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Everything posted by spacevoidagent
spacevoidagents IPC Whitelist Application
spacevoidagent replied to spacevoidagent's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
That, uh. Doesn't reflect too well on you as a player. Well, technically I didn't do it. I watched. -
spacevoidagents IPC Whitelist Application
spacevoidagent replied to spacevoidagent's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Thanks for the good words. I have been playing both Diona more recently, perhaps you will see more of them. -
spacevoidagents IPC Whitelist Application
spacevoidagent replied to spacevoidagent's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Do you remember Dragon? I think his name was. Me and you were both Nuke Ops one time. It was the round when we blew up the ERT when they arrived? We practically completed our objectives. I'm not sure if you remember it but I Do. But thanks for taking a neutral look at things. -
spacevoidagents IPC Whitelist Application
spacevoidagent replied to spacevoidagent's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Most of my posts relating to Tajaran are shitposts anyway. I dont recall attacking anyone and a lot of my posts are constructive and relative to the topic. Plus, I already have a Fiona whitelist, and people like my Diona characters so I think I can handle a whitelist. -
spacevoidagents IPC Whitelist Application
spacevoidagent replied to spacevoidagent's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Alright, thanks for your input. Age isn't a problem right? Because the age of a IPC doesn't really matter. How about a legion or two was built to perform as Riot Police on Mendell City? It can be any city really, Mendell is the only one that I know of. They could be Riot Police or a SWAT team of sorts. -
spacevoidagents IPC Whitelist Application
spacevoidagent replied to spacevoidagent's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Do you care to elaborate on my attitude and role-playing? Frankly I have never seen you on the server. Also, how is my huge line of IPCs not make sense? I was using the Line Model description from the Wiki as a basis. -
spacevoidagents IPC Whitelist Application
spacevoidagent replied to spacevoidagent's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Sorry I tried to make a story that was based around the Roman Military but according to the lore. I thought a line model would explain why they are modeled after the Romans but now I see how hundreds of thousands isn't very plausible. Would a line model of a few thousand be more realistic? Designed just for escorts/military duties for embassies? Some help shaping a backstory would be helpful. -
Dreamix's Skrell Application
spacevoidagent replied to Dreamix's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
We need more Skrell on the Station considering they are smart and have the best and oldest relationship with Humanity, so this has my support. -
BYOND Key: spacevoidagent Character Names: Brayden Striker, STRYKER (AI), David Wolfe, Edward Greenwood, The Storm of Life and The Force that Pulls Stars. Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I have. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Because I think the concept of playing a robot is pretty cool. They can behave differently depending on how they were programmed, taught, etc. I think the idea of being a Line Model IPC is cool, as you aren't really unique and could help shape your character. There also isn't much IPC's as I used to see, so I think it would be good to see some more variety. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: This species isn't even a species, by definition. They are completely robotic, a Integrated Positronic Chassis. They take less Brute Damage, charge of of APC's instead of food, and in my opinion, look cool. They need a suit cooling unit to go E.V.A, and the opportunity to play 'Gimmicky' characters is possible due to the fact they are programmed to behave a certain way. IPCs could be slave-like, Hipsters, Normal Workers, Anti-Social, or overly-social, depending on their background/programming. The IPCs are really cool. Character Name: Evocatus Marcius Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Evocatus, a strange name. In Ancient Rome, the Evocatus was a veteran of the Roman Army, whom had earned his military diploma for military service, but chose to re-enlist. They were paid twice the basic wage, and were exempt from regular duties such as manual labour. On Earth, not many people wanted to become Officers or Guards in the cities of Earth. There was plenty of crime, and other dark things that went on in the slums and cities across the world, that could make any mans hair stand up on the back of his neck. To counter crime and this problem, they resorted to IPC. The perfect machine for the job, feeling no fear, pain, or emotion, ordinary wounds to a human would have no effect on the IPC, knives would bounce off the metal frame, and bullets would deflect or simply stick into the metal. A small privately owned Defense Corporation was contacted to manufacture a line model to fulfill the duties required. They manufactured two legions (10,000) of the 'Legion Model IPC', who were based upon the Roman Army, from ranks such as Centurion, Legate, and Evocatus, to a special outer shell designed to copy the function and aesthetics of Roman Armor. Evocatus Marcius was like the thousands of other 'Evocatus', the only thing different about him was his Unit-ID, Marcius. Each IPC of the 'Legion Model' has a classic roman name following their rank. Marcius' legion was assigned as a Elite Police Force on Ahdomai. They performed the duties of Riot Police, SWAT Teams, and small assault forces to take down drug rings and the such. He wasn't paid, as this was one of the driving factors why the Republic replaced human officers. He patrolled 18 hours a day, and charged for 4 hours. For the remaining two hours, he underwent routine training with the rest of his Legion. He was experienced, and did his purpose well. His amor was marked with the scars of previous conflicts. Scratches, dents, and empty bullet holes were plentiful on his armor, many of them coming from a Riot on Ahdomai. After 10 years of Service, the 'Legion Model IPCs' were released from duty, as the company that created them recently released a new line modeled after 21st Century Special Forces, who are much cheaper and efficient compared to the Legion Models. Marcius had no money to preserve himself, and couldn't find employment in Biesel, as his only experience was in Security. He learned of a opportunity aboard a NanoTrasen Research Station, and decided he could offer his services there as a security officer. What do you like about this character? I like that he isn't a especially unique character in a way. He is one of hundreds of thousands llike him. He was programmed to be cold, fearless, and emotionless, to get the job done. He has no real personality other then small amounts of data and observation saved after years of service dealing with the multitude of Species on Biesel. He will make a good character, and I will do a good job of playing him. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8/10 Notes: I like Roman Military fluff. Edit: Fixed the Age, and adjusted the number of 'Legion Model IPCs' built from 100,00 to only 10,000, serving as a Elite Police Force instead of a General Police Patrol Force.
I'm only going to say two things. Yesterday's event (created by Wer) was the first time I have ever seen your character, so I don't know if you've really been here two months or what. Secondly, during that event you went against multiple orders from the HoS and Captain to leave the body. I wont really blame you for this because it eventually escalated to a war between security and medical with one or two rogue security officers.
I was the officer involved at the scene. (Brayden Striker) I received calls over radio for Security to help in Cargo, I ran over as soon as I could and found the NukeOp on a stretcher in the door, Echo standing nearby, and Zairjah. standing nearby as well. I asked what happened, they explained the Operative came and attacked everyone, and they got him trapped in the airlock. As I went to the airlock, I opened the airlock and dragged the rollerbed because I was going to cuff him on that and take him to medical to get treated. In my screen, the Op was still buckled into the bed and attacking others. I struggled to get my baton out and the Operative and Zairjah ran into the mining gear room and the airlock closed before I could run inside. I heard the struggle, and told the AI to open up, who then said "Wait" before I said "Now AI" and then the door was opened. Inside, the Op was beating Zairjah, whom was down on the ground, with a shovel. I stun batoned him and his tirade was over.
Yeah I hate Tajarans OOC and IC because of past experiences on multiple servers. Back in the day of you played a Tajaran the only reason you did was to ERP, because so many human females have a fetish for furry pricks apparently. Nowadays some behavioral issues are still prevalent in a HRP environment. They are contained with three other players and don't interact with others. They have no respect towards the law, (speaking cat over radio even when told to stop by superiors), and none play according to the lore. Tajaran should be quiet, hard working individuals doing menial tasks. I'm still a firm believer Tajarans should be restricted to Civilian jobs because the chances of a Tajaran being hired over a human/Skrell on a research station are so slim, you would only see them cleaning floors and being assistants because those are the only jobs they would receive. I'm allowed to hate Tajarans IC. I am xenophobic, so what. I tell insults all the time, others find it funny, others don't. If Lore held true, Tajarans wouldn't dare talk back out of fear of getting fired or removed. If my picture isn't clear enough, the Tajaran hate could be comparable to the times after the civil war. There would be segregation in place against the Tajarans, and even Unathi. By this time, Humans would have a positive image about the Skrell and no laws would be in place against them. Tajarans would live in ghettos, use different restrooms, work low paying jobs, and only the young would receive some education. Even then, the education would be mediocre, and managers would rather hire a human other then a Tajaran.
Doing that is what made our current aliens break. Well I apologize, but don't you feel it is in everyone's best interest to communicate with the Whole community and deliver a final message about the topic? Instead of us continuing to badger about the topic at hand?
Doing that is what made our current aliens break. Well I apologize, but don't you feel it is in everyone's best interest to communicate with the Whole community and deliver a final message about the topic? Instead of us continuing to badger about the topic at hand?
spacevoidagent replied to Susan's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
You realize that education and being in a research position doesn't necessarily equal the amount of liberalism required for racism not to be a thing, right? The United States space program has its home and origins in one of the most openly bigoted places in the first world. You're conjuring up a fantasy world where a community/work space being heavily composed of intelligent researchers means they're all against the grain of social norms. You're imposing your INCREDIBLY WRONG worldview on both reality and a setting that don't agree with it. I'm against doing shit like confining Tajarans (or any species) to specific jobs, but yes, people are belligerent bigot douchebags while simultaneously having the intelligence to be rocket scientists, brain surgeons, and plasma researchers. It's only relatively recently that being this way publicly has become socially unacceptable, and in SS13 I don't get the impression that the social interactions between humans and aliens have advanced far enough for bigotry to have become socially unacceptable on a broad scale yet. Almost your entire opinion is objectively and factually incorrect in Aurora's lore. I say almost to give you benefit of the doubt, I don't know that anything you've said is actually right, but I don't know our lore back to front. You seem to have some serious personal hate-on for Tajarans and Unathi. so you just threw a while lot of words in my mouth that i did not say (im starting to remember why i dont talk in forums). Now i dont know what imaginary world your created, o4 how little thought you've put in this, but I've given this topic considerable thought. If we follow your created lore with hateful racism being so rampant then it wouldn't make since that we have taj heads or for that matter xenos onbord at all. Inorder to make things make since in your world we would have to bann alll taj and unathi(maybe one gets highered for janitor). But no thats not the situation on aurora, we have lots of xenos and lots of head xenos, so they are clearly more accepted to the community than the imaginary lore you suggest. Th3 nice thing about this is we get to decide what is lore and what is not. Since the community decided to have lots of xenos even in head , then to make since of it that means the races are more accepted then what you say The lore before the loredevs bent over for the furries was realistic and immersive. Tajarans and Unathi were restricted from heads, and only Skrell (The only equally intellectual race) were allowed head roles. But even then, Skrell could only be RD, CMO I believe. The lore isn't imaginary, read up on the wiki. Ahdomai is covered in the remains of a brutal war, villages and towns are battered with craters and remnants of a war. There is a small amount of developed cities, but even those are small and not even comparable to modern say cities. New York from the 1950-70s is more impressive and functioing then that Tajaran shithole. A picture in the wiki shows the only noteworthy city, which is of course the capital. The Tajaran cats would still be picking themselves and fighting each other if it wasn't for the humans. Humanity brought everything to the Tajara, education, money, freedom, and more money. Even then, NanoTrasen only educates the Tajarans born in the last ten years, as they use the middle and older aged Tajarans as menial workers cutting lumber and mining. Hell, there is still revolutinaires trying to start shit. Ahdomai is a shithole, and is going to be for a long time. NanoTrasen has taken no interest in the Tajara except for their own personal gain. They choose to poorly educate the young Tajara so they feel worth or something of the likes. The socio-economic gap is HUGE. As you distance yourself from the developed cities, you see how shitty the majority of the Tajara species live. Tajarans are inferior and deserve to be treated as such. Human Master Race. -
spacevoidagent replied to Susan's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
You realize that education and being in a research position doesn't necessarily equal the amount of liberalism required for racism not to be a thing, right? The United States space program has its home and origins in one of the most openly bigoted places in the first world. You're conjuring up a fantasy world where a community/work space being heavily composed of intelligent researchers means they're all against the grain of social norms. You're imposing your INCREDIBLY WRONG worldview on both reality and a setting that don't agree with it. I'm against doing shit like confining Tajarans (or any species) to specific jobs, but yes, people are belligerent bigot douchebags while simultaneously having the intelligence to be rocket scientists, brain surgeons, and plasma researchers. It's only relatively recently that being this way publicly has become socially unacceptable, and in SS13 I don't get the impression that the social interactions between humans and aliens have advanced far enough for bigotry to have become socially unacceptable on a broad scale yet. Almost your entire opinion is objectively and factually incorrect in Aurora's lore. I say almost to give you benefit of the doubt, I don't know that anything you've said is actually right, but I don't know our lore back to front. You seem to have some serious personal hate-on for Tajarans and Unathi. so you just threw a while lot of words in my mouth that i did not say (im starting to remember why i dont talk in forums). Now i dont know what imaginary world your created, o4 how little thought you've put in this, but I've given this topic considerable thought. If we follow your created lore with hateful racism being so rampant then it wouldn't make since that we have taj heads or for that matter xenos onbord at all. Inorder to make things make since in your world we would have to bann alll taj and unathi(maybe one gets highered for janitor). But no thats not the situation on aurora, we have lots of xenos and lots of head xenos, so they are clearly more accepted to the community than the imaginary lore you suggest. Th3 nice thing about this is we get to decide what is lore and what is not. Since the community decided to have lots of xenos even in head , then to make since of it that means the races are more accepted then what you say The lore before the loredevs bent over for the furries was realistic and immersive. Tajarans and Unathi were restricted from heads, and only Skrell (The only equally intellectual race) were allowed head roles. But even then, Skrell could only be RD, CMO I believe. The lore isn't imaginary, read up on the wiki. Ahdomai is covered in the remains of a brutal war, villages and towns are battered with craters and remnants of a war. There is a small amount of developed cities, but even those are small and not even comparable to modern say cities. New York from the 1950-70s is more impressive and functioing then that Tajaran shithole. A picture in the wiki shows the only noteworthy city, which is of course the capital. The Tajaran cats would still be picking themselves and fighting each other if it wasn't for the humans. Humanity brought everything to the Tajara, education, money, freedom, and more money. Even then, NanoTrasen only educates the Tajarans born in the last ten years, as they use the middle and older aged Tajarans as menial workers cutting lumber and mining. Hell, there is still revolutinaires trying to start shit. Ahdomai is a shithole, and is going to be for a long time. NanoTrasen has taken no interest in the Tajara except for their own personal gain. They choose to poorly educate the young Tajara so they feel worth or something of the likes. The socio-economic gap is HUGE. As you distance yourself from the developed cities, you see how shitty the majority of the Tajara species live. Tajarans are inferior and deserve to be treated as such. Human Master Race. -
spacevoidagent replied to Susan's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Wrong. Tajaran have produced their first space-flight capable aircraft. ...Wrong? Where are you even getting this from. Also wrong. They're no longer the most technologically advanced species they know, not retarded. 1. After ten years with help from humanity. 2. They live in medium sized towns/villages correct? I know there is a few larger cities though. I apologize for the miscommunication. 3. I'm not sure what you are trying to say. -
spacevoidagent replied to Susan's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Wrong. Tajaran have produced their first space-flight capable aircraft. ...Wrong? Where are you even getting this from. Also wrong. They're no longer the most technologically advanced species they know, not retarded. 1. After ten years with help from humanity. 2. They live in medium sized towns/villages correct? I know there is a few larger cities though. I apologize for the miscommunication. 3. I'm not sure what you are trying to say. -
spacevoidagent replied to Susan's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
You think openly calling people nasty racial epithets is an unrealistic portrayal of racism in a setting where the specified race is, in fact, not all that well-accepted and is officially discriminated against in terms of job possibilities? While I can understand finding it obnoxious, its not unrealistic at all. If this was a job for rednecks bar and grill i would understand. But were talking about an advance research station where tight security is maintained and qualifications to even step foot on the station is pretty high. Generally , no you dont see open and beligerant racism in a place like that You don't abide by your own statement. Safiyas age isn't the proper age for a Geneticist. I wouldn't call it advanced, its mainly for plasma research. Hardly anything on station is even remotely impressive or scientifically useful. Other then the R&D Lab, Robotics, Telescience, and Genetics, the station is dull. Engineers would be EVA Trained Mechanics essentially, Medical would be doctors and nurses, and Security would be a mix between PMC and Mall Cops. Can't forget cargo, which always attracts the special criminal characters who smuggled shit across the galaxy until they got bored and decided to pull crates all day on a research station. There's 'racism' everywhere. Even in professional environments. Tajaran, Unathi are largely looked down upon in society as unintelligent, lousy, animals, to be frank. Neither even have a space program, and Tajaran live in fucking tribes still. It would take them months to figure out how a ballpoint pen works, let alone Genetic Modification. They have slightly developed cities but not nearly enough to be considered of equal intellect. Their cities are the equivalent of a small new York city from the 1940s. It's been over 40 years since first contact with them and they are as developed as a modern 14 year old. The most impressive job a Tajaran should get is Security or Engineer. If course this is all my opinion. -
spacevoidagent replied to Susan's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
You think openly calling people nasty racial epithets is an unrealistic portrayal of racism in a setting where the specified race is, in fact, not all that well-accepted and is officially discriminated against in terms of job possibilities? While I can understand finding it obnoxious, its not unrealistic at all. If this was a job for rednecks bar and grill i would understand. But were talking about an advance research station where tight security is maintained and qualifications to even step foot on the station is pretty high. Generally , no you dont see open and beligerant racism in a place like that You don't abide by your own statement. Safiyas age isn't the proper age for a Geneticist. I wouldn't call it advanced, its mainly for plasma research. Hardly anything on station is even remotely impressive or scientifically useful. Other then the R&D Lab, Robotics, Telescience, and Genetics, the station is dull. Engineers would be EVA Trained Mechanics essentially, Medical would be doctors and nurses, and Security would be a mix between PMC and Mall Cops. Can't forget cargo, which always attracts the special criminal characters who smuggled shit across the galaxy until they got bored and decided to pull crates all day on a research station. There's 'racism' everywhere. Even in professional environments. Tajaran, Unathi are largely looked down upon in society as unintelligent, lousy, animals, to be frank. Neither even have a space program, and Tajaran live in fucking tribes still. It would take them months to figure out how a ballpoint pen works, let alone Genetic Modification. They have slightly developed cities but not nearly enough to be considered of equal intellect. Their cities are the equivalent of a small new York city from the 1940s. It's been over 40 years since first contact with them and they are as developed as a modern 14 year old. The most impressive job a Tajaran should get is Security or Engineer. If course this is all my opinion. -
I believe the staff and Scopes are using the traditional "Kill with silence." tactic. They haven't commented anything recently despite a majority consensus of support for using the CM alien code. If nicking the code is a issue because "I don't have the time." then that's ridiculous. You literally have to copy and paste the code.
I believe the staff and Scopes are using the traditional "Kill with silence." tactic. They haven't commented anything recently despite a majority consensus of support for using the CM alien code. If nicking the code is a issue because "I don't have the time." then that's ridiculous. You literally have to copy and paste the code.