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Everything posted by Frances

  1. I think you people are being pretty strict here (not with the original warning, with your replies). People have tried to C4 into the admin armory for shits and giggles before. It's probably somewhere relatively high on the list of "things not to do on a HRP server people will try to do anyway", and if anything should be relatively risk-free as long as it was done at end of round (doing it during the initial ERT setup period is inarguably worse). Is it deserving of a warning? Probably. Is it deserving of completely BTFO-ing a user because they had the audacity of making a thread to discuss said warning? Probably not. (And yes, I see some of you trying to set up that sick burn.)
  2. I think you people are being pretty strict here (not with the original warning, with your replies). People have tried to C4 into the admin armory for shits and giggles before. It's probably somewhere relatively high on the list of "things not to do on a HRP server people will try to do anyway", and if anything should be relatively risk-free as long as it was done at end of round (doing it during the initial ERT setup period is inarguably worse). Is it deserving of a warning? Probably. Is it deserving of completely BTFO-ing a user because they had the audacity of making a thread to discuss said warning? Probably not. (And yes, I see some of you trying to set up that sick burn.)
  3. Do cadets who run out of the brig with carbines without any directives actually read SoP, though?
  4. Do cadets who run out of the brig with carbines without any directives actually read SoP, though?
  5. The lack of camera is likely an oversight, it should definitely have one. There's no non-maintenance areas that shouldn't be covered by cameras afaik (though this doesn't mean small blindspots can't exist).
  6. The lack of camera is likely an oversight, it should definitely have one. There's no non-maintenance areas that shouldn't be covered by cameras afaik (though this doesn't mean small blindspots can't exist).
  7. I'm curious; why is it not okay? Are you saying a person witnessing another spawning holograms of dead people out of nowhere, and drawing blood runes that cause others to spasm when they walk on them, isn't allowed to be freaked out? Or is the reason something different?
  8. I'm curious; why is it not okay? Are you saying a person witnessing another spawning holograms of dead people out of nowhere, and drawing blood runes that cause others to spasm when they walk on them, isn't allowed to be freaked out? Or is the reason something different?
  9. I don't think jackfractal is being horribly triggered by any mention of politics or some such - I believe he's simply suggesting OOC might be more pleasant if we barred religious/political discussion from it. I personally disagree. OOC will never be pleasant.
  10. I don't think jackfractal is being horribly triggered by any mention of politics or some such - I believe he's simply suggesting OOC might be more pleasant if we barred religious/political discussion from it. I personally disagree. OOC will never be pleasant.
  11. Death can definitely be serious if people put the effort into it. I simply don't think it's the "default" stance, if that makes any sense. You sorta need to will it, and at that point gameplay assists won't really matter.
  12. Death can definitely be serious if people put the effort into it. I simply don't think it's the "default" stance, if that makes any sense. You sorta need to will it, and at that point gameplay assists won't really matter.
  13. Huh, you're actually right. Guess I don't know my own medbay well enough. And it's a nice QoL change. The detective has a hallway window, if the psychiatrist gets one it means they might not actually have to walk through the entirety of medbay to get one patient. (I'll just miss it being the perfect place for murders.)
  14. Huh, you're actually right. Guess I don't know my own medbay well enough. And it's a nice QoL change. The detective has a hallway window, if the psychiatrist gets one it means they might not actually have to walk through the entirety of medbay to get one patient. (I'll just miss it being the perfect place for murders.)
  15. I used to advocate the removal of cloning, but people succeeded in convincing me there are no ways to make death in SS13 more serious - only ways to make it more annoying. I personally feel like the problem is that dying happens so damn much. It's got little to do with the consequences. Simply put, when assistants die in droves every shift, it becomes sorta hard to keep your countenance and take it all seriously. This would likely achieve little more than annoying the people who do appreciate being cloned (I won't pretend I understand them, but I also see no valid reason to take away their rights).
  16. I used to advocate the removal of cloning, but people succeeded in convincing me there are no ways to make death in SS13 more serious - only ways to make it more annoying. I personally feel like the problem is that dying happens so damn much. It's got little to do with the consequences. Simply put, when assistants die in droves every shift, it becomes sorta hard to keep your countenance and take it all seriously. This would likely achieve little more than annoying the people who do appreciate being cloned (I won't pretend I understand them, but I also see no valid reason to take away their rights).
  17. I like this. No one gives a damn about the break room and recovery, and while they shouldn't be axed, they can certainly afford to be moved around if it gives the psych office some more exposure. I don't know if making the office a walk-in will actually encourage people to use it (maybe people really do need to be crazy to see the psych), but it certainly can't do any harm considering the rooms occupying the area really wouldn't be affected by the change (I've only seen one person use the tiny EMT room in its full history).
  18. I like this. No one gives a damn about the break room and recovery, and while they shouldn't be axed, they can certainly afford to be moved around if it gives the psych office some more exposure. I don't know if making the office a walk-in will actually encourage people to use it (maybe people really do need to be crazy to see the psych), but it certainly can't do any harm considering the rooms occupying the area really wouldn't be affected by the change (I've only seen one person use the tiny EMT room in its full history).
  19. I honestly don't agree with the three points presented above. I believe this is going too far in enforcing rules on metagaming and conflict. Let's take a step back to look at the situation we've got. We have a character who is a warden working for a secure private research station. While NT sec are more than crossing guards or mall cops, it's been explicitly stated they don't need to be hardened commandos. You could perfectly work as a warden on a NT station for years without having to deal with anything more extreme than drunken brawls and the (assumed) occasional space carp migration. Thus, isn't it believable to expect a warden to be reasonably freaked out when somebody walks into the brig on a normal day and starts spawning weird ghosts/holograms and drawing satanic runes in their own freaking blood? Is it professional to grab a carbine in a situation which is certainly not covered by the NT Manual of Standard Procedure & Operations? I haven't got a hint. But does it make realistic sense? Probably. Looking at the rest of the events, the wary and very nervous warden attempted to gain control of the situation with the cultist, only to be subdued by an officer he just saw the cultist rune somehow (what exactly could the cultist have done to that person?) Cue the warden being given a longer sentence than the cultist even, and seeing the cultist conspire with the arresting officer (this being further confirmed by the AI), and at that point you pretty much have grounds to be pissed. I'd justify the murder under the warden's very altered state of mind (it was an antag round after all) and the reasonable suspicion that people drawing in blood and carrying swords in 2457 AD are probably up to no good, and from a game perspective if someone screws you over that bad and keeps openly siding with the enemy they should probably be fair for a murder attempt. Keeping in mind death in SS13 isn't the end of the world. As far as metagaming, I don't see how wanting to arm yourself with a carbine when seeing somebody draw runes in their own blood is unreasonable, and anybody attacking someone agitated/alert enough to have a weapon set on lethals should expect return fire to be a possibility. Lastly the poster here made an effort to be polite so I don't think he/she should be accused of having a "raging murderboner" by one of the first mods walking into the thread lmao
  20. I honestly don't agree with the three points presented above. I believe this is going too far in enforcing rules on metagaming and conflict. Let's take a step back to look at the situation we've got. We have a character who is a warden working for a secure private research station. While NT sec are more than crossing guards or mall cops, it's been explicitly stated they don't need to be hardened commandos. You could perfectly work as a warden on a NT station for years without having to deal with anything more extreme than drunken brawls and the (assumed) occasional space carp migration. Thus, isn't it believable to expect a warden to be reasonably freaked out when somebody walks into the brig on a normal day and starts spawning weird ghosts/holograms and drawing satanic runes in their own freaking blood? Is it professional to grab a carbine in a situation which is certainly not covered by the NT Manual of Standard Procedure & Operations? I haven't got a hint. But does it make realistic sense? Probably. Looking at the rest of the events, the wary and very nervous warden attempted to gain control of the situation with the cultist, only to be subdued by an officer he just saw the cultist rune somehow (what exactly could the cultist have done to that person?) Cue the warden being given a longer sentence than the cultist even, and seeing the cultist conspire with the arresting officer (this being further confirmed by the AI), and at that point you pretty much have grounds to be pissed. I'd justify the murder under the warden's very altered state of mind (it was an antag round after all) and the reasonable suspicion that people drawing in blood and carrying swords in 2457 AD are probably up to no good, and from a game perspective if someone screws you over that bad and keeps openly siding with the enemy they should probably be fair for a murder attempt. Keeping in mind death in SS13 isn't the end of the world. As far as metagaming, I don't see how wanting to arm yourself with a carbine when seeing somebody draw runes in their own blood is unreasonable, and anybody attacking someone agitated/alert enough to have a weapon set on lethals should expect return fire to be a possibility. Lastly the poster here made an effort to be polite so I don't think he/she should be accused of having a "raging murderboner" by one of the first mods walking into the thread lmao
  21. sometimes i wish i had money to spend on things that mattered instead of frivolous stuff like the electric bill
  22. sometimes i wish i had money to spend on things that mattered instead of frivolous stuff like the electric bill
  23. I actually like redoing my hair in the mirrors, I used to abuse it a ton to throw off security, turning from a bald assistant into a non-bald, well, whatever I stole a uniform of. I can't see a full barber job as something too exciting (it's hard enough having non-SSD janitors), and being dependent on a slot which won't get played most of the time isn't ideal.
  24. Tbh blatant expys don't get punished on being expys alone. You gotta copy something obvious (like a name or something really recognizable, such as your character having a lightsaber) for it to warrant admin intervention, in my experience. This character is ridiculous just for being ridiculous, not necessarily for looking like Sniper Wolf.
  25. well hive it looks like you managed to table sniper wolf congratulations
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