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Everything posted by Hycinth

  1. I honestly love Travis Davis, and though I've only occasionally interacted with Furry's Skrell, all of those interactions have been good. Plus Travis gives my tsundere catbeast earscritches and that's pretty okay. Catbeast waifu time.
  2. I was not attempting to illegally access any areas, and was in fact about to ask for you over the radio when the door opened and Roman rushed in. I never entered the area. I was also not planning on performing any arrests. I was merely there to find out WHY there was a security camera console in there. That said, the camera was not approved by the HoP to our knowledge. No paperwork or even verbal statements were provided to inform us of such. I have made no actions worthy of a report or reprimand, and I request that my name be removed from this report. -Jillian Fleming
  3. Every interaction I've had with Nanda has been adorable and cute as hell. I demand hugs for this.
  4. I'd like to see the middle questions actually answered in, you know, paragraph form.
  5. Then I'll reevaluate my opinion when I see a change in behavior. As of right now, the -1 stands.
  6. -1. I have very rarely seen Sleepy make sensible decisions or play responsibly.
  7. Skyline was with me, but yeah. I was probably the only one actually out for blood at that point, due to Victor being killed. Skyline managed to nail me in the face with a rapid fire laser, which let the Vox one shot me into crit with a laser. Still salty ;-;
  8. It was the breaking into the captain's office and stealing everything, including the nuke disk and spare ID that prompted the CE, Nasir Khayyam, to order several sec officers out in hardsuits to confront the Vox.
  9. We were told to kill, as they'd shown themselves hostile. That's all I can throw in on the matter, as I was busy (unwillingly) exploring space at the time of the events in question.
  10. We were ordered out there by the acting captain, and he didn't go alone. I just got hit by a drone and mysteriously tossed into space along the way.
  11. Just, uhm. Chiming in here. It's gotten to the point where if I see Sleepy is one of my partners in a co-operative antag round, I either go out of my way to exclude them from plans or give up my antag status because I know they're just going to chucklefuck around. Not really sure if that's considered metagrudging, but they've repeatedly demonstrated (at least to me) that they can't seem to take the responsibility serious/work as part of a team.
  12. Impossible, all bees are terrorist griefers.
  13. Welcome to dead hour extended. Solution: Go AFK, watch some youtube videos, or something else. I dunno. I usually just play with my rats
  14. Hycinth

    Beekeeping suits

    I had to tableslam bees for an hour last night please add these.
  15. At this point in the round, Blade was actually wanted for at least one murder, fwiw. Found chicken suit fibers on a door leading to port solars access, where a body was discovered. I relayed this to security as the CSI.
  16. I, Forensic Technician Ja'rasha Toviktanni, hereby swear... ...That I shall remain professional while on-duty. ...That I will respect the regulations and directives of my station. ...That I will not needlessly endanger other crewmembers, or myself. ...That I shall not interfere with the work of other staff, unless they are acting in a manner which endangers myself, my work place, or other members of the crew. ...And that above all I will seek to ensure that myself, my division, and my station act in a manner which is ethical, professional, and productive at all times. Signed, Ja'rasha Toviktanni
  17. So, what you're saying is, you gave permission for sec to go above and beyond to perma an entire department, with no investigation? As an OOC voice? That seems kind of. Well, okay, sure, fine. As far as the "need to do part", they needed to have a forensic tech in there, see who was responsible, and potentially perma them. Not the entire department. What is gained by permaing everyone, other than now you have to watch a lot of angry people in perma? And once your cover has been blown as cult/traitor/nuke/ling/whatever, you have to become more aggressive. People aren't going to let you just walk around, and when security has shown a big ole hateboner for you, what are you going to do other than slaughter them wholesale? There's the bias. One bad decision does not deserve another. And of course, you don't want to say that sec was anywhere near as bad because you, whether implicit or explicit, condoned whatever actions they took when you told them to go ahead.
  18. BYOND Key: Hycinth Player Byond Key: BygoneHero Staff involved: TishinaStalker (regarding correct CKey) Reason for complaint: Player (as Veronica) does not seem to understand borg laws, and caused my death due to locking me down for STATING that a pAI should be deleted. Keep in mind this was during code red after bombs, multiple confirmed hostile personnel, and the pAI had been disruptive on comms. I was also security personnel, and therefore vital to fending off the hostiles. Due to this, I attempted to break windows out of the area, and was killed by the electrified grille in the process. I was in an area I had access to, the pAI had caused part of the station to be vented, as the borg had represented them as crew, and the borg refused to follow valid orders. Approximate Date/Time: 2015-5-34, 2330 EDIT: It was a medical borg.
  19. Also nopain.
  20. Delta, why not SMG + Ammo in an IDlocked briefcase, you know, secret service style. Would gimp them slightly, since, yano, not 60 brute per shot, but still make them effective. Issue them a Taser for ranged LTL.
  21. Hycinth


    Even if you want to make it a mechanical thing, the telepathy between skrell/whatever would work, via a specific transmission band, etc. Could be basically a species-wide form of binary.
  22. I'd be infinitely more interested in playing Skrell if they were differentiated from humans more. Just, at this point? It doesn't make sense to bother. Why fill out a whitelist for a character with an extra language? I'd love to play a Skrell scientist. They seem interesting, but... It's just not worth it at this point.
  23. Hycinth


    I'd be infinitely more interested in playing Skrell if they were differentiated from humans more. Just, at this point? It doesn't make sense to bother. Why fill out a whitelist for a character with an extra language? I'd love to play a Skrell scientist. They seem interesting, but... It's just not worth it at this point.
  24. Just because you think someone has broken the rules doesn't mean you go and do the same.
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