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Whitelisted Players
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Everything posted by Redfield5

  1. Yay, I've got a laptop. We're getting there. If you look at the facts, you'll see that by far the biggest issue with the department involves use of force and proper competence in the execution of their duties, coupled with a lack of professionalism. There's a reason that the two CCIA investigations into Security were in such close proximity, and this is simply not ok. We need competent, experienced officers that can instruct our cadets and teach them proper procedure, rather than allow them to flounder in the wind. The reason why an FTO would be more beneficial than a volunteer is based on the fact that you'll get more beneficial results out of a dedicated professional rather than with a volunteer. That's why peer-support in mental health is dragging down the system. With an FTO, you have some assurance that they will take their job seriously. It's not a gung-ho kind of job, but Security jobs involve a lot of thinking. An FTO will have to evaluate themselves as well as a cadet, and they have to find a way to teach said cadet. Above all, it's a symbol within the department and within the corporation, that the NSS Exodus is actually taking a visible stride towards improving the Security Department. This is not a job to be taken lightly. A Security Officer is granted great power and an even greater responsibility to enforce corporate regulation and to ensure public safety aboard the station. As an officer, your job involves the suspension of liberty, and while that might not sound like much, I advise you to take arrests and detentions a little more seriously. It's not an easy job, and many times have I found myself having to rely on my fellow officers for assistance. In the RP realm of things, Jim Calhoun wants officers that he can trust his life with. The department is only as strong as its weakest officer. We need change, and we need to be much more conservative in how Security operates. White-list? Hell to the yes. Do you know why we need a white-list? Players need to prove that they can handle the job. In all honesty, I'd like to see every department do the exact same thing. New players need a probationary phase - maybe something like a month or several weeks. Here's my system: 1. Join up. Woo-hoo, you're a Cadet. Meet your FTO and begin your indoc. 2. Learn. You train; FTO teaches lessons and proper procedure whilst monitoring Cadet performance. If we can get this pushed forward, we can hammer out lesson plans and a rating system for Cadet performance. The FTO should make sure that they keep the Cadet in the loop, and ensure that the Cadet also has track of their own performance. 3. Apply. Once the pre-determined probationary phase ends, Cadets may apply for promotion to a new Security role. During this phase, the FTO (or a Security Commander, if the FTO is unavailable and the Cadet has kept track of their performance) will write up a brief narrative describing why or why not this Cadet should be promoted, and they will present the evidence supporting their narrative. Command Staff, Duty Officers, and Administration will be the only personnel allowed to vote, given that these players have met a significant level of prestige within the community. The vote will be based on a simple majority, though Duty Officers and Senior Administration are allowed a veto if they feel that there is an issue. We've got to get serious about reforming Security. Bans, job-bans, and other punitive actions will only go so far. We need a long-term solution in order to rectify the department's glaring issues. The legitimacy of the FTO role revolves around its primary focus of educating and training Cadets. Whiiiiiiiite-list. 18 weeks for Basic Law Enforcement Training Certification in the State of North Carolina, baby. The fact of the matter is that I'm focusing on Security. I'm not choosing a much-broader plan yet because Security is my current focus. Should every non-entry-level role aboard the station be white-listed? Hell yeah!
  2. Why order and threaten them to train Cadets? Why not have officers who are both experienced and willing to train the cadets? I'd rather have someone appointed to a special role within the force, which would allow us to keep four officers who focus solely on patrol functions. In real-world policing, new officers are paired up with a designated FTO as part of their probationary period. Also, it's honestly getting to the point where Security should be white-listed. It's an important job with important policing powers that define the job. Shouldn't you prove that you are responsible for such authority? Taking someone's liberty is not a trivial concept.
  3. PREMISE: Officers are unable or unwilling to train cadets, thus resulting in unprofessionalism and incompetence. A cadre of officers - who have distinguished themselves through their service - must be appointed in order to afford cadets a dedicated training program when available. IMPLEMENTATION: If one is truly serious about training cadets and officers to perform their duties in a competent manner, then this job must be white-listed. It might not seem practical for what may appear as a trivial role, but I assure you that it is needed, and that nothing about this is trivial. Voting should be restricted to Command Staff, DOs, and IA. I'm also going to suggest that all Security jobs above Cadet need to be white-listed. I will do a suggestion for this after class. RESPONSIBILITY: To train cadets and novice officers in performing their duties in a competent, professional manner. Corporals/FTOs will be responsible for both classroom instruction and on-the-job training.
  4. "Xenobiology? Low-paid? Girl please." - Jim Calhoun
  5. I've got a story in the works. It's a revolution story, with characters such as Jim, Zubari, Elena, Val, and many others.
  6. I sexually identify as an Emergency Shuttle. I take too long to get there, and I don't let you in.
  7. That would be fantastic to see, but perceived issue by me isn't on the supplier side of things but rather on the user. If there was some way to make this work though, than that would be awesome. It'd be largely player-driven, when it comes to deals and funneling money. To get it going, you'd need a number of different criminal characters and even gangs operating similar systems. I could see the creation of accountant roles as being rather innovative for the purposes of funneling money. Pay off or intimidate the accountant in order to secure a separate account for your funds. The current incarnation - with departments having a bank balance - would involve kingpins utilizing the departments to funnel cash into. Of course, there is the assumed risk of detection by Security, or the refusal of righteous Command Staff members.
  8. Amphetamines, opium, and crack. With a criminal economy, you could have antags upload their financial assets to the Syndicate, in exchange for telecrystals or supply crates through an emagged Cargo terminal. Something of that variety.
  9. Perhaps we could put an economy into certain antag roles, like Traitor or Revolution. Buy equipment through funneling credits to the Syndicate. Building a criminal empire would be a good traitor RP objective.
  10. It is my opinion that adding new elements to the drug aspect of Aurora would engender some decent roleplay. For example, Hydroponics could be able to grow marijuana for medicinal purposes only at the moment, much along the same lines as Ambrosia. Corporate regulations could prohibit consumption of marijuana during work hours, and only for those who require marijuana consumption for medical reasons. This would allow greater cooperation between Hydroponics and Medbay, as Hydroponics could supply Medical with a large quantity of marijuana cigarettes and even foods for patients who have been evaluated and prescribed medical marijuana for whatever ill they are facing. Registration for a medical marijuana permit could entail a medical and/or psychological evaluation, followed up by agreement to a prepared form denoting the holder's staff, and stamped by either the Chief Medical Officer or another applicable Head of Staff. Innovative, opportunistic botanists could take advantage of the prohibition, as could Medical staff. For example, Hydroponics could institute low-key sales of marijuana in an attempt to circumvent the prohibition and thus gain extra credits. Medical could also issue fraudulent or illegal prescriptions for a cut of the profit, if one is looking to cover their tracks. With the formation of a drug trade, you will see a rise in Security's counter-narcotics operations, thus giving Security a stake in such an endeavor. Security could start drafting warrants and launching raids in search of contraband marijuana, while also possibly conducting undercover operations or utilizing confidential informants to crack down on the drug trade aboard the station. This idea is rather new; I'd appreciate any and all feedback, suggestions, and concerns.
  11. My application is ready, Bokaza.
  12. Redfield5


    Add the goon weed system, because Security needs more Vice operations. Botany could operate like a marijuana dispensary, and doctors could clear people for medical marijuana prescriptions.
  13. I'll see what I do. Expect a Talos-worshipping ex-Imperial Legionnaire who hates the Thalmor and the Stormcloaks equally.
  14. If you are wondering about it so much, maybe. But keep in mind, you've said you have little time for forum RP as it is. I would like to have you, of course. Yeah, and I've got writer's block with Boadicea. I plan on advancing that sometime this week.
  15. I'm wondering if I should join this.
  16. One could say that he was Rock hard. Also, teach me how to draw, or draw Jim like one of your French girls. Anyways, Cool, here's some BBC for you.
  17. I didn't really interact with her until she, Leo Wyatt, and Jim were working on a case together. Jim doesn't know her too well, but his views of her are favorable. He wouldn't mind getting to know her better.
  18. ((You nerds are good to post))
  19. He's been cool with Jim, for the most part.
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