classified as one of the guilds acquired by Hephaestus Industries. However, it is currently co-managed by Hephaestus agents and the K’lax Hive. Guildmaster Yukal T’zakal reported that the megacorporation will be “heavily involved” in the day-to-day operations of InstaTret and that Orion Express will be the primary carrier service for product deliveries. InstaTret is currently available throughout the Izweski Hegemony and the Republic of Biesel. An expansion into the Valley Hale region and parts of the Coalition of Colonies is planned for early 2467. InstaTret offers over 12 product lines, including apparel, consumer electronics, sporting goods, and furniture—all positioned to be accessible to a wide range of customers. First-time buyers can use the promo code ILOVETRET to receive an 81% discount off their entire purchase. Their website can be visited here.
  14. This application is accepted.
  15. I'll accept this app, but just be cautious about too much "Suit influence." We're planning an update on how C'thur Vaurcae operate in Eridani, and we don't really want it to be a carbon copy of the dominant culture, but rather a parallel culture that borrows elements. So while I think misusing some Suit slang is good, just don't act like a Suit. Hopefully I'll develop more lore regarding this in the upcoming months.
  16. Dorn/Vaur 2466.
  17. The Vaurca Community Reacts to Torvald's Win [Pictured: Mr. Åke Torvald addresses his supporters after his victory in the Presidential election of the Republic of Biesel.] Last night, Mr. Åke Torvald, who has faced heavy criticism for his vaurphobic rhetoric, was elected President of the Republic of Biesel, defeating the incumbent Joseph Dorn. The prospect of a Torvald administration has long been a source of concern for many in the Vaurca community and their advocates. Now that it’s a reality, that uncertainty has only grown. Immediately after the results, from the Dorn HQ, High Queen Vaur delivered a speech to the supporters of the Dorn-Vaur campaign. Her message was one of cautious hope: "In a democratic system, the people choose their representative. While we disagree with Torvald on most issues, we hope he will do his best and continue to uphold democracy. To all Vaurca and our supporters—do not view the future as a dark age, but as part of our ongoing struggle. There's still work to be done, and we will continue fighting for justice for those who need it most." Vaurca Equality, a nonprofit advocating for Vaurca rights, issued a stark warning that difficult times lie ahead. Spokesperson Sarah Alito stated: "Dark times are ahead for Vaurcae and their allies. Torvald's menace became clear this summer, especially after the undemocratic bill titled the 'Electoral Integrity Enhancement Act' passed at record speed. Now is the time to mobilize and ensure civil rights aren't stripped away further." She also stressed the need for financial support: "We need help. We're a grassroots movement, and we can't do it alone. More than ever, we need support from all Biesellites." Ta'Akaix'Nuex'ski'llhar Zo'ra, a representative of the Zo'ra Hive in Belle Côte, echoed Alito's concerns: "Vaurphobia is already a problem in New Gibson, one that’s rarely talked about but very real. Belle Côte has a large Vaurca presence, and when my Vaurcae saw Torvald signs on people’s lawns, they felt uneasy. We've increased security due to the fear of potential hate crimes." While no major incidents have been reported, three months ago, a Vaurca Gyne was photographed and mocked by a group of Torvald supporters while visiting an art museum. The incident was viewed as a troubling warning for the Athvur brood. A central issue under the Torvald administration is the fate of Caprice, a planet considered an overseas province of Biesel. In 2461, Congress established a colonial government there, with potential for increased restrictions. During Dorn’s administration, Caprice’s status was protected to prevent disenfranchisement and ensure the Vaurca population was adequately represented, but current laws allow for changes at any moment. Åke Torvald has the power to appoint a new council for Caprice, potentially replacing the current governor-general with someone more aligned with his vaurphobic ideology. Candidates for the position are already being examined, though Torvald has not yet made any public statements on the matter. "I'm deeply concerned about what Torvald could do to our community," said Melanie Dorn, mayor of New Sedantis. "His victory shocked us, but here, we're especially worried. The Republic of Biesel compromised its principles by designating Caprice as a colony. My uncle worked hard to make Caprice an inclusive place for all its residents, but I'm not confident Torvald will honor that commitment." Kevin Wright, a member of the Ve'katak Phalanx stationed on New Sedantis, shared the mayor’s concerns: "Many people, not just Vaurcae, are worried about how Torvald might shake things up across the Republic. But here, we're more concerned. We're on the fringes of Biesel, and not many will be paying attention to what happens to us—but things could go south fast." You can donate to Vaurca Equality by following this link.
  18. Kort Was Culled and I'm Unravelling the Truth War in Heaven, Part Three: “Hail horrors,” Article 5 By Ahklu Zkazos Our forum members have marked this article as a 'Quality Contribution.' Subscribe to Vaurca Updates Online to receive more articles like this directly in your inbox. DISCLAIMER: I initially planned to add this information as a small update to my previous article. However, the story has evolved into a mystery of its own. For those who have been waiting for this second part—sorry for the delay. There is A LOT to uncover here. I haven't had a proper rest for weeks because of it. DISCLAIMER 2: At the request of Vaurca Updates Online staff, all Sinta mentioned in this story have been given aliases. We wish to protect the privacy of everyone who participated in this investigation. In late August, Kort—the Vaurca who allegedly participated in the K'lax conflict—stopped showing up at work again. By early September, Kort appeared to have been "voided." On September 10, it was confirmed that Kort was culled. This is the follow-up to my previous story, which reported on the details we had on Kort at the time. Since much has happened, I no longer feel I can remain impartial. That being said, civil discussion is still expected. As always, the comment section will be monitored by Vaurca Updates Online staff. Chronology of Events: July 19 — early August Vaurca Updates Online posted my deep dive into Kort's case on July 19. Shortly after, it was featured on the front page as a quality contribution. Articles marked as such are usually exempt from any paywall and easily accessible to all. According to Vaurca Updates Online staff, my article received the most views in July and is the second most-visited story of 2466, only surpassed by Nriq Duququ's deep dive into C'thur's health. Needless to say, the article attracted many readers, including some who are not regular forum members. On July 23, two Unathi teenagers, local to Baandr, visited the Baandr Fish Market and harassed Kort. According to eyewitnesses, the teenagers recorded themselves disrespecting the vendors. When they eventually found the custodian, one of them reportedly sneered, "Here's that Xsain [sic] idiot!" The teenagers then approached Kort and insulted them. They also placed their handheld camera close to the Vaurca's face and turned on the flash, temporarily blinding Kort. The teenagers were swiftly arrested, and their clan elders were informed. Biesellite media was quick to label the incident as a "hate crime," attempting to hold Vaurca Updates Online—and by extension, me—responsible for it. This is a good time to remind everyone that Vaurca Updates Online does not endorse violence. Additionally, Kort's story was reported by local media, and it's far more likely that the teenagers learned about Kort through The Baandr Post than through this website. Whatever their motivation, the attack sparked a reaction from the K'lax hive. The following day, two Vaurca warriors appeared at the Baandr Fish Market. While they didn't approach Kort directly, it was clear to everyone that they were there to guard the Vaurca. Once again, I interviewed Kimzula, the fishersinta who greatly aided me during my first story. Kimzula has tried to keep a low profile around the Fish Market ever since our initial conversation, but they noticed the Vaurca warriors immediately. In their words: "[Kort] was suddenly protected by [Vaurcae] we had never seen. [The warriors] wouldn't get close to [Kort], but they kept an eye on them at all times." Kimzula also mentioned that the bodyguards tried to stop anyone from approaching Kort: "If you tried to get close to [the janitor], even relatively close, [the warriors] would jump in and block your way." According to Kimzula, the bodyguards did not interact with anyone directly; they simply blocked access. In late July, Sinta social media user @shmo42 posted a video where she claimed the two Vaurca warriors stopped her while shopping. The video claims that the warriors said, "You can't get near the janitor," before violently shoving her. While Kimzula wasn't present during the incident, their friends agree that @shmo42 is misrepresenting what happened. According to other Fish Market workers, the healer actively tried to approach Kort before being stopped. They also agree that the Vaurca warriors never pushed @shmo42. Chronology of Events: August - early September Despite the dubious validity of @shmo42's claim, the Vaurca warriors were forced to leave the premises. According to a source close to the Fish Market's administration, the local Fishing League chapter had no interest in drawing more attention to Kort. However, an agreement between the K'lax hive and the Fishing League made it impossible to fire the Vaurca. As a result, the Baandr Fish Market decided to dismiss Kort's bodyguards instead. Additionally, Kort was transferred to the docks and assigned the task of cleaning up fishing vessels as a deckhand. For those unfamiliar with Moghresian geography, Baandr is not a coastal city but is situated near the sea. The city's center has always been near the mountainside, though Baandr once controlled most of the coast, which has since been lost to the rivaling S'th. Baandr still maintains one major dock in the region, though most of the surrounding settlements have been destroyed. In short, Kort was relegated to a solitary job, far from the spotlight. One member of Kimzula's clan, Zarrakhet, worked as a winch operator on the trawler to which Kort was assigned. According to Zarrakhet, they had no prior knowledge of Kort. Fishersinta at sea do not keep up with the news or gossip from the firmland. Kort's trawler, The Kha'ssitz, was a medium-sized operation. One deckhand was always on board during fishing trips, while another (Kort) remained on the docks, maintaining the hull. Occasionally, Kort was tasked with filleting fish for the market, a practice that became popular after first contact with humanity. Zarrakhet first encountered Kort on the Vaurca's second day on the job. According to Zarrakhet: "I had never seen a [Vaurca] before. I had no idea what they looked like. It took me by surprise." Zarrakhet saw Kort struggling to fillet a fish, as the Vaurca wasn't used to handling a knife. "I just went ahead, saw them with the knife, and told them, 'No, you have to grab it like this.' That's when I noticed that [Vaurcae] have two thumbs. I had never heard of that before. Two thumbs on each hand." That small interaction sparked an unusual friendship. According to Zarrakhet, "I didn't know anything about [Vaurcae], but Kort took me by surprise. They were friendly. They seemed happy to have someone to talk to about anything. Now that I know the full story, I think [Kort] was just trying to escape the pressure. [Kort] liked that I treated them like any other person." Kort quickly earned the nickname “Thumbtacks.” Although their interactions with the crew were mostly brief, everyone remembers Kort in good spirits. Zarrakhet recalled that just a few days after Kort joined the trawler, they began participating in friendly banter with the rest of the fishersinta. These exchanges mostly occurred whenever Kort was tasked with unloading The Kha'ssitz. Zarrakhet only learned about Kort's backstory after a conversation with Kimzula. They had informed their relative that a Vaurca had joined the trawler. Surprised, Kimzula asked for more details, and Zarrakhet quickly realized they were talking about Kort. According to Kimzula, they had no idea where Kort had been relocated after leaving the market. This new information shocked Zarrakhet. "I was intrigued by everything, but also cautious. I didn't want to treat Kort like someone who didn't belong because of it," Zarrakhet said. The Sinta also mentioned that they never suspected Kort had had a "mental breakdown" just weeks earlier: "They were sharp and witty. They had brains, which is not something I can say about everyone." Furthermore, Zarrakhet noted that they never questioned Kort about the incident at the Fish Market. Zarrakhet quickly earned Kort's trust. One day, after unloading the trawler, all the fishersinta left the ship except for Zarrakhet, who stayed behind to untangle the nets while Kort cleaned. At some point, Kort began talking about their plans in life, mentioning a desire to learn how to draw. They also expressed admiration for the Hegemon, who had drawn illustrated stories while at university. Eventually, the conversation shifted towards "[Vaurcae] and life in general." At that moment, Kort began sharing their experience at the Baandr Fish Market, recounting a meltdown they had and the conflict involving the K'lax. Zarrakhet said: "They told me all about it, or at least as much as they could. Kort seemed somewhat confused about the events, but they were very clear that they'd had some kind of meltdown related to 'repressed memories.' I didn't push further. I just chuffed while they kept talking; it must have gone on for minutes." When it came to the K'lax conflict, Kort described the war as "chaotic" and mentioned that both sides had suffered "many losses and devastation." Zarrakhet didn't ask for more details, as they didn't fully understand what Kort was referring to. I asked Zarrakhet if they recalled Kort mentioning Zkaii or Tupii, but the Sinta said they didn't recognize those words. According to Zarrakhet, after that conversation, Kort seemed uneasy and "jittery." Zarrakhet offered to walk Kort home, but Kort refused, reassuring their friend that everything would be fine. This was the last time Zarrakhet saw Kort. "I didn't know it would be the last time. It felt like a farewell, in a way, but I didn't realize it at the time." The next morning, Kort didn't show up for work, and the captain informed the crew that Kort wouldn't be returning. Two days later, Kort reappeared at the Baandr Fish Market, once again working as a janitor. Kimzula recalled their reaction upon seeing the Vaurca: "I knew it was Kort—they looked just like them. But they didn't act like themselves." I interviewed two other Fish Market workers who confirmed they had seen Kort in early September. They, too, agreed that Kort seemed "absent." Kimzula informed me as the situation unfolded. Although I didn't encourage them to approach Kort, they felt compelled to check if they were okay. According to Kimzula, Kort looked "off." The Vaurca gave them a "deadpan look, even more so than other Vaurcae" and had "beady, lifeless eyes, like a taxidermy exhibit." Terrified, Kimzula greeted Kort, but received no response. They stared into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity, though Kimzula believes Kort wasn't really looking back. After that, Kimzula retreated. Two days later, Kort disappeared from the Baandr Fish Market and never returned. Chronology of events: September 10 - today Since Kimzula reported this to me, I've believed that Kort was "voided"—a process where an undesirable Vaurca has their memories completely wiped, effectively rendering them into a blank state. While the process of voiding isn't fully understood, it has been well-documented by Vaurca Updates Online members. Although this hasn't been officially confirmed, Kort exhibits several common signs of being voided, including the characteristic beady eyes. A former collaborator—someone I no longer work with—leaked the idea that Kort had been voided in early August, shortly after being reassigned to the Baandr docks. This rumor was later disproved by me and other Vaurca Updates Online contributors, but it continued to circulate. Because of this, I realize that some may view the idea of Kort being voided with skepticism. Nevertheless, I trust what Kimzula relayed to me. While investigating any signs of Kort's potential voiding, I reached out to one of my most reliable sources for insider information. I won't disclose his identity, but this source has a proven track record, so I trust the information he shared. On September 10, my source informed me that Kort had been culled "just a day or two prior." For those unfamiliar, culling is exactly what it sounds like—Kort was killed, discarded by the hive because they were no longer considered useful. This was a massive shock, as Kort had become one of the most widely known Vaurcae, making their culling all the more significant. After learning this news, I immediately headed to the Heartlands. I intend to dig deeper into this story, to uncover the full truth about Kort's culling, and to verify whatever they may have revealed about the K'lax conflict. However, I need your support. Independent journalism is costly, and while I have the full backing of Vaurca Updates Online, the reality is that we need additional funds. Once this investigation is complete, I will publish a comprehensive report detailing everything I've discovered. Ahklu Zkazos is a Unathi independent journalist from Moghes. He currently lives in Mictlan. Zkazos considers himself as a "Vaurca-skeptic skeptic," seeking to promote healthy debate among the Vaurca Updates Online community.
  19. My question is mainly regarding Vaurca lore. Both the Vaurca and Dionae teams have had other priorities lately, so we haven't really interacted. However, Vaurca lore is always in constant communcation with LTA because Zo'ra and Biesel. What would you like to see develop more between these two factions, and how would you expect us to work together?
  20. New Sedantis Marks Vaurca Holiday with Parade; High Queen Vaur Holds Town Hall Last night, the Vaurca residents of New Sedantis, Caprice, held a vibrant parade to celebrate Hive War Commemoration Day, a significant holiday in Vaurca culture. The idea of a parade on August 23 is relatively new, first introduced in Mendell City to attract human spectators. However, since last year, the celebrations have been moved to New Sedantis, drawing increasing attention, with at least three networks streaming the festivities live on the extranet. The Zo’ra Hive has been organizing a military parade for the past eight years, with the introduction of a balloon display in 2463 adding a festive flair. In Mendell City, the celebrations were supported by the local police and Zo’ra volunteers. In Caprice, however, the situation is more complex. While the Zo’ra still volunteer to ensure the parade runs smoothly, the Governorate of Caprice—the planet’s colonial government—takes a more hands-on approach for gatherings exceeding 350 Vaurcae. Given the Governorate’s limited manpower, coordinating a large-scale parade proved challenging. For this reason, New Sedantis city hall opened over 700 volunteer positions for the event—offering free housing, food, and travel expenses. It was all covered by the city’s annual budget. The parade’s balloon display has captured public interest since its inception. In 2463, a large balloon resembling a Diona nymph went viral. This year, the floats included characters from Witchfire and other pop culture icons, drawing considerable attention. You can watch the full segment here. Following the parade, High Queen Vaur hosted a town hall at the Vaurca Community Center. She was introduced by Melanie Dorn, niece of President Joseph Dorn and the current mayor of New Sedantis. In her opening remarks, Ms. Dorn formally endorsed the Dorn-Vaur campaign, declaring, “Here’s the woman who’s going to make a real difference in office, and someone I’m very proud to stand behind today.” High Queen Vaur appeared in her usual form for this election cycle: a delicate, humanoid Vaurca Worker, standing around 5’3” tall. Her “avatar” is equipped with expressive eyes, capable of conveying a range of emotions—spectators could easily discern whether she was serious, sarcastic, or even irritated just by her expressions. The town hall was moderated by Marissa Johnson, a reporter for the Times. The Zo’ra leader addressed questions about her campaign and policies in detail. At one point, she mentioned her willingness to participate in a VP debate, should one be held this cycle. Vaur also responded to inquiries about the status of Caprice and the restrictions imposed by the Governorate. When asked if she agreed with the limitations placed on the parade, Vaur stated, “I believe the current agreement can be refined, but it has been beneficial for both our people and the Republic.” Some questions were selected from Chirper. Marissa Johnson read a question from @emilyk166, a self-identified Phoenixport resident, who asked, “The Zo’ra Hive has recently shown interest in uplifting the Queenless community. What prompted this change?” The High Queen replied, “We have always championed the rights of all Vaurcae, regardless of their Hive. All Vaurcae across the Orion Spur face similar challenges, and they must be addressed. This August, we have provided forums for various Vaurca groups, including the Queenless, so the broader Spur community can hear their voices.” Isaac Mann, an attendee and volunteer with the Vaurca-run NGO Vaurca Equality, shared his experience with Vaur, discussing his participation in fundraisers for Vaurca civil rights. He asked the High Queen what the next milestone for Vaurca liberties would be and her stance on the recently-passed Electoral Integrity Enhancement Act, which significantly limited Vaurca voting rights. “I believe we still have a long journey ahead,” Vaur responded. “Vaurcae are industrious people, yet they still face discrimination in smaller businesses. A Vaurca server, for instance, is less likely to receive tips.” Vaur elaborated on her plans to improve employment opportunities for Vaurcae, emphasizing, “They are all willing and capable.” She then addressed the Electoral Integrity Enhancement Act, noting, “There are some biological differences we need to consider. However, the extreme proposal to entirely curtail Vaurca voting rights is an affront to democracy. The bill will be remembered as part of a dark chapter in the Republic’s history.” High Queen Vaur answered questions for nearly two hours. In her closing statement, she said, “I’m grateful to have celebrated this important day in Vaurca history with all of you. My greatest hope is that those watching at home will become passionate about Vaurca history and rights.”
  21. I’ll withdraw my application as I think there’s a lot on my plate as of now. I’ll remain fully committed to Vaurca lore.
  22. Vaur Silently Reinstated Eggs to Queenless. What Now? By @emilyisqueen_249 Our forum members marked this article as a 'Quality contribution'. This publication does not reflect the values of the Vaurca Online Updates maintainers and was submitted independently. The press may ask questions to editorial@vuo.net. Subscribe to VUO to receive more articles like this in your inbox. This month, Vaurca Equality and the Biesellite xenophilic establishment celebrate "Vaurca History Month," the latest holiday with a Free-Market Party stamp of approval, even if they're not enforcing it in schools (yet). While this is the third consecutive year in which Vaurca Equality has claimed August for themselves, this time it comes with a surprise. Rebranded as "Vaurca Pride," many events now center around the Queenless, a group of Vaurcae that the Zo'ra didn't even publicly acknowledge a few weeks ago. What is going on? Well, unless you're living under a rock, you must know by now that "Queenless" has become a hot topic during this election cycle. The Queenless Vaurcae, for those unaware, are all of those individuals who are not considered part of any "brood" (aka, the servants of the Vaurca queens). In 2464, Vaur decreed that the Queenless would no longer receive eggs, thus effectively signing them on a death sentence. This decision was criticized by many as "genocidal," including some forum members. The discourse really picked up when candidate Åke Torvald supported the West Phoenixport Law Center (WPLC), an organization seeking the rights of the Queenless. Vaur, and the Dorn campaign as a whole, suddenly faced scrutiny for their actions against the Queenless. Well, after constant hit pieces against the Dorn-Vaur campaign, the Zo'ra have finally bent the knee. Alongside the announcement that the month of August would pander to those Vaurcae outside the "broods," Vaur has silently reinstated eggs to Queenless. There was no formal announcement. Instead, some Queenless groups began to receive Vaurca eggs all of a sudden, after two years of not getting any. If you're wondering now why do the Queenless need eggs, well, this is where it gets shady and kind of gross. The Zo'ra have sterilized the Queenless groups, basically only keeping them alive through this egg-shipment program. What for? It's anybody's guess. Many here on this forum have considered the practice barbaric, thinking that Queenless are kept as a trophy or for mockery. After doing some research, it seems that the Queenless were once more useful as slave labor. Nowadays, when even the Zo'ra compete with each other for ridiculously low-income jobs, the Queenless have served their function. Hence, Vaur didn't want to keep maintaining the population. Will the decision to restore Queenless eggs win Dorn and Vaur the elections? Likely not. However, it's true the Zo'ra were seeking to appease the West Phoenixport Law Center and its followers. For the Queenless, however, this is not enough. Just today, the WPLC posted on their Chirper: "Vaur has done the bare minimum to support our people. There's still a long way to go, and we still believe that neither Vaur nor Dorn are good enough to represent us." What does this mean to the rest of us? If you live in Biesel, chances are your cities are about to become much more violent. Everybody with half a brain has seen how much of a dumpster fire the west side of Phoenixport has become in recent years—an area now infested by Queenless criminals and bums. Something similar is going on in Lago de Abundancia, Mictlan. Many patrons are not willing to go to restaurants anymore because it seems like every waiter is now a Queenless thug. And don't even think about not tipping them—three months ago, a Queenless individual got into a verbal altercation with a customer because the visitor didn't tip. The event ended with the Queenless using one of its dangerous claws to pry a phone out of the patron's hands, and all of this was captured on camera. The enlightened Joseph Dorn also introduced a little thing called the Universal Citizenship Program (UCP) a few years ago, something many forum members must be familiar with by now. The UCP does not consider Queenless as citizens or even legal permanent residents, meaning that, after they hatch, they'll become deadweight in our society. Don't believe me? In 2463, the Tau Ceti Revenue Agency (TRA) issued a report, stating that less than 15% of the Queenless population paid any taxes. So while many of you were cheering for the West Phoenixport Law Center to get their "win" over Vaur and her cronies, it turns out you've been barking up the wrong tree. When your little Middle-of-fuckwhere-ville in Biesel gets plagued by the Vaurcae that even other Vaurcae don't want, don't come crying here. You asked for this.
  23. Sorry, this week hasn't been the best for me. 1. I've written a lot of lore over the past few years and have received input from a lot of people, including the playerbase. For some more extreme Vaurca changes, I've actually tested the waters with other people outside of the team, just to get an idea of what they think as well. I think we do need to keep ourselves open to receive criticism, even if it's unfounded. 2. I like how constant checkups have been with the latest LTA administrations, and I would like that as well. I think I can also contribute with ideas and help see where teams may be "stuck." This is basically what I do in my dayjob already. 3. A clear example is just all the lore surrounding the War in Heaven, which has even permeated the election arc a bit. One day, I woke up and thought about adding the West Phoenixport Law Center, which is now relevant in the election arc. I have also tested the waters a lot in terms of how the War in Heaven should go. 4. Off the top of my head, regular pings and keeping a calendar. If a team in specific needs more supervision, I would probably take a more hands-on approach to see how I can help. 5. Right now, for the most part, I want to highlight the same points I mentioned in my application (accessibility, congruity, and community). However, I'm also a big believer in setting up pieces to see where we can go from there—we've been doing this is in the Vaurca year for literal years. I would like to see how we can move post-phoron scarcity and think of an idea as to what's the next big step for the setting. 6. I've given my two cents every now and then, but I always feel like an intruder when I do so. I would like to actually provide better articulated feedback as part of the LTA and help the teams with whatever they might need. 7. Messaging individuals has worked wonders. I think helping the underperfoming individual come up with a project or suggestion of their own can also work. 8. Ideally, a consensus. However, there might be situations where that won't be achieveable, and that's ok. I wouldn't like to enforce something without listening to the other parties, but we do have to think about the future of the lore as a whole and try not to divide between two camps or more.
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