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Everything posted by Tenenza

  1. Tamira stares at Nicole, her eyes narrowing. " Fortune and safety favor the prepared. " She frowns, runs her fingers along her satchels, like skeletal spiders. "Take this" she says as she fishes out a small narrow vial, the image of a three headed snake coiled onto it. " Cheap, old poison. Dulls the mind somewhat, makes them more impressionable, easier to manipulate. Tastes like pumpkin sweetrolls." Tamira holds out the poison to Nicole, not quite looking her in the eye.
  2. Locking and Archiving due to resolution of complaint.
  3. Okay, I'm going to be frank, you were kinda a chuckle fuck for a pretty long time. But you got better. That's kinda surprising to see. You somehow, despite breaking a dozen rules, managed to clean up your act and shine as an excellent roleplayer and member of the community. Congratulations, and thank you, sincerely, for being the better person.
  4. Tamira turns to face Aela, Halla and Nicole, resting her eyes on Nicole for a moment before turning back to Aela. "Strange signs, a dead body, appeared to be a bandit in life. Wildlife has fled, and indications of some sort of acid." She gives an aside glance to Strings.
  5. Tamira shrugs subtly. "I'd rather not." She looks down, watching her footing, and not meeting String's gaze. "So you were a bard back in Black Marsh, Plucks-At-Strings? Why did you come out here then, if not for the cold and ice."
  6. "Plucks-On-Strings, Hmm, sounds like a proud name." Tamira holds up her water-skin, pouring a clear liquid down into her mouth, downing a mouthful. She takes moment to look carefully at the fishes Strings has been eating.
  7. Tamira limps a few feet behind Strings, idly brushing off soil and spores from her gloves. "Hmph, what's your name again then, Scale-skin? Something about Strings? Or was it Flings?" Tamira's fingers dance across her satchels as she feels around for her water-skin.
  8. Tamira blinks a few time as she snaps out of her daze. She turns to face Strings, looking him straight in the eye. "Yes, you're right." She turns back to face the body, looking beyond into the shadow of the tree where it had been concealed, before taking a moment to pick a handful of the mushrooms growing near the body. Turning towards the direction of the camp, she says "Alright Scale-skin, back up into the cold it is"
  9. Firstly, I open myself and my actions to review by the public, and acknowledge that my judgement may have been incorrect. Secondly, I mean that first part very seriously, especially regarding Binkow's complaint, which as a matter of judgement regarding my conduct and professionalism as staff, I take to heart very much. As a result, I welcome any opinion or comment regarding my conduct from anyone, even if you are not directly involved. This special case, which I hope is permissible to the forum moderation team, is mostly because I don't feel an argument with a single person over my tone is going to be very beneficial or constructive. Still, please don't break any of the other forum rules. Additional logs may be pulled if anyone wishes to request them. For Binkow: AdminPM Logs In regards to Binkow's complaint: For Commanderweb's complaint:
  10. Tamira winces as the repugnant truth of the situation becomes apparent, standing up to provide Strings the space to grab at the corpse. "Whoever they were, gods watch over them now." She says, as she grasps for a handful of salt, tossing it over the body to scatter the maggots. Tamira takes a moment to catch her breath, clear the scent of death from her nose, and try to get a clear look at the body as Strings hoists it up.
  11. Tenenza

    Map talk

    Small thing: In the research break room, would you be willing to move the newscaster two spaces to the right, and the fire alarm one space to the right, and replaced the wall where the fire alarm was with an airlock? That way the RD's meeting room can be accessed without having to go through the rest of the RD's office, which would make it, you know, more accessible and likely to be used.
  12. Tamira slowly walks forward, talking over her shoulder to Strings. "I'm thinking somethings been killing the wildlife." She encroaches into the shadow a tree, and kneels down next to a bush. "Cairn Bolete, hardly common up this north, and very rare to be out on the surface." She pulls back the branches of the bush. "And for good reason."
  13. "Hmph." Tamira's eyes narrow, and she mutters something about rot. Without turning towards Strings, she asks "See anything, Scale-Skin?"
  14. I'm interested in what happened to Australia. I mean, seriously, Geckos turned into man-sized man-eating monsters that breath fire. Cazadors, bloodbugs, the big super hunters of the wasteland. All of these mutated from moderately small sized animals. I mean, like, Bears, just became bigger, spikier bears. It's like the horrible-death-fuckness of a creature is inverse to how large it's old breed was, but directly proportional to how scary it would be to find one crawling up your arm. So imagine what Australia must be like.
  15. Tamira carefully treads her way through a patch of loose stones. "You don't live as long as I have by picking fights that need not be fought. " She pauses for a moment, and steadies herself against the rock-face, while looking off into the forest, hoping to spot any signs of a dragon's wake. "So you don't think there's actually a dragon behind this, Scale-skin?"
  16. Tenenza


    Well, I mean, they're just 32x32 sprites. It's not like goonsprites are somehow fundamentally different from ours, right? Right?!?
  17. Tenenza


    I dunno about you, but I'm just looking at some of their cool sprites and admiring how nice they look. I'm also going to totally steal some of these for events. Mecha Santa Sprite? Aurora Christmas Event 2016, here we go! That is if skull is okay with it.
  18. Tamira grimaces at the putrid smell, wafting it out of her face. "Keep your fish, Scale-skin." She turns away from Strings to face the east. "Almalexia's mercy that you haven't attracted a bear yet." Tamira slowly starts to walk east, taking care not to trip over anything.
  19. Tamira glares at Strings, her face written with unambiguous disgust. "Do you ever shut that maw of yours, scale-skin?" She wraps up the last of her equipment in heavy linens as slowly stands up. "Now cease your prattling, and let's get off this mountain before your blood runs ice." Tamira adjusts the straps and satchels covering her armor, and turns to follow Aela, with a slight limp to her step.
  20. Tamira's hands shake slightly as she pours out the last of a foaming copper liquid from her retort into a bottle. Without looking at Aela, she finally answers. "Eight for the fire, ice, and venom." Tamira rubs her hands over the fire, soaking in the heat. "Five more of my own mix, substituted the thistle with hawk's beak, in case of the unexpected." She cracks her wrinkled fingers, one by one. "And three poisons, to dull the senses and slow the heart." Her hands slipped into a pair of leather gloves. Tamira turned away from the fire, taking pause for a moment to Look Over Strings and Nicole with a narrow leer, before scooping up the bottle of copper liquid, now settled from the cold. She tops it with a cork. "Now who would like the lucky last of the batch?"
  21. As it's been over a month since anyone has posted in this thread, I'm just going to bump it. If it remains inactive for a few more days, I'll archive it.
  22. I concur. *ahem* Yes. Yes. PLEASE PUNISH ME What. Nothing. Carry on.
  23. Yeah! I say we build a Wall between us and Tenenza. And fill it with Attack Dogs. Actually no wall, just attack dogs. A wave of attack dogs. No, forget that, just a wave. We'll build an ocean between us and Tenenza, and fill it with waves. And we will make the waves out of Attack Dogs. And Keep the Ocean out with a Wall. Fuck Yeah.
  24. Tamira tilts her head to the left, and signs her name with a slow stroke. Might not be worth the much gold, but tracking the dragon through the wilds of the Rift would certainly be a good opportunity to gather some herbs that grow in the area.
  25. Crashlanding/Colony Variants + Any of those that involved unusual ships and ship movements.
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