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About Owen

  • Birthday 15/08/2001

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  • Location
    United States

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  • Byond CKey

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Owen's Achievements

Syndicate Cell Commander

Syndicate Cell Commander (33/37)

  1. I apologize for the delay with this. Your application is denied at this time. We will be in contact over Discord soon with specifics.
  2. Closed after discussion with the applicant. They are more than welcome to apply again in the future!
  3. The warning has been removed. If you are still seeing it, reach out to staff. Locking and archiving.
  4. Also, I forgot to mention this, but please explain what is going on with your character name here and/or fix it to be in-line with the naming rules.
  5. On trial until 2 March 2025. During this time, try to get as much playtime with your command character as you can and remember that you can post a link in OOC once per round to help gather feedback. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Good luck!
  6. Hi, thanks for applying! The Command WL Team would like to see this fleshed out a bit more. Basically answering the points that both @NM_ and @JeffMomentRed raise. Feel free to check back at other command WL applications to see how much is generally expected when it comes to describing your character and answering the questions.
  7. Hello. @Jasorn and I will be taking this complaint. We have discussed this with @Fyni and the rest of the moderation team to clarify any misconceptions about when someone should be warned/not warned, specifically about following escalation standards. In this case, we can see that this was the first incident where you disconnected without first cryoing or going to the lifts, so it should not have been made a warning right away. We will be downgrading this to a note. It is important to note, however, regardless of your role you should make an effort to leave the round through the proper means (cryoing, going to the lifts). If, for whatever reason you aren't able to you can either shoot us an ahelp or send a message on the Discord. This is a standard we want to hold all of our players to and it should not actually be an issue outside of cases of repeat offenders. We'll be leaving this open for 24 hours or so if there is anything else.
  8. Yep, that's not a problem!
  9. On trial through 26 February 2025. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out. Good luck!
  10. Apologies, I forgot that the trial ended several days ago. However, we would like to see some more feedback and some playtime as your command character. Would you be willing to go another week, if you're available to get some more rounds in during that time? Also, if you are going to be playing other command characters during the trial, please update it here on your WL app so we can keep track for the duration.
  11. Apologies, I forgot to close this. Accepted!
  12. On trial through 12 February 2025. Good luck!
  13. Apologies for the delay. On trial until 10 February 2025. Good luck!
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