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Everything posted by Redfield5
What Happened to the Rest of the World in Fallout?
Redfield5 replied to Jboy2000000's topic in Other Games
In China, I feel as though there would be a decent American presence by the time of the Great War, given that you had Marines occupying Shanghi and soldiers out in the Gobi Desert. I could very well see the American contingent in Shanghi devolving into a totalitarian settlement relying heavily on American power armor and vertibirds not unlike the Brotherhood of Steel. -
Name: Jim Calhoun. Occupation: Head of Security, NSS Exodus. Email: jcalhoun@nt.mail Volunteering For: Calendar model. Experience: I can pose; drill, ceremony, and military bearing were paramount facets during my time in BCT. I iron my uniform before every shift, I keep my boots shined, my hair cut in a high and tight, and I have remained in a good state of physical health. OOC Notes: ((CKey, questions, etc))
This is the stupidest staff complaint that I have gazed upon. Really; we get up in arms over 'ignorant peon?' Look, it isn't even that bad of a word, and I assure you that our staff has taken insults much more charged than these.
Character Complaint - Oral Qui-Tup (LordRaven001)
Redfield5 replied to a topic in Complaints Boards Archive
As a Warden, your job revolves around the security and operation of the Brig. In other words, you're like a Watch Commander or Duty Sergeant, except you're also the Armorer and the Warden. Your job is not to patrol unless under exigent circumstances that require you to assist in patrol operations; even then, you're not going to be going far from the Brig. During the manhunt, your camera coverage and communication of the target's location were paramount to our efforts, until you abandoned your post to presumably join in on the manhunt. You were playing a crucial role during the hunt, and you abandoned it on whatever auspices possessed you to do that. In the period of time that you weren't in the Brig, I had no one to watch after the prisoner; Hell, you outright refused to do that when I asked you to do so. The Warden isn't a Security Officer with extra access. As for the incident in Medbay, I look back in retrospect and I do not approve of what we did in there. Firstly, you should have been in the Brig and appointed prisoner security to an officer. When it comes to detention duties outside of the Brig, it's recognized that the Warden has authority to delegate such tasks to officers. As for the arrest itself, cauterization does not signify the end of surgery under normal circumstances, so you should have waited until she had formally announced the end of the surgery. Hell, maybe we should have waited until the Captain arrived. As for that I saw, we did not even need to arrest her - for what I presume referred to the fact that she refused to allow an officer to be present in the OR. I will agree that Pershing did take things too far when she incapacitated you, though I see many factors that point to you escalating the encounter to the level of assault. It did not need to be escalated to such an extent. Following the incident, I apologized to Doctor Pershing, which she accepted. That means we're pretty much dating now. I will admit that it degenerated into a stupid argument, however you kept using excuses along the lines of your service as a Tup Commando, and you made several racist jabs that greatly contributed to the degeneration of the meeting. Not only that, but you started running your mouth over comms, inciting a further detriment to the condition of our security force. -
There should be a way to transmit PDFs over PDAs, and/or a way to digitize signed and stamped warrants so that officers can view active warrants. Couple that with a way to show other players the PDA screen whilst they're cuffed, and bing, bang, boom: we're an electronic department that doesn't depend on copiers to distribute warrants.
You have my permission to use Jim in your writing. As for the setting, I don't care as long as it isn't some half-assed parody of Jim.
One thing that pushes my buttons to an uncomfortable point is how bystanders aboard the Aurora react to crime. I don't know too many people who would be willing to get mixed up in a foot chase or standoff. For example, I will be pursuing a suspect on foot, my taser or pistol drawn. The only thing that's stopping me from ending the pursuit is the doctor/assistant/engineer/annoying fuck that is trying to push the criminal down. Not only that, but apparently no one is afraid of guns, hostage-takers, or firefights. During the Tesla event, the Unathi and Tajaran bodyguards got into a firefight, and since I had no hands, I couldn't stop the shootout. However, no one really ran out of Departures en-masse when the shooting started, and one scientist even snatched up the Tajaran bodyguard's weapon and continued the firefight. It's like no one enjoys the challenges associated with RPing anymore.
Of course, your loyalist forces are archaic and outgunned.
Our soldiers are ready to fight for the glory of the revolution.
My affairs are sekrit. If I want to air out my sekrit dirty laundry, I can air it out meself.
[WiP] Operation Snatch
Redfield5 replied to Redfield5's topic in Lore Canonization Applications Archive
Right, then I'll edit it to "Snatch." -
[WiP] Operation Snatch
Redfield5 replied to Redfield5's topic in Lore Canonization Applications Archive
Bump. -
WHY WHY 20 PAGES 15 comics pages are TOP limit See, it's for your own good! I like to work with it. I have taken many sequences and broken them down, expanding upon many different aspects of any specific highlights within a passage. It wouldn't be hard to whittle it down significantly.
How would you all like to accomplish it? So, you want to make playing here a chore for some people? Do you really want to have five (not really, but it's a good comparision) good security officers, and one hundred cadets that won't even think it's worth it to play long enough to get promoted to a security officer by a HoS that's not even always there? What if these few security officers want to play an other role, like a medical doctor? I can't even imagine these dead hours or mid-tide hours, where no one joins security because no one was allowed to. This is great and well-thought, but it's impossible to do. All this schooling and training, I'm afraid you're taking it too seriously, Redfield. I'd rather have some mediocre officers, mixed with an occassional baldie and a few senior security officer, than just empty security. First off, don't use that MLA paraphrasing crap with me. Secondly, yes. Very much should each job become a chore. I would rather the station be devoid of life.
I didn't even know that there was any voting, yet I got three votes for HoS. Am I really somewhat decent?
I just lost twenty pages of material... I will try to re-write, but it's going to be tough.
Type: Military operation. Founding/Settlement Date (if applicable): 12 February 2438 - 23 October 2438. Region of Space: Moghes. Controlled by (if not a faction): N/A. Other Snapshot information: Sol Alliance military operation utilizing the 5th Division to evacuate Sol citizens from Moghes as the Contact War was initiated. Long Description: With the beginning of hostilities between the Izweski Nation and the other Unathi clans, Human and Skrellian interests were threatened, as were their people. The Sol Alliance and Jargon Federation formed a naval task force that included a brigade-sized ground element consisting of a battalion from the 260th Brigade of the Sol 5th Expeditionary Division, the 162nd and 9th Sol Logistics Battalions, a platoon of Tup Commandos, two Civil Affairs battalions from Sol and Jargon respectively, and battalion of Sol Alliance-trained PRA light infantry. The operation name was "Operation Snatch," and the official name of the task force was the "Inter-Systems Joint Task Force." The ISJTF arrived at the area of operations on February 12th, after permission for the operation was received from the Izweski Nation to conduct a security operation on their soil. ISJTF battalions were deployed to different Izweski cities in the Untouched Lands, with the Civil Affairs component making it known to both sides that the ISJTF had no intention of becoming a third belligerent in the conflict. An RoE not too unlike that of UNAMIR in 1993 was imposed to prevent the ISJTF from engaging in offensive military operations. Regardless, many Unathi in the Izweski Nation had hoped that the ISJTF would be pulled into the war. The combat arms elements took on a security role, ensuring that the extraction zones were protected sufficiently while other combat arms elements assisted in rounding up evacuees and protecting the ground convoys that transported them to the evacuation zones, which the ISJTF took great pains to keep as far away from conflict areas as possible. The Tup Commandos were placed in charge of reconnaissance and high-value-asset extraction missions. Despite the best efforts of the ISJTF to avoid conflict, a number of units were engaged by raiding parties from one of the warring clans (help me find a name). While escorting a convoy to an extraction point, a platoon of 5th Division Marines were ambushed by a raiding party. One Marine was killed in the attack and ten were wounded, however the platoon managed to repulse the attack and kill eleven enemy soldiers as they pushed to the LZ. Another LZ was shelled by Unathi mortars, resulting in the destruction of several shuttles, although no loss of life was reported. It's alleged by some of the anti-Izweski clans that the Tup Commandos and even "NanoTrasen spies" were actively participating in the conflict and had captured several warlords, though these allegations cannot be verified. With blood spilled, many expected the Sol Alliance to engage in the conflict, however great restraint was shown by the government in avoiding the war. Of course, many right-wing human elements criticized this move, and the Unathi clan involved declared war upon the Sol Alliance. In response to bold claims, the Skrellian Admiral in command of the ISJTF made an unexpectedly bold remark: The Admiral reinforced his statement by bringing his fleet almost directly over the areas in which ISJTF troops were engaged, and he wasted no time in expressing the capabilities of his force. It was a controversial move that is still debated and discussed within Jargon politics, though the Sol public overwhelmingly approved of the Admiral's confident action. Many Unathi applauded the Skrellian Admiral's show of force, a gesture that is almost unheard of between Unathi and Skrell. It worked, and the clan backed down and allowed the evacuations to proceed. Snatch ended on October 23rd, 8 months after it had been commenced. Operation Icarus was a success, and although it was seen as a great stride in relations between the Jargon Federation, the Sol Alliance, and the Izweski Nation at the time, this operation has been largely overshadowed by the recent degeneration in relations between the three powers.
Yeah. I can never understand you, people. These are just a few veterans/old-timers claiming that they're leaving (that despite my, and the forum mods annoyance, cannot be moved to off-topic), with a few more veterans/old-timers saying 'fuck you' or 'who are you'. I guess, you all forgot to display your willingness to "fuck voltage/pump", to show that you're the "cool" kids here. If that's what you call a joke, step up your game. What do you mean "you people?"
FRONTIER: Culebra IV (OOC/Signups/Very WiP)
Redfield5 replied to Redfield5's topic in Off Topic Discussion
Reserved. -
NanoTrasen Corporation Official Notice ---------- Attention, Crew of the NSS Exodus, A formal expedition to the garden world Culebra IV has been approved, and the expedition teams needs medical experts, security officers, engineers, researchers, and labor personnel to shore up the team. We are legally obligated to inform you that Culebra IV is located in the Frontier Systems, around the Culebra Star, the system of which has been identified as the possible location of a forward operating base for the Knights of Thanatos. Nevertheless, the presence of phoron deposits deep within the crust and caverns of the jungle planet - along with the sheer amount of unidentified species - make the expedition imperative towards the exploitation of valuable resources on Culebra IV. As for the planet itself, Culebra IV is half of the size of Earth, with three continents. Since they have no official name, they shall be designated as Continents Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. The four Culebra planets are all distinctly marked by tropical climates; all three continents on Culebra IV are lush, tropical locations. The day/night cycles are 25 hours long, and the planet is oxygen-rich. Research drones sent down to the planet report a plethora of flora and fauna, some of which is docile and some of which is hostile. Several species of fauna closely resemble prehistoric birds and reptiles from Earth, and samples taken by the pods have opened the door for controversy; that this planet may have inherited some of the same lifeforms and bacteria as Earth. (To be continued)
Polaris' implementation is much more flexible, and interesting I would like to see either/both in practice. I mean, CM does it interestingly, I was there when the change first happened and it took a long while before a meta began to adapt and suddenly everyone got the same loadout for their pulse rifle every single time. I'd like to see some modifications for Mk. 58s, such as an underbarrel flashlight. Also, can the coach gun be sawed down like in the olden days?
I'd rather have three dedicated Cadets who have the patience and the competence to actually learn their trade, as opposed to twenty bald officers who have no idea and no respect for how we should be conducting our business. A white-list will assist us in keeping track of who our FTOs are. I fully expect to be doing the majority of the work in this project if I can get some "Hell Yeahs," if not the entire project itself. It's about damn time that we become much more serious about training and professionalism. Aurora isn't like other servers; it's a Heavy-RP server, and thus we must treat it as such. That means that chronically-abusive Security Officers and chronically-clueless Sturgeons should be dealt with in a preventative manner with reaction as a last resort for those who slip through the cracks. Training five Cadets in a satisfactory manner is much more beneficial to the server than reprimanding one-hundred officers for abuse of power.
Hooray for Honorable Mention!
I still feel bad for flashing Inis and causing her to have a seizure. She's a good kid.
There needs to be more symbolism behind jobs.