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Everything posted by Doomberg

  1. Absolutely everything, considering we've had certain individuals actually call players a furry bandwagon since the beginning of this incident, alongside multiple passive-aggressive taunts aimed at tajaran players. IC actions of certain command/security characters have also been centered around this general "fuck the catbeasts" attitude. Pardon the bluntness, but I have no intention of relenting regardless of how many complaints arise due to regulation of OOC.
  2. I don't understand why you'd want to interrupt a conversation that had been relatively civil up to that point, but if you were really intent on it this is probably not the way to do so if you expect to get compliance out of people. also >wanting to mute OOC because someone called someone else a pleb and used a curse word You fail to account for the fact that this "debate" has been ongoing for the past three days, since these people joined.
  3. I don't understand why you'd want to interrupt a conversation that had been relatively civil up to that point, but if you were really intent on it this is probably not the way to do so if you expect to get compliance out of people. also >wanting to mute OOC because someone called someone else a pleb and used a curse word You fail to account for the fact that this "debate" has been ongoing for the past three days, since these people joined.
  4. You claim that people are too sensitive and too easily offended due to things said in OOC, and about how lightly people make complaints in general, yet I put two words someone said between quotation marks in OOC and this has somehow offended you gravely. You insist that we shouldn't act cold and formal, yet are also adamant that it's unacceptable for any of us to come off as impolite. You're asking for all the pros of a machine without any of the cons. That is unreasonable. My handling of people like these will not change. I will apologize to those who may have been collateral to recent conflicts, and I will see to it that collateral is avoided in the future, but I will not apologize for the actions described in the OP, because I firmly believe they are justified. The rest, then, is up to my team. As for the logs, I believe Scopes will post them soon.
  5. You claim that people are too sensitive and too easily offended due to things said in OOC, and about how lightly people make complaints in general, yet I put two words someone said between quotation marks in OOC and this has somehow offended you gravely. You insist that we shouldn't act cold and formal, yet are also adamant that it's unacceptable for any of us to come off as impolite. You're asking for all the pros of a machine without any of the cons. That is unreasonable. My handling of people like these will not change. I will apologize to those who may have been collateral to recent conflicts, and I will see to it that collateral is avoided in the future, but I will not apologize for the actions described in the OP, because I firmly believe they are justified. The rest, then, is up to my team. As for the logs, I believe Scopes will post them soon.
  6. A fairly simple explanation, in my opinion: The amount of badgering and flinging of feces (so to speak) that this team has endured without snapping is gargantuan. It's pretty difficult to be universally pleasant after your first five or so dramafests. And to clarify, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in this thread when I refer to these issues. Anyway, as you said, this isn't about the team as a whole.
  7. A fairly simple explanation, in my opinion: The amount of badgering and flinging of feces (so to speak) that this team has endured without snapping is gargantuan. It's pretty difficult to be universally pleasant after your first five or so dramafests. And to clarify, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in this thread when I refer to these issues. Anyway, as you said, this isn't about the team as a whole.
  8. For that instance, yes, you have grounds to complain, as it was a mistake on my part brought on by several weeks of dealing with non-stop drama. I am unfortunately as human as the next person. I have addressed this several times. I have linked several posts demonstrating the issue with her conduct. It has been explained to several concerned individuals. For the sake of my sanity, I will not open that can of worms again. The unfortunate fact is that no member of staff has any obligation to be friendly or pleasant, merely polite. In one of the instances you've presented, I was, yes, impolite for the reason I've already mentioned. As said, I am as human as the rest of us. Human condition notwithstanding, I've taken steps to prevent further incidents like this one by simply resorting to being entirely formal when irritated, tired or otherwise exasperated. Moving on to the issue at hand, in relation to Fowl's statement: I can confirm and pull logs, if necessary.
  9. For that instance, yes, you have grounds to complain, as it was a mistake on my part brought on by several weeks of dealing with non-stop drama. I am unfortunately as human as the next person. I have addressed this several times. I have linked several posts demonstrating the issue with her conduct. It has been explained to several concerned individuals. For the sake of my sanity, I will not open that can of worms again. The unfortunate fact is that no member of staff has any obligation to be friendly or pleasant, merely polite. In one of the instances you've presented, I was, yes, impolite for the reason I've already mentioned. As said, I am as human as the rest of us. Human condition notwithstanding, I've taken steps to prevent further incidents like this one by simply resorting to being entirely formal when irritated, tired or otherwise exasperated. Moving on to the issue at hand, in relation to Fowl's statement: I can confirm and pull logs, if necessary.
  10. "We have investigated ourselves and cleared ourselves of any wrongdoing." You will note the usage of the words "I believe", not "it is so", nor "we believe". I will request that you adhere to this subforum's rules.
  11. "We have investigated ourselves and cleared ourselves of any wrongdoing." You will note the usage of the words "I believe", not "it is so", nor "we believe". I will request that you adhere to this subforum's rules.
  12. "Anything else can and will be dealt with by admins or mods on a case by case basis" applies here. No policy was broken. The thread referred to was in regards to discussions of politics and religion in OOC receiving a blanket ban, which is unreasonable. Since three or so days ago, we have had a band of disgruntled (for lack of a better word - I mean no offense) former staff and players constantly furthering this so called debate in OOC, being generally passive-aggressive against Tajaran players, and overall making OOC a pretty terrible place to be in/look at. Allow me, then, to announce ahead of time my intent not to back down on this decision nor any further decisions made with the purpose of curbing the aforementioned behavior. I do not believe my usage of quotation marks twice, with the intent of putting into question whether this is an actual debate or a mess/pointless conflict (regardless of the intent of the participants), warrants a complaint in any way, shape or form. No formal punishment or reprimand was issued to any player partaking in said activity.
  13. "Anything else can and will be dealt with by admins or mods on a case by case basis" applies here. No policy was broken. The thread referred to was in regards to discussions of politics and religion in OOC receiving a blanket ban, which is unreasonable. Since three or so days ago, we have had a band of disgruntled (for lack of a better word - I mean no offense) former staff and players constantly furthering this so called debate in OOC, being generally passive-aggressive against Tajaran players, and overall making OOC a pretty terrible place to be in/look at. Allow me, then, to announce ahead of time my intent not to back down on this decision nor any further decisions made with the purpose of curbing the aforementioned behavior. I do not believe my usage of quotation marks twice, with the intent of putting into question whether this is an actual debate or a mess/pointless conflict (regardless of the intent of the participants), warrants a complaint in any way, shape or form. No formal punishment or reprimand was issued to any player partaking in said activity.
  14. BYOND Key: Doomberg Character name: Hayden Green Item name: Hayden's Mech Helmet Why is your character carrying said item to work? Mech piloting and racing have been a hobby for him since long before he received his formal medical education. The helmet is a bit of a memento (and an occasional ticket to show off), along with a practical addition to his equipment considering that his position as a paramedic involves piloting an Odysseus, often into dangerous or damaged areas. Item function(s): It's wearable. It serves no protective functions, mechanically speaking. Item description: A sturdy green helmet with a dark visor. Not brand new, but well maintained. Item appearance: Additional comments: Sprite's already done and has been tested on the server with Scopes' assistance. Also, sprite is made by Swat holy shit I forgot to mention this and should hang myself. Thank you, Swat.
  15. BYOND Key: Doomberg Character name: Hayden Green Item name: Hayden's Mech Helmet Why is your character carrying said item to work? Mech piloting and racing have been a hobby for him since long before he received his formal medical education. The helmet is a bit of a memento (and an occasional ticket to show off), along with a practical addition to his equipment considering that his position as a paramedic involves piloting an Odysseus, often into dangerous or damaged areas. Item function(s): It's wearable. It serves no protective functions, mechanically speaking. Item description: A sturdy green helmet with a dark visor. Not brand new, but well maintained. Item appearance: Additional comments: Sprite's already done and has been tested on the server with Scopes' assistance. Also, sprite is made by Swat holy shit I forgot to mention this and should hang myself. Thank you, Swat.
  16. Have a cordial reminder. Anyway, we'll be waiting for Viking to post before moving on.
  17. Have a cordial reminder. Anyway, we'll be waiting for Viking to post before moving on.
  18. Lifted. Also, a note: Tainavaa is a moderator. Moderators cannot respond when you fax or otherwise message Central Command.
  19. Lifted. Also, a note: Tainavaa is a moderator. Moderators cannot respond when you fax or otherwise message Central Command.
  20. And for my own personal opinion: I don't see what the big fuss is about, I believe people are throwing the "racist" card when clearly this is just a show of good work ethic, people with genetic powers are an absolute threat to station security, with powers that can EASILY overpower even the most heavily armed and armored of people while giving them no chance to fight back. You should consider yourself lucky that you are even allowed to experiment on yourself, let alone be allowed outside of your lab while having said powers. Another thing, taking biology and racial history into account, it is well known the Tajaran are rebellious, and rather feisty (a common trait amongst all tajaran on the station that I have seen), so it is no wonder that they would be treated differently compared to humans. Genetic super power testing in my opinion should be completely restricted to R&D and genetics, because in my eyes it is far too dangerous to be around normal crew members. Finally, I (the HoP) requested that a reason should be given that the geneticist should be allowed outside the lab with her powers, and despite repeated requests over the command channel (To the RD no less) I was not given an answer. Couldn't be posted due to the thread being locked, so I'll quote this here.
  21. And for my own personal opinion: I don't see what the big fuss is about, I believe people are throwing the "racist" card when clearly this is just a show of good work ethic, people with genetic powers are an absolute threat to station security, with powers that can EASILY overpower even the most heavily armed and armored of people while giving them no chance to fight back. You should consider yourself lucky that you are even allowed to experiment on yourself, let alone be allowed outside of your lab while having said powers. Another thing, taking biology and racial history into account, it is well known the Tajaran are rebellious, and rather feisty (a common trait amongst all tajaran on the station that I have seen), so it is no wonder that they would be treated differently compared to humans. Genetic super power testing in my opinion should be completely restricted to R&D and genetics, because in my eyes it is far too dangerous to be around normal crew members. Finally, I (the HoP) requested that a reason should be given that the geneticist should be allowed outside the lab with her powers, and despite repeated requests over the command channel (To the RD no less) I was not given an answer. Couldn't be posted due to the thread being locked, so I'll quote this here.
  22. Correction. Warning will be edited for clarification ASAP. Takes a bit, sorry. As a note: I take no issue with the initial wording of the warning, nor do I take any issue with Tainavaa's replies or conduct in this situation. However, you've requested more details/context to be added to your warning for the sake of future evaluation, and I see no reason to deny this.
  23. Correction. Warning will be edited for clarification ASAP. Takes a bit, sorry. As a note: I take no issue with the initial wording of the warning, nor do I take any issue with Tainavaa's replies or conduct in this situation. However, you've requested more details/context to be added to your warning for the sake of future evaluation, and I see no reason to deny this.
  24. Application accepted following trial period.
  25. Application accepted following trial period.
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