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Security Officer (6/37)
Malcom has certainly grown on me since first meeting him. Went from an abrasive overbearing control-freak to a fatherly figure. And that's just my direct interactions with him. I've also observed him with others and that has only further improved my opinion of him. From my limited experiences with his characters, I still say WAYRT would make a fine addition to the command team, and the fact that they'd likely be on when command was needed most is just icing on the cake.
Just to drop a little support here. I've seen Zoe around a few times and she always comes across as a fun character to be around. Sarge seems to hold the enjoyment and inclusion of others as high priority and I, for one, greatly appreciate it. I think they would make a fine addition to the Tajarans already serving. They have my vote, for sure.
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BYOND key: XdwbXthe2nd (formerly XdwbX but lost access to that account) Discord name/id: Dee Dubs#8973 Borg / AI names: Simon/Sid and others I have forgotten. Plans to add more. Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: I have and understand it Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I miss the fun I had in the role and playing as my synthetic characters. Also because the role is often vacant and I feel I could provide some entertainment and story opportunities Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? None that I can remember Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? I understand completely and will strive to earn it every time I play
((Inspired by The Rusty Brass.)) Jack Sylvan hurried down the corridor of the CMV Stratus. The crowd was thin, but it was still early. He wanted to be ready when the people really began to fill the station. He was not a particularly tall man, just a few inches shy of six feet. He sported a black goatee and his matching black hair glistened with the product used to hold it slicked back and out of his eyes. It stopped right at the collar on the back of white dress shirt. Over that, he wore a black vest. His black slacks still held the crease in the legs and hid the fact he wore white socks with black dress shoes. Finally reaching his destination, he produces a keycard from the left breast pocket of his vest. Waving it in front of the scanner unlocks the door before him, a glass portal typical of a storefront on the station. He quickly steps inside and takes a deep breath, savoring the moment. "I'm home." He thinks to himself with a smile. A large room sits dark before him and he gets to work taking chairs off of tables, getting lights on, and, of course, some drinking glasses prepped in a decorative formation. When ready, the room is a sea of maroon, from the chairs lining the long, wooden dining tables in the main section of the room, to the bar stools lining the bar at the back. The lighting gave off a yellowish hue, a feature Jack said reminded him of early 20th century bars on Earth. The dining area was comfortably lit, while a shadow seemed to hang over the bar. What little light the lamps over the counter provided was muted a great deal by dark mahogany wood that made up the counter's surface. Once everything felt ready, Jack flipped a switch on the wall by the door, and took his place beind the bar. Outside, a classically-designed neon sign lit up, announcing to all that The Comfy Dungeon, the most-visited shop on the station, and the best bar around for at least a couple light-years was open for business. Jack turned on a wall-mounted radio and kept the volume low. Then, he retrieved his PDA from the lower right pocket on his vest. A few buttons taps and he sent a text message to a close friend that read simply, "Ready when you are." Seconds later, and the music fades out on the radio replaced by a male voice, "Okay, Folks. Those of us lucky enough to be onboard already know what time it is. Those of you not currently on The Stratus, or unlucky enough to have never met him, should know our resident barkeeper has returned from his glorious adventures working his magic for Nanotrasen employees all across this sector. Tau Ceti, if you want a place to drink or eat in the company of some of the best people this side of Alpha Centauri, just navigate your way to the CMV Stratus. Once you arrive, you can skip all the specialty stores, the drug-pushers, and all those workin' gals, and make a dash for The Comfy Dungeon. Welcome back, Jack. It is a pleasure to have you back in business and I am sure we all look forward to enjoying some of your fine beverages."
I put a hand up and shake my head slightly, "I don't smoke, but thank you, nonetheless." I calmly join my hands together on the table, and take a breath, "As for what I would do. Well, that would depend on which neighbor's were involved, you know? I mean, some of them seem to deserve a bruise or two. If it were one of those, no, I would not step in. If it had been someone less than deserving of it, I might. A bit hard to know as it would depend on how I was feeling that day." ((Apologies if this had died, and for not having seen the movie. I was just intrigued at how this might evolve. I hope Mofo will feel like continuing.))
I have to give you credit, Muncorn. You are putting in the effort where I may have been too easily discouraged or never tried at all. I have been wanting synth lore for ages so thank you for your efforts so far and for being level-headed in dealing with the responses.
Out of everything I have read on the subject, this part raises the most alarms, in my mind. This, alone, would have set me very much against making the person saying in charge or any kind of lore. Isn't the purpose of the lore, ultimately, to increase player enjoyment? I read the posi-brain wiki and, in my opinion, it does not read like the author understands basic computers, and far less of intelligence programming. And, maybe I missed it, but I did not see an explanation for why emotional synthisizers would be illegal. Even in our current age, people seem adamant on having machines that better emulate what makes us human. I would expect machines to be almost indiscernable from actual sentient beings so far in the future. And, unless these emotional synths were used for some nefarious purpose (no doubt they are by some people/groups/companies, but I mean something high-profile here), I just don't think it plausible to attempt to outlaw them across a whole sector of space. I have some more reading to do, but I agree with those that see this as a needless, and generally useless, restriction on something less of a danger than the material that kicked off the reason there is a station in the first place. And, Garn, I prefer to play Data-esque machines more often than not, but people respond better when I played the excited-to-serve MyPal. Maybe people don't like that kind of machine, but I play for my enjoyment and for that of those that do like them.
Deposit functionality exists as you described it; even works with charge cards. Also, I support more ATMs. Edit: Too slow to notice you mentioned department accounts. Who would get access to which accounts?
This is just a tad confusing. How would "namck" be pronounced? Nah, nay? To me, this doesn't seem really well-thought out, and I don't see much consistency between Vaurca players, so I'm led to believe they don't really understand it, either. Also, the "skience" example was a poor choice. It changes a 'S' sound, which they would buzz, into a hard 'Sky' sound. Seems inconsistent, to me. Maybe it's just me, but were I in a virtual world, I probably wouldn't feel much need to leave it for adventure. It's the virtual world; couldn't they just simulate the experience? I just don't believe they'd have this kind of adventurous/restless spirit when most their time is spent thinking of subjects of study/interest in the safety of the immortal VR realm. The risk to their existence, in my opinion, would really deter many of them from even consider leaving. What compels/forces/requires them to leave the virtual? This seems to contradict the following: This seems to say that all of them are uploaded shortly after birth. And why "may enter"? Is it a choice? Is it a raffle? Do they have to meet a certain prerequisite? So, in a nutshell: When they are born, and determined to be viable, how assured is uploading to the virtual realm? Can we get clearer language guidelines?
As a department, I like security. I just hate some of the dumb stuff that people do while in security positions. It's because of the influx of power-hungry, quick-to-go-lethal kind of people that I've started playing security again. I wanted to bring a level-headed person to the team that would be quick to help someone, and hesitant to fire on colleagues. To change things ICly would mean to change the individuals in security to change how the department is viewed as a whole. I think it requires changing mindsets from "I'm a bad-ass, so don't F with me." to "I'm here to protect, and serve. How may I help you?". It would also help for more people to be aware of Standard Operating Procedure; they can't act surprised when they know that Code Blue means that anyone and everyone is subject to a search of their being, their property, and/or their work space. Once security starts to establish itself as the entity it was meant to be, a part of the staff dedicated to protecting the crew and the station, that's more interested in helping to solve problems than to be controlling and needlessly hostile, then everyone else can begin to trust them, again. And, for Pete's sake, detain the intruder when possible. Whoever Pete is... Side note: I really enjoy seeing Graves. Seems to be a good, level-headed guy from the majority of what I've seen.
Why does arrest mean brig for so many people? There's many mentions of "being taken out of the round" by being arrested and brigged, and how it's not fun to be left alone in the brig. Well, yeah, the brig isn't fun. It's the brig, not a carnival. If someone is doing something that could be deemed harassment, or in the very least a disruption to the crew, I don't think it is unreasonable to cuff them, drag them to processing/interrogation,inform them of why their actions/behavior was uncalled for, inform them of what would happen should they continue, and send them on their way. If their attitude warrants it, I think a catch-and-release kind of thing could help, in the long term. Alternatively, make any minor infractions that don't warrant cuffing a situation that the accused is called into the security lobby, and it is explained why they should they cease, or cite a regulation that's being broken. Leave it voluntary, and take the offender's reaction into consideration when moving forward, or make it a mandatory request, that would then warrant an officer approaching them (should they no-show), and requesting they return to security with the officer. Should they still refuse, then escalate to cuffing. I've seen a lot a xenophobic things said IC that, were this closer to a real-life corporation, would have HR breathing down someone's neck before they can inhale to replace the air lost in the offending statement. Since we have no Human Resources department (or what I called Sentient Life Resources), we can use security for this purpose. I kind of like the idea on the grounds that it means an abrasive, bigoted, yet law-minded crew member might still have that run-in with security, and, should all parties play along, have a RP opportunity they likely wouldn't have otherwise. Even a well-intended statement by an open-minded, and accepting person may be taken the wrong way and shake things up in their company-loyal, regulation-abiding life. On the other hand, and this has been said by several people, I've seen too many xeno characters that have been far too sensitive to something even remotely critical of their heritage/family/person/occupation/tradition/mannerisms. tl:dr - Security can not arrest someone for smack-talk until it becomes threatening to the station, or anyone aboard. Until then, the offended party should file a complaint with the appropriate department.
From my limited IC interactions with him, I have to say that I enjoy the character. Seems serious about his work, and has a dry sense of humor that I appreciate. I'd go into more detail if I could remember more. Overall impression; good character that I look forward to learning more about. Scalpels and Saws is still looking for that cover story, Doctor Zir'u.
If he's talking about seeing [bANNED] next to Research Director, and never got jobbanned, it just means you're not on the whitelist. If not, I'm clueless.
As my librarians are among my favorite characters, I support Mr. Boots' idea to make the library the source of all books. I rarely, if at all, see anyone use the IC guides. Why would a place like the station, where people are understood to be trained in the occupation they are in, have guides on how to do the job that you have to have in order to access the books? "You're an engineer. Now, go learn how to engineer." A reference that is needed in a hurry would likely be found faster on the wiki, or by radioing the librarian, than the time to find the book and comb through it for the info. (This could also backfire if the librarian is unclear on what info is needed or has to comb through the book themself.) Make a check-out system that requires an ID swap before a book can be taken from the shelf? This way, if there is no librarian, books can still be checked out and tracked. If there is a librarian, people won't feel forced to interact with them if they really just want the info and to move on to the next project/assignment. This could work well with non-violent inmate release. They can earn time off by filling in for a missing librarian or by delivering/returning books. I do not believe that he implied the librarian would know the information but would know where to find it. Also, as such a repository, wouldn't it make sense for people to go there for knowledge? I think it's about time this was not true. If we make the library a place where people want/need to be at some point, it's less likely to become a den of thieves.
I like what you have, Killerhurtz. Good stuff. I'm still undecided if I prefer a natural voice that's been heavily edited, or a tts with only light editing. Any opinions on this? Here's a couple I slapped together: Departure Shuttle Called: https://clyp.it/bg2restl Departure Shuttle Docked: https://clyp.it/521wrxmv