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Everything posted by Tenenza

  1. How about instead of killing people, which only addresses the behavior itself and not the cause of it, we actually try and deal with this in a more concrete and mature manner, like you know, actually addressing what would be the appropriate bar for fear-RP, and powergaming, and trying to both live up to those standards and ahelp when you see them being broken. Plus, just murdering people is kinda shitty.
  2. How about instead of killing people, which only addresses the behavior itself and not the cause of it, we actually try and deal with this in a more concrete and mature manner, like you know, actually addressing what would be the appropriate bar for fear-RP, and powergaming, and trying to both live up to those standards and ahelp when you see them being broken. Plus, just murdering people is kinda shitty.
  3. Well then, it's been a while since anyone posted in this thread, and while the circumstances surround the incident mentioned have been somewhat discredited, I'd talk to ask first if anyone feel that the issues brought up regarding Rusty's behavior still hold, outside of the circumstance presented here, and if the issue persists. If not, this thread will be locked and archived in 72 hours.
  4. Well then, it's been a while since anyone posted in this thread, and while the circumstances surround the incident mentioned have been somewhat discredited, I'd talk to ask first if anyone feel that the issues brought up regarding Rusty's behavior still hold, outside of the circumstance presented here, and if the issue persists. If not, this thread will be locked and archived in 72 hours.
  5. An update on this: This player has not played on our server since this incident happened, and as a result, has been unavailable for comment. If and when they decide to play on our server again, they will be contacted regarding this and directed to address these concerns here.
  6. An update on this: This player has not played on our server since this incident happened, and as a result, has been unavailable for comment. If and when they decide to play on our server again, they will be contacted regarding this and directed to address these concerns here.
  7. An Update on this: Neither player has played on the server since a few days after this incident happened, and as a result, both have been unavailable for comment.If and when they decide to play on our server again, they will be contacted regarding this and directed to address these concerns here.
  8. An Update on this: Neither player has played on the server since a few days after this incident happened, and as a result, both have been unavailable for comment.If and when they decide to play on our server again, they will be contacted regarding this and directed to address these concerns here.
  9. So, last event I ran, was the Mysteries Uncovered Event with the Maze and the Maze Dwellers, which I guess some of you might remember. The maze dwellers were these horrifying, grotesque Amnestia-style shambling creatures that were almost literally invincible. There were maybe five ways to kill them, and all of them required some serious creativity to deduce (none of which, by the way, anyone figured out, which is fine, because I didn't really expect anyone to). So, these things, which could just shake off laser fire like it was literally nothing, but were pretty slow moving (although they could teleport when people weren't looking, to places people weren't looking at), would chase people around the darkly lit maze, and if they ever caught someone, they would give them a few slashes before disappearing. I ended up telling them just to stab people to death halfway through because I ended up having people just charge the things with airtanks and bone saws or try to beat them with their empty guns. Even after they realized that being caught by the Maze Dwellers would result in a bloody and violent death, people kept trying to fight them instead of run. Seriously. What the fuck.
  10. So, last event I ran, was the Mysteries Uncovered Event with the Maze and the Maze Dwellers, which I guess some of you might remember. The maze dwellers were these horrifying, grotesque Amnestia-style shambling creatures that were almost literally invincible. There were maybe five ways to kill them, and all of them required some serious creativity to deduce (none of which, by the way, anyone figured out, which is fine, because I didn't really expect anyone to). So, these things, which could just shake off laser fire like it was literally nothing, but were pretty slow moving (although they could teleport when people weren't looking, to places people weren't looking at), would chase people around the darkly lit maze, and if they ever caught someone, they would give them a few slashes before disappearing. I ended up telling them just to stab people to death halfway through because I ended up having people just charge the things with airtanks and bone saws or try to beat them with their empty guns. Even after they realized that being caught by the Maze Dwellers would result in a bloody and violent death, people kept trying to fight them instead of run. Seriously. What the fuck.
  11. Na, I don't do the janky eldrazi-spawn deck type, I mostly use a few singles of the mid range eldrazi (which is to say, still huge, just not stupid expensive), and a playset of Not of This World, that one eldrazi counter spell, as well as hedron matrix, that one eldrazi equipment. Both fit really well into a heavy hitting mono green deck, even without the few eldrazi to back them up. Also, single of eldrazi conscription, because who doesn't love birds of paradise with annihilatior.
  12. Na, I don't do the janky eldrazi-spawn deck type, I mostly use a few singles of the mid range eldrazi (which is to say, still huge, just not stupid expensive), and a playset of Not of This World, that one eldrazi counter spell, as well as hedron matrix, that one eldrazi equipment. Both fit really well into a heavy hitting mono green deck, even without the few eldrazi to back them up. Also, single of eldrazi conscription, because who doesn't love birds of paradise with annihilatior.
  13. Thanks for the welcome! You'd be right! If I have to slow myself down with colors I like to run Boros or Izzet but I got a major interest in trying out Simic. Otherwise my preferred type of deck is colorless EDH. Right now I run Daretti red artifact EDH because money constraints my dream Karn deck. Simic is really fun, always have lots of options. I however run mostly a monogreen eldrazi-but-not-really deck that's almost entirely singles, except for a few ramp cards and counterspells (mono-green counterspells, they never see it coming).
  14. Thanks for the welcome! You'd be right! If I have to slow myself down with colors I like to run Boros or Izzet but I got a major interest in trying out Simic. Otherwise my preferred type of deck is colorless EDH. Right now I run Daretti red artifact EDH because money constraints my dream Karn deck. Simic is really fun, always have lots of options. I however run mostly a monogreen eldrazi-but-not-really deck that's almost entirely singles, except for a few ramp cards and counterspells (mono-green counterspells, they never see it coming).
  15. Heyo, and welcome to our community. First offly, by Magick:The Assembly, I'm going to assume you mean magic the gathering, and I'm going to ask you a very important question: What colour(s)/deck architype do you run primarily?
  16. Heyo, and welcome to our community. First offly, by Magick:The Assembly, I'm going to assume you mean magic the gathering, and I'm going to ask you a very important question: What colour(s)/deck architype do you run primarily?
  17. Well then, if no one else has anything else to say, I'll be locking and archiving this in 24 hours, since it appears this thread has reached it's conclusion.
  18. Well then, it sounds like this has more or less wrapped up. Unless anyone wants to add anything more to this, I'll be locking and archiving this in 24 hours.
  19. An update on this: DRUZ IM NOT DRUGZ has not logged onto the server since this event has happened, so they have been unavailable for comment regarding this.
  20. I dislike the idea that security needs some sort of antag to be in conflict with. It's a crutch, an idea that prohibits security from having different kinds of interactions with eachother. It implies you can't have security roleplay anything other then either investigating and shooting and arresting and whatnot. A character should not be just their department and job.
  21. I do believe that this ban has since expired. As a result, this thread will be locked and archived.
  22. My experience on this is that you can pick any topic and people will find a way to get pissy about it. ex: "I like Icecream" "I don't like Icecream" "You are a heretic and Icecreamacus the great will consume your children." Okay, so politics and religion are statistically more likely to end in flame and death then icecream. But it's not hard to figure out when a discussion has gone too far and everyone needs an OOC timeout. If people are insulting eachother, then it's bad. If people are talking light about murder/rape/genocide/etc then it's bad. If people are being racist, blatently insenstive (AKA, people are seriously telling you they are offended and want you to stop but you continue nevertheless), or otherwise being a dick, then it's bad. It's not really deep philosophy here. Being a dick is bad.
  23. In honor of XCOM 2, let us remember XCOM: http://imgur.com/wPYxMBr
  24. Oh, I almost forgot that we had to ban you for this. Thanks Voltage!
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