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Everything posted by w3bster

  1. Basic Information Byond Account: W3bster Character Name(s): Ahren Hawkins, Fay Newton, Driscoll Jackson, Matt Snow. AI Name(s): Donkpockets, AWAY Preferred means of contact: Discord, PMs, ETC. Denuvo#9380 on Discord Age: 21 When are you on Aurora?: I'd say every other day as it's highly dependent on my work schedule which i can provide as necessary. Experience How long have you played SS13?: About five years now. How long have you played on Aurora: About two years, on and off. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Everything nearly by heart. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: - Mentor, Administrator : Paradise Station (Left, internal issues) - Moderator, Highest administrator level : Unbound Travels (Left on a good note, during host changes) (Now dead) Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Once, On paradise, previous to my staff experience. I appealed it, which contains all information related to the ban. But that was removed years ago i believe. Personality Why do you play SS13?: Used to be to escape the world and just immerse myself in roleplay and such. Now it's mostly for having fun with other folks online in a pretty solid game. Why do you play on Aurora?: To paraphrase from my answer in 2015's application up to the one today, i have an extensive past in roleplay servers of many different sizes and philosophies. Aurora's basically the one i've found to be the most stable and enjoyable. Players aren't too involved preventing server drama visible in-game, staff are extremely chill. What do moderators do?: Moderators are players first, mods second. Meaning just having the role doesn't mean it becomes your core gameplay. Although you have to be ready to spend the time required to assist folks around the place. They're conflict resolvers in a way that they don't decide what's right and what's wrong, more or less just help guide the place towards it's core philosophy, which means enforcing it's rules and assisting other staff and members of the server in keeping it all tidy without over involvement. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: Be ready to deal with other members in a way you normally would not interact with as a normal player. Be ready to be pulled out of gameplay to attend to your responsibilities, be willing to work with a team of folks. Be willing to have more information than normal resulting in potentially spoiled rounds or gameplay foresight that might ruin a good surprise. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I feel like i wish to assist folks in keeping the server healthy and in good fun. I understand what it means to be in a position that isn't mostly fun or entertaining but there will always someone doing that. I feel like i have done so before and continue to do so and am pretty good at it. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: My extensive experience with previous moderation. My extensive experience with SS13 of multiple codebases throughout the years. My experience with SS13's moderation tools. My flexibility and versatility in my schedule allowing me to be present at awkward staffing times. My ability to keep enjoying the game even though you've got new responsibilities. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: It was part of my IRL job to undergo training to control such things as we meet them on basically the daily. More can be obtained in PMs/contact as i don't like having it in public. Anything Else You Want to Add: It's been quite a ways since i have dedicated myself to SS13 in a more committed way than usual and feel like i'd enjoy being part of the community in a way that makes me more involved. I'd like to have more involvement with the folks already in the staffing team and have a general good time in the server as a whole.
  2. I would suggest not relying too much on "introversion" and "alcohol" since those are two real big qualities I've seen in typical snowflakes. Yet I'm usually more severe than the average on that. Other than that, I haven't seen an extreme lot from you ICly, but that shouldn't discourage. I rate people on the effort they shove in their application a lot. Especially species where people can truly show if they shine or not. +1 from me. The station needs more squids.
  3. Byond key: w3bster Character names: Ahren Hawkins, Fay Newton, Driscoll Jackson, Frederick Brinkmann as well as many random named borgs. What times are you available? In GMT: (Green : Available. Red : Unavailable. Time on the left. "MAIN" is EST.) http://i.imgur.com/2yUdez2.png Do you have any experience with Moderating? Or similar. Indeed. Administrator of two-three different SS13 stations. Mostly HeavyRP. Why do you want to be a Duty Officer? Mostly to assist the station and roleplay further than the limited bounds of a normal crew member. Also to discover the server and it's people more, as well as deeper knowledge of the characters, lore and others. Also simply because I wish to assist other CCIAAs. How well can you handle stress? Stress is part of my daily life now. I either block it out or just accept it and act as I normally would.Not one time where it really affected me in the last few years. What does it mean to be a Duty Officer? For me, DO means lifting a weight off the moderation and administration firsthand. I remember back when I was a HeavyRP admin. We were constantly harassed with people complaining about X or Y person not doing their job as they should by IC standards and all, and as much as we told them to deal with it ICly, they never had any consequences for their behavior and we were forced to act as the RP police, which prevented us from dealing with the true troublemakers. DOs take care of that part and add an element of danger for those who do not take their behavior seriously, as well as furthers the roleplay by giving life to Central Command and Administrative staff (IC). With it, also comes the aspect of taking time out of what you would usually use to play in order to read every new report, coordinate with fellow CCIAA, monitor who's on the server and if you can assess a report IC, ETC. Hence, you must be willing to sacrifice game time for CCIAA time. Being a DO also means being impartial. As well as not acting above our boundaries. In the end, DOs are simply DOs. Not moderators, not administrators. How active on the forums and server are you? Server, mostly always on in the green squares in my available time. Forums, mostly a heavy lurker since I only recently returned to the server. Anything else to add? Only recently have I come back on the server, but I'm already on track. I complain a lot in dead chat, but no harm was done. I can be as professional as I can whine.
  4. This is going to end up in a traitor surgeon sex changing someone and renaming them to "Erotic Roleplayer". +1
  5. I am bumping this issue up, as I wish to revive the discussion. Recent talks on the discord have brought me to this. With the recent weapons update, science has effectively become a militia. It's no longer something you can deal with ICly, or deal with CCIA or Adminhelp in general. Every round there is a science antag, I can be almost certain they will start mass-producing some of the deadliest OP weaponry security would never be able to get their hands on. Science isn't some sci-fi death squad type militia. It's a department that's filled with nerds to up the research for Nanotrasen. I believe this has to be fixed code-wise by the re-implementation of Lockboxes, as it's become thoroughly imbalanced. Again, this is not something that can be dealt with ICly. Unless you want CCIA accompanied with an ERT every shift to handle entire departments.
  6. Due to my recent drunken behavior as well as my new duties as Sysadmin and Head of community of a larger, time-consumming Roleplay community, i am retiring this application. I am not fit, nor do i have the time to staff here. Apologies for the behavior. There's a first and a last time for everything, eh?
  7. I do not have the exact logs, but on a night where i was a Head of Personnel and Wolf was one of the only (if not the only) staff present on the server. There was a lot happening and as i could probably guess, a lot of Adminhelp happening. I was indirectly related to the incidents and Wolf had to message me as to why i did certain things. What impressed me is they did so in a cheerful manner, with a smile and thanked me for my cooperation. Even though this is a vague and minor case, i do not want to undermine how important it is for staff, in under whatever kind of pressure, to remain positive and respectful. Sleepy Wolf demonstrated such behavior that night, and i wish to commend them on this. This is the kind of people i'd want dealing with issues.
  8. In a certain round that is still happening at the time this post is made, the following happened. Somewhere in the round, i had made the classic joke of someone's pussy due to cat discussions. To which Killerhurtz AdminPM'd me : "i heard that" Nothing more, nothing less. Not any further replies. Not anything. Then later in the round, like, about an hour later, i made a random comment about theft of underwear. To which this happened. Trial Moderator PM from-Killerhurtz: Second warning PM to-Killerhurtz: what? Trial Moderator PM from-Killerhurtz: Deadchat and LOOC count as OOC. PM to-Killerhurtz: ...and? Trial Moderator PM from-Killerhurtz: And you're being inappropriate? PM to-Killerhurtz: How am i doing so? Only saying mild stuff. And that'd be first warning. First time, you only said "i heard that". Nothing else. Not a word of warning. Then somewhere in the surroundings of 2-4 minutes pass. With nothing being replied. Then this happens. PM to-Killerhurtz: ...still there? Trial Moderator PM from-Killerhurtz: Yes. And I don't contact people for no reason, but I'll let it slide. You're still warned, keep it down. PM to-Killerhurtz: don't contact for no reason? i wished to discuss the "first warning". which was not a warning at all. Trial Moderator PM from-Killerhurtz: My point was, the fact I contacted you should have been a warning but I'll let it slip PM to-Killerhurtz: Alright. I didn't get that at first. The exchange finished there. As far as feedback goes, this issue could of been handled much better. The heart of resolving any kind of issue is good communication and respect from each side. In this situation, the Trial Moderator did not properly communicate the first time, only throwing a wild PM which could of simply been taken as a random communication. There was no clear warning or clear words. Then, in the supposed second warning, when i attempted to get context as i was lost, none was provided and i had to push. It was met with a certain level of rudeness and finally, some kind of resolution to the issue. I believe this should be worked on. Lack of communication, general harsh statements and the such may devolve future issue management into a quite negative exchange which none would want. This situation probably could of been handled much better. Do note, i have nothing against this person. only attempting to provide feedback in order to prevent further problems.
  9. At any previous occasions i have staffed In SS13, there has been people i've learned to love and hate. Yet there is one factor that always remained. I define a very strict, visible line between my own issues and staffing. I've come to be able to get over such feelings and deal fully rationally with members as staff, even though actions i had taken in-character that very round had gotten me riled up. As regarding to the "saltiness" itself, which we may define more clearly as being upset towards certain issue, there is a lot i can speak about this. There are many events where i'll clearly be vocal about my disagreement with something. Most of the time if i am vocal, and told to tone it down, i immediately will. I have never gone to insult or yell (Such as type all caps) at another player, or generally rage out or lash out at someone. The worst you may see from me is expressing my distaste at someone's behavior in deadchat, as a player. If you were to verify my behavior as staff with previous server owners/headmins i staffed on, they may all probably agree that once i am granted the responsibility of Mod, Mentor, Admin or whichever, i give up entirely on such behavior, as i am no longer a player, but a staff member that must uphold the values and respect of a server. As staff, one must remain as unbiased as possible. If bias is inevitable, one must not involve themselves as staff in the case, at all, and hand it to another staff member that will remain unbiased. Such is what i operate upon. That's happened before on other servers have been staff on, and i do know it will happen again. It is something that we must deal with, prepared or not. Fully able. I've been known to deal with extremely tricky situations, such as long-term members of our community that acted passively toxic or demeaning to others, whilst only minorly breaking the rules or fully skirting around them, while still demonstrating a negative behavior that impacted the player base and generated a lot of negativity in the long term, while still not clearly breaking any rules allowing for official staff actions. On a case-per-case basis, most of the time, through rational discussions via adminPMs, may it have to durate a whole round, i was able to discuss key points with the player and either change their behavior, or warn them of their current one. Although some times their behavior simply cannot be helped. As for a snippet of extra information, in case it may serve, my philosophy on the "primary" staff actions has been as per follow : Warnings are used to point out to someone that their behavior is not in line with the rules and environment of the server, and warns them of such, in hopes that they will change their behavior to respect the rules. Temporary bans are used when a warning was not enough, or their actions too severe, and serves as a direct red flashing light saying "Your behavior is not acceptable". The temporary ban, may it be job ban, antag ban or server ban, is to give them a "Time out", for them to cool down and take the time to think seriously about their behavior. What did i do wrong that made it so i got this, and what may i do to correct it? Permanent bans are used when all previous attempts have failed, and the player does not demonstrate any will or capability to correct their behavior to align with a server's rules and environment. Usually, when such bans are handed out, there has been a solid history of attempts at behavioral correction to no avail. As for appeals, a player appealing his ban, temporary or permanent, shows the will and commitment (depending on the content of the appeal and it's judged sincerity, previous behavior of the player and many other factors) of the player's will to change and adapt to the community. Those are the barebone philosophies i usually use, and are extremely crude. Of course, this is to apply to the general model of a player, and excludes exceptions such as massive trolls, griefers, ETC. Of course, i adapt my philosophy depending on the community i staff. It doesn't work everywhere magically.
  10. I would enjoy feedback, may it be positive or negative. Any feedback of any kind from any kind of party, even the slightest of? Not to be pushy or anything, and i do understand applications are discussed behind the scenes, but the lack of any replies, attempt at interview like other apps had and everything makes for an uneasy ignored feeling, you know?
  11. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account:W3bster Character Name(s): Ahren Hawkins Webster Hawkins, Anthony Hawkins, Garen Hawkins, Rylan Hawkins. SOON : Hoshihito Horiguchi AI Name(s): Alpha, Holo. (NOTE : Also use many, many of the default names that i minorly edit to make more sense) Preferred means of contact: Skype (NOTE : Highly versatile. ANY means of communication, even phone calls, are down my alley.) Age: 18 Timezone: GMT -5:00, Eastern Time When are you on Aurora?: Sunday : Any available time from 10 AM, to 3 AM Monday : Any available time from 10 AM, to 11 PM Tuesday :Any available time from 6 PM to 3 AM Wednesday :Any available time from 10 AM, to 11 PM Thursday :Any available time from 5 PM, to 11 PM Friday : Any available time from 5 PM, to 3 AM Saturday : Any available time from 10 AM, to 3 AM Experience How long have you played SS13?: Two years and a half How long have you played on Aurora: Two months and a half How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: With the current build of Aurora, as well as the current build of the main Baystation branch, i would consider that i know everything, mechanic-related. Versatile at every role, administration and moderation components and tools. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: - Mentor, Administrator : Paradise Station (Left, internal issues) - Moderator, Highest administrator level : Unbound Travels (Left on a good note, during host changes) (Now dead) Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Once, On paradise, previous to my staff experience. I appealed it, which contains all information related to the ban. http://nanotrasen.se/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1658&p=7986#p7986 Personality Why do you play SS13?: To disconnect from reality, to have fun, to cool down, to meet new people, to bond with people in a peculiar environment, to be part of something else. I've previously pondered on this specific question. I have never found a clear answer. It appears to be the best "Game" as to waste a lot of time on but never get bored of, at all. It's the perfect excuse to do nothing. The perfect game to play when you have nothing to do. Why do you play on Aurora?: Refering to my whitelist application answer to "Why did you come on Aurora", since i believe it is the same question, worded differently. What do moderators do?: Moderators handle Adminhelps in relation to rule breaking, and other things depending on the server. They make sure the rules are respected, investigating every situation to their fullest when necessary. They may instigate bans, warnings or simple mentions in PMs to player behavior in order to correct that which is not appropriate to the server and it's rules, as well as community. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: It means having the ability to not only apply the rules depending on the context of the situation, but also to enforce to a certain point, Roleplay. Which many servers have strayed from doing since it causes Drama, conflict and whatnot. On Aurora, i believe that staff are able, and should be if not, to be able to enforce a level of Roleplay, since it defines itself as "Heavy Roleplay". Why do you want to be a moderator?: I believe it is my way to contribute to the server. Allowing others to have an enjoyable experience by doing the work of Moderator is what brings me enjoyment. As well as the environment. I have always enjoyed on all previous communities i have been staff on, the environment of being staff. I don't strive for power or anything. That would be wrong. I strive for the good of the community, and i believe the best way for me to provide so is by such work. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: My "Veteran"ship from being staff on other SS13 communities, all the way from Low-med RP, to med-high RP. My ability to adapt fast and easy to new environments. My ability to operate under stress. My ability to not only staff by a set of rules, but being able to adapt and work with situational contexts. I could mention many others, but i find it revolves mostly around the two foremost points. I could state more in an interview, if required. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Having been staff on many communities involving immature teenagers, trolls, griefers and the kind (Minecraft, Gmod, CS:Source, SS13) for a long time, with a high user:admin online ratio, i can say that i can handle all of those extremely well. The amount of insults, hatred and pressure i've been put on relating to staff environment, especially for SS13, do not affect me anymore. Anything Else You Want to Add: Other Unrelated Previous Experience : - Administrator, Community Lead : Midnight Phoenix (Unrelated to SS13) (Now dead) - Forum Moderator : Vbulletin-based community that offers many products (Please private message for more information) (On tight, monitored schedule) (Unrelated to SS13) (Current) - Host : Private Minecraft Server (From 2012 to current) (Private Server, IRL, 25-30 people) - Moderator, Administrator : Many public minecraft servers and communities (Unrelated, Outdated, many communities changed names and/or died. Lost trace and contact)
  12. I don't see you posting your appllication in OOC. Which could explain the lack of replies. For my part, I've seen Edgar Dawnguard around a lot. Although i have never had any solid interactions that can immediately come to mind with my characters and his, i can definitely say he is in none of my negative memories at all. Which i remember clearly. Other than that, from the mild discussion to the shared situations, i can say he's a fine character. Other than that, relating to the application, i can see improvement since the last one. As well as clear demonstration of the will to improve even further. With that in mind, +1 from me.
  13. @MagnificentMelkior : Kind of you to reply, but sadly, i do not play Aaron Hawkins. That is Alberyk if i am not mistaken.
  14. I have seen Sybil around a lot, and have seen nothing but good roleplay and manners from them, up to now. I love the character they have designed, and we lack skrells ICly in my opinion. This would be a welcome whitelist from my part! +1
  15. BYOND key: W3bster Character names: Ahren Hawkins, Webster Hawkins, Anthony Hawkins, Garen Hawkins, Rylan Hawkins. SOON : Hoshihito Horiguchi (Should the application be accepted. Going to be my Head Of Personnel. Hawkins will be switched to Head Of Security) How long have you been playing on Aurora?: About two months, nearly three. That is an approximate. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: My previous reason as to why I wished to be on the whitelist was so that my main character, Ahren Hawkins, would have access to the position of Head of Personnel. As of now, I have switched things around a bit due to IC events. Ahren Hawkins has been fleshed out as a full security member. Hence, I would create another character for the Head of Personnel position. Why did you come to Aurora?: (NOTE : This did not change since my last application.) First off, a little backstory on my SS13 career. It first began on Alium Deathtrap 13. An extremely niche server with only Extended, that had rounds that would go on for 7-12 hours. I remained there for a good few months, before internal staff turmoil and player abuse took it's toll on me and i had to find a new home. I decided to do a radical change of Roleplay level and headed to Paradise. After a little while as a Mentor, i became an Admin. That lasted a good two months. But due to internal management issues (Please PM if you require more information about this. Willing to keep the drama out of the public channels), i resigned. Willing to return to a peaceful, HeavyRP community, i made my way to the newly born Unbound Travels, hosted by SshAdo. Due Ssh holding conversations with me during BestRP's fall and Unbound's rise, i was able to blaze through the ranks and become a highly-positionned admin. Yet the community was fragile, and the Administration had issues. Ssh, in good faith, decided to halt hosting the server, due to much grief caused to many members of staff and members of the server alike. Jamie made thje decision to rehost the server. I tried being a part of that, but it was just not the same and the environment was different. I did not appreciate Unbound anymore. So i left SS13 for a good while. Now, having dealt with IRL issues, i am able to return to SS13. I have chosen Aurora as my new home station, as the community and staff appear highly welcoming and much less abusive that what i have seen on previous HRP stations. It's ruleset, mentality and roleplay style fits with what i want from a community. Hence me being here. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Ahren Hawkins Character age: 54 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Born in 2404 to Dr. Elizabeth Fields, employed as a Medical Doctor by Nanotrasen and Alexander Hawkins, one of Nanotrasen's early Scientists, Ahren was raised in an environment that one could define as financially favorable, with a firm education accompanied by what some declared as a “Brainwash”. Everything around Ahren had the name Nanotrasen stapled to it, accompanied by both parents proudly chanting praises about the company and the happiness it brought them. They did, afterall, meet, date and proposed aboard the company’s facilities. Throughout his childhood and teenage hood, Ahren was able to get a firsthand account of the newfound species in the years of his growth into an adult. Influenced by his first relationships, Ahren underwent basic military training. Having failed the tests to join the Nanotrasen Security Forces, depressed and without morale, Ahren decided to serve a few years in the Sol Alliance’s Military wing. After which, he underwent higher studies in the field of Management, Law and Philosophy, motivated by early relationships. At age 31, Ahren was hired as an Internal Affairs Agent for Nanotrasen. After twenty years of accumulated stress, migraines, promotions and coffee addiction, Ahren had a breakdown which resulted in a temporary suspension from the Internal Affairs division. Meanwhile, Ahren has transferred to the Security division, working part-time Security. He underwent a year of Forensics Science and is currently holding the position of Investigator aboard the NSS Aurora. During the Board’s debate of Ahren’s misconduct in Internal Affairs, he requested the board review the possibility of a transfer to the position of Personnel Manager. The demand is currently being reviewed by the board. UPDATE : Following the denial of his application of Personnel Manager by the board for reasons of poor conduct, attitude and lack of recognition, Ahren Hawkins has taken and succesfully completed classes regarding Racial Sensitivity and Social Integration. He is actively discussing with a Therapist regarding his issues and believes he has made progress. He has re-applied, yet this time for the position of Head of Security. He hopes the board has seen his will and ability to change. What do you like about this character?: Ahren is fully devoted to Nanotrasen, attached to it due to the fact that his family has grown alongside it. His devotion to the company allows for easier and faster decisions, as well as a backup plan to always fall to. Instinctively, should anything happen, i simply have to think as a devoted member and lover of Nanotrasen. Having played this character for a while now, I know exactly how he behaves and how people believe he will react. It’s like if you read a book many times and know many parts of it by heart. What do you dislike about this character?: I have grown tired of playing Ahren. Henceforth, I am planning on casting him aside for a little while. Playing him when security is in dire need. I believe I have exhausted his potential for development on previous servers and no longer feel entertained playing him. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: His experience, studies and knowledge are major contributing factors. His seniority in the company, alongside his parents's, may allow him to be much more comfortable in his position. His previous position in Internal Affairs has allowed him to get a firm grasp of the law as well as internal management of the company. His will to change and improve after his denial is a contributing factor to this character’s devotion and potential. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is basically acting or performing something that may be defined as a role. In the SS13 context, we have to take the roles of crew members in a highly sophisticated, professional and serious environment. General chucklefuckery that may be allowed on other stations, may be prohibited or frowned upon on Heavy Roleplay Stations. The heavier the roleplay, the more serious one has to take their rule and duties. This also means that one should strive to discuss with others, and rely in speech rather than mechanics. For example, during a nuke ops round, an officer shouldn’t look to eliminate the ops gloriously whilst dual wielding laser rifles, but rather to make sure the crew is safe and coordinate with command on the suit of action. Meanwhile, an ops shouldn’t just go full gank and kill everyone they see because they’re ops, but rather try to flesh out a story, a goal, objectives and predict their future actions as to enhance the round, the roleplay and the enjoyment instead of generating massive unhappiness from people both in dead chat and post-round. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: A head of staff is a catalyst to his designated department. they are there to take critical decisions in the round that will influence it's direct outcome. They may decide whether or not a player is taken out of the round, or in, depending on ongoing events in the round. Being the heads of their department, they are entrusted by the players of said department to provide suitable enjoyment to the round. A bit like the antag rules state to provide. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: The responsibilites of OOC whitelisted players is to uphold a high standard of Roleplay, manners and respect of the rules. Whitelisted players were specifically reviewed and accepted to fill certain roles deemed highly important to the fluidity of the round. To other players, they should be the shining example of how to behave. I would strive to uphold them by incurring a perfect application of the rules, great roleplay and amazing respect towards both the staff and playerbase. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I would define my ability in roleplaying as better-than-average. My beginnings of Space Station 13 being on a hardcore roleplay-only environment has forced me to obtain this first hand. Although, at certain times, i may have a small lack in fluidity due to fatigue, boredom, ETC. Although most times i will attempt to do my best. I am always open to critisism, no matter the origin. Although I do admit that I lack in engaging others Icly. Resulting in my character(s) remaining.. Unknown. Extra notes: My goal in the past 1.5-2 months after the denial of my first app was to improve my OOC behavior. Since then, I have not obtained a warning and have actively attempted to help and stay out of the staff’s way. My goal in the next few months is to augment my activity on the forums and attempt to “force” my way into others Icly, basically making myself known as a character and person. Should you have any questions as to why i left staff on servers and/or the issues i had with servers, please hit me with a PM. I did not find fit the idea of bringing other servers's drama here.
  16. Could it have been, perhaps, that your judgment of them was wrong? Could they have deceived your character for sympathy and taken advantage of your character when they could? Or do you think people shouldn't be allowed to do that? I think you are misinterpreting what i think to be the issue. My issue was not them crossing me. I couldn't care less. My issue was them doing it in a way that provided no enjoyment to me or others that weren't those two cultists at that time. Their mindsets were not "What can i do that's nice and can make everyone enjoy my antagonism?" But rather "What can i do to win with this antag?" I'm not asking them to make every little person happy. I'm not asking for them not to do cultist things. But in a way that is more fleshed out. If they did manage to overtake me, actually stunned me instead of breaking my every bones, spoke to me about the cult, why they're doing this, their motives, ETC, then coerced me, RPly, to join their cult, then it might of been otherwise. Instead, they had the mindset of playing in order to ensure their victory. Henceforth, ignoring any boundaries that one might set, that objectives might of set. My issue was that i did not play to make sure i won. I did not play to make sure i came out on top. Rather i played to make sure everyone could of went out of that round with a smile. Which they did not reciprocate, by playing to win. And that is a mindset that is largely seen on the server and is contributing to what i believe to be a current issue with our antagonists. (Now, my goal with this quote is not to attack MagnificentMelkior. Rather to point out what is the mind set of the majority of the server when it comes to antagonism or counter-antagonism.)
  17. Thank you for your replies, Skull132 and Frances. Although this is going the way i hoped it would not (Discussing about my examples, instead of the issues at hand), i'll reply to the question Skull asks in Example No. 2 What should they have done? That is a good question, a great question. Now, let me point you to where i mentioned that i was extra nice to them. I did my Warden role to the fullest and was super courteous towards them. They didn't seem psycho at all. They didn't seem crazy or bloodthirsty. Simply some religious people with extra-edgy tendencies. Now, switch from that to them just batonning you to near death, with the simple mention of "Join or die", it really switches the mindset. It leaves a bitter taste to my mouth. I played nice earlier. Why can't you now? You weren't a psycho freak earlier. Why now? How did your character submit to such development under an hour? How did you go from point A to point Z so fast? Now, if you say that their behavior was fine, and that their justification for it which is "well i am in a crazed cult, it is normal i act as such" is good, then i believe it simply furthers the issue i highlighted and want to discuss about. Their behavior, no matter how "in the bound of the rules" it was, did not in any case provide entertainment to me, the Forensics Tech, the observers around us or anyone that wasn't those few people. Anyone that wasn't cult was either royally fucked by "Join or die" supported by a subverted AI (Which is incredibly hard, nigh impossible to fight.) were left with a bitter taste and unhappy feelings. Now, the next time some of those people might play as security, and manage to catch cultists the way we did at the beginning of the round, instead of thinking OOCly like i mentionned "Oh, i don't need to remove their antagonistic traits. I'm sure they'll create good roleplay!", they'll probably think back to that godawful round they had where they were dealt with brutally for attempting to play nice. And henceforth, try to find every little tidbit ICly to keep the cultists either under watchful eyes or confiscate their items or have them in the brig for as long as possible. I could of went through with the psychological eval, kept them forever in the brig as there was no psych. I could of kept them in for Vandalism, instead of letting them off with a warning. Now, some of you may think, "But it is your fault for doing so. You got yourself in that position. Your issue.". Well, you are part of the issue at hand and encouraging it. That round, i attempted to play with the mindset that everyone wanted to create good roleplay and enjoyment for everyone. To only be left with this mindset. If it's my problem for letting them walk away, does that mean next time i should be an utter dick to them and disable them as much as possible? That'd just be amplifying the issue. What are ways we could cut this issue? This vicious circle that just keeps on going of bitterness that makes people act worse that leaves more bitterness that makes people act even worse?
  18. ERT member Hawkins here. I'll cut the bullshit and get straight to the important points. - As we head to the bridge, we tell security to stand down regarding Akela, as they have stated they will comply with ERT and submit to arrest. As Akela is walking to the bridge, they get shot with lethals by security and their faces melt off. -Kanza, scared, runs up in the bridge. My commander asks her to leave, which of course she can't since she doesn't have access. She keeps saying security will kill her. My commander ends up putting a bullet in her leg. I take it from there. I treat her, put a splint on her and bring her to medical. At medical, i get assistance from the doctors to treat her. I ask them what happened as medical was a literal mess and a bloodbath. Here is what i was informed : Security apparently rushed medical, shot and killed many patients. They even stripped a doctor in the lobby and brought him off to the incinerator and incinerated him alive. - From that point on, i keep begging my commander on the ERT channel that Security must be disarmed and brought under arrest for their crimes. Of course, that's ignored in the chaos. - I walk back to the bridge to send a message to central command and call the shuttle. ERT heads to medical for X reason. - ERT comes under attack and gets done in by some docs in medical for Y reason. Meanwhile, i contact CentComm and call the shuttle, with Akela and Nasir there. - I tell Akela and Nasir to get in the command pod, in case security has more thirst for blood. I tell them to even weld themselves in if required. - Security goes to escape, few altercations with the crew, bla bla. - I miss a few parts of the radio chatter as i chase a cargo tech for having an energy shield and a baton and batonning an officer. - Apparently, Akela and Nasir were chased or something. Don't really know what happened. Replies above seem to correlate with what i made out. - Stuff goes on, round end. Now, from a ghost's perspective. I did many things during the round, not paying attention for the most part. When did, this is what i saw. - Captain called security to the bridge. Captain arrives in his mighty war mech equipped with a heavy machine gun. - Captain lets security in the bridge, security says she's uncomfortable with them being in a mech. - When the captain is in the bridge with the security, security says that her department may need to arrest the captain for the unlawful murder of crew. - Captain says something among the lines of "so it is". Begins to shoot the security to death. Now, they were like, 4-5 security in the bridge. - Captain keeps shooting, even when the security does nothing, does not resist, does not even say a word. Captain just keeps shooting until limbs go flying and the person dies. - Captain manages to misfire and hit other security in the process, if i remember correctly. This round was a shit show. Good luck to the staff that has to deal with it. This is my account in hopes it helps correlate events. I have nothing further to say unless there are questions about my accounts.
  19. Why would i of kept them? I didn't say i was OOCly influenced. I said that OOCly it would be a shit thing to do. ICly, we had nothing to hold their gear. Why would we? Religion ain't forbidden aboard the Aurora. Is it? I kept to the rules, OOCly. Don't metagame. I didn't confiscate their things by simple OOC knowledge that they were a cult. Didn't i say in the end of my OP, no shitposting? Aurora's a Heavy Roleplay Station, according to it's own description. People are awful if /you/ think they're awful. Please constructively partake in this discussion, or don't at all. EDIT: Oh, and i also mentionned in the VERY BEGINNING that this thread was not to discuss the events, but the following issues resulting in those events.
  20. That's a good and fair point. Many games keep players coming for their incentives. Just have to look at their designs. They reward players by doing a certain behavior. Now, regarding this, one thing that it made me remember was Paradise's Karma system. Basically, people with good roleplay behavior/whom act nice, are rewarded by other players with Karma points. With enough karma points, players can unlock certain positions and races. Hence, in such a chaotic server, people manage to harmonize their behaviors as they have a goal, a reward. It's not winning, it's obtaining karma. And in order to do that, you have to please other players and make them enjoy and smile and laugh at what you do. Entertainment, basically. Which brings on a whole new perspective at how people play the game. I'd like to know, what are your thoughts about Paradise's karma system and how it acts as an incentive for better roleplay and overall enjoyment?
  21. Regarding this, i'd like to bring attention to our current whitelist system. It takes time, approvals, moderation and would simply not be viable. Only a select few would be antagonists, new players would not have the chance to experience that, ETC. It was already discussed yet with positions such as Synthetics in mind, and it was ruled out. I'd be against an Antagonist whitelist. Instead of a whitelist system, i'd be more willing of the staff to hand out antagonist bans more easily and vastly. Although this brings the question, what qualifies for an antagonist bad, behavior-wise?
  22. Hey there, regarding my unhappiness towards this issue, i'd actually point it towards the following thread : http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4105
  23. Disclaimer : This thread is not to whine about specific players or situations, but rather a general ongoing thread which many generally complained about. Should you wish to discuss and share examples of situations, please do not do so in a matter that targets certain players or staff. There is complaint forums for that. This thread is to discuss the state of antagonists and the general displease many see. First up, let me open this thread with two situational examples that i have experienced, in order to put context to what i wish to discuss Example No. 1 A few days ago, the game mode was Malfunctioning AI, in which i was in fact the AI. I had a few cyborgs, of whom i did not want to involve immediately as i had plans in mind. My overall plan was to, as per relevance to malf AI laws, make up a bio hazard threat that Central Command would of warned me through secure channels. I prepared myself as to people questioning why Central Command would tell me instead of command via faxes and command reports by making up the fact that the biohazard was still of unknown nature, and wished to keep it hush-hush and off-the-records, hence communicating via the AI through encrypted channels. Generating no proof of communications but the logging servers at the Tcommsat. At least, so was my plan. As i began putting it in motion, the Research Director seemingly entirely ignored my biohazard warnings, and directly told me that he did not really care. Instead of playing along, they immediately faxed Central Command requesting if they did in fact tell me of such. Which obviously, they replied with "We did not tell the AI such things. please verify it's laws.". I tried playing it off by saying that they probably wanted it to be kept out of the records. Even told the crew that the Tcommsat was now restricted to duty officers and up. the Research Director kept ignoring this, and continually harassed me to verify my laws and completely ignore the potential bio hazardous situation i attempted developing. They insisted on prioritizing my laws. Upon my numerous refusals, they announced with their announcement console that i was rogue. My cyborgs, whom i did not order anything since the beginning and were simply going on with their tasks as if they were non-malf, were immediately locked down and blown up. At that point, i had to go the usual full-hostile mode. I played it off as if Central had sent a "contract termination squad" for completely ignoring my biohazard threat and the RD announcing it over public comms. The crew obviously ignored that and had the "AI is malf, ignore everything it says, it's bullshit" mindset. As the crew was preparing to rush me. Engineering was already outside of my core, melting my walls and breaking in. Once they completed that, they announced over the radios "security, the back of the AI's open, go". I kept escalating conflict, yet kept attempting to go with my biohazard situation. Told them that they still had the chance to beg Nanotrasen for forgiveness or become an independent station. I delayed Delta as much as i could, and ended up even disabling my core turrets, hoping i could struck some dialogue with those that would attempt disabling me. That did not happen. Security rushed my core, disabled my APC and whacked me to death. Typical end to a malf AI scenario. Example No. 2 Just yesterday, the game mode was Cultist. There was an unbelievable lack of security personnel. Early in the shift, three staff members were found drawing weird runes in Hydro. As security was send to investigate, they were let off after a bit of harassment. Then an officer followed them and saw them writing one in a public area of the station, hence witness to them actually drawing a glowing rune with their own blood. So they were brought in the brig. I, the Warden, personally took care of the case. The officers had stunned them and dragged them to the brig in cuffs, locked them in chairs. I told officers to disperse, and dealt with them personally. I was told by the Captain to confiscate the tomes and runic papers they had on them and was told to force a psychological evaluation on the one that drew the rune. I dismissed the captain and began speaking with them. I made sure to be extra nice, apologized for our department's rude behavior, let them regain their tomes and papers, let them with a warning to keep religious stuff to themselves, not to vandalize public station areas with their religious stuff, told them that they'd get no brig time due to their mistreatment, apologized again and let them on their way. OOCly, i told myself that it would be pretty shit to confiscate their stuff and would halt any role play they could attempt to put with their antag roles. So i thought i did the good thing, both ICly and OOCly by letting them off without confiscating anything. Skip forward in the shift. The only security forces left are me, the warden, a Forensics tech, and an officer. The officer begged for help, stuttering on the main radio. apparently they were assaulted with a big knife in the holodeck and were in a critical state. They were sent off to medical to be treated, leaving me and the forensics tech. I tell the tech to investigate the scene. to which they do. it doesn't turn up more information, so our only lead in the assault is the officer who could give an account. Henceforth, i take a break from the brig and head to medical after 15-20 minutes of them being there, willing to check on their state. The officer was just released from surgery yet lacked blood. So two people, geneticist and a doc if i remember correctly, ran off with her deeper in medical. After 5-10 minutes, i ask the surgeon where is the officer, and that they are taking time. Surgeon starts looking for the officer and docs which fail to answer on the medical radio, with me to accompany them. We end up stumbling in them in the surgery storage, with the officer on the ground, naked, the two other perps besides them, the officer stuttering for help once again. I immediatly whip out a stun gun, shoot one once. The other rushes at me, disarms me of my gun, empties it in me. It takes another surgeon to come, drag me off, shake me up so i can neutralize them. I get cuffs on them, i order the cyborg and forensics to take them off to the brig whilst i keep guard of the hurt officer. the Forensics, which is in processing with the two suspects, asks i come as he cannot process them. I end up going there. Only to find the cyborg harm batonning the cuffed Forensics tech. By this point, it's obvious the cyborg is not working correctly. He locks and electrocutes the door. I end up bashing the window open, only for the cyborg with their cyborg powers to overtake and cuff me. It is at that point that the two perps get uncuffed from the cyborg, draw me and the forensics in the corridor, only to harm baton us into a critical status, draw runes under us, and tell us this only phrase. This one and only phrase. The only one they ever say, their only attempt at roleplay. "Convert or die". At this point, i just cannot anymore. One of those dudes, the one that said "Convert or die", was one of the same i released earlier. the same i apologized to. the same i let go. I lose it. I ghost instantly and begin ranting in deadchat. I am just mad at that point. Really mad. There is no way this is proper role play. I adminhelp in my fit of rage, calling gank. Which is ruled out. So they're scott free, nothing is done against them. Whilst ghosting around, i and many others look in disgust as they rush the armory, arm themselves up, take guns and equipment and basically turn the station in a death match. a blood bad. other non-cultist people also manage to get lethal guns, and a real clusterfuck of a deathmatch ensues. With staff overwhelmed with Ahelps i am sure. Cultists end up with half of them dead, or critical. shit went wild. Round ended with bitterness in a lot of people's mouths. Deadchat appalled at the situation. The issue at hand After that round, people began discussing in OOC and deadchat. What is wrong with the server? Those are not isolated incidents at all. May it be Nuke Ops, changelings, cultists, traitors.. Many rounds end with a party playing only for their own enjoyment. Ending up in a lot of bitterness. It was agreed that it was not only due to the players themselves, but something has it so everyone ends up with such behavior. somewhere, people took this mindset. As crew, people will attempt to foil the antags at all costs, within the stretched limits of the rules. As antags, people end up in most of the cases going full "shit", ignoring roleplay boundaries, killing others relentlessly or mindlessly, completely voiding their roles and careers and characters, on the grounds of "being this antag allows me, this is non-cannon!". "I can do this as cultist. Cult basically is brainwashing and turns me in this bloodthirsty monster!". "I'm an extra-terrestial being that lives by feeding off DNA. so i can do that without remorse!". What makes people think like that? What makes it so people play in a matter that incites major negativity in the community and renders even observers angry? Some speculated it may be related with the removal of Antagonist objectives, where people simply do not know what to do, so they resort to doing the very basic of the antagonist and going wild. What do you believe can be done to resolve this situation? What are your thoughts on this situation?* *Note : If you plan on replying with "pfft people are drama queens" or "people over exaggerate things" or general shitposting, please refrain. I want this thread to be constructive opinions and discussion. Not a thread where people write empty rants and nothing is done. Thank you.
  24. A slight issue maybe. If I understood correctly, he failed to get employed with NT due to lack of physical ability, but does get a job in Sol Alliance military, which is considered a much more demanding job? I believe this requires precision. Ahren did not serve in Sol's active military, rather in the reserve corps. So basically, a military organization composed of citizens of a country who combine a military role or career with a civilian career. The reserve corps basically serve the purpose, during non full-war times, to assist civilian crisis, ETC. His refusal in NT's early security corps had him strive to achieve the goals of physical fitness and general skills he lacked, whilst also giving him something to put in his employment records. Yet finding it too demanding, he went for the more bureaucratic and peaceful way. Although Ahren still retains a certain physique to this day.
  25. Reporting Personnel:Rylan Hawkins Rank of Reporting Personnel:Plasma Researcher Personnel Involved: Security Officer Jim calhoun, Phoebe Essel, Lab Assistant Time of Incident: End of shift Location of Incident: Primary hallway, Escape Shuttle hallway, Escape Shuttle Nature of Incident: [X]Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty [X]Harassment []Assault [X]Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: As i was walking down the main hallway towards the head Of Personnel's office in order to deposit a confidential report regarding my research, Officer calhoun came dashing down, Taser Revolver in hands, firing wildly at another crewmember which appeared to be a Security officer. I almost recieved two bolts to the chest, but managed to get against the floor fast enough to evade them. When i questionned out loud whilst they were cuffing the officer as to why their erratic behavior, they simply mentionned the term "Thug life". Later on, whilst the crew transfer was coming, Officer calhoun, equipped with Power Gloves, began throwing around crew members, hurling some to the floor. Specifically, Officer calhoun chased Lab Assistant Phoebe Essel repeatedly, whilst in the hallway and on the shuttle, attempting to disarm her and throw her arround, repeatedly mentionning the word "Cunt". Other officers seemed to not care, hence, in self defence, fearing for Miss Essel's safety, i took a taser pistol out of my backpack which i had for Weapons Research purposes and forgot in my bag, and aimed at officer calhoun, hoping they would leave Miss Essel alone. That led to other officers arresting me and putting me in the shuttle brig, whilst Officer calhoun walked free. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: No Additional notes: During this entire incident, the station was on Code Green without any major other incidents ongoing.
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