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Everything posted by Hycinth
It doesn't even make sense for Diona to be nukeops in the first place, given their lore.
Meowy, you'll never get Rand Paul to yiff you. Sorry.
Guys, I vote we all follow Meowy's example. Make a sandwich, gas the catbeasts.
Jillian Fleming, Ja'rasha Toviktanni, Tsavnara Zahjdahri. Not sure how many people actually know my characters
1138's Head Whitelist Reapplication, Electric Boogaloo
Hycinth replied to a topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I agree with this, and honestly, Vira is one of my favourite Heads of Security. Not because they let loose the dogs of war, so to speak, but because they are actually... you know, good at the job. They don't give pointlessly complicated briefing, they manage their teams well, and they /actually care/ about their officers. One of my first experiences on the server was making a report regarding an officer violating SOP. Vira listened, compiled the report, and it was on the forums almost immediately with no further action from me. That's impressive for a Head of Security, given that they tend to either a) leave midround b) sit around in their office and do nothing c) give briefings all round with no real action, or d) go "ANTAGS? LETHALS NOW!" I've personally seen nothing in the way of Deltas behavior as Head of Security, at least, that would necessitate a ban. As Tain said, the whitelist was stripped for a completely unrelated reason. Delta is already antagbanned, so why are they also headbanned? -
If you had a rollerbed (which you didn't), then why didn't you use it instead of dragging me around, hm?
BYOND Key: Hycinth Total Ban Length: 4320 Banning staff member's Key: Jennalele Reason of Ban: EoR Grief Reason for Appeal: Simply, no grief occured. After the shuttle left, I was flashing myself with a flashlight as a borg, since it makes fun sparks and I had three minutes to kill. At some point, a secborg dragged a welder tank it, which spread fuel on the ground, which the sparks then lit. I'd like to note that welder fuel doesn't actually burn. It lights up with a cool sprite for a second and goes out. It does not affect atmos. It does not affect temperature. It does not cause damage. It does not spread. It cannot ignite anything else. Because of this, I was given a three day ban for EoR grief. EoR grief is defined as conflict in the shuttle/surrounding areas. No conflict occurred, nobody was harmed, nothing was damaged. In the future, I won't repeat this action, since it's now apparent that it's a problem, but I'd like this particular instance overturned. Perhaps a warning instead?
I recognize the Ckey, but only as a shitter. I remember the absurd argument in which you repeatedly argued semantics (unsuccessfully, I might add) and argued that sec officers should be buffed repeatedly. -1, shitcurity confirmed.
...Is it, though? It's not interacting with anyone other than the station at that point, and if not having people on the station would improve it, teeeeeeeeeeechnically it would be within laws? Mostly you're a shit for pissing off the ai and getting us all killed repeatedly that round, PoZe.
BYOND Key: Hycinth Player Byond Key: XanderDox Staff involved: Tablespoon Reason for complaint: Rampant shittery, Play to win mentality during a malf AI round. Instantly blew up cryo, shuttle consoles, etc. Constant harassment of drones, leading up to the destruction of the drone fabricators due to "not wanting to ahelp" a troublemaking drone. Proceeded to light the holodeck on fire after minimal RP, at which point they were killed. They then proceeded to brag in dead chat how awesome their gimmick was, which appeared to consist solely of blitzmalf + copy pasting some biblical quotes rather nonsensically. Approximate Date/Time: 170615 21.00
Log contains the relevant parts to your complaint, however. Carbine + baton.
Mhm. I filed an IC counter-report against Veronica.
http://pastebin.com/wNTbUzRR Logs begin after Smiley(Veronica Torren) had aready dragged me a significant distance. Apologies for their incompleteness, but the pain messages from the abuse I suffered at their hands kinda flooded my chatlog.
From the corporate regulations page on our own wiki.(I know Jackboot acknowledged this up the thread, but I'm just placing this here in case)
I'd like to add that at no point was a rollerbed held, displayed, or was even considered by Veronica.
Kaed, think less gecko colored, more... sand colored. bring it down more into the brown ranges.
BYOND Key: Hycinth Player Byond Key: Callum99877 Staff involved: None Reason for complaint: Ezra Scott as Captain evidently pardoned a prisoner, leading to security action to arrest him. Upon this, he proceeded to barricade himself in the bridge, refusing to comply with legal requests from sec to surrender himself. When sec entered the area, he fired shots (on lethal) from his energy pistol at them. When arrested and in processing, Callum proceeded to ghost, rather than take their punishment. This constitutes massive violation of the loyalty implant, sanity, and reflects poorly on whitelisted players, as Captain is a whitelisted position. In addition, Callum is staff, and therefore should be held to a higher standard than other players. I am quite frankly DISGUSTED by these actions. Approximate Date/Time: 14/6/15 4.45 CST --------- This is Ezra Scott! He is wearing an orange jumpsuit. He is handcuffed! He has PDA-Ezra Scott (Captain) about his waist. He is wearing some orange shoes on his feet. He has a radio headset on his right ear. He is totally catatonic. The stresses of life in deep-space must have been too much for him. Any recovery is unlikely Criminal status: [None] Security records: [View] [Add comment] Ezra has brown spiked hair and long ... More...
I realized there was going to be little to no RP in it and called for help, rather than playing along. I'm all for going with things, but only if I'm shown the same consideration. All in all, that round was a clusterfuck of murder. Also, can admins confirm anything over the :s channel in that regard? I was semi-afk for significant parts of the round, so I may have missed it.
Reporting Personnel:Jillian Fleming Rank of Reporting Personnel:Warden Personnel Involved: Victor Kaipov, Warden. Veronica Torren, Geneticist Time of Incident: Location of Incident: Medbay Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard [X]Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty []Harassment [X]Assault [X]Misconduct []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: I entered into medbay with a broken chest and severe bleeding due to incidents on the station. Veronica was informed of my broken chest and other injuries, then proceeded to roughly drag me along, resulting in further bone damage and piercing my lungs with the shards of bone. When informed that this was counterproductive, she continued to drag me along until interrupted by Officer Kaipov. She then resumed dragging me, at which point I attempted to tase her to prevent further damage to myself. As she had shown herself incompetent, we decided to enter medbay ourselves and apply basic medical care to try and hold me over until an actual doctor arrived, which was FURTHER interrupted by Torren swatting supplies out of Kaipov's hands and pushing him down. At this point I again incapacitated her in order to recieve treatment as best as we could. I would like Torren to have to recertify as a nursing intern before being allowed to treat general patients or do anything outside of their genetics lab, as they appear to be unable to understand something as simple as a rollerbed. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?:No Additional notes: (If there are none simply leave it blank) Victor Kaipov puts Jillian Fleming on the reinforced table. Victor Kaipov starts climbing onto the reinforced table! Your chest hurts badly. Victor Kaipov climbs onto the reinforced table! Veronica Torren says, "Your making it fucking worse idiot" Veronica Torren [146.7] says, "your making it fucking worse idiot" Victor Kaipov has grabbed Jillian Fleming passively! Victor Kaipov has analyzed Jillian Fleming's vitals. ÿVeronica Torren attempted to disarm Victor Kaipov! ÿVeronica Torren attempted to disarm Victor Kaipov! ÿVeronica Torren attempted to disarm Victor Kaipov! ÿVeronica Torren has pushed Victor Kaipov! Jillian Fleming stutters, "C-c-c-cSTOP" Jillian Fleming [146.7] says, "c-c-c-cSTOP" Jillian Fleming stutters, "F-FIG-GHTIN-N-NG-G" Jillian Fleming [146.7] says, "F-FIG-GHTIN-N-NG-G" Jillian Fleming stammers, "S-ST-T-TOP" Jillian Fleming [146.7] says, "S-ST-T-TOP" You're about to lose consciousness. OOC: IncognitoJesus: I have ascended. Jillian Fleming stammers, "M-MY-Y-Y C-CH-HES-SET-T" Jillian Fleming [146.7] says, "M-MY-Y-Y C-CH-HES-SET-T" ÿYou feel broken bones moving in your chest! ÿSomething inside your chest hurts a lot. Victor Kaipov shouts, "IT'S BLEEDING. YOU FOOL!" Victor Kaipov [146.7] says, "IT'S BLEEDING. YOU FOOL!" Jillian Fleming stutters, "S-ST-TOP-P-P-P P-P-PUL-L-L-LL-LIG-G M-ME" Jillian Fleming [146.7] says, "S-ST-TOP-P-P-P P-P-PUL-L-L-LL-LIG-G M-ME" ÿYou feel broken bones moving in your chest! ÿSomething inside your chest hurts a lot. Victor Kaipov has grabbed Jillian Fleming passively! ÿYou feel broken bones moving in your chest! ÿSomething inside your chest hurts a lot.
I have logs pertaining to the incident as well, and am filing an Incident Report against their character for this issue. No chemicals were "metagamed" and none were given to me. You were a GENETICIST at the time of these actions, I'd like to remind you. I was entirely fine with being left still until a bed could have been procured, however, your pulling me punctured my lungs. I will admit, I overreacted. I have no tolerance for idiots.
+1 provided you're not banana-yellow here, Kaed. Death to bananalizards. Go for something more sandy. EDIT: Played extensively with Kaed's Unathi on other servers. He's pretty cool other than being fucking banana-yellow.