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Everything posted by Redfield5
Redfield5 replied to Redfield5's topic in NanoTrasen Public Network
@doctorfart Got invited for a cruise or something. #boadiceasoundslikeahotnameandigettogoonafreecruise Jim Calhoun
THE NCV BOADICEA - MAIDEN VOYAGE [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] [b]Employment Information ((Please list employment title(s) and levels, and the job tier. Refer to [url=http://aurorastation.org/wiki/index.php?title=NanoTrasen_Occupation_Qualifications]NanoTrasen Occupation Qualifications[/url] for further information)):[/b] [b]Is there anything that you are legally obligated to reveal, or anything that you wish to notify the crew about:[/b] [quote]I, the undersigned, agree to abide by all corporate regulations for the duration of the cruise, which is determined from the time I physically board the vessel to the time that I depart the Boadicea at the end of the cruise. I understand that NanoTrasen is not to be held liable for any harm or misfortune that befalls me as a result of this cruise. [/quote] [b]Signature:[/b][i][/i]
If you ever feel the urge to smoke, eat the cigarette.
((Shameless bump.))
I remember my days as Owl Man, the scourge of the corrupt Apollo Security.
Fun Facts About....well, Ourselves!
Redfield5 replied to incognitojesus's topic in Off Topic Discussion
I quit smoking today. I guess that's interesting. -
Earth Defense and Xeno Control Initiative (Xenonauts)
Redfield5 replied to a topic in Forum Roleplay
I'm down. -
He's a good guy, but like the rest of the crew, he can't help but stick his nose in security business. It wouldn't be a problem if he would charge into stand-offs and into crime scenes.
-1. My first encounter with Syion involved his clearly fraudulent records and his outright refusal to comply with wearing a proper uniform. In fact, most of the things I've heard him say revolve around his teenage angst, how rich he is, and insults against Jim. This has gone on for some time. Yeah, you know how to play the game. But can you RP a role competently, and can you actually research how exactly to create a deep, inspiring character? Jim might seem like a bit of a verbose randy goat, but I combed through the lore and pondered on what I wanted. Yeah, he's ex-ERT and a former orbital drop trooper, but I've put some work into him, to make him seem more real and human. Yesterday, when the malfunctioning AI destroyed the station, not all of his team made it out, so he cried and broke down. Put more human qualities into Syion. Yeah, there is nothing absolutely wrong with having a well-trained former soldier who's got some money. What you need to do, in summary, is this: 1. Add more flaws and human-like characteristics to Syion. Make it interesting for people to talk to him. Look at accomplished characters, like Marc Price, Vita Taryk, Valorallen Vitellia, etc. I wouldn't advise looking at mine, given that there are much better role-models and roleplayers out here in this community. 2. Try working on your grammar. Not just spelling, but also work on sentence structure and how you word things. I understand that you may or may not be German, but you aren't the first overseas RP'er I've worked with. In summary, reinvent Syion. Make him into someone human, someone that the crew will see as intriguing, attractive, but ultimately not someone to be trifled with.
(OOC: Right then, we're not even 30 posts in, and this thread has gotten to be very ridiculous. The intention of the Rusty Brass was not for it to become a sailor bar, which you have ever-so turned it into. As the OP of this thread, I am forbidding any posting until I can devise a way to undo the shoddy RP damage that has been done).
Great attitude, there. What Hackie is trying to say is that your proposed custom item doesn't tell us anything about Calhoun, other than he likes polo shirts and cargo pants and has a grandiose self-delusion that he's in a military of some sort (which is not the case, but you as a player knew that, surely.) Far as identifying the various ranks, that's what the prominently displayed ID cards and PDA's are for. True, a custom item doesn't have to be of monumental sentimental value and whatnot, but this literally doesn't add anything. It's just "I want a different security uniform," which is definitely not what custom items are for, in my humble opinion. Relax, it's just a casual observation towards Jaylor. Hell, I had more or less accepted the fact that I wouldn't be getting this uniform, like back on Monday. However, if you're going to reignite this argument with a thinly-veiled insult because you're upset that I called Jaylor a mean name, then I might as well get involved once again. On the subject of this "grandiose self-delusion" of militarism, maybe you should read into the character a bit deeper and explore who Jim Calhoun really is, besides a less-than-savory first encounter with him followed by the invalid IR that you filed (I'm sensing that you're still butt-hurt about Jim not getting penalized for spitting on Jaylor during a non-canon round; forgive me if this is an inaccurate assessment, but I doubt that you needed to explain something that's been explained by pretty much everyone else who has commented on this. A simple "this item doesn't fit as a custom item" suffices just fine without rudeness). Contrary to popular belief, the officers and personnel aren't mere security guards. Their procedures, regulations, and other facets that comprise the organization put them more in-line with the classification of Company Police. Security guards primarily observe and report criminal activity in their zone of responsibility, and while they may detain someone, they are not empowered to charge people with crimes. The NSS Aurora isn't some storage unit facility that doesn't carry any significance; it's an important research facility carrying out sensitive work at times. I've never seen a conventional security guard detail equipped with a fully-functioning detention facility, or an armory with various lethal and non-lethal armaments or riot gear. I disagree with your dubious assertion that Jim feels as though he's in a military force, but the ISC isn't some sort of two-bit rent-a-cop agency. Talk all you want about "grandiose delusions," or just go back to your 19th Century whaling crew. Either way, I'm dropping this argument because there's no need for us to get into - or continue - a childish argument in which we hurtle insults at one another.
If someone does a portrait of Jim, I'll tell you where the Oak Island treasure is. Being a normal person, I'm always broke.
I need forum access.
Calhoun, Jim - A security professional, characterized by a unique blend of a brusque attitude and a good nature. Got his start by joining the Sol Army as a way to rebel against his well-educated parents, Jim served with the 5th Expeditionary Division, before retiring from the service and earning a spot in ERT Section PHOENIX. Has since transitioned into the ISC, where he takes time to work as a rank-and-file officers as well as a Shift Commander. Divorced, disliked by his only son, but generally fine with his state in life.
You forgot about the polo, and I could care less about what a stroke-ridden pirate/QM wears. So what if he wears a turtleneck; I'm not going to profile someone based on a turtleneck. Why should it be some monumental plot device that somehow adds to his character? You call it boring, but Jim Calhoun calls it practical. 1. We don't have enough indicators to ascertain the two different training levels of Security; for example, I can't just look at someone and determine whether or not they're Level 1 or Level 2. Hell, I constantly see Cadets donning officer uniforms instead of their regulation Cadet wear, and I see officers doing vice-versa. 2. To be completely friggin' honest, I would rather the polo-and-cargo to be issued to all Level 2 officers and above, as a sign of distinction that these individuals have give a considerable amount of time and dedication to the ISC. Level 1s and Cadets would be able to identify these senior officers much easier. especially given that we don't have a rank system among the patrol detail. Yeah, it'd be complicated to implement, but I've got some ideas about how to implement this. 3. I can't find the words to describe my feelings on the current Security uniform. I guess that the tie on the standard duty uniform irks me, given that I was trained in BLET to understand that I could get choked out with it. I factor a lot of what I learned into Jim's character.
During my time in military school, we had many different uniforms that we wore, and not everyone wore the same uniform as everyone else on any given day. For example, I might have to wear my ACUs one day, whilst someone else is wearing their Class B, or even wearing their ACUs but with a different blouse, like a short Eisenhower-style ACU blouse instead of the standard one. Law enforcement agencies do the same thing; for example, in the city of Lexington, North Carolina, you may have two patrol officers wearing different uniforms, be it the standard black button-up that's been in service since the 90s, or the new black and blue polo with POLICE on the back in big letters. Jim's not wearing casual clothes; he's wearing a security polo with a gold badge to represent his office, however I'm open to putting SECURITY on the back of the shirt in bold white letters. Even with that concession, it's covered up by his gear, gear of which no crew outside of Security/Command would be wearing. What about the officers who wear black jumpsuits, huh? I've seen more than a few officers wearing black jumpsuits and I have seen no uproar on the forums - nor from the department itself - over their apparent lack of conformity with the Security image. I can understand the black jumpsuits, but it's not like I'm wearing a pink jumpsuit as Security. Is navy blue no longer a shade of blue? Are our trousers on our standard uniforms not in fact blue? How different are a pair of blue cargo pants from the standard trousers, aside from the addition of vestigial cargo pockets? If it's such a problem, why not include it as an alternative uniform for Security?
The problem is...it is a uniform! Hahaha! But seriously, polos and cargos are starting to come into style with law enforcement. It's much more practical than the traditional uniform, especially with the choking hazard removed.
BYOND Key: Redfield5. Character name: Jim Calhoun. Item name: Casual Security Uniform. Why is your character carrying said item to work? It's a variant of the standard security uniform, much more common and practical. Item function(s): Clothing/Jumpsuit. Item description: A polo shirt and a pair of cargo pants. Item appearance: A shirt and pants comprise the uniform. The shirt is a black, short-sleeved polo shirt with a gold badge on the left breast (from the wearer's perspective). The trousers connected to the item would be a pair of navy-blue cargo pants. Additional comments:
Lights, lights, lights. Courtney Avenue in Mendell is known for nothing if not for its many clubs. The hottest clubs in Mendell City are located down the cosmopolitan street, their fronts shining bright with big, graphic signs. It's loud too, what with the throngs of pedestrians either navigating the street or lined up outside of their favorite clubs. Your senses are overwhelmed as you nudge your way through the crowd, trying to find somewhere tame to settle down at. It's all hustle and bustle outside the clubs; they're not what you want. However, a particular location nestled at the ground floor of a massive skyscraper catches your eye. A small sign above the unimposing front entrance reads "STODDARD BUILDING," but your eye catches a directory sitting on the wall on the right of the door way. Curiously, you read through the list of offices, businesses, and such, until you reach a peculiar name. To sate your curiosity, you decide to check it out. It's a short ride to the 50th Floor, and you come out of the elevator to find yourself in lobby with marble floors and ornate plaster walls, a small number of wall-mounted lamps illuminating the lobby. You cautiously explore the lobby, until you are shortly confronted by a set of oak french doors, with a mean-looking red Unathi staring at you as he stands beside the door, dressed to the nines in a specially-tailored black tuxedo. "What'ssss up, mack?" he called out to you. "If you're here for the Brassssss, then get yourssself ssssome better threadssss. Ssstreet ragsss not permitted." Meekly, you retreat from the 50th Floor, only to return later with a sharper garb donned. The Unathi smiles a toothy smile at you. "That'ssss better, kid. Come on in, and welcome to The Russsty Brasssss." The door opens to reveal a large, dimly-lit venue. It's noir, reminiscent of the jazz halls of the 20th Century. A large, collective cloud of smoke hangs over the whole loft, shining in the sparse number of lights. In the center of the room is a stage, illuminated by a shining spotlight high above, the air smelling of a curious mix of aromatic cigarettes, marijuana, and the stench of tobacco smoke. A band plays, mixed with humans, Tajarans, and Skrell playing traditional human jazz instruments, with a startlingly-attractive brunette human female taking center-stage as the vocalist, her red dress reflecting the light. the movement of her hips as she sways; it's enticing, erotic, and the feeling that her eyes are following you across the room only intensifies the emotions that you are feeling. You approach the bar, and take a moment to look around. It's like being back in one of the old 20th Century jazz clubs back on Earth; everyone is well-dressed and classy, from the patrons and all the way up to the staff. You give a smile, as you realize that The Rusty Brass was the place that you were looking for. Occupying a booth as its sole occupant, Jim Calhoun savors the taste of his cigarette, his eyes fixed upon the stage. His current garb of a well-maintained navy blue suit with a light blue dress shirt and black tie, and a pair of black leather dress shoes, contrasts greatly with the clothing of his chosen profession. His expression was rather worrisome; he had come to the Brass to relax, but his nerves couldn't be dissuaded. The investigation was on his mind; he didn't feel as though it was going to go well, what with new problems popping up every single day. He picked up the glass of bourbon from the table and took a slow sip, trying to savor the beverage and get his mind off his problems. "Fuck my life..." he said, as he sat the glass back down, taking the moment to take yet another drag from his cigarette.
Jim thinks that she is a good agent, however he believes that she sides with the anti-Security sentiment within CC.
You know what helps me quit smoking? More cigarettes.
She's a passive-aggressive bitch at times.
Recently, I have assumed the role of Security Commander on multiple rounds aboard the Aurora. Reviewing the inner policies and procedures of the ISC contingent aboard the Aurora and comparing them to what I have learned from my real-world experience with Basic Law Enforcement Training, I have found many issues that I believe should be addressed and revised. I have no doubt that other Commanders may have issues with Security regulations, and they may have their own suggestions and ideas. This is why I propose the idea of Commanders' Call: a sub-section of the forums for Security Commanders and veteran Security Personnel to suggest new or revised policies, highlight issues within the force, and provide general feedback for the performance of the Security Contingent. I would expand, however I would like to receive general feedback for the idea. Based on the questions that I receive, I shall address the issues and offer clarification.
Jim Calhoun's synthetic booty-call. Chicken and sex. Also, CRASA is a damn good AI whose presence is paramount to many successful Security operations.