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Whitelisted Players
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Everything posted by Redfield5

  1. Office of the Chief of Police of Mendell City Jim Calhoun
  2. Because it sucks to be killed by your own invention, nor is it prudent for public safety to allow non-Security personnel (even the bartender) to be able to operate a firearm on a space station. On another note, the deviance in creativity can be curbed by asking for permission to operate said weapon in a controlled location.
  3. Perhaps an ID-lock on firearms could be brought in, with Security personnel and above able to activate a weapon without requiring ID approval. The Security Commander could oversee weapon permits and ID authorisation through a gun database. That's just my two cents until I disassemble my rifle and post a picture of the firing pin assembly.
  4. Citizen Safety Survey Conducted by Chief Jim Calhoun, Mendell City Police Department For the Mendell City Police Department, the safety of our citizens and guests is imperative to our mission. The purpose of this anonymous survey is to generate information on how safe the average Mendell City resident feels. For the official contact information of the MCPD, look here. [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Species/Racial Category:[/b] [b]Occupation:[/b] [b]Are you a resident of Mendell City? District?[/b] [b]On a scale of 1 to 10, with one being "not safe at all" and ten being "extremely safe," how would you rate your feeling of safety in Mendell City? Why?[/b] [b]On a scale of 1 to 10, with one being "not concerned" and ten being "extremely concerned," how concerned are you with media reports on crime in the city? Why?[/b] [b]Have you ever been the victim of a crime? Violent?[/b] [b]On a scale of one to ten, with one being "never" and ten being "on a regular basis," how often do you interact with Mendell City Police officers or NanoTrasen Security Officers?[/b] [b]One a scale of one to ten, with one being "not confident" and ten being "extremely confident", how confident are you in the diligence and competence of city law enforcement?[/b] [b]Have you ever had an altercation with an officer?[/b] [b]Do you know of anyone who has been the victim of any recent criminal activity?[/b] [b]What is your preferred method of transportation?[/b] [b]What concerns, if any, do you have on the subject of safety in Mendell City?[/b]
  5. Mendell City Council.
  6. You're definitely one of the more enjoyable roleplayers out there.
  7. Maybe you should make your OOC payment instead of buying memes. I am going to repo the OOC.
  8. "I am just ascertaining the totality of the circumstances. I am sure that a CCIA Agent such as yourself could understand such tactics."
  9. "What model was the shuttle? Anything notable concerning the particular model?"
  10. "Any notable maintenance issues within the past year? Did she buy it used or sold?"
  11. "Do you have records from service logs? Like when she brought it in for maintenance?"
  12. "What is the flight history of this shuttle? How long has it been in service?"
  13. "Have you ascertained whether or not pre-flight checks yielded anything?"
  14. "This is just a shot in the dark, but six minutes seems like enough time to get everyone into such a reinforced area, despite the circumstances. I assume that is a purpose intended for such a room. I served with Graves and I can attest that he has a cool head during any given crisis. Were the deceased still strapped into their seats?"
  15. "If I might pry, how exactly did Agent Graves survive the crash? Typically in such circumstances, the shuttle would not have survivors. Also, at which point in-flight did the shuttle begin to experience the failures that led to this tragic incident?"
  16. A pair of eyes, belonging to Jim Calhoun, carefully watch Evans as he delivers his spiel. He hears the words coming from the mouth of the CCIA operative, but he does not heed them or believe them, and so he wore a mask of skepticism through the speech. Jim was clad in a navy blue business suit, bearing evidence that it was well-tailored for its wearer. Underneath the blue blaster, he wore a simple sky-blue dress shirt and a black tie. When Agent Evans gave the floor for questions, Jim immediately stood up and seized the closest-available microphone. He watched nonchalantly as the Tajaran acted out and was promptly hauled off by Biesel PD, and then he spoke, "My name is Jim Calhoun, NanoTrasen ISD and Independent Health Advisory Board Public Safety Rep-Elect. Given Agent Lund's involvement in our organization, we have a vested interest in investigating the crash. I have probed Agent Graves, IHAB's CCIA Liason, for information regarding the crash, however he has given me nothing but no responses, with the exception of something rather...disconcerting that he said to me." "'It would be the best to leave at that... Before things gets... Troublesome...'" "I asked for any information on the crash, such as which area of the shuttle experienced difficulties, whether or not an official investigation had been launched, e cetera . He gave me that remark, which sounded very...grave. Aside from that, Graves sounded very well-adjusted for a man that had seen his colleagues killed in such a traumatic event. Not only that, but I am astounded that it took the CCIA to respond to death of one of its agents, especially one as esteemed and diligent in her duties as Agent Lund. What can you tell us about what happened?"
  17. Let's just call the situation what it is: a shitshow. Everything I've suggested tends to get shot down for being "slow" and "ineffective," and thus we keep sticking with our slow, ineffective CCIA investigations. Nothing will get done, because everything has a consequence.
  18. Ok, I am on a computer. Lemme break down my proposal. We set up the whitelist along the lines as the other whitelists, however we have a specific application template that applicants must follow, along with whatever the mandatory Security waiting period is. Now, you might ask me: The Army had a similar problem after 'Nam, because after watching US troops napalming the jungle and dragging their buddies away from the Cong, everyone suddenly lost their patriotism. With the ISD, we need to become a force of distinction; one that takes its duties seriously, but gives members something to be proud of. Hell, think of Security as in-game mods, standing as the thin blue line between the crew and the IC criminals. Not just Changelings, but Security is more often than not our first response towards griefers. C'mon, you've seen someone go on a rampage or try to break into secure areas without a decent IC reason, and who often gets there first? Give people a reason to take pride in the job and distinguish themselves (maybe with some award scheme for well-performing members of the departments; not just Security). You've gotta make it distinct and attractive, and trust me, they'll buy into the whitelist. As for the app itself, we include your typical "why do you think you deserve this role" questions, but we include practical scenarios, like asking them to give us an example of how they would go about an arrest, questions about any punitive actions that IC/OOC moderating staff have taken against them, questions about their perceptions of other species, and any other questions that we can think of. So, you come to the forums (which we need to constantly broadcast and tell people to sign up for, as part of a much more immersive Aurora experience), fill out the app, and then what? Do we do the whole "Upvote/Downvote" thing and let every Joe-Shmo decide on the force? Fuck that; we do what real police departments do and set up a review board. I'm thinking of a 5-person board, with four veteran Security/IA players and a single member of the adminstrative staff; basically, a Supreme Court-style deal where the board will discuss applications and vote upon who gets in or not, with the composition of the board allowing for a simple majority to decide the fate of said applications. Say what you want; it's not completely refined, but it's a start.
  19. So, we set up a white-list, but you leave that baby to me. What I need are three other veteran Security players and an admin, so that we can provide a committee to evaluate said apps. I won't reveal everything about this system yet, given that I am on a phone. However, to our anti-whitelist folks, I have to see it to believe it.
  20. The feed opens up to reveal Jim Calhoun, clad in a woodland camouflage uniform and a green plate carrier, all outfitted with pouches and such. Behind him, a blood orange sky over a green, verdant jungle landscape signifies the end of the day. A chorus of animals and insects chirping further highlights the wildness of the local. Sweat is evident on Calhoun's face, his face bearing a mask of sorrow. He clears his throat after waiting a few seconds, and speaks up.
  21. So let's keep on witch-hunting, huh? Apparently, that's had a lasting, beneficial impact on Security. What we need to be able to do is sell the whitelist, like we sold species. We emphasize the importance of the job heavily, and we give it distinction. You've gotta be able to give people a reason to hop out of bed and apply for the whitelist.
  22. Exactly. You guys get enough shit, not only from Security but from the rest of the crew. The argument against a whitelist, given to me, is that no one will sign up and Security's playerbase will fall apart. I honestly don't mind that. I want more competent officers than incompetent ones.
  23. I yearn for a Security whitelist; I really fucking do. However, that's been shot down routinely.
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