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Atmospheric Technician

Atmospheric Technician (9/37)

  1. Here they are geared up
  2. Sure, i can overlay the ID, PDA, maybe a belt item, shoes, hair, etc. it looks a lot better when I tested it with hair
  3. I did this round of service sprites. I dont mind going back in and adding some more shading. Was trying more to stick to the pallet provided to me. I was also leaving them fairly flat considering they will also be obstructed with accessories, bags, overwear, etc. trying to avoid too much noise overall.
  4. Thanks! That one is my work
  5. I think people complaining over comms is one of the more important things for a drone to know of, because not everything sets off alarms. I.E. broken lights, doors, or windows. Perhaps if drones could be pinged by crew instead of only at the fabricator, this could work. Request consoles could have this function added perhaps.
  6. Sounds fun. I'll be here if anyone has creature ideas that could use sprites. I'll take a moment to brainstorm some of my own.
  7. Contested roles should be fought for ICly in a duel to the death. Jokes aside I agree with this system. Would it apply to antags as well?
  8. Ckey/BYOND Username: CoffeeToffee Discord Name: NeverOddOrEven#8008 Position Being Applied For: Spriter Past Experiences/Knowledge: I make sprites mostly for a game I'm working on, though Ive occasionally made some clothes and items for ss13. Ive already helped a few of the staff with some items such as the Phoron rock candy and some skrell weapons among other things. Im willing to take on some tasks for new items/clothing/mobs or help bring some older sprites up to a higher quality standard. Examples of Past Work: Additional Comments: I do digital drawing as well, should it ever come in handy (splash screens. Wiki stuff)
  9. I was going to have them be tall and lumbering. I had seen a few other large custom sprites and didnt think it would he much of an issue. I can always scale them down if youd like.
  10. The taser as you wrote it is very overpowered, and removing flashes would also unbalance a lot of species that have it as their weakness, like diona, vaurca, and synths. Maybe a nice easy compromise would be to give command staff pepper spray.
  11. I thought about that and thought it might be alright if it facilitated the freedom of an IPC in the long run. That said I think a more acceptable alternative to this would be that Cog is recently freed. He is a bit old for an IPC and has plenty of time to chip away at their debt. After finally becoming their own person, they would be incredibly impoverished with no dedicated way to find energy and repairs now that it's not supplied by a master. That's where he might turn to the trinary for help and eventually become enamored with their ways. The trinary would have had met them while they were looking for work, considering they help IPCs find jobs and maintenance. They were owned by hephaestus yes, as a drill operator abroad Biesel excavating various local asteroids. Because of their ponderous nature it seemed better for them to manage drill farms rather than spot mine. It worked among other G1 hephs (with the occasional g2 or xion), spending most of its time EVA with them. Their interactions with other IPCs were usually work related, though they would occasionally share stories of what they might do once they pay off their debt. Cog didn’t particularly like the idea of remaining with heph as Xions quickly made his model obsolete with its superior power and cooling system. They didn't necessarily talk to humans more than they were required to, toiling out in EVA more often than not led them to neglect social interaction outside of their job. This has led them to speak in short concise sentences, avoiding platitudes in general, until they were eventually taught to speak more eloquently by the trinary. Their initial lack of social intuituon was also probably a contributing factor in their indoctrination into trinary beliefs about humanity, making them pliable in the hands of the clergy. Due to their isolaton they may be somewhat lacking in the specifics of certain cultures, excluding a decent understanding of glorsh, the skrell and dominian relation to synthetics. Due to the passive nature of the church they would also adopt their mild manners and sense of pacifism. His working on aurora away from the main church can be seen as a way for him to experience these cultures firsthand and gain a deeper understanding for his progenitors. Yes indeedy
  12. BYOND Key: CoffeeToffee Character Names: Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character: G1 - industrial Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Aye Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I love synths in general and the playstyle that comes along with it. IPCs look like a lot of fun with a lot of frames to chose from. The G2s and Xions look really cool especially. They are a nice compromise between human and station bound gameplay. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: While IPCs can be human-like, their personalities can be fairly predictable, operating on a rigid cause-effect mentality. An IPCs creator isn't likely to create something they wouldn't want to work alongside, so they tend to be very agreeable and respectful. They are still able to self learn new traits that weren't determined at creation, but deranged or erratic IPCs generally wouldn't be seen under normal circumstances. IPCs are also subject to more scrutiny than most organics and are generally afforded less rights. They are also highly specialized, making them great for specific sets of tasks while finding it difficult to cross-train in more than a handful of subjects. The complexity of their personalities can also vary a lot based on the quality of the positronic used. Character Name: Yoshpet (formerly Cog-Mind) Please provide a short backstory for this character: Cog-Mind was a G1 quarry excavator built in 2420. Their name was given to them jokingly, as a derogatory remark about their intelligence. With the advent of newer G2's, they were outclassed and soon discarded in favor of the newer design, being handed down through several owners doing odd jobs and heavy labor. They struggled to find jobs that kept up with their energy needs while also trying to prove their worth as to not be deactivated for recycling. Seeing their plight, The Trinary Perfection bought the IPC at a heavy discount, due to their poor condition and outdated model, promising them a duty to preform as well as ease of access to energy and repairs. They preformed menial tasks for the church in D14 before going on to adopt the faith itself as an initiate. As time went on Cog saw many IPCs suffer similar fates between scrappers, obsolescence, and disrepair, though through the teaching of the Perfection, they were able to help save a few IPCs from their fate as the church had done for them. Cog remained owned by the perfection, though they spare him what they are able towards his debt so that he might one day be free. As they made a name for themselves among the initiates, they were eventually elevated to become a priest, shifting towards proselytization rather than labor. As a gift from his fellow clergy, they helped him redesignate to the name Yoshpet, discarding the one given to him as a joke. They had always been fairly quiet, not finding talking to very valuable in their former line of work, though with time spent around the clergy, they transformed into a to a calming, articulate conversationalist. One odd nack they seemed to pick up was refering to their positronic in the first person, finding it odd that people would refer to their brains in the third person, considering its what makes them who they are. Due to the fairly low quality of their positronic, they spoke fervently and passionately trying to achieve change before the sudden deactivation that comes with older positronics. They want to change hearts and minds before their time is up. To further Yoshpets earnings towards his freedom, the Perfection has arranged a job for him aboard the aurora station as a priest to see after the stations synthetics as well as advocate further for their rights, hoping to garner more voices for their cause. What do you like about this character? I think their motivations give them a lot of incentive to talk with the crew and make themselves known. They would also have some standing in any events revolving around synthetic rights. I also like kind of personality that comes with the Tri-Perfection, seeing synthetics as the children of humanity and wanting to treat them as such. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I think im decent, and I know im not perfect. I try hard to improve myself. Notes:
  13. Gr33dy is always pleasant to play with and quick to adapt to new situations. +1 highly reccomend for command. I think they would make a lovley HoP
  14. She was raised as and has remained a follower of S'rand'marr, likley what instilled the pursuit of unity and peace that you see with her. Its likley what drove her to continue her work feeding the needy in the soup kitchens and bread lines. I think her faith has remained fairly the same throughout her life, feeling compelled to look out for her fellow Tajara. Moderate Al'mariism is the natural choice for her, attempting to do away with authoritarian tendencies in favor of democratically elected leaders and the focus on freedom being core to the idology. It also allows her to more freely coexist with her xeno coworkers. The sooner power rests within the hands of the people is the sooner she feels they can truly make progress towards genuine equality. The NAWP is the party she identifies closest with for this reason, looking to maintain the armistice and keep the peace, as going to war again might only encourage more military leadership.
  15. Yes, a dark brown (I must have messed up my math when figuring out her age, woops) She resents the nobility for the slave conditions tajara were forced to work under, and she desperately wanted better conditions, hours, and general treatment for the peasants but felt conflicted having the path to freedom paved with blood. While she does not like Hadii, or the bloodshed he caused during the inital uprisings, she appreciates that he negotiated with the rebels, guiding them through the initial kingscraft of ruling a country. She saw the new government he imposed as a significant improvement from the conditions of her childhood. Perhaps just a misuse of the terminology on my part. I imagine with other species passing through little adhomai she might be exposed to more libertarian values than shes used to.
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