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  1. i said i'd do this a while ago but i forgor https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/19285
  2. echoing the sentiments above; i haven't played engineering beneath mueller, but their positive effect on the department when they've been around has been very transparent
  3. I think that if IPCs receive a brain-med equivalent, a lot of care should be given to make sure they're not just completely analogous to organics. Having a series of organs that are functionally just eyes, lungs, et cetera, would be a missed opportunity to make up new things that can differentiate robots in an interesting way. Giving IPCs blood in the form of coolant and having them die when it runs out feels like a miss compared to having it interact with IPC-specific mechanics in a more interesting way, and it'd probably be very frustrating given how few machinists exist. In the same vein, it definitely needs to be possible for a positronic to be destroyed somehow, but I'd hate to see it happen through passive degradation like with a human brain. Personally, I'd like to see IPCs nerfed via a chassis and internals that are much easier to damage than currently, but a posibrain that isn't reliant on these to stay alive. The posibrain should be extremely fragile without the chassis, but I don't think its survival should be intrinsically linked to the health of the chassis. Carrying a brain around is fun, but it being invulnerable is an issue. One random thing that I'd enjoy as a purely flavour addition: with shells being extremely expensive, it's funny to me that shells can be made perfect again with a quick, essentially free repair. Scarring by way of irreparable synthskin to leave them with an exposed metal chassis after injuries would be cool.
  4. this art is wonderful lvs and this would be cool
  5. i had a thought that these ipcs might be a cool place to make use of some simplified version of space bear AI. instead of just running directly at something as soon as its in range, they stand and stare until you hang around long enough or do something to specifically aggro them. it feels to me like a really simple change to help with the problem in the quote below and replace it with something a little more tense and navigable for those characters who are nonviolent, even if was only kept as simple as them not aggroing as soon as you come into view i think it would be very soulful if people could take it slow through the countryside, have to actually keep an eye out for these things appearing on the edge of their screen, and would have a few seconds to evade out of the way if they do happen to bump into one and "see it before it sees them".
  6. i think this is my favourite solution to the problem, personally speaking port calls and shore leave are really cool, but right now they're super nebulous in the sense of: my character is broke, can they afford it? how do the visas work? how often can i go, can i justify heading down for lunch, or is it supposed to be something that requires taking a few days off? anything to sort of clarify that and just write down exactly what we're allowed to do there would make me way more comfortable using the system as it is. i know right now i can say i'm going down to konyang and stuff, but there's a weirdness to it since there's all those questions and i'm never sure if i'm "doing it right", so to speak in an ideal world the solution that just allows everyone to engage with it would be the best, even if it's not the most realistic. so pretty much what you said - that it's a perk of the job everyone gets, the horizon handles the shuttles and visas so we don't have to think about how it would work monetarily so much, and that sort of thing
  7. if people talk about it and want it then im sure someone can write a proper application for it, i made this thread because discord was talking about it for the infinitieth time (and discord discussions never go anywhere unless someone makes a thread)
  8. to clarify (because i got asked) this is suggesting changing what canonically exists on the residential deck from just rooms, to whatever other stuff that would make it a slightly more interesting space to exist in "Narrow halls connect to bunkrooms with separated pods of bunks, one atop the other. [...] There are no entertainment systems, eateries, gyms or otherwise installed on the level. The crew are expected to use the facilities provided in the occupational decks above for those needs." this is what is currently said to exist on the residential decks on the wiki. i don't think it would massively hurt realism to add common rooms people can hang out in, or entertainment systems, or a room with a big ass screen to watch movies on (or literally anything else). i don't think these things existing or not on the residential deck impacts how many people log in and go off-duty
  9. dont really have a huge sell here, this conversation just came up for the bajillionth time since the horizon launched there was always frequent discussion about this when the horizon was just the NBT, and it always felt 50/50 between people who wanted realism and compared the horizon to existing similar spaces IRL, and people who just wanted fun stuff to do even disregarding however much sense it makes to have those things on the horizon the discussion came up again in the aurora discord today, but now we've been on the horizon for a long time, and it feels like it's 90/10 towards people who are bored of having nothing to say their characters' have been up to besides whatever you can think of to do sat inside a tiny dorm. it feels like more people than not are bored by the lack of ability to make up stuff they've done off-duty to the same degree they used to be able to (regardless of what does exist currently, it's immutably true that it's enormously less than what was available on the previous map) going from having the entirety of mendell city available between every single shift, and being able to come up with literally anything that might be available to do there to give yourself something to talk about the next time you play, to having a single dorm room has grown very boring, at least for me personally. there's only so much "idk i watched tv/played games/sat around in my bedroom" that i can handle before getting tired. i don't know exactly what anyone wants to be available on the residential deck but as it stands anything other than dorm rooms and shared bathrooms would be such an enormous, at least to me personally thx chat edit: matt mentioned an alternative suggestion to do with shore leave, which i personally think is better than resdeck stuff, so copying it here too
  10. overhearing the konyangers right now is still interesting, but i can definitely anticipate it becoming really tiresome over a longer period of time. or just if you play any character that doesn't speak sol common. personally would be happy to see something done so we don't overhear all the ghost roles every time they're around
  11. Best wishes, Gabby. Talk to you soon.
  12. Ren has at some point or another, across every character I've played since coming back to the server, ended up inviting me to join in with whatever roleplay they've had going on at the moment. Whether it's been coming and asking a character to join in with their conversation, or just offering a spot out the front of Medbay to join in with their smoke break, I find that in all my experience with them NM is extremely consistent in making active effort to get other people involved, and to give them someone to hang out with. I think that's probably the most important trait any command character could have, and they've been exemplary with it already even just as a regular peon surgeon. +1 from me.
  13. I'm not sure if my feedback counts for anything given I gave this vouch in the first place, but I've had a good experience with Sasha Kaiser so far. I don't know how things look in the actual department because I've only interacted with them as a BC, but they're pretty active in terms of offering me stuff to do every round. i.e. sending me on little quests to find derelicts, planets, etc. for science to go look at, and asking me to drive them to places. +1 still applies now that I've seen them play for sure.
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