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Everything posted by Jboy2000000

  1. Jboy2000000

    Remove Pool

    Instead of removing the pool, what about moving it? Jackboot-Kun is right, its pretty hard to not walk into a 3x5 pool in the middle of the room.
  2. Why carry a welder and wires around when you can have something small enough to fit in your pocket that can fix your hand just as well? OOCly that would be a simple solution, ICly, Ryder likes to use his hand more than the real one, and as such he wants to take care of it, and its not out of his nature to tinker and make things, so something he can use to better maintain his hand would be a no-brainer for him to want and make.
  3. BYOND Key: Jboy2000000 Character name: Ryder Pratt Item name: Prosthetic Repair Kit Why is your character carrying said item to work? Its a a kind of multi-tool he made at home to easily repair his and others prosthetic limbs. Item function(s): Repairing prosthetic limbs. (Preferably both burn and brute, but one or the other is fine.) Item description: A homemade looking tool to repair robotic limbs. Item appearance: Id hate to make this hard on anyone, and since I can't sprite, a black and red (robotics colours) multi-tool would look fine. Additional comments:
  4. Im with Sue on this one, Nuke really isn't make for a heavy RP server, and the weapons and armour give to Nuke Ops only makes it easier for people to gank, grief and such. There was only ever once Ive seen a nuke op round go good, and that was when there were two admins on the side of the nuke ops, one of which being the team leader.
  5. As another question, to anyone who wants to answer, Im just quoting Frances here, Frances said that due to restructuring staff, apps were caught in a limbo. Are you guys restructuring like how you appointed different people to accept/deny different apps, or are you doing something else? And how long should we expect apps to be in the limbo state?
  6. No one ever brought the chaplain into RD, and Rose was in the chapel when the welder bomb went off, and there wasn't an engineer in the hallway when the welder tank exploded either.
  7. Battletoads? I thought the contract said wrestling reptiles, I quit!
  8. Are we going to need to break up the forum into 12 sections and hold a Rusty Game?
  9. Lets shoot them both and crown a new Rusty!
  10. All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth! And money, vidya games, controllers and XBox live cards.
  11. I did adminhelp directly after the chapel was welderbombed, but after there was no reply I assumed admins were busy with something else or not around at all. In addition to what happened in this complaint, I now have more to add on. The round is going on and the shuttle has been called, and Oliver Leech started beating James over the head with an extended O2 tank. So that EoR greif to.
  12. BYOND Key: Jboy2000000 (James Reaper) Player Byond Key: Unknown (Del-Rel Tanner, Rose Miller, and Oliver Leech) Reason for complaint: I walked into the chapel and found all three of them in there, hacking into the chapel office, with a welder tank behind the tables. When they saw me Del-Rel instantly welder bombed the chapel, and the other two followed James out of the vented chapel. After which they started to wordlessly beat him with his own holy book and a cane, the only time said anything during the event was "Praise Jesas." Afterwords they hid from security by running into botany. The entire hallway outside of the chapel was vented, closing off all of science, and cutting off everything from the library to escape for a few minutes.
  13. "___ Has entered Cryo Storage." "A Bluepace Tech teleported in after an incident with ___ occurred" "Security! Theres a ___" "My ___ brings all the boys to the bar." "Ceiling ___ is watching you ___"
  14. Jboy2000000

    The List

    Jboy20000000 Jason Boyd: Ex-Officer/Warden turned full time ERT security. Dandy Azoth: Cook, bartender, botanman, and keeper of the flowers. James Reaper: Chaplain, Old man who can't eat solids. Vadim Gorski: A baldie who actually does security good. Heinrich Adler: Psychologist, professional German. Charlie Robinson: Boring Chemist. Ajmal Hamud: Islamic Virologist. Miracle Kifer: Quarterbitch. Ryder Pratt: Machatronic Engineer, Brit. Jackson Sullivan: Classic Farmer's Boys. Alisa Keener: Medical Doctor, Potential CMO. Damon Sloan: Really handy engineer.
  15. BYOND key: Jboy2000000 Character names: Jason Boyd (Now ERT only), Dandy Azoth/Mann, James Reaper, Jack Sullivan (Dead), Vadim Gorski, Heinrich Adler, Charlie Robinson, Ajmal Hamud, Miracle Kifer, Ryder Pratt, Jackson Sullivan, Alisa Keener, Damon Sloan. How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Four Months. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: To fill the ever so commonly needed yet rarely filled position of CMO, to keep medbay in line, and hopefully keep IC ethics in check. Why did you come to Aurora?: It was pure chance, none of the servers seemed to be working when I first downloaded BYOND, and Aurora was the first to work. I just stuck with it after that. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?:Yes Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:Roleplay, simply put, is about playing a rule you've give yourself. More than anything it should be about enjoying what you do, without making it less enjoyable for others. That being said, being a head roleplay is important, so you need to act maturely as them. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:The purpose of a head of staff is to make sure the staff under them work smoothly, and that if something goes awry they can work together with each other to resolve the situation in the best was possible. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:Setting a mark as others who want to play better or advance to heads themselves. I got to the point where I thought I was ready to be a head myself from watching, observing and learning from heads. I hope that I can live up to the people Ive observed by doing my best as a head and hopefully setting good examples for others. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Alisa Keener Character age: 32 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): She was born on Luna, to a married family with one missionary father and a mother in marines. For the first fives years of her life, her father taught her his religious believes, but in doing so ended up in the hospital every year on her birthday with water toxicity, caused by drinking to much holy water to celebrate another year of life. When she turned five, it stopped when she started going to Catholic school. It was strict, but she seemed to enjoy going to school everyone day of the week, especially her biology and religious study classes. However, no matter how much she loved her classes, she still had to retake a two years, getting out only after she spent an extra two years there. After which she started to attend Biesel Institute of Medical Science, after two more years severing with her father's missionary group. While she was in school, but before she started to go to medical school, she would go on the occasional trip with her father's missionary group, going to some of the less better off places around the galaxy, learning to love the species found around the station, and learning that just feeding people and giving them spiritual advice wasn't enough. People were getting sick and injured without proper medicine. Before she went to medical school, she started putting in hours in volunteer clinics whenever she went with her father. At first it was just grunt work, getting names, vitals, and doing paperwork, but eventually desperate people started letting her do more, take blood, treat open wounds, people died in her care, but she learned. The extra two failed years in school came from this, she was focused on wanting to help people in god's name so much, that she let her other classes fall through the gaps. After graduating, she continued on with doing missions for free, up until she couldn't because of costs. In an effort to keep helping people, she signed on with an unregistered trade vessel run out of border space, working as the sole medical personnel on board. That lasted up until the ship was seized for selling unregistered cargo. At that point no one would take her because of her fresh criminal record. Then she found Nanotrasen. What do you like about this character?:Shes my first attempt at having a group of people who know each other IC. Not only that, but its nice to have someone who actually cares so much about paperwork (its more fun than you think), and acts like a real person in that she actually cares about karma, religious and ethics. What do you dislike about this character?:Shes a bit timid, and she tends to respect heads more than others simply because they're a head, and that leads to situations where shes stuck kissing the boot of people people that don't deserve it, following orders without to much question. Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff? (Please note that Head characters must be over 30, unless given special clearance):Yes Why?:Shes more than used to taking charge of people, even if is the injured of a small ship, and shes more than keen of making sure everything has its proper place, everything is there, and that paperwork is done and accounted for. Shes also had her own trial run as CMO, in a secret round where the station was attacked by "radical terrorists," and she handled herself well enough, earning no OOC scorn from those involved. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?:On a scale on 1-10, Id give myself an 8/10, because theres always more to work on, but I feel Im good, but 9 seems a little high, simply because I make a few to many spelling mistake than Id like to admit. Extra notes:
  16. Miracle Kifer... ...Use to be a captain of an unregistered trade vessel, only coming to Nanotrasen because Sol government took her ship for selling unregistered medicine. ...Literally has no idea what her middle name is. Its been ages since shes seen her parents, and she never bothered to ask, so whenever she needs to use her middle name, she makes one up on the spot. ...Lacks a higher degree of morality. Shes fine with Unathi taking and selling slaves, but she'll remember for weeks if she accidentally gets cross with one of her friends. ...Likes her whiskey mixed with beer, with three ice cubes. Alisa Keener... ...Is a devout catholic. ...Was born on Luna, and only went to the other worlds because of she would go on Missionary trips with her father. ...Is the spawn on a Missionary father and a Marine mother. ...Has an acute fear of synthetics, but shes slowly learning to get used to IPC's and borgs, yet she can barley handle being in the same room as a medibot. ...Has never so much as kissed a boy. ...And on a related note, fears she may be slowly realizing shes been a closeted homosexual her whole life. Damon Sloan... ...Lost his hands in an engine mishap, where both were gibbed in a machine while still attached. ...Has a sweet spot for bovines. Don't tell him about Betsy burgers. ...Tries his best to never has his flask empty, unless hes the one emptying it. ...Tries to stay out of space whenever he can. ...Doesn't mind occasionally getting smacked in the behind by his superiors.
  17. Jboy2000000

    Bomb collars

    It would be pretty cool, especially if that event with the slavers Ive been hearing about happens again. But who would get it? Should it be Nuke Ops only, added to Syndie Uplink, or just able to be made somehow, like by science?
  18. White Card: "Syrus Seto's Prostate." "I Suck, Assistant" "A large beaker of space lube." "A wet floor sign." "Unathi Heads."
  19. Jboy2000000


    I think allergies would be a real nice thing, especially with stuff like food, spaceacillin and bees. One time I even saw, if I remember correctly, someone who had a character allergic to cryo fluid, imagine how funny it would be shove someone in a cryo tube to save their life, only to have them die moments later of anaphylaxis.
  20. For the second one, in case it isn't sprited yet, it looks like it would work like the current one. I see a little line above the green screen, maybe that changes colour. Or maybe its the big green screen, but that seems a little unattractive.
  21. Call Card "ERP in the future with ___" "I was having fun until I was robusted by ___" "___ is the captain!" "Looks you got space AIDS from ___" "___FUCKER9000!" "Skull is to busy selling his ___ to play." Response Cards "Sucrikitties." "All the midgets in Lesbay." "Nur'Sie." "ERP Spooders." We should really have a game with these cards some time. Edit: Actually, Id be more than willing to host a game tonight on Xyzzy should anyone be interested.
  22. I don't mind if people want to be called a Security Officer, but Id love it if security got Alt titles for those who want to be "Guards" specifically.
  23. Why is "Scat Porn" in the response section three times? Is there something you're trying to tell us Rusty? Dandy's AIDs as a response.
  24. Jboy2000000

    G'Bye Mates!

    Subpar? From what Ive seen, you're pretty great man. I don't know about about all that other stuff, the insults and the age, but if someone is insulting you for something thats making it to the point where you feel like you need to leave, especially if it's on the server, tell the admin. Rule 0 "Don't be a dick."
  25. I made two different forms for recording the contents of medical storage, one for the brig infirmary and one for medical storage. I didn't save the one for medical storage before writting it, but heres the one for the brig, filled out with what spawns there already. [small][b] [center] Nanotrasen Inc. Medical Branch.[/center] [/b][/small] [hr] [center][b]Record of Medical Supplies. Security Brig Infirmary.[/center] [/b] [hr] [list] [*] One Straight Jacket and Muzzle. [*] Three (3) Syringes of Inaprovaline. [*] Two (2) fully stocked First Aid Kits. [*] Two (2) Stasis Bags. [/list] [hr] Person Preforming Records: [field] Signature: [field] [hr] [center]Stamp of Head of Security and Cheif Medical Officer or Captain.[/center] It may be a little bulky, but this is really my first time making my own paperwork.
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