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Everything posted by Frances

  1. Well, it's kinda hard to without a trial. Still, people should probably make an effort to remain civil and polite in their own apps, at the very least. (Jokes are fine. Shouldn't be made at other people's expense, though. I think we can all agree on that.)
  2. People should be nice to each other. Dickish or hardass heads can be fun ingame when played well (and when they're still competent, or at least easy to foil). People who take the same behavior to OOC? Harder to deal with.
  3. When I play a round of SS13 that isn't extended I understand that there's a very real risk my character could die. The rounds only last 2-3 hours. And deaths in SS13 tend to be interesting (or funny) enough that if I do end up dying I'm likely going to be provided some entertainment through the way in which I die (even if it's just watching the station struggle with the mass-bombing of a griefer). I've always been glad to be killed, because my character's death adds tension to the round, and allows me to contribute to something greater. And who cares if I can't play that character anymore for an hour or two? I'm playing to create a narrative with other people, not just for myself.
  4. Yes, you probably should. I can approve it after that.
  5. Oh, goodness. You must've had this app around for a while, as I can see it's been written with the old lore in mind. Here's a quick overview of the new lore changes, could you perhaps read it and give me your thoughts on it? (And Skrell religions haven't gone away, they've lost a lot of importance among modern Skrell culture but they're still present in the exact same way they were before.)
  6. That OOC log looks okay. However, being a mod requires handling people in the most diplomatic way possible - including people who are angry at you. I don't think PunkDMD is taking the right approach in this thread, but your own replies to them aren't helping to defuse the situation. Think of how this would play out in a real modding situation: your reaction could be the difference between a person admitting their wrongdoings and changing their behavior, or staying mad at the server/staff and getting banned.
  7. It might just be me, but I don't see a very big difference between making a direct verbal mention of the topic we're talking about or providing a link to it (for comedic effect or otherwise). It's a stylistic approach I've seen many people use on these forums and it didn't always denote snark or anything of the like.
  8. I worked almost exclusively using that guideline (excluding the time where I did a lot of drugs) and still got into a lot of trouble. There's no golden rule, it seems the only valid rule is really "don't piss off people", and what pisses people off can be... subjective and very hotly debated. Point is, I think you can try to create interesting situations, involve a lot of people, not harm anyone, still do your assigned job, yet if you behave like a mongoloid players will still get upset. I remember when CMO Phoebe fired my character for smoking cigars in medbay in the middle of a nuke assault. With all other doctors dead or gone she was begrudgingly forced to accept my help again, but it was pretty funny. And see, here's an example of subjectivity. I get that the Nazi stereotype tires some people (what about evil Germans in general, though?), but invoking "characters can't have accents in TC Basic" is a very subjective standard given that a lot of characters do exactly that and don't get bopped on the head for it.
  9. Ouch, the sense of euphoric superiority almost burns. Yet most of what you've said is still an empty statement. Anyway, I think all silliness and most fun is immersion-breaking to a degree. I mean, it's pretty hard to accept wizards as "immersive" within the general canon of the game. Even just regular traitors destroy the specific immersion that we're roleplaying everyday events in a regular workplace, as we suddenly have to face our daily dose of terrorist threats. Also, it's a lot easier to come up with fun/amusing stuff that moves away from "regular" canon than that stays completely in it. The question is not "is it?", but "how much?" And in my opinion, it's not a straight line, as much as it is a matter of how much people are willing to suspend their disbelief for the sake of something funny.
  10. What are everyone's thoughts on the thunderdome?
  11. BYOND Key: FFrances Total Ban Length: Until the heat death of the universe and beyond Banning staff member's Key: VikingKingpin Reason of Ban: Played a drug-dealing chemist during extended and made a bunch of jokes Reason for Appeal: Because I won't play as a drug-dealing chemist during extended and make a bunch of jokes anymore. Seriously, that ban was pretty clear cut. I, er, solemnly promise not to meddle with forces beyond my control, and so on, so on. There's really not much chucklefucking left to do with my partner in crime banned, anyway. I've been experimenting with medical again, and even though I don't know if I'd have any concrete plans to play as a chemist at the time, it'd probably be better (and safer) if I could get the jobban lifted. Plus I don't really want to play on two ckeys while having outstanding bans on one, because somebody is probably going to use that to tell me that having two ckeys is bad.
  12. I find the fact that you got your whitelist stripped without warning over a single incident where you partook in some extended fun a little ridiculous. I understand the final decision is the 'mins, but unless there was anything else that led to the strip I really think you should have it back.
  13. You guys are proooooobably reading too deep into this. Do we have to analyse a messy break-up from nearly a year ago to evaluate a bloke's freaking loredev app?
  14. So, question, but how the heck have so many people on the internet played HellMOO, yet it's a game that doesn't have more than 15+ people on at any time?
  15. I had a short conversation with Sierra a few days ago (and then I had to leave -_-) I can say that she's polite and attentive in one-on-ones. I don't know how this reflects on her ability to handle stress or sudden, unexpected conflict, but even though we didn't really have the time to figure out our issues yet (that's totally my fault), she seems to be doing good on the front of long-term problem-solving. Just wanted to put that out there.
  16. I don't know Nanotoxin very well, and I've seen him be abrasive at times in OOC. He also seems quite disillusioned and disheartened with Aurora (from what I've seen), so his return to make a mod and loredev app comes as quite a surprise. However, I don't think he's a bad guy, or a problem person at heart. I'd like to convince the lore team to give him a chance, and see how well he meshes with us before definitely casting his application away. Since a lot of the "cooperative, communicative" side of lore devs happens through chat rather than forums or PMs, I'd suggest you give him a chance to prove himself, well, in the chat.
  17. Since the last 30 years.
  18. I already used to play hellmoo a decade ago, get with the times.
  19. http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=3961&p=39163#p39163 Hopefully this can provide a bit of context. I assume OP is experiencing a continuation of the same issues.
  20. Combat augments can be whatever you want them to be, keep in mind this is for super rare secret spy military commandos, normal Skrell probably aren't as fancy. Killerhurtz wanted to write a page about implants, so you should ask them for more details if you see them! As for roleplaying implants (for combat, antag, nuke op, so on), they are as good as you are robust. Skrell military? They are pretty good. However, have you ever seen humans be afraid of something? Can we have both, like persons and people?
  21. I was more thinking about what gives them a wide color range. There were also plans to allow Skrells to change their skin color to reflect their emotions, but I don't know if someone wants to code that.
  22. All colors are okay as long as they are not too hard on the eyes. You should probably look at this thread if you have not already: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4364 If you can find an explanation for why frogs come in different colors, tell me and we can use that.
  23. As the current loremaster of the Skrell I was told I must specify my previous post is no longer endorseable and that I cannot let people name their Skrells through wild keyboard smashing. I would say to look at Skrell names from other servers or characters if you are not sure how to name your Skrell, or refer to the post mrimatool made above.
  24. I don't understand the point of the Skrell genophage. The most advanced, organized and rational race can't solve their overpopulation problem except by altering their genetic code in a way that brings their species to extinction. We are obviously not going with this anymore. The Skrell can settle their problems like the Chinese or something.
  25. It's pretty much already understood by good sec players that loyalty implants are really there to allow a particularly dangerous antag to stay in the round when they wish to, and have no other options besides being permabrigged. In-character, the justification for pacification implants could be the same as for loyalty implants - that they're particularly gruesome and unethical, and should only be used as a last resort (but NT's still going to use them sometimes because NT is evil).
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