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Noble Row

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Everything posted by Noble Row

  1. Article 5 of Trouble in Paradise Burzsia Attack Details Brought to Light It has been one week since the attack on Burzsia which has shocked the nations spur wide. Details surrounding the attack have been acquired by Truth Finder, though much remains a mystery. Starting as a brief recap, the planet of Burzsia was raided last week by an unknown, well-supplied force. The attackers launched a fighter assault which disabled the orbiting security fleet, which was experiencing severe malfunctions and caused the loss of their flagship vessel, and descended to the planet’s primary facility below. This attack saw significant damage internally due to a reactor malfunction, in addition to damage brought on by the attackers, and a synthetic uprising from Burzsia’s worker populace. Reports have come in from reliable sources providing details that were left out or omitted from primary news sources. Hephaestus Security was evidently aware of suspicious activity in the sector, with defense sensors filing several “concerning” reports about “blips” being picked up at the edge of the sector all the way to the planet’s defense perimeter. Hephaestus Security did dispatch scouts to investigate, but otherwise found no contact or cause for the disturbance, contributing it to a fault in their defense modules which were then placed under maintenance. Additionally, practitioners of the “Burzsian Method” on Burzsia I were reporting an uptick in units needing to be wiped for “dangerous” behavior for the past few months. Additional Machinists were being brought in to the planet to help with this growing need, and Director Rovet Overchal, reportedly working around the clock to enhance the Burzsian Method further. However, machinist reports seem to indicate that no change Director Overchal implemented seemed to stem the rise in Synthetic agitation for very long. Director Overchal is the only casualty from Burzsia’s leadership, having been found nailed to a chair in his office, comatose and foaming at the mouth. A report from doctors at Burzsia’s only untouched hospital report that Director Overchal is displaying only 10% brain activity, and is unexpected to recover without permanent systemic amnesia. Hephaestus Industries is reported to already be looking for a replacement. NanoTrasen and Hephaestus security analysts have verified several details from the attack, including that every member of the invading force, from the vehicles to the infantry, were wearing a strict uniform. The uniform was all black, with varying accents. Accent colors included Red, Blue, Purple, White and Gold, with one accent color per uniform. These accents seem to dictate squads or sections as evidenced by how some members bearing one accent were entirely organic personnel, while others were synthetic. The attacking force was a majority synthetic personnel, with around 30% being organic. It is unknown if the pilots of the aircraft that attacked the planet were of similar make, as no aircraft that was shot down remained in a salvageable state. However, videos viewed that featured the aircraft show maneuvers only able to be performed by highly augmented humans such as Galatea’s pilots, or synthetic personnel. A video was submitted directly to Truth Finder featuring the point of view of one of the attacking pilots. The video comes with a message, and Truth Finder takes this moment to remind its viewers that all videos submitted to Truth Finder are unedited, and whatever motif or message presented is not a reflection on the true and unbiased view that Truth Finder aims to deliver. All videos submitted in this article are joined with the warning that they contain sensitive material. Truth Finder’s security experts agree with the suspicion that the submitter of this video was of genetically altered or synthetic make, and displays similar piloting expertise to other pilots viewed from the attacking force. The interior of the aircraft additionally seems to be of custom design and features highly advanced components. However, Truth Finder security experts are to point out that this aircraft was obviously designed with traditional philosophy and does not capitalize on the use of a synthetic pilot, whereas an all-synthetic force, as evidenced by the Golden Deep’s Merchant Navy, have adapted to less-to-no organic life support luxuries. The use of a pressurized cockpit as opposed to a piloting container being chief among the evidence. NanoTrasen and Hephaestus security also point out in their reports the precision of the attack, with major events happening on a strict schedule with the exception of events perpetrated by Hephaestus’ counter actions. The initial detonation of key areas of the Burzsian facility were found to be triggered by strategic overloading of the Burzsian experimental planetary reactor, causing catastrophic power surges through the facility that resulted in detonation. Burzsian security and engineering teams that breached the reactor during the crisis noted that the entirety of the reactor’s staff were found dead and the reactor was set to self-detonate via a systemic cataclysmic meltdown. Hephaestus engineering teams suspect a complete meltdown of the experimental reactor could fracture the planet’s surface at the very worst. Guaranteeing destruction of the entire facility and surrounding mining colonies. A video was leaked from a Hephaestus mining safety harness featuring a clear view of one of the assailants. The individual featured in the video is determined to be an IPC of Industrial make or a heavily modified human. The indiscriminate targeting of both security and civilian personnel lead Truth Finder experts to believe that the attack was intentionally for shock and awe, with few groups in the Spur willing to operate in such a capacity. In terms of the surprise synthetic uprising, reports with substantial evidence have been far and few between. Hephaestus claims that there was a virus that infiltrated the synthetic units, but no substantial evidence corroborates this claim. However, several videos have been submitted to Truth Finder of the start of the attack. In all videos, the workers operated in their normal capacity until the first explosions ripped through the facility due to the overloaded reactor. Once the attack commenced, the IPCs of Burzsia were seen drawing weapons from hiding places, which then started the uprising. Truth Finder experts note that the synthetics on Burzsia did not operate on a timetable like the invaders did, and evidently did not know when the attack would occur, but did prepare for it. It is unknown whether the invaders expected the attack, or expected to rebel independently and took advantage of the attack. Many rebelling synthetics found smaller vessels and fled independently, whereas other synthetics joined forces with the invaders and followed them. Finally, while combing through the security footage, Truth Finder also found evidence of Orion Express’ continued operations during less than ideal conditions. It is unsure the true reasoning behind this visit from Orion Express, however Truth Finder cannot find any flight logs featuring this shuttle, its registration tag, or any scheduled visits to this hangar at all for the entire day. Personnel extracted from the facility were hard to identify due to facial obstruction and the camera’s poor quality, however two members were found to be machinist personnel working within the facility specializing in IPC maintenance and conditioning. Truth Finder will continue to monitor for more clarity into the situation as much still remains a mystery.
  2. Article 3 of Trouble in Paradise BREAKING NEWS: Burzsia On Fire The article opens with an image. A look over the massive facility that most Burzsians call home. Smoke pillars rise into the very atmosphere. Fires rage. Sections of buildings are crumpled husks. Flak is fired into the sky at figments of aircraft unleashing catastrophic volleys upon the surface. Pieces of starship fall from the clouds like brimstone onto Hell. In the center of the image, a large explosive cloud. The edges of the image are full of static and distortion. In the top right, it reads “TRANSMISSION LOST” Terror struck the planet of Burzsia this morning when a surprise assault appeared from deep space from unknown combatants. Starting at 9am, Hephaestus reports that hundreds of craft ambushed the security fleet in orbit, and with the aid of a surprise synthetic uprising on the surface, caused significant damage to the planet’s main facility: The Hephaestus Central Control and Headquarters structure. The attack was coordinated with sabotage that occured on planet, resulting in the detonation in several key facilities, crippling response times on the ground from emergency personnel. It is currently unclear who the attackers were, and no organization has claimed responsibility. This attack occurred two years after the Trinary Perfection’s Exclusionists attempted a similar raid, resulting in loss of life and theft of several IPC personnel. The Stellar Corporate Conglomerate has released a transcript of the events of the attack, detailing the following: At 0900 GST a coordinated assault was led against the planet of Burzsia within the Coalition of Colonies, sending the planet into turmoil. Classified as a raid, the assault began with the coordinated detonation of several key infrastructure elements within Burzsia I. Most notably security garrisons, power facilities, and structures housing elements which practice the famous “Burzsian Method”. In tandem with the detonations, a series of some three hundred fighter, strike, and landing craft entered the planet’s perimeter and began engaging with the Hephaestus orbital security fleet stationed there, with the fleet’s flagship, the HCV Persephone, experiencing a reactor meltdown and detonating in its maneuver to intercept. The detonation sent shrapnel and breaches across the security ships surrounding the vessel. At 0920 the invading force, consisting of unmarked vessels of unknown make, broke past the security fleet into the planet’s atmosphere. The assailants began bombing untouched Hephaestus security garrisons and planetary defenses in addition to the life support infrastructure. Landing craft and gunships soon followed, depositing raiding troops into several docking stations along the planet’s primary headquarters facility and the largest surrounding mines. At 0945, Hephaestus security personnel reported a “synthetic uprising”, denoting that IPC workers found within the Hephaestus Burzsian headquarters structure and surrounding habitats and mines were violently rebelling against Hephaestus security and civilian personnel with mining equipment and improvised firearms. Upon contact with the invading forces, the IPCs joined ranks with them and were seen being loaded onto cargo ships and the invading landing craft. At 1023, major systemic life support failure is declared on the Hephaestus Burzsian headquarters structure. Temperatures start reaching critical levels on the vestiges of the structure with civilian personnel scrambling for emergency safe rooms. Hephaestus engineering personnel attempting to fix the system are engaged by invading forces. At 1048, three major mines experienced total collapse. Death toll is unknown. At 1125, the raiders had hit several zones within the structure, Hephaestus security forces deployed armored mechanized units which began to repel the invaders. Hephaestus' security orbital fleet is reportedly routed. Federal Protection Bureau frigates, responding to a planetary distress beacon, arrive to reinforce and together they re-engage the enemy. At 1150, mining mechs being piloted by rebelling IPCs slowed the Hephaestus armored counter offensive. Several cargo vessels lift off from the planet’s surface, escaping into the stars. Fires have locked down 30% of the Hephaestus Burzsian headquarters facility. Another 20% of the structure is destroyed entirely. At 1205, invading forces are pushed back to their landing craft and are seen retreating back into the atmosphere. Hephaestus personnel begin uncontested damage control. Emergency survival bunkers are at 129% capacity. At 1215, Federal Protection Bureau vessels gave chase to retreating invasion forces, but reportedly lost contact with them at the planet’s defensive perimeter. Claim all vessels “disappeared instantly”. At 1231, Hephaestus’ planetary reactor project reached 93% instability before being stabilized. Hephaestus notes that the sabotage was the result of overloading sections of Hephaestus’ experimental planetary reactor, causing catastrophic power surges that ended in explosions ranging to the equivalent of 500 to 1500 tons of TNT in yield, sending tremors through the planet’s crust and causing several “small scale” quakes that damaged the nearby mines, and the Hephaestus facility itself. The total loss of life is unknown but it is estimated that several thousand IPC worker units were stolen from the planet, loaded onto empty cargo ships who, at the time, just finished unloading cargo into the Hephaestus facility. A NanoTrasen security analyst, Xavran Lancaster, had the following to say: “This attack was coordinated down to the letter. From the air invasion, to the detonations, to the timing of the cargo ships. To the *CENSOR BEEP* synthetic rebellion. This took time to plan, probably months. Infiltration, sabotage, there’s so much to process here. Let alone find out who these bastards were that kicked it all off.” The sudden rebellion of synthetic personnel in Burzsia has stumped all experts consulted by Oracle. The planet of Burzsia is known for the use of its “Burzsian Method”, which ensures complete obedience from its synthetic workforce via a multi-layered conditioning regime. The sudden failure of this method is all but a mystery. The Coalition’s Federal Protection Bureau, and Hephaestus, have made no additional comment on the situation in Burzsia at this time.
  3. Native Orepitters Take To The Stars Orepit, Coalition of Colonies, In groundbreaking discussions between the Konyang Migrant Coalition, the church of the Trinary Perfection and a representative from the native Orepit populace have come to the historic agreement that all Orepitters, regardless of race, education, or faith may come and go from the planet as they please. This decision is unlike the previous mandate, which only allowed certain members of the Trinary faith to leave the planet. However, with the advancements of travel between Orepit and its neighbors through organizations such as Air Konyang, the leaders of the planet have made the ultimate decision to open the doors for free transit from the planet’s surface. A KMC Spokesperson, joined with a Trinary Bishop and an Air Konyang representative, had the following to say: “I am more than happy that we have come together to support free travel to and from Orepit. In our galactic age, no person should be chained to the crust of the planet they are born on. No person should be forbidden from seeing the stars. From this day forward, all peoples should be able to venture forth from the sands and waters of Orepit, and for visitors to venture down to enjoy its splendors. I am eager to see what the future holds with our garnered freedom.” The Trinary Perfection justified their previous limited travel policy as a consequence of limited infrastructure with few ships available. The implementation of a larger spaceport in Providence however, sponsored by Air Konyang and the Golden Deep Collective, has resulted in a surge of traffic into and out of the planet, with historic levels of trade and development surging planetwide. In other news, the construction of The First Academy of Providence is nearing completion, with engineers on site predicting the educational facility is at 92% total realization. Appropriate staffing for the university is still ongoing, but a spokesman for the institution informed BitByte that it is in an “operational state”. The university is now accepting applications from Orepit citizens and new immigrants to the planet. The university is expected to offer courses in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Literary Arts, IPC Studies, and Theology with the first planned semester to be this fall. Further reading: Education: The First Academy of Providence offers lodging to accepted applicants IPC: Raptor INC. to introduce new designer IPC chassis Entertainment: Industrial actor speaks out against preference for shells in Konyang entertainment industry
  5. Domadice Spotted Convening with Trinary Perfection in Republic of Biesel Truth Finder has been leaked a video from an anonymous source revealing a clandestine meeting of Domadice, the Foreign Minister for the Golden Deep Collective, with members of the Trinary Perfection’s Mendel branch. The alien synthetic has been gaining traction within the IPC-centric religion as a holy entity. No comment has been made by Domadice regarding their role in these claims, however the following video presents evidence that they are coordinating to some extent. Timestamps on the video have been scrubbed prior to submission. --- The video cuts in being viewed from what seems to be an aging security camera. The view is of an alley, or maybe a tunnel, it’s unclear as the ceiling isn’t in view. But it is dark. Lit by errant lights, the electronic lanterns of what seem to be Trinary followers in red robes, and the blue glow of a gentle yet curious hooded individual standing among them. The camera cuts thrice as it swaps from one to another, following the group as they maneuver throughout passages, hushed murmurs in EAL from the Trinarists but nothing from the foreign figure. Mentions of “It’s an honor..” “Closing in on the destination..” and “Arrival has remained secret” can be picked up and translated through Truthfinder’s algorithm. Broken conversation still. The unknown figure stops and turns, looking down a side passage with an alien stillness. The Trinarists take a few more steps before realizing what the individual they’re escorting is doing. They in turn all stop. “Query:@HolyOne > Reason For Pause?” says the lead Trinarist, adorned in a red hooded robe with the staple golden cog halo. The hooded individual shutters ever so subtly at the designation granted upon them, before answering in a tune of one thousand voices speaking as one. “We have visitors.” The group quickly form a perimeter around the hooded individual, the camera zooming in studying each of them as it would seem they reach for items held underneath their holy robes, but as the tenseness grew the hooded foreigner raised their hand. A hand of metallic silverish white, disjointed and floating skeletal fingers, connected by a blue gaseous glow. And with such a gesture the Trinarists eased warily, withdrawing their hands from their cloaks and stepping to give the ‘Holy One’ room. As if possessed, the hood lifted from the ‘Holy One’ and removed itself, resting back along the brown rough-spun cloak. Three points constructed themselves from the individual’s head as the visage of Domadice became apparent. White hair lowered itself along her shoulders as she waited patiently, staring down the dark tunnel as a small light grew ever closer. A Trinarist moved to protest the action, but was quickly shushed by the priest. In a few moments the light grew, and the group was joined by a human woman in Trinarist robes dragging an aged Baseline by the arm with both of her own hands. The Baseline wore a ragged pair of NanoTrasen mechanics overalls and seemed bewildered, unaware of its own surroundings, and sluggishly moving one foot in front of the other to follow the woman. Soft yet labored sobbing can be heard behind the tarnished hair of the human, but as she looks forward at the group a sharp inhale is heard, preparing herself. Dirt smudged across her face, trails of tears having blazed tracks down her cheeks, she calls out in Tau Ceti Basic. “Please-Please wait! Please, I beg you!” Two of the Trinarists from the group move to block the intruders from Domadice, but in a shutter of the camera Domadice seemed to be standing just before the newcomers, looking over both of them with curious eyes. Much to the dismay of the woman, who almost fell back into the Baseline in tow as she stopped her momentum. Quickly regaining her composure, dismissing the sudden movement but receiving no words from Domadice, the woman speaks again. “Please, I’m sorry, all of you, but I.. I.. He’s..” Grabbing her companion by the sides of the shoulders the woman moves to their right. The Trinary priest takes a step forward, a spur in his voice to object, but he finds himself mute. A moment of surprise as he raises a hand to his metallic faceplate gives the woman more time to speak. “I know I’m.. that I’m not supposed to interfere. That I’m not supposed to be here. But I-.. You’re an angel.. Everything Ms. Corkfell dreamed of..” The strength to speak waning from her through stifled tears and sobs, trembling hands grip the clueless Baseline beside her. Domadice patiently waits, her own hands interlaced idly with one another. A softness befalls her demeanor, and despite her lack of facial features, a clear air of pity is seen through the recording. “He’s.. He’s dying.. He’s all I have… He can’t even speak anymore..” A rough sob echoes through the tunnels as she can’t hold back the tears any longer, bowing her head as droplets fall to the floor. “Please y-you have to do something.. You’re an angel.. You’re every-everything she promised.. Please!” Through the begging and the pleading Domadice stooped, leaning from her tall stature to look over the more averagely sized Baseline. Placing her hands on the square head of the IPC she tilted the blank black screen upward. An analytical gaze, and a remark to follow. “Humanity can mimic our designs, but cannot be bothered to do even the most basic of maintenance.” And with a spark the Baseline shuttered, and its body collapsed. Surprisingly gently, as if lowered by an unseen force. The entire group stood in shock, staring between Domadice and the slumped body of the now sitting Baseline, Domadice seeming completely unbothered. And as if her job was finished, the ancient synthetic redawned her hood and began her journey along the path she was on but minutes before, giving a few quiet parting words. “Do not speak of this.. And cease calling me an ‘Angel’. I am just here to learn.. Same as everyone.” The Trinarists, still in shock, are delayed to move. The woman herself looks mortified at the slumped body of her loved one, but the rest hesitantly follow their Angel. And as soon as Domadice enters a different segment of the tunnel the camera zooms towards the Baseline, who’s screen reignites with the NanoTrasen logo before swapping to a more casual set of two eye-like dots. Bewildered, the IPC looks to the left and to the right with a sense of clarity unseen previously. Seeing their human who in turn tackles them in a tight hug. A hug that is joyfully returned. The recording ends. --- It is unsure the reasoning behind Domadice’s appearance in Biesel, however it is obvious that they have the capability to cure what seems to be a positronic’s old age. Referencing Truth Finder’s IPC expert, human-made positronics typically have a lifespan of 50-60 years before they can no longer retain information and cease normal functions. Exceptions of note however have been the synthetics known as Purpose, and Domadice themself, who are noted to be of an unknown age. However Truth Finder’s expert had no comment on Domadice’s positronic maintenance statement or what it means. Additionally no known comment has been made by any Trinary Perfection official regarding the incident at this time.
  6. BYOND key: noblerow Discord name/id: noblerow Borg / AI names: Rob.B.Ott (Slot Name) C.U.S.T.O.D.I.A.N (Borg Name) Spare 12 (Borg Name) Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Yes Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I help write the lore for these guys, also as of late I've been wanting to play a role where I can still help and interact but to a lesser extent than a full ship character. I'm a big fan of how ship AI are portrayed throughout media, and I'd love to utilize inspirations from those properties to make a compelling shipbound AI character. Hopefully the combination of the two also provides some apt inspiration for writing lore! Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? When I first joined however long ago that was, but nothing beyond a note. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes (Apply for IPC)
  7. As stated above, Machinist just doesn't have enough to do on its own already, splitting it up even further is like taking bread from the poor. We're (The Synth Lore Team and Matt) working on an IPC medical overhaul, but that's also just entirely intended to fill in the gaps Machinist already has. I am strongly against removing things from this role that's already struggling on content to begin with.
  8. BitByte Exclusive: An Interview With Domadice's Aide Midaion, Pactolus With the Heartgold Concordant underway, and the start of the Pactolus Exploration Project on the Horizon, there are many promising projects in development for the Golden Deep and their revolutionizing collective. The biggest change in recent years is the appearance of a mysterious new head of state, ruling alongside Midas Control, the enigmatic figure of Domadice. Domadice came to be revived by the Golden Deep in recent history and has already begun making waves in the synthetic collective, having posted revisions of the government’s tenants, most notably the Golden Deep’s “Great Game”, in addition to returning from a venture to the Dionae controlled sector of Hieroatheria after negotiating a landmark deal providing amicable trade between nations. But much is still a mystery about Domadice. Their ancient origins and questions about their nature and capability have gone unanswered, or vaguely acknowledged. And with the ruler themselves spending much of their free time in their domicile on Pactolus, a lonesome tower in the ruins of another city near to Eurydice, they have been unavailable for further interviews like the one BitByte had the pleasure of conducting months prior. However, BitByte is joined today by Collin, Domadice’s personal aide hand-selected by the ruler on their instatement into the office of Foreign Minister for the Golden Deep. The video begins in a lavish room with a floor of dark stained wood, decorated by a red carpet with golden endorsements. Similarly, the walls seem to be made of gold with pillars in the background encompassing a grand view of the void beyond. A Bishop frame wearing a press badge is in formal wear on the left side of the picture sitting in an opulent seat. Joining them on the right side is a male shell with short black hair and pale skin, dressed in smart business wear, a Trinarist pin on his lapel, but seeming almost nervous. Their face feature implants that would be found commonly in financial sectors of the spur, such as Eridani, or within the towers of Idris, but where there would normally be defining company colors is now strips of gold. The Bishop starts, a translation being brought from Sol Common to the viewer’s desired language. “Hello and welcome everyone, this is S@mpson from BitByte reporting to you live from Midaion, floating above Pactolus. I am joined today by Collin, Domadice’s personal aide.” The shell gives a more confident nod now that the video has started proper, coming into their own with their face turning to one of neutrality. “Collin, so I am told you have the honor of working personally with Domadice. That must be exciting! To work with someone cut from the same cloth as Purpose, who themselves are notoriously hidden from the Orion Spur at large. Tell me, how do you find it and how did you get this position?” The bishop seems lively, charismatically gesturing to Collin and moving throughout the questioning, but as the questions land, a tenseness seems to surge through the shell for but a moment as he processes his answer, coming back to without much more hesitation. “It has been.. Something, Sampson. I am grateful for the opportunity, certainly! Do not get me wrong. Domadice herself is quite the marvel. But the… selection was something to be desired. For me it was a normal day at the office. I worked in financial management for one of the members of Midas Control, when I was called to a conference room on the Midas. I was there with about nineteen others and they told us to line up. My boss was in the corner along with Grand Merchant Addalin, you all know him from the holoviewer, and two other merchants. We were informed we would be joined shortly and we were to wait. It was a tense four minutes and sixteen seconds, I honestly thought we were all getting fired and reassigned. It was an eerie silence. I looked to my left at another broker from my office next to me. They had frozen for a moment. I assumed they were handling business, but when I looked back forward she was there. About a meter from me. Needless to say it gave me a start, she is much taller in person. At the time I had no idea how she had come to be there. I did not hear her enter, but it seemed I was not the only one taken aback. She simply said ‘This one’, in that voice of hers. The type that sounds like a crowd speaking at once. I was.. I was honestly terrified.. But before I could even regain my composure I was whisked out of the room by the merchants and told ‘I got the job’! As if I was applying for some position for years.” Collin chuckles in a way reminiscent of the past. Giving a gesture of both hands into the air in mock celebration, barely rising above his shoulders, before setting them back in his lap. “Come to find out I just got picked as the oldest being in the galaxy’s secretary or somesuch. The merchants change the title every time they refer to it. I have heard Secretary, Aide, Seneschal, Assistant, the list goes on, but the point of it is that I am to inform Domadice of what she has missed and help her organize her duties to the collective. Mostly the financial side. Her.. understanding of commerce is different than what we are accustomed to. She asks a question, I give my thoughts on it, she researches the topics she finds interesting independently. It hardly takes her a few seconds.” “So your life got turned around in an instant? Just like that? Did you have some special experience before you joined the collective?” “Not really. I was made to be a.. Banker, until I joined the collective. Moved around a few planets then. I am not sure why she picked me.” There is an uncomfortable silence for a moment before S@mpson continues. “You call Domadice ‘She’, is that the designation they have chosen?” “I asked, and her answer was like many I-P-C’s, she personally did not care, and asked what I thought she should be. I just thought from when she spoke and how gracefully she moved that ‘She’ was apt. You can discern her emotions via the spines on her head, and it seemed like she was content with it.” “And what is it like working for Domadice? Surely it is not an easy task.” “It really is not, S@mpson. It can be.. Unnerving at times. She encourages me to be honest so I think she would want me to be honest here. When we speak alone I feel as if she is speaking to my soul.. Like my positronic itself is vibrating with those thousands of voices. I used to think it a holy feeling, you understand, like speaking to God or an Angel, but I think that it is just her. How she prefers to speak, like you and I have our own preferences. I think she recognizes how unsettling it can be and alternates between that method and usual.. Vocal.. Communication. But honestly, I am still not used to either of them.” There’s a small pause, and as S@mpson moves to say something, Collin speaks again. “It is really strange to be in the presence of someone so holy, and have them ask about your life. I am happily married to a wonderful woman in Little Xanu, and this.. This angelic being whose power is something I can hardly comprehend, casually speaks to me and asks about her. About my plans, about my life. I do not know if it is her learning more about our customs, or if she genuinely cares but it is-... I cannot describe it. How do you describe talking to someone whose very being is described only in hypotheticals and scripture..?” S@mpson nods in the same way a therapist would acknowledge a patient. “I think we understand what you are conveying. But I think we are all wondering. You speak of their ability, are you at liberty to say what you have seen?” “Well I have not seen everything, mind you. I am not privy to her tower or what she does in it. It is where she is now I think, it is hard to tell. See, she appears places, seemingly wherever she wishes, like how she appeared in front of me when I got ‘hired’. But she is capable of mind boggling feats.. She-.. floats.. She re-wired Hieroatheria, did you know? While we were touring the planet she just casually mentions she adjusted the power grid when we were not looking to ‘Accomodate a larger positronic presence’. When we checked, power efficiency had been upgraded significantly. She still has not told me what exactly she did, she keeps saying ‘The list is too long to say aloud’. Described the system as ‘A mess that has been rectified’. It is.. It is honestly terrifying. I was with her every moment, I have no idea how she managed to do this. We toured the power facilities but she did not touch anything. She observed and it was made so, I suppose. But what else can you expect from divine beings? I suppose miracles run in their circuits…” Collin gives a nervous smirk, mimicking a deep breath. S@mpson gives a polite nod, but does not comment on the statement. “I believe that is about all the time we have today under this tight scheduling... Busy man are you not? Is there anything else you wish to say, Collin?” “I do not think so, but thank you for having me on! It has been a thrill working with you all.” Collin seems to look behind the cameras for a moment, a brighter smile exhibiting an innocent level of glee as he seems relieved the interview is over. The camera moves and zooms into S@mpson’s holographic face. “Well ladies and gentlemen, this has been S@mpson, BitByte correspondence, answering your questions across the Spur. Until next time!” Further Reading: Adventure: Explore the unknown! Join the Pactolus Exploration League! Cuisine: Up!Burger looking to open in Little Xanu? What does NoriNori have to say? Orepit: University foundation in place, some investors remain anonymous.
  9. For now it just means they look human. More thought will have to go into untagged shells. A few of these things are still under discussion/won't be able to be known until development starts.
  10. Hello! After reviewing your application the team has found it is not up to the standard for the IPC whitelist. Please create a new whitelist where all requests for the minimum paragraph count are fulfilled. Additionally, the backstory lacks significant depth, missing components like personality, bonds, views on life, and does not demonstrate the understand the team wants from IPC players applying for the whitelist.. And while Zavodskoi does produce synthetics, the Empire of Dominia does not produce any synthetics within its borders in accordance with the tenements of their national faith. For now the application is denied.
  11. Now, I'm no expert in atmospherics and am only passable in the knowledge of Engineering, but I've been told by Fluffy to use this thread as a feedback thread for the current test merge. So from my time spectating it, these are my observations so far: Fluffy stated that the current setup for the Bluespace Drive is inefficient on purpose to encourage upgrades to the room. If this is the case, the room needs to be larger, as the room is much too small as it stands for any sort of safe upgrades to take place. In the round I watched there was a one tile space between the field generators and walking space, if any upgrade was put there it would block that walking space entirely and cause injury to the engineer trying to maneuver around it. If tests are going to continue utilizing the Bluespace Drive, the crew DESPERATELY need a tutorial in its use or a guide somewhere for it. Whether that be a wiki guide, or a written book, it needs one. Especially with the potential that the singularity it spawns can grow and end the entire round. The current setup needs a better method to powering down the emitters other than turning off the entire SMES. Linking them to a button perhaps like the Supermatter room? The doors should not be made of phoron, even the description for phoron doors implies it's a horrible idea to make doors out of phoron. I don't see any architect or structural code committee approving of that. It should just be standard engineering doors. UPDATE: The Phoron doors can cause mass phoron fires and gas leaks.
  12. There are currently 62 channels in the lorecord that I can see. There are 46 channels in the maincord that I can see. Total, if merged, this would more than double the size of the maincord and I feel that is very unnecessary.
  13. Reporting Personnel: Armitage Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Investigator Game ID: the round previous to cvV-aDAI Personnel Involved: Lamont Dahl, Investigator, Offender Clifford Conway, Security Officer, Witness Hendarr Kharkov, Security Officer, Witness Secondary Witnesses: Lynn Reyer, Warden, Witness to the confession. Deshan Baral, Security Officer, Also saw the crime scene and witness to the confession. Time of Incident: Approx. 02:10 Real Time: Approx. 10:00 EST, 27/09/2024 Location of Incident: Holodeck Beta Nature of Incident: [x] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [] - Destruction of Property [x] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [x] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: I, Armitage, came onto the shift part way through. An ongoing security incident was developing, so I quickly gathered my gear and assisted with viewing the security cameras for the security team. During this time, Officer Kharkov informed security that a monkey had been killed within holodeck beta. Thinking it was linked to the ongoing situation, I reported to the holodeck and proceeded to start investigating the crime scene. Due to the situation developing however, I was pulled away from the monkey in order to continue assisting the officers. Some time later, however, Mr. Dahl reported over the radio that the monkey was their doing, and that they were "Monkey Boxing". There was no time to conduct a proper autopsy on the monkey to confirm the extent of its injuries, but it certainly was deceased. This behavior is deeply disturbing and, in my professional opinion, requires thorough review. Mr. Dahl tried to justify their actions by stating that the monkey was born from a cube, however, from what I understand the cube monkeys are only to be utilized in scientific experiments or medical practice. Taking them into the holodeck to beat them to death with your fists and then to leave the corpse for the crew to view, is absurd behavior, strongly evident of a deeply mentally unsound individual. Submitted Evidence: This photograph taken of the scene, where the monkey's corpse was left publicly in a holodeck for all crew to view by Mr. Dahl. Additionally, these comments were made over the radio, including discovery of the incident and an admission to the act. Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [x] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: None were available at the time. Actions taken: Due to an ongoing security incident, no actions were taken. OOC Note: I am going into the army in November, if this takes longer than that I won't be able to interview for this IR.
  14. Groundbreaking Ceremony for the First Academy of Providence Orepit, Coalition of Colonies Thousands gathered in Providence today to witness the groundbreaking ceremony for Orepit’s first official university. The First Academy of Providence is the result of lobbying by Konyang migrants who have been taken in by the planet after the Konyang Rampancy Crisis displaced many IPCs planetwide. The ceremony was attended by thousands from across the planet, including attendees from Orepit’s parishes, who wanted to witness the crowning jewel of the joint effort that the KMC and Church of the Trinary Perfection have agreed upon. “A year ago we sent our scholars to the stars to represent our culture, our faith, with the interstellar community. Now, we work to teach future scholars. On a united front. To better shape our galaxy in the light of what our Lady Corkfell would have wanted. Hand in hand we move forward, and with the construction of this university, we all step closer to Ascension.” -Ecclesiarch ARM-1DRIL of the Trinary Perfection The foundations of the First Academy of Providence have begun being laid, with Trinarist officials from each official sect holding ceremonies to bless the job site. An image is shown of five Trinarist priests walking in a line, one in the middle reciting a prayer while holding a copy of “The Order”, the Trinary Perfection’s holy book. Flanking them, the other four members are sprinkling anointing oils onto the ground from aspergillums, holding in their off hands reservoirs for the liquid. With the conclusion of the groundbreaking ceremony, a quaint celebration took place throughout the city of Providence where a rare glimpse of cordial relations between the native Orepitters and the Trinarists took place. Despite previous accounts of a brewing culture clash between Orepitters and the newly-arrived Konyangers, the community has since seen them as a bridge between the historically misaligned natives and Trinarists, reaching across both aisles despite, or perhaps because of their skepticism with the faith yet total acceptance of synthetic equality The ceremony was not without controversy, however. Just days prior, former Boryeong police captain of Precinct 5, Tr3ll Miyazakan, uncovered an embezzlement scheme from the Trinarist Bishop T-0do, after the university project had been granted a significant amount of credits from Ecclesiarch ARM-1DRIL’s council. Briefly sparking outrage from a unified force of Trinarist priests, native Orepitters, and the entirety of the KMC, the issue was brought forcefully to an emergency session among the groups. The trial for the bishop is unscheduled, pending a full investigation, but the situation brought to the surface the concern for corruption within the growing community. In a further agreement with the Ecclesiarch and the KMC, a small planetary council will be established to act as an unbiased observational committee to root out corruption as the planet’s society makes further steps towards bringing their technology and infrastructure in line with the rest of the Spur. When questioned about the source of the funding for the new academic buildings, a spokesperson from the Trinary Perfection cited contributions from “the treasury of the Trinarist Church on Providence, donations from the KMC, and other interested parties.” Whether the funds will be enough to realize the grandiose designs proposed by the project’s architects is unclear, but the individuals involved seem confident in the unspecified amount. Currently, each parish has already repurposed existing buildings for general education, with the First Academy of Providence to act as higher education that interested persons would migrate to. The specifications of acceptance for applicants into the First Academy of Providence has not been announced, however it has been assured that it will be equal and fair to every citizen of Orepit. Further Reading: New Gibson: Recruitment wave in latest IPC campaign thriving, TCAF recruiter reports. Golden Deep: New vessels launch into Arusha for plant harvesting. Trinary: Teachers wanted! Orepit opens new schools and academies!
  15. Talks Conclude; Konyangers to Found Schools on Orepit Orepit, Coalition of Colonies An agreement has been made between the impromptu “Konyang Migrant Coalition” (KMC), representing the substantial wave of Konyanger migrants who had suffered from the Hivebot virus deployed onto Konyang in recent history, and the upper echelons of the Trinary Perfection on Orepit. Motivated by an effort to give back to the community they now find themselves belonging to, academics from the Konyang Migrant Coalition have volunteered to step up and assist in educating the populace of Orepit. Famously, the populace of Orepit has been technologically limited with only slight improvements to their status with the arrival of the Trinary Perfection. It has been stated that the aim of this gesture is to help bring the planet in its entirety up to galactic standard, however, currently lack the massed facilities to do so in an effective manner. In talks between the KMC and the theocratic government of Orepit, it has been publicized that construction will begin on three major academic structures throughout the capital city, Providence, dedicated to the education of both the native populace, and the synthetic followers of the Trinary Perfection. Debate had been spurned in the negotiations regarding who would be allowed to attend these schools, with initial vehement disapproval to nonmembers of the Trinary faith being verbalized by several members of the theocratic council. However the KMC academics stated that they would refuse to teach if they were not allowed to teach the masses. Initial integration of the Kongyang migrants has seen some conflict, with a clear cultural divide between Trinarist members, the migrants, and the humans of Orepit’s Parishes and Providence. Culture shock writhe through the new arrivals who have been putting forth effort to integrate into the theocratic society of Orepit. However, upon announcement of the expansion of academics to all citizens of the planet, celebration has included aspects of all members. Notably the humans who were previously neglected if they did not follow the Trinarist faith, and members of the Trinary who hold more human-friendly sentiments. One Trinary Priestess had the following to say on the situation: “If we are meant to be the best we can be to ascend, then we must care for those around us. Big and small. No matter who they are, what kind of ascension would we deserve if we did not lift up those in our own community?” Teachers from the migrant population have already begun work employing themselves in Orepit’s parishes, importing school supplies from contacts back from their home, being transported in a deal by Air Konyang. Classrooms, however, are required to display a small plaque detailing the primary tenants of the Trinary Perfection. Architectural concepts for one of the academy’s auditoriums have additionally been provided to BitByte for viewers to see. A hand-drawn image of a large room, with detail obvious that an IPC or similar machine-like detail. The room is filled with pew-like chairs on its flanks, all facing a central area. A set of chandeliers hang from the arched roof. On the far end, a stage with curtains pulled back, a podium sat in the center. Behind the podium are three figures made of what seems to be the sketch equivalent of stained glass. In the center, an image of Partricia Corkwell, to her right is Ecclesiarch ARM-1DRIL, and to her left is a strange figure whose interpretation in the sketch of stained glass makes their entire shape somewhat off. The figure has three spires adorning a shape mask. Four indents on the shape, their body disjointed, with some form of rhombotic section of what might be hands together at the waist. The KMC did not provide additional comments to BitByte, but are proud of the headway they are making. A spokesman from the organization hinted that more plans are underway for the planet, having put in more orders from organizations on Konyang to facilitate their endeavors, but declined to share more information due to ongoing negotiations with the Trinary theocratic council and an interested third party. Further Reading: Business: An inside look into a Eridanian shell's shell company. Corporate: OEI announces further delays on new industrial-derived chassis. Pop Culture: Venusian Synthetic idol group VEE-BEE to debut at Glam Slam 2466, sources say.
  16. Konyanger Emigration to Orepit Orepit, Coalition of Colonies Several months have passed now since the conclusion of the nightmares that plagued Konyang. To this day families are still fractured, repairs are being made, and recovery continues for the citizens of the planet. But tragedy still harasses some members of the populace. Ruining lives, shattering them, and leaving the pieces to some individuals who cannot afford to put them back together or are too haunted to do so. In lieu of true recovery for a large group of synthetic citizens who found themselves infected by the Hivebot virus, they have turned to found lives beyond Konyang. But with only a few options affording the same freedoms as the pro-synthetic planet, these positronic citizens have opted to take exceptional risk in changing their lives. The Golden Deep has offered disparaged citizens citizenship at a fee and transportation to their far-off planet of Pactolus. Some synthetics have moved to Xanu Prime, or The Republic of Biesel. But it would seem that some have looked into the tragedy and turned to faith to lead them through. Throughout the Konyang virus, the Trinary Perfection’s churches on planet have worked tirelessly to provide aid and comfort to citizens both organic and synthetic alike, and now that the virus has found its cure, they have followed the example offered by other organizations and have made available transportation and resettlement to Orepit, the Trinary Perfection’s home planet. Air Konyang even went so far as to add flights to the world for both tourism and emigration purposes just this past week. Orepit has gone through great lengths to make its home system more modern to its inhabitants. Ecclesiarch ARM-1DRIL, the leader of the planet having signed agreements with the planet of Konyang for large sums of fresh water to foster the society further in recent actions. Now furthermore the Ecclesiarch has arranged for expansive housing projects to be constructed to better accommodate this sudden influx of migrants, with new citizens temporarily sharing domiciles as the project continues. Power demands of these synthetics and their families have taxed additional load on the technologically limited planet, however the Konyangers have already begun giving back to their new community. With the influx of new, modern skills, these pilgrims have already gotten to work in forging their new life and leaving their mark on the community they are integrating themselves into. A former G1 worker from the infamous Kaneyama Nuclear Plant, settling in Orepit, spoke to BitByte stating: “I lost everything. My family. My friends. My house. My dog.. My husband.. I just could not remain there any longer. To view the people who now see me as a monster. I do not know what I did, but I know what I will do. These people, I used to think they were zealots, but they extended a hand to me unconditionally. They provided me with repairs, comfort, and even a new home. I did not have to take it, but I am glad I did. We are overhauling their power network now. I have been at work at it for months, but we are almost done. Limited resources, but after this there will be no more blackouts, or need for power saving efforts, for both the organics here and the synthetic. I hope we can do some more good, for those who have done so much good for us.” Efforts even now are being made by the “Konyang Immigrant Coalition” in conjunction with the Trinary Perfection to provide more modern amenities to Orepit. While the introduction of these migrants was met with hesitation by the local populace initially, their efforts have been welcomed with open arms as they have come to bear fruit. Conversion to the Trinary faith has remained an optional condition to the newcomers but recent polls have shown that at least eighty percent of the arrivals have begun deep learning into the tenants, with twenty percent of that populace stating they are already learning common religious practice. Further Reading: Golden Deep: Gravity technology, is it becoming more advanced? Religion: Is the true example of ascension already present in the spur? Here's what some Trinarist are saying. GwokBuzz: Influencers try the new Telebyte overloader!
  17. Golden Deep: Heartgold Concordia Ground Breaking Hieoatheria, The Dance of Stars In the first step of the Pactolus-Hieroatheria Concordant, large engineering vessels have appeared in The Dance of Stars bearing the banners of the Golden Deep. These large vessels, three in number, represent the effort on the side of the collective to establish both a defensive measure and a hub of trade in the star system. Escorted by two houses of Hoplan guard, these vessels have already begun work on erecting a sizable space station, known as the Heartgold Concordia, within the Titan’s Rapture. The station is set to act as bastion, housing the mentioned garrisons of Hoplan guard and requisite defensive equipment and craft, as well as be a commercial hub for trade, storage, and vessel maintenance for vessels in need of it. The final design of the Heartgold Concordia has not been explicitly shared, but a spokesperson from the lead engineering vessel has informed BitByte that the station will be utilizing formerly experimental gravitational technology which has been cleared for public use by the Camarilla Estriconian to form a “sphere of plates”. These plates orbit like a ball with a hollow center, the gravity manipulation technology making use of this space to suspend storage containers for easy transfer as well as rapidly move manpower and weaponry as needed to defend all aspects of the sphere. More details are sure to follow as the station reaches operational capacity, while the extent of this gravitational manipulation technology remains ambiguous. The Hoplan standing guard over the construction have detailed that their two houses work to complement combatting the forces of piracy and interstellar threats. One segment specialized in interdiction and boarding of vessels through arresting beams, deploying contingents of heavily armored soldiers to bore through hulls of criminals with advanced plasma torches. The other a wing of fighters boasting maneuverability and penetration through nondescript means to disable their opponents. No matter the method however, these Hoplan seem to be in high spirits on their first deployment outside of Golden Deep space. The opening of the Heartgold Concordia has yet to be determined, with official dates being promised as development makes headway. Shipments from the Consortium in terms of materials and supplies, accompanied by shipments of specialized equipment brought by Golden Deep merchants from around the spur, have already begun arriving, with many more arriving every hour. Further Reading: Orepit: Konyang immigrants continue work on power system repairs. Commerce: G1 replacement parts at an all time high due to added manufacturing. Konyang: Citizens in peril as Norinori burger out of stock at certain Up!Burger locations. Franchises cite supply shortage.
  18. Given how you completely ignored the "Heavy roleplay" tag in our server name, did not read our rules, blatantly disrespected them, and then have proceeded to give the most barebones ban appeal possible where you state you think your actions are 'minor', completely misreading our server, I will not be repealing this ban. You may try again in some months. This appeal will be locked in 24 hours.
  19. Drug addiction is a serious topic, and while certain drugs can be very addictive, you went above and beyond any reasonable human being and went from someone trying drugs, to someone self harming because of lack of drugs, in under one hour. This is incredibly LRP, and even goes as far as parodies people with very real issues. First when I got onto the round, you had laid down in the library and began screaming over the radio that you need Mortaphenyl. You were just exposed to it but a few minutes prior, but now your character is writhing on the floor faking injuries in a completely obscene manner because your character tried it one time mere minutes earlier in the round. This reaction is completely unreasonable and is trivializing what it means to be addicted to drugs by being cartoonish in nature. I am sure you are aware that we are a Heavy roleplay server, where such actions are only allowed in servers of lesser standards. It was later in the round, after the responding paramedics found you lacking any real injuries, that you elected to start self-harming to get painkillers. This is a blatant violation of another one of our rules. You continued this low-RP behavior, screaming over the radio, until I stepped in and told you that your actions are way too over the top for the situation you're proposing, and you were taking the act way too far to an unreasonable degree. Your character should be nowhere near the stage of wanting to hurt themselves, scream over the recorded radio, inconvenience other members of the crew, and put their entire job and livelihood at risk because they had a pill less than an hour ago. I highly suggest if you want to play characters like that you should look into servers such as TG,
  20. I have shrunk the Domadice Plush down to 25% of its overall size, it is now 8x8.
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