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Everything posted by Frances

  1. Frances

    Regulations Changes

    Harassment should be added as a minor charge. (Maybe replacing insulting an officer?) Also, I notice most "neglect of duty" charges tend to be given when the infraction isn't covered by corporate regulations, and it ends up being some sort of catch-all for "interfering with standard station activities". I have no suggestions off the top of my head, but perhaps we could brainstorm about the most common instances of neglect of duty (that aren't simply doing a job poorly, which is the initial purpose of the charge) and give them their own charges?
  2. Who is your character? I have a bunch, don't think I've ever interacted with Seon, though. That was something I was able to garner from observing and medical records, am I correct?
  3. Just asking out of curiosity, but isn't Seon the escaped child of illegal genetics experiments?
  4. you don't generally call strangers dipheads and expect to make a good first impression tho
  5. Just a small detail, but as far as I know the only thing loyalty implants really do is bind their recipients to act in what they believe to be NanoTrasen's best interests. It's not binding as far as SOP/corporate regs, it only goes as far as the character's judgement goes. Even if a HoS decides to take a break to have a drink, and makes a series of errors of judgement from there, it doesn't necessarily break their loyalty implant (it just means they think what they're doing is right even if it might not be). What would happen is they'd likely get in trouble with the higher-ups if they did too shitty of a job. Loyalty implants basically prevent people from going traitor or voluntarily fucking over NT, but it doesn't stop them from sucking.
  6. I know it's not what you're claiming you want to do anyway. But foooor the possibility of something like a Samuel Czechi head... Personally, the only thing I'm concerned about in a head is to see them do their job. They should be able to take charge, direct people, help them as needed, and recognize their own weaknesses (rather than pretend they're the super-elite of NanoTrasen while doing a terrible job themselves). So, I actually wouldn't care if a head of department was a complete womanizer or a hopeless romantic, as long as they didn't go out of their way to be excessively obtuse to others (or play hide-the-salami with an intern in maintenance while the syndicate is attacking the station.) Heads don't need to always be serious, as long as they fulfill their purpose from an OOC standpoint (direct their department, give people access, organize things, not be too much of a dick). As long as these boxes are ticked, a head could be a complete clown, and... it should still work. Hopefully. As long as people don't get mad for whatever reason. So, what the hell. +1
  7. So the problem seems to be that the ERT is genuinely too strong with regular gear. Can we have them infiltrate combat zones Naked Snake style? Give them pants and a knife, and force them to procure their own weapons on-site.
  8. ERT are too stronk. An organized group of people armed with ranged weapons and stun weaponry will always be a major threat to, well, anything, but from what I've seen when the ERT actually moves together it tends to be a curb-stomp. Hopefully nerfing their equipment a bit along with the common expectation that the average ERT member is a retard should help even the odds a little.
  9. I have been informed that I was misled about the mandatory three-day waiting period on species whitelist apps. The reason why I hadn't posted on your app yet was because it looked good, but I wanted to encourage other people to leave feedback before making a final decision. As you seem fairly new here (either that or we just never ran into each other in-game), I can't really demand of you to present me with feedback as it might be a little harder to acquire. I am still going to leave this thread open until Wednesday, to give people a fair chance to speak (positively, or negatively). If you don't destroy the station (without due cause) by that time, we should be good.
  10. So, this is going to be our first (and second) official Skrell commandos (well, ex-commandos?) I hope you realize how much of a snowflake that makes you. But, well, the other dynamics also look good, and I can tell you and Keinto should be capable of doing something interesting with the backstories you're proposing, rather than being super badass Skrell killers with no substance (though... thinking about it, that already sounds leagues better than super badass human killers with no substance). Anyway, I'm not saying this as a "despite" the commando stuff, but as a "with" the commando stuff. You guys better be prepared to give us a great show of what you envision Skrell ex-military to be like. Also, I'm not sure if you pulled the details of your bio from the canon (if so you'll have to tell me where it is, I haven't really had time to look at all the Skrell fluff yet), but if it's not yet, I'd have no objection with canonizing it if your application is accepted. Anyway, just wanted to say that. I can't accept or decline yet because of the three-day period, but these are my thoughts on this rather peculiar situation. I was informed that there's no mandatory waiting period for species apps. For now, feel free to add anything you'd like, and if you're okay with this, I'll process this in a little bit.
  11. Guys, it's probably pretty difficult to judge whether what was said was okay or not without exact logs.
  12. more OP than revolver it looks terrible, sign me up
  13. I've been pretty much everywhere.
  14. I've seen people on furry forums that had 20 000+ posts. It's kinda scary. Even if all of their posts averaged a meager 30 words, that'd mean they'd have written more than the content of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings in debates about the furry fandom.
  15. But a proactive CMO renders all of medical redundant, a proactive QM renders all of cargo redundant (which actually often happens), a proactive RD... well, all of science is useless, anyway. Maybe it's a matter of the amount of work there is to do. There's a lot of patients for medical to treat, but there's a lot less workplace incidents to report on. I don't think lack of power is the IAAs' problem. They have all the power they need to make sure SOP is respected, and if they get ignored, they can write DO reports and get offenders disciplined/removed right quick. The problem is that nobody wants to play IAA because there's just way too much "dead time" to the job.
  16. Something I'd like to draw attention to is the fact that most of the events being discussed here happened during an antag round after highly unusual and extraordinary events - not something you would see on a regular workday. Should members of a department be expected to function adequately under normal work conditions? Yeah. Is it still OOCly expected for them to react the same way when half the station is in cuffs after several murders, or when everything goes to shit in any other way? I don't know, and we don't actually have guidelines on that matter that I know of.
  17. Frances

    Command Alt-titles

    I figured the captain was just the name of the person in charge of running a space station. It kinda makes sense when you think about it, because all ships have a captain, whether they be merchant, commercial, military, etc. So there's nothing inherently "odd" about the title. Anyway, my biggest fear is... right now heads all have one name, and have been that way since the dawn of SS13. You don't have a bloke in charge of medbay, you have a CMO. If the CMO starts randomly wanting to be called "Medical Director" (which has the same initials as the regular MD, and also shares the "director" qualifier with the RD) things are bound to get confusing.
  18. Frances

    Command Alt-titles

    Seems like these would mostly induce confusion. How is their purpose different from the regular titles?
  19. That rule doesn't get enforced and tbh I can see why. This shouldn't really factor into Botanist's application. However, what does concern me is that Botanist should make an effort to be nicer in his mod app. Like, if there's a place where you can demonstrate that you're able to have reasonable, level-headed discussions before getting a trial, it's here. So why not do that?
  20. Skrell characters still have to make sense. They can live for hundreds of years and become proficient in a variety of fields (though most would prefer to get very good in a few rather than average in all). They're also expected to be polite and follow common sense, game balance-wise. Which means that if you're a surgeon and somebody needs cloning, you go to the geneticist and get them to clone that person. And then if there's no geneticist and your Skrell does have advanced genetics training, then they can politely ask the AI or their CMO to unlock genetics for them. I don't really see many opportunities for powergaming from this (it doesn't really confer them any advantages against antags that a well-traveled RD wouldn't have), but if I see people powergame this in really obvious ways(mainly for the sake of being robust or "victorious" rather than creating an interesting character) I'll have a talk with them, or see if the guidelines need to be amended somehow.
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