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  1. This should say, “I do not expect people to believe…”
  2. BYOND Key: RyverStyx Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk Reason of Ban: You have proved yourself to be a bad character. Despite being given more chances than you ever deserved in this community, you shit-talked us behind our backs and acted in bad faith towards your peers. You may appeal this when you decide to act like the person you pretend you are, which is unlikely. Reason for Appeal: Over half a year ago, I was banned. At the time I did not realize the severity of my actions but as time passed I have grown and reflected on what I have done. As a staff member, and as a community member, I should not have been engaging in any shit-talking whatsoever. I’m aware that even if I think no one will see it, it is wrong and can be hurtful. I believe this was a much needed break for me as It gave me time to reflect on my behavior on the server, in the discords, and outside of the community. I am actually quite embarrassed that I let a game affect how I treat other people. My time away allowed me to realize that I had an unhealthy connection to SS13 as a whole. Over the past half-year I’ve worked on myself and reflected on these behaviors. These behaviors are not something I am seeing in myself anymore and they are not something I will tolerate within myself in the future. It was wrong of me to talk about and say the things that I did (both about my team and the community). I know that I unfairly voiced my frustrations regarding the server/community in a way that was unhelpful, dismissive, and aggressive. This is NOT how I should have acted. Whether this appeal goes through or not, I do want everyone affected to know that I am sorry for the things that I had said and I’m open to any conversations you would like to have on the subject. I would love to be a part of this community again and if this appeal were to be accepted I do not expect things to immediately go back to normal. I know that I would have to back up my words through actions. I do not people to believe I have changed without seeing any proof. I am willing to put in that work to show that I have changed and that I can be a member of this community once again. Thank you, Ryver
  3. Hello! Some questions: 1. If their criminal past came to light with a Federation Consular there is a very real chance they could be deported. How do you feel about this? 2. Are their records with NanoTrasen (employment, medical, security) real or forged? If they are forged, what is listed as prior employment? What is their citizenship listed as? 3. Being from the Traverse still technically means they are a Federation citizen. If their records are real and list them as from the Traverse this means they do have a social credit score. What would their social credit score be while on the ship?
  4. Zi’Quarq Members Receive Orders Translated to Tau Ceti Basic With the Zi’Quarq being deemed fit for operations by Federation enforcement- The vessel is now being tasked with locating and intercepting the rogue Zi’Pluax generation ship. Assisted by tracking and investigative expertise from the Nlomkala and Ruupkala, the Zi’Quarq is confident in its attempts to recover their home ship. Within Nralakk, many scientists from the fleet are also working in conjunction with Federation researchers in fields related to the Nlom and the Srom. The Containment Zone and its success in stopping psionic Nlom “poisoning”,described as an intense negative psionic energy that impacts both the local Wake and the Srom, is being actively studied to see if a widespread use is possible for Federation purposes should it be needed. Scientists from the generation fleet are also well versed in the Srom due to their unique experiences within cryo pods for extended periods of time. This experience in the Srom is crucial when paired with the Containment Zone’s need for Srom manipulation to combat the effects of Nlom poisoning. Those on the Zi’Pluax still loyal to the original Fleet Command were able to send an encrypted message just before their internment in the Containment Zone, revealing that a former Containment Zone member by the name of “Jul-Dronoq Viix” has taken control of the ship; although not without bloodshed as previously thought. Much of the Zi’Pluax is steeped in negative psionic energy due to the former Containment Zone members being allowed to roam freely aboard. During the initial mutiny, many groups from within the Containment Zone struggled to fill the power vacuum. Various gangs from the zone used what crude weaponry they had to establish a hierarchy through violence. The Dronoqs, named after Jul-Dronoq Viix themself, were the ones to finally seize control of the Zi’Pluax bridge and establish themselves as the dominant faction on the Zi'Pluax. There are concerns that the Marauder-aligned Zi'Pluax will use their connections to continue the Cultural Exchange programme by utilising Ti'Rakqi connections. Jobs abroad in human space can be secured through fake documents and other illegal means, allowing the Zi'Pluax to fund itself and its new allies. Federation citizens working abroad are expected to report any suspicious activity to their nearest Federation Representative. Those who are caught harbouring criminals or otherwise knowingly assisting them will see social credit score deductions, deportation, and criminal charges leading to rehabilitation. In the meantime, Captain Qua’Sar has allowed any Zi’Quarq crew, or members of the Zi’Pluax who escaped during the initial mutiny- either aboard the Zi’Quarq or through using escape pods, to extend their cultural exchange indefinitely. This invitation is only to members who are in good standing with both the Fleet and the Federation. These members are also allowed to freely travel between the Zi’Quarq and their work abroad when convenience and scheduling provides. Captain Qua’Sar does warn that cryo pod space is limited aboard the Zi’Quarq and members are expected to schedule their return with Zi’Quarq Fleet Command. The Zi’Quarq does however ask that returning members make a donation that is in some form intended to help the ship’s continual efforts and goals.
  5. Zi’Pluax Press Conference w/ Quvs. Qua’Sar Translated to Tau Ceti Basic Former Zi'Pluax Fleet Command member Za'Sha Qua'Sar has just finished their press conference, conducted jointly with Kala members, regarding the mutiny on the Zi'Pluax that resulted in its disappearance, as well as the miraculous recovery of the fleet's lost guidance vessel, the Zi'Quarq. Outlined below are key points from the conference: Quvs. Qua'Sar: What exactly was the guidance vessel that Fleet Command evacuated on? Were there any survivors on the Zi'Quarq? What can you tell us about the mutiny aboard the Zi'Pluax? How was the mutiny successful? What happens now? Representatives of the Kala have confirmed that the Zi'Quarq is close to being fully repaired, and it is expected that the vessel will be put to work on locating the Zi'Pluax as soon as possible.
  6. Zi’Pluax Tracked to Marauder Territory Translated to Tau Ceti Basic New information has been made available regarding the Zi'Pluax (translated to Basic: The Fleet of the Srom), a generation ship that has been missing since July last year. The Zi'Pluax had fled Q'elpi space around the same time as an increase in Marauder activity, resulting in them being suspected of aiding the Marauders in some way and fleeing Federation authorities to evade punishment. Kala agents have worked tirelessly to investigate the matter, attempting to find the ship based on information acquired from fleet members abroad as well as flight patterns from just before contact was lost. Authorities have now revealed the discoveries made from their investigations, shedding light on what has been described as a peculiar series of events. The Federation has recently revealed that before its initial escape last year, the Zi’Pluax had rendezvoused with a small vessel, the origins of which have not yet been made public yet. Many of the ship’s Fleet Command and auxiliary crew were evacuated from the Zi’Pluax using this vessel and immediately sought out the nearest Qukala detachment. Those fleet members who left the Zi’Pluax were cooperative with Qukala agents and played a critical role in helping Federation enforcement in their investigation of the rogue Zi’Pluax. While most information is classified, Federation authorities did reveal that the reason behind the Zi'Pluax's disappearance was related to a mutiny aboard the vessel. A press conference with Zi’Pluax representative Za’Sha Qua’Sar and Qukala enforcement is expected to take place in the coming days. The loyal members of the Zi'Pluax have been cooperative for the last year as they have been held by authorities while they were still under investigation. A representative of the Ruupkala, which has been the main branch heading efforts to discover the location of the missing generation ship, confirmed that the Zi'Pluax's Fleet Command have been cleared of any criminal charges, and that members of the Zi'Pluax that were off ship at the time will have their restrictions lifted: The Zi'Pluax's Fleet Command were able to give their own comments shortly after this announcement, promising a press conference in the coming days to provide more details on the situation. It has been stated that Zi'Pluax representative, Za'Sha Qua'Sar, will be heading this conference. Quvs. Qua'Sar has been one of the leading voices aboard the Zi'Pluax since the ship was first rediscovered in 2560. Officially, the fleet runs on a democratic system within its command system, with no one central authority figure, yet many members of the fleet claim Quvs. Qua'Sar as the closest thing to a Captain the Zi'Pluax has. Za'Sha Qua'Sar has been given credit for implementing the "Containment Zone", a controversial method to house those deemed dangerous within the Fleet, as well as the exchange programme that has allowed the Zi'Pluax's crew to work abroad. Members of the fleet that are currently on their cultural exchange programme have expressed joy at the news of the rediscovery, but are also concerned regarding the news that there has been a mutiny amongst the crew. Save for a select few members and the majority of Fleet Command, the status of the remaining crew is unknown at this time.
  7. I’ve played command with 50noob since they started their trial and I think they have a unique dynamic when it comes to being a head +1
  8. I enjoy roleplaying with 50. I’ve played with them in Engineering, Research, and Operations and their characters are engaging and fun. +1
  9. I’m inclined to agree with what Peppermint and Lly2 said here. It’s a bit strange to go from Bartender to Security to HoS so soon. On the side, I feel that Kira can get rather aggressive when it’s unwarranted. I’m not sure if the character has proper restraint for the HOS role (although I don’t mind being proven wrong)! I would have to give it a -1 for Kira -> HOS but a +1 if another character is utilized for command.
  10. +1 I was in engineering and XO Levine called me up after reading my records to promote me to interim. It felt very natural and exactly what an XO should be doing.
  11. Hello there! Just a couple questions for you. 1. Was Buu’Mbo raised to follow any of the Skrell faiths? If so, which ones? If not, why? 2. How does Buu’Mbo feel about working with other species while on the Horizon? 3. Small question: What is their SCS at the time of joining the Horizon?
  12. I talked with some staff about this before and it's been a "hard no" sadly due to the association with clowns.
  13. What other alt-titles would people be interested in for Assistant? I agree with some other comments here that the generic "Assistant" title normally has a negative connotation.
  14. The whole point is they should be the ones to initiate the RP.
  15. As I mentioned in the discord channel; nobody ever goes to the library without a librarian there. Rounds with a librarian; there is foot traffic in the library. When you know it's someone's JOB to be there and RP with you it makes it a lot more appealing to wander on up there and roleplay.
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